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Posts posted by cyph3r

  1. Awesome.. and would you believe that just yesterday I saw some megasized posters of the flat wall-hanging tvs and kept thinking to myself - when the hell will we have holographic tvs where images pop out of the screen... and there you are :D


    BTW - this is what the company's website says as of now:

    So either someone brought their site down or it truly their server popped due to excessive load. If this was posted on Slashdot, it would presumably result in such a thing.


    lol your dreams just came true. Besides a similar technology has been invented to the wall hanging tvs .. umm i dunt know if thats similar, but they have been successful in making a display with the characteristics of paper. As in the display is like paper but u can see moving images, it can be flexed but no distorton appears. I doubt they use the old school LDC tech in that, but whatever they used, its really made the new generation displays go bonkers.


    Aww and about the site, yes even i didnt get to see it, was trying since last nite but i get the same message. the news source said that it would be overloaded, lets wait n see.

  2. Ahh finally, " Beam me up Scotty " comes true :D. Not literally but yeah, what we used to see in sci-fi movies is now comming true finally. A company has developed a display that creates 3d images in air with lasers. And it also allows to controll some programs through fingers.

    Guess the tear stopper, They are ready to make LIMITED units for sale :D so i guess we would be using these displays in maybe umm 2009 ? what say ?

    >> Full News <<

    >> Company Website IO2 Technology <<


  3. Hello folks,Well as the title says i am in need of ideas. I tried all i had but i cant get the best of ideas out and i have a weeks time. Its like running to the finish line without strenght left to run. I would be glad if some of you guys gave me serious ideas on a poster for college.Situation: College Week of WelcomeTime: 1 weekTheme: nonenow i have a list of stuff happening like desert safari, bands, stage shows, djz, student flee market etc...Thats all the info i have as of now, and i have to make a poster based on all this. I was thinking of something like my college campus cartoon map in the background with reduced opacity. and circles having different pictures like safari, djz, lunch etc. Oh and also could someone guide me to a site where i can get these pictures, i really dont need something too childish or too mature, something the " College Style "Hope u guys can help me out. I could rate myself 7 / 10 in photoshop and i WILL be doing the poster in PS, so any ideas are welcome. :DCheers

  4. Well i thought since there was a mobile section let me see how many are the mobile freeks out here like me. This is my own creation and i have the instructions below.


    Basically if you see your S60 nokia phone everyday, you mite get bored of the font in it, lol .. so i thought of makin a change to mine, and it worked so here you go, try it for urself, Leme see if i get a screenshot and i'll Post it here.



    1) d'load the file .. UNZIP and send samver.gdr to phone (via cable or bluetooth)

    2) use fexplorer and create a folder [ c:\system\Fonts ]

    3) copy the "samver.gdr" to the Fonts folder you just created.

    4) restart


    5) to remove : use font remover or just rename the file removing the .gdr extension and delete the folder. >> Download FONT Uninstaller <<



    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Posted Image



    >> CLICK to Download <<





  5. ok umm i duno how this is, but just giving my part in the funny fest. Its not a quote tho but a conversation .. here goes .. :D


    BinLaden9151: hello

    XprezbushX: who is this

    BinLaden9151: osama

    XprezbushX: thats a funny name

    BinLaden9151: at least its not bush lol

    XprezbushX: shut up

    BinLaden9151: did u get my message

    XprezbushX: whut message

    BinLaden9151: u know, my message

    BinLaden9151: it wuz delivered by airmail

    BinLaden9151: right into ur trade towers

    XprezbushX: shut up that wasnt funny

    BinLaden9151: lol

    XprezbushX: SHUT UP!!!! :X

    BinLaden9151: r u mad

    XprezbushX: yah

    BinLaden9151: why??????

    XprezbushX: u messed with my country

    BinLaden9151: well now u know how i feel

    XprezbushX: whut do u mean

    BinLaden9151: other countries and forces hurt my people all the time

    XprezbushX: hello!!! whut duz that have 2 do with us

    BinLaden9151: like u give guns and money and missiles and stuff 2 a lot of those people

    XprezbushX: oic

    XprezbushX: but ur terrorists, how can u speak out against violence

    BinLaden9151: jeez u label anybody who goes against injustice a terrorist

    BinLaden9151: i bet if u were picking on my little brother and i punched u youd start screaming TERRORIST! TERRORIST!

    XprezbushX: i never touched ur little brother

    XprezbushX: besides there r other, more civilized ways 2 battle injustice

    BinLaden9151: ur missing the point

    XprezbushX: whutz the point anyway

    BinLaden9151: i love my people like brothers and ur military is all up in our holy land!!! 1

    BinLaden9151: its pissing us off

    XprezbushX: whatever dude

    XprezbushX: is that all

    BinLaden9151: no

    BinLaden9151: another thing is, imperialistic american globalization is a raging torrent thats going to wash away our borders, our cultures and our identities

    XprezbushX: whut do u mean

    BinLaden9151: im afraid that tomorrow im going to wake up and see a mcdonalds next to my mosque

    BinLaden9151: and ur troops will be like, relax yall, just have a happy meal!!

    XprezbushX: so whut r u wearing

    BinLaden9151: ???

    XprezbushX: sorry wrong window lol

    BinLaden9151: lol

    XprezbushX: ok so whut were u saying

    BinLaden9151: like

    BinLaden9151: basically

    BinLaden9151: a lot of all the jets and tanks and gunships that terrorize us might as well be painted red, white and blue

    XprezbushX: a/s/l

    BinLaden9151: ???

    XprezbushX: sorry wrong window again

    BinLaden9151: WHY DONT EVER LISTEN TO ME!!


    XprezbushX: hello r u there

    BinLaden9151: YESS!!

    XprezbushX: u started all this anyway

    BinLaden9151: did not!

    XprezbushX: u did too!

    BinLaden9151: u started it!!

    XprezbushX: lalalala

    XprezbushX: i cant hear u

    BinLaden9151: i will make ur life a living hell

    XprezbushX: haha ur acting like a 13 year old girl who just got her phone taken away

    BinLaden9151: shut up

    BinLaden9151: ur immature

    XprezbushX: no u r

    BinLaden9151: i know u r but what am i


    XprezbushX: cant hear u

    BinLaden9151: SHUT UP

    XprezbushX: NO U SHUT UP

    XprezbushX: relax, have a happy meal lol

    BinLaden9151: ARRRGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!11

    XprezbushX: i think our blind rage is obscuring solutions--can we set aside our feelings and just talk about this like civilized humans??




    Previous message was not received by BinLaden9151 because of error: User BinLaden9151 is not available.

  6. Err .. installing the adware is a option now, so if u dont want it you dunt have to install it. I guess the whole point of adding an adware to the program is to get funded. If you dunt have the green, you cant possibly make a software this popular. Patchou ( the creator ) has affiliates and many being his friends and over years of internet friendlies around him, they come forward to help him. The MsgPlus site, The software Itself, Add-ons etc .. without a strong basis of the software being popular, i dont think anyone would help him out. MsgPlus is there since almost 3 years now and its growing by the day. I use Plus myself and thats the first thing i install after i format my system.If M$ wants to make its software better they rather do it the right way and not lable the software that has helped MSN messenger grow to what it is today. If they got a start and got better, its because of small add-ons like these. And now they want to remove them just cause they have enough inputs to go further ? I dont think M$ is right on their part. Even if the software had a sypware or adware install, its an " OPTION " .. depends if you want to use it or you dont. Y should M$ be bothered ? Rather they should keep somthing that just warns the users and not show a big red box telling its a high threat.

  7. oh well, had seen that news last week on one of the sites, thankx for posting it here. Its kind of sad to see Microsoft bring MsgPlus down this way. The creator of Plus seems to have a close tie with a few officials of MSN dev team and frankly they help him out too at times at new features. But doing something like this, knowing that this is one of the most populate and free and most downloaded MSN Messenger add-on on the internet is kind of a stab in the back.Hopefully M$ would realise their mistakeand take the necessary steps, and just jope that they dont come up with an excuse saying that it was a glitch :D . Well so far even i have submitted the petition, and i would tell every MSN user / non user to do it, because if M$ can do this to a non-M$ freeware like this, then it can do it to any other popular freeware software around.Cheerz

  8. was that a game review or a life review ? lol .. jokin dude ..Newayz .. i would prefer Halo .. i played Halo on PC, and err .. ok ok i know it suks .. c'mon i aint a console freek .. but yea i would like to try out Halo on a console anyday .. i played Halo almost 4 to 5 times now, disregard the fact that i am half the time bored :D .. Halo 2 is my ultimate game to play dream .. many mite not think as such .. but i like the game, hehe .. all those monsters and those cute little midgets running around lol .. wish they made it for PC, but playing it on xbox is an experience.Ahhh about Half-Life 2 , umm i played the game once but didnt like the idea of running all the way through the city just to make it to the main building or so. but the graphics were better than the previous half-life games.Another game of my choice was the Legacy Of Kain series ... Soul Reaver 1 & 2 and Blood omen 2 .. BO1 was sorda funny but they improved drastically .. played all these games in that series and the one i loved was Soul Reaver 2 and Blood Omen 2 .. Defiance was a good game too .. but they messed up with the camera options so many people used to the auto-cam option thought the game was boring with self-cam .. ( including me .. lol ) .. but i finished it like any die hard game fan .. :Daww .. how about super mario ? anyone likes that yet ? :D i love it :D cheerz

  9. Well put dhanesh.  Although, just for clarification purposes, he was not banned for using the word you mentioned.  Although it would be better to not even use that kind of language (we have people on this forum who are under 13), the reason he was banned is because of his bad attitude all around, shown many times in many ways, as well as spamming.




    ohh .. well using the word was just one reason .. but getting banned for spamming and bad attitude, lol .. well he shure has outdone himself in that.


    Suggestion : How about Xisto puts newly registered members on a probation of some sort ? like a required amount of posts without warning would start the credit counter. Well it seems like a painful job and also it can put new members to a think twice situation .. but thats just my point of view ..



    cheers .. :D

  10. This is the second member I've seen doing this today (read two threads today I mean). I hope it doesn't continue, it'd be a shame to let comments like that happen, it might discourage people from coming to asta.


    no offence infamousflame .. but there are 2 kinds of people to the forums, 1 who come for what the forum is really ment for and the other for the fun of it or whatever reason hez got ..


    I joined this site for hosting, wouldent lie on that .. but there are people who like to socialise with the rest and i guess many people out there so want to keep friends and have a fun time sharing sensible content .. asta was or " IS " the first site i came across that banned a guy for using the word "crap" .. lol .. although the guy was funnny with his problem of hosting credits .. he was deserved to be banned ..


    I bet asta would get million more members in the next comming years .. atleast i bought in .. ummm 10 users i think by spreading the word .. and would keep telling it to ppl cause most of them dont know how things work around .. so i hope they keep banning Freeks and let this be a clean .. humorous .. informative forum :D m with ya guys !


    cheers ..

  11. Hello again ppl .. I wanted to know if Xisto.com supports these : GD 1.6.2, GD 2.0, or ImageMagickand if it supports anyone of these could u let me know the version and how to enable it if need arises .. or just could some one give me an overview of the above mentioned features .. but the main point is does Xisto - Support them .. and if not ... how do i install it manually ( if it can be done )I am trying to install an image gallery to my IPB forum so it requires the above stuff to work .. Thankx Cheers

  12. Alright. I found the Windows XP + Service Pack 2 disk.


    Hmm... alright. But I'm sure I don't have any... well maybe one... spyware or adware on my computer. But that's not the point - my computer or hard disk is really old and it needs some fixing.


    That's why I want to format it. By the way, how do I backup gigabytes of data?


    aight .. first off .. u dont fix a old hard disk .. u can either defragment it or u can clean format it ... i have no other way to fix a HDD other than takin it out and givin it a clean from the out side .. lol .. well if u format it once in 6 mths .. m shure u r OS will work fine n fast enuf ..


    Aslong as the backup gigs is concerned .. well i suggest u get a external USB HDD .. or burn into a dvd ..


    And for ur spyware .. use Microsoft Anti-Spyware .. its from M$ :D .. but its quiet effective ...



  13. okeyz cybo .. m back :P lol .. well what all have said is right and answers all ur questions .. but i would like u to give a tip .. wich i think most of the guys here will agree . depends tho ..Do a clean format using the Xp CD .. and reinstall everything .. and i mean everything necessary .. ur drivers and stuff ur games .. everything u need .. and when ur done and satisfied .. use norton Ghost :P simple .. so the next time u have a problem .. with a virus or sum malfunction .. u can be up on a running clean installation with all ur progs in less than an hour .. Now the only thing that depends on ppl is that if they really like to do this sorta image back up .. cause once u do this .. u would be stuck with ur drivers that u installed at that time while making a Ghost image .. well i can over write the drivers no doubt .. but like u everyone else need a clean installation too .. so depends as i said .. But personally i love the job of installing apps manually .. lol .. call it dum .. but i like the act of manual install satisfaction :DHope it helps .. Cheers ..

  14. Yeap .. this is the best " not " hosting credit earning forum .. but the best community forum i have found on the net .. unlike others who have community forums .. this one is clean from bad stuff ( u know what i mean ) and hats off to all the admins over here .. they donate their own time to manage things here .. so u guys be nice boys in here and dunt get banned :PWelcome Aboard !Cheers :D

  15. The cPanel disk usage is not calculated in real time.  It is updated every 24 to 48 hours.


    If the disk usage feature was shown in real time, the server would be too busy to serve web pages, images, scripts, etc.  Keep in mind that you web site isn't the only account on your server.


    Hope this clears things up. :P




    :D .. Nope m not smiling .. lol .. i wonder how many times u have been saying this vujsa lol .. i remember askin this once .. and i had the same reply from u .. no m8 .. seriousely what ur doin is of gr8 help .. it helped me and is helping others .. just thought of an advice .. what if u pin up all the common questions about cpanel and .. u know make it kinda visible to ll the new commers on the Xisto page .. m shure they would read that and get a lot of info ..


    Keep up the good work .. appriciate it :P


    Cheers ..

  16. Thankx for the info m8 .. But i really dont understand the idea of blocking an IP ? i mean agreed if its from a source like DSL .. but what if sumone does this tru a modem ? his IP keeps on changing and its kinda impossible for him to be tracked .. besides if the service provider has logged his IP in their servers .. isnt it obvious that the IP would have expired .. ?I mean that in some countries they really dont log IPs .. and if they do they just log it with time .. keeping a log with user ID inclusive is something all ISP should do i guess .. Newayz i blocked this IP .. and thankx for the info once again .. if anything comes up .. please update us :D Cheers ...

  17. Heyy .. nice info on nvidia cards .. i have a NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP 8x .. would my card be supported with this tweak ? .. Oh and u mentioned that we should run the command cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/host-bridge .. could u please tell us where .. as in for n00bs like me .. is it in the command promp or somewhere else ?lastly .. u said .. " make a backup of the file "/etc/modules.d/nvidia " where or what is this etc, mv, touch .. are these commands or just folders ? i searched but didnt find em .. Plz do update us on this :D .. Thankx for the tweak again .. guess nvidia users would finally get some real work out of their cards ...Cheers

  18. As weaponx said .. all goes true if u need a PHP site running on ur computer .. i tried that in the first before i got my hands on Xisto .. but i guess u would be better off with a host if u prefer not going tru all the trouble lol ..

    Like everyone here said that u need PHP and MySql installed on the PC you are going to host the site on .. i just had this site to suggest

    >> XAMPP <<

    Other users can give u alternate softwares but this seems to be the best out there so far .. XAMPP has MySQL, PHP 4 and 5 that you can switch if you application doesn't like PHP 5. It also includes Tiny Perl, a mail server and phpMyAdmin and File Zilla Server It is a large program but it is the easiest install for a local machine, and it is free.

    Hope this info helped ya and a few others ..

    Cheers :D

  19. Hmmm.... alright. By the way, do you think games ever store information in the registry folders? I don't know how to back up such huge amounts of data.


    -Have been told that Pentium 4 CPUs hang when they cool down


    Are there any options or settings that disable this 'cool down' feature? o_O


    First off .. all ur game data is stored either in the game folder in Program Files .. or it can go to C:\document and settings\all users\application data\game name. :P .. games saving info into the registry .. umm i doubt that .. sumone here needs to confirm that for u .. but as far as i know .. most games store files in either of the 2 places ..


    Second off .. Hanging when cpu cools down ? seems something new to me .. cause when the fan stops for me .. and the cpu starts burning like a fried toast .. the computer reacts slow and keeps on slowing down stuff .. till it comes to a point where it just shuts down .. I agin suggest u to get a new cpu fan .. to make a long term investment .. get a liquid cooling system :D atleast that would try to keep ur whole comp cool ..


    My computer is on 24/7 for the past 1 year now and the one b4 that was on 24/7 for 3 years .. since i have dsl i fancy to keep the system on and running .. yes it does heat up like crazy .. but m shure 3-4 fans can take the cooling load .. :P



  20. I've read an article before which teaches you how to do the same thing to a Gmail account


    There is a program to do that .. and it modifies the system shell to do so .. i think they stopped development a year ago .. so dunt know if they have any updates to it .. but anyhow .. it works fine .. its like a virtual harddisk on the net .. with upload capacity of 10MB only :P uggghh .. lol .. storage as u know is 1GB+ :D

  21. Dang M^E .. i just love this group .. hehe ..


    All my questions have an answer .. unless there technically isnt one lol .. but hey thankx for that reply .. i tried that right away .. and woow that works .. i am sort of new to all this .. so will need some time to get used to it .. i mean i know i should spend more time testing it and playing with it first and then ask .. but umm ... i really dunt wana ruin things up .. besides .. its fun gettin answers from ppl .. everyone has a diff way and its good to learn them all ..


    N.B.: Keep in mind that you cannot link this field easily with the real IPB groups system (with which all access rights are alloted to users - like Members, Mods, Hosted in case of Xisto) - this will act as an independent entity - although i guess it'll serve your purpose of custom selected groups to quite an extent.


    ok abt what u said i got how to make a select option in the signup form and works fine .. ( thankx to u ) .. but u said something about acting as an independent entity ? .. could u just elaborate on this ? .. i mean i get what u mean .. but it should be possible that :


    If i select " Faculty " ---> hit register ----> form gets processed ---> after the process is normally done and activation is done ---- > it should go out of the normal way a bit .. and put that user in the " Faculty " group i pre created in admincp .. so he automatically gets the rights and stuff i decided for " Faculty " ..


    Ok i know this would need programming and Modding the php files .. but could u guide me tru this .. or any website that can help me modify the regtistration code to go this way .. of if u know .. could u help me out on msn or yahoo ?


    Awaiting your reply ..




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