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Posts posted by cyph3r

  1. I don't think your max file upload size limit is directly affected by php.ini. Say, for example, take the case of IPB - the software powering our board. You've got these file-size settings in the Admin Control Panel, which lets you fix the maximum disk quota for each member as well as the max limit for a single upload. I believe even e107 will have those options and thus doesnt really have anything to do with the php.ini.


    aight .. will try this out soon then .. thankx for the prompt reply like always M^E ..





  2. You're probably referring to the maximum upload limit PER USER - i.e. each user won't be able to upload more than 2MB. But this can be done over and over by many different users till your 150Meg gets exhausted.


    I haven't used e107 - but if it's admin panel lets you set the max upload size then you can bypass this 2M limit and set it to any figure you like. If you set is to 10, each user will be able to upload 10Megs. As far as I can tell this acts like setting a quota system for each of your CMS members - so that they cannot go overboard with files and eat up your whole disk space.


    yeap i got that part, but bottomline .. there is NO extra setting from the host side to increase the upload limit of each user ? rite .. because the CMS does not have a php.ini file , so was a little confused. And if there is a php.ini file .. where is it located ?



  3. 1. If you're talking about how much MB of data you can upload - then this is only limited by the amount of diskspace you have, i.e. 150MB for the upgrade package. You can upload or store a total of 150MB of data - whatever it be (CMS, MySQL DBs, Web Site etc.) in your hosting account. It wouldn't matter if your CMS is 2MB or 20MB - you can still upload it as long as you've got sufficient disk space. Keep in mind, everytime you upload something - the size of the total upload is deducted from your disk quota. You can get an idea of your present disk quota from the cPanel (this is updated every 24hours).


    Thankx for the quick reply M^E .. i was looking at a possible answer for the first option. If i have a upload page and i tell the users that u can upload here .. how much can they upload to a max .. my mind varies because i am using e107 CMS and they say that the file upload limit for the user is 2 MB ONLY or depends on how much ur host is willing to allow. this is what the NOTE in admin panel says : Maximum file size

    Maximum upload size in bytes - leave blank to conform to php.ini setting ( php.ini setting is 2M )

    Is there a php.ini file ?



  4. Just a general question about the upload part in Xisto.How much MB of upload is possible in Xisto ? I have a CMS where the default size is 2MB and they say that if i wanted to set the size to more , then i needed to contact the service provider to change the htaccess file ? is this true ?How much MB upload can a 150MB 2nd package account like mine handle ? if i need more what do i do ?RegardsDhanesh

  5. "throws IOException" tells the compiler that the method is allowed to throw an Exception derived from IOException to indicate a problem. When an exception is thrown, it travels up the stack, back through all the methods that have been called until it reaches a "catch" statement which handles it. If there is no 'catch', the exception goes all the way up to main and exits the program.


    The reason you do not need it in your case is that the method you were adding it to *was* main. There is no where else for the exception to go, so do not bother declaring it. If an exception is thrown in main, it will jsut exit the program anyway.


    If you wanted to handle the error in some way, like printing put a message or giving the user another chance, you would put the read calls inside a try...catch block.


    Hey evought .. thankx for the explaination :) , kinda understood what it really does , wished i had a better proffessor to teach :) .. newayz have to live with it tho .. I need to pass out of this semester ! Sheesh .. i sound desperate ! :)

  6. wow , thankx for that info m8 , really didnt know what www1 or www2 ment , but since we are on the topic , i had this weird thing that just happend today ..


    Our library set up this portal kind of a thing ( books in stock , availability , search etc ) .. now i know that the library would have to be connected to the internal college server .. but for anything within a network there is a web address thats understandable .. what i cant understand is that my Lib portal address is
    ... could u explain that ?



  7. SANSKRIT is the best language suited for computers.


    Its a fact, Don't belive me, Go Google It!


    Yup .. Call me crazy but i just did it :)




    GOOGLE Search


    Indian folks have a good knowledge of the english language, sorry .. but leaving the exception of 10% people who have a bad english grammar as well as accent, I guess most of us nowadays r brought up to study english as the first language. I speak english at home being a marathi. But any average indian would be able to communicate in english in a given situation PERIOD !


    Living outside india makes it easier to see the way indians speak english. I had this friend from hostel, a south indian guy came a year n half ago to study in dubai. The guy got admission in an american university .. and hell i can see the difference. Except that he still pronounces "monkey" as "mungee" :)

  8. First off ... Welcome Back ! :) Had a nice vacation i see .. heheDo u NOT know anything ? Jeez I least expected you to reply , and wow what a timing. Thankx a bunch for the quick reply.About the code, well i gave ur code a nice look and tried doing the thing on my own, well it took some time to get it right, but finally came up with the solution, i checked up with my proff at college ( belive me i hate that woman to the core ) , she had like a million problems with it, its like " I dont want u to do it the easy way and use pre frunctions .. write your own and do it " HELL !Newayz , this was the final outcome /** @attribute System.STAThread() */ public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException { DataInputStream n=new DataInputStream(System.in); String ch; String l; String a; char small; int p; System.out.println("Enter The String After Entering The Number Of Characters"); ch=n.readLine(); int i; a=ch.substring(0,1); p=Integer.parseInt(a); small=ch.charAt(1); for (i=2;i<p;i++) { if(small>ch.charAt(i)) small=ch.charAt(i); } System.out.println("\n Smallest Character"); System.out.println(small); l=n.readLine(); }}I got an idea from ur code and used it in the one i did, hope that isnt a problem. The only thing bothering me is that .. what is "throws IOException" i know its one of the components of import java.io, but in this case as u said it will do it any ways .. How does that happen ? I mean dont we have to define every bit of code supporter while programming ?Please pardon me for being so pestering , but i really duno this subject that well , i mean javascript was fine , it was fun and cool , but this is just crazy, either i need a good teacher or i need a good book. I rather consider myself to be a Hardware Freek than a software one.Thankx for the Reply and i guess m done with this bit of program :) just working on the palindrome program now .. :) ughhRegardsDhanesh

  9. Heya guys,

    Been a looooong time eh, yeah well i was kinda buzy with college stuff and all those assignments just keep pouring in. I have java this semester and i have "NO" idea how to go abt it, 1 reason being that my proff. is going real fast in the explaination part and i doubt she knows anything in java :)

    Newayz , i was asked to do a small program in java , heres how it goes :

    I need to enter a word prefixed by the number of letters in it, and the output should show me the smallest character in that word.
    eg: 5Hello .... Smallest character is : e

    We were started off in studio .net and i have again no idea of how that works .. but playing around a bit made me get used to a few controls. This is how i started off , but i duno how to continue , could someone please point out any mistake and give me any ideas or better off , just give me ideas and not the whole program so i would try it myself , i am really bad at logic :) i know that suc*s .. but err .. i need to pass out oof this subject and get rid of this annoying proff. i have ...

    package smallchar;import java.io.*;import java.awt.*;/** * Summary description for Class1. */public class Class1{	public Class1()	{  //  // TODO: Add Constructor Logic here  //	}	/** @attribute System.STAThread() */	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException	{  DataInputStream n=new DataInputStream(System.in);  String ch;  String a;  char small;  int p;  System.out.println("Enter The String After Entering The Number Of Characters");  ch=n.readLine();  int i;  a=ch.substring(0,1);  p=Integer.parseInt(a);  small=ch.charAt(1);  for (i=2;i<p;i++)

    ...... How do i proceed with the for loop ? i really have no idea ..

    Thankx in advance

  10. The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope tohang yourself.  And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.

    The gates in my computer are AND, OR and NOT; they are not Bill.

    Windows 98: Not Plug & Play, but Bug & Pay!

    Windows 98: Use for 98 days and throw it away!

    Linux doesn't need no viruses. The users **** up the system by themselves.

    C++ is a loaded machine gun pointed at your feet with the safety off.

    LOL, love these ones personally. Do you have more ? would love to see them here, nice tech sigs to go through after a hectic day. ;)


  11. Thankx for the tip jipman, I was just looking through a few searches about linux and came accross this software, and since i am new and just lerning linux, i didnt know the technical problems involved, I just thought that since it installs on windows, It could help few other newbies ;)But anyways, is there any other version that works on windows ? I have mandriva installed so its no use to me, but just for the info sake.Cheers

  12. Sign up for a Adsense or a simular pay per click program so you'll get money for it. Use the money to get payed hosting so you get more bandwidth.


    Ahh, sounds good dude, but in my country the way these people pay isnt supported. Like for instance Paypal supports US, and i live in a country that even freeging blocks sites that have the word "hot" in the URL. Paypal was blocked a year ago and they opened it again, but incase they say what i do is illegal for their country and put me behind bars, then m done for. These guys change rules faster than they change their underpants.


    Neways, sorry about that frustration. But i would want to give that a try. But then again, i have crazy annoying people in college who dunt know what "forums" are, and i am giving them tutorials to use the basic works of a forum, but the main concern was Ad and thats y i had to shift, so one more ad and it gets to my head again, and anyways i have a last year at college so i wouldent bother much.


    Newaz thankx for the help ;)



  13. Shoot...having problems already.  Is the whole download 50MB?  I see a bunch of files listed in the download mirror sites that the DSL site gives you.  Do I need to FTP to get ALL those files or just grab one of the 9MB gz files?


    The download is nearly 50MB, Exactly 49MB. If you check the FTP/ HTTP download links, most of them have a folder called "ARCHIVE" , look into it for the version that suits you and get the ISO, Those are bootable. Hope this helps.



  14. We used to have that option long time back. It has expired now and we no longer support it. The reason we chose to suspend those plans were because they were too tedious to manage. Also, our hosting credits system does not support that.




    Aww ok, so i assume there isnt any option available to merge 2 accounts ? Just askin cause of my state right now, because i am shure to pass the bandwidth once the forum starts. Anyhow, m happy with this package, just love it ;)



  15. I was going tru the hosting package details of Xisto, I had seen this earlie before i joined in, but it almost slipped my mind. There are 2 packages : INDIVIDUAL PACKAGEGROUP PACKAGE ( 15 per group )Ouch, 15 per group ? OK well if i have a friend here who has a hosting too, No not me with a different ID ;) i guess u guys would find out easily. But another friend over here. If he has a hosting package #2 could we combine the packages ? As in merge the space and bandwidth ?Well i would be running a college forum on my site ( which will open pretty soon on my package ) but incase he has one too, could we combine our packages ? There is the group package i know, but 15 people means a huge site and mine is just a college based forum. Anyways, incase if the Group Package would be an option to us, then what could be the Minimum number of members in a group ?Has anyone over here got the group package yet ? Cause with the things you provide with group package is amazing, lol but way outa my reach as of now.Cheers.

  16. ahhh, 100 Posts ;) Was inactive for 2 days waiting to post sumthing interesting for my 100th post ;)

    Well I am shure most of the hardcore Linux fans out here have heard about the " Damn Small Linux " software. And for those who havent well here's a little review. Since i just started my encounter with Linux I really dont consider what i would say here as the review but something from a newbie point of view.

    Damn Small Linux is hell small as the name says lol, Its hardly 50MB and fits perfectly on any Flash drive of today or best off, you could install it on your present OS ( windows ;) ).

    If you go into the Normal install from the scratch on a HDD, You can use this as a Debian Distro. and hey, If you install it on a host like windows you get things like mp3 player, firefox ( ;) ), USB support and a little wireless support.

    I havent tested it out much because i am going in for a full install of a different distro, but i guess this would solve the problem i had a few days back , dont you think ? If a newbie like me wants to start off then i guess , he should start off on DSl ( damn small Linux ).

    Anyways, if you guys try this out, leme know your reviews too. I'd love to hear what you core fans have to say to this.

    Oops , Forgot to give ya the link ;)>> HERE IT IS <<
    Cheers :)

  17. Done - with a bit of trouble.. You'd already created an alternate login on the forums with the nick "cyph3r" - I'd to delete that and then reset "dhanesh" to cyph3r. You should have received notification by email too.





    sorry for the trouble M^E , and i received the mail ;) ... i guess the alternate login that ur talking about was created while my hosting went a bit out of track in the first. then Opaque changed it to dhanesh, but in all , thankx ;) really do appriciate your help m8



  18. Would it be possible to change my current nick "dhanesh" to "cyph3r" ? Its just because most of my ids start with cyph3r and i would like to keep the common nick for all the sites i visit, i am bad at memory :D


    Wow, This is far better than a paid host :D I mean even if you paid for hosting else where, i would presume that the answer for a problem would be given way after its solved or time after. I just PMed a Mod and asked if this could be done, and the reply was fast as ever, plus its good to see that issues like these are directed through the right path, good work asta :D appriciate your help and support to all of us. And hope that i could help in some way or the other.




  19. Thankx qwijibow, i started d'loading .. lol, y am i laughing ? i duno , maybe i cant cry either , lol. I started d'loading on the all mighty ADSL 512k , and its getting d'loaded at 6 kbps :D oh well .. no time shown too ... ahh .. 2 days ? 3 days ? .. jeez , i have no words to describe my hate towards my ISP at this moment.Thankx for ur help guys :D

  20. Nope not legal :D ( af far as gmail's policy is concerned )But there is a way around. And more and more people keep using their custom mail ID to sign in with msn messenger. Since google says not to use their id in any other messaging service, msn provides a service that can enable someone to use his Mail Id to sign in tru msn messenger.Hell, i can make an ID : dhanesh@Xisto.com, but then hotmails asks to verify it and since u dunt verify u wont be able to change ur nick :DIf anyone here gives the GO, i could explain on how you could use ur gmail id to sign in through msn messenger.Cheers

  21. OK, made the decision, One point was right tho, if i didnt like an installation, i could always shift to another one, but for now i would start d'loadin Mandriva :D ( and since i have done it i subscribe to abhiram's support services for life and free :) lol )


    Anyhow, I got all the info i need to start, and mostly i had the info from here. so would first thank you guys for all the help. I will check out distrowatch and D'load the stable version of mandriva as of now and go ahead with a trial first installation. When m done i'll get back to u folks. ;)


    i suggest you make sure a lifeguard is nearby... i.e. a friend of yours who has atleast some experience with Linux.


    LOL, i wished man. Just wished if sumone here was as ready to help as you guys. Learning through a tutor and learning through a forum is different and difficult, but i guess i'll manage :P and hope i would be of assistance to someone some day :)



    SuSE is different because it's easy as it is professional, and no stupid subscription. Pay for it and you get support, a large manual and a sticker :P. Else, you can download for free, but no support, large manual and no sticker.


    Sorry xboxrulz :D no offence for not selecting SuSE, but i would love to try that out after i am comfortable with the linux enviornment. SuSE was my first choice, but looking at mandriva and checking out other places, i see that the people i have been around over here are dependent on SuSE so that started off as my first choice. U know, the listen and do stuff. I would love to try all and then select the right one, so i wouldent gurantee sticking with mandriva too. Just to start off with something different :D


    Thankx for all your help guys, really do appreciate all the help and info you provided me with.


    Cheers :D

  22. If I were u, I'll take Mandriva because it's easier. There's a downside of Mandriva, if you want to update KDE or GNOME you MUST be part of the subscription club.


    Whats a Subcsription club ? ok i know the literal meaning as we use it on the net to subscribe to new updates and services of a particular item. Is it the same here too ? I mean if Linux was open source why would we need a subscription to update KDE and genome. i mite as well uninstall and reinstall the new version ? ( i know sounds like windows ) but its possible rite ?


    Well theres no harm to subscribe, i can do that, assuming its free :D lol. but then i think, i better learn the hard way :D console and commands.\


    See my state is like this tourist who hasent visited a place everyone else has. And hes being told many good things about it but really cant decide where to go. i mean unless i get the right version for me i wouldent go further. :D i wish i was here 4 years before when i was 17, i could have started off with anything and by now i could have been a master like u all.


    Anyways, I got this book from the city library. Its called O'Reilly - Linux in a Nutshell, 4th Edition also i got O'Reilly - Linux in a Nutshell, 5th Edition , i guess i'll go with the 5th one since thats the latest. But i have booked both the books for like a month ahead. So here starts my first step.


    Thankx all.

    Oh and i am still waiting for an option Mandriva or Gentoo or ( SuSE as xbox told and since i had that in mind at first ) I feel Mandriva is up for me ? Easy yet professional ? As something that isnt used by people who "JUST" want to learn linux. I want to get "INTO" it :D

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