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Everything posted by misfits_phreek

  1. I use myspace quite a bit. I've met some very cool people, knowledgeable in computers, music, gaming... But I've also met some real jerks on myspace. Some people on myspace use it simply as a soapbox to get their agenda across, but you can easily spot them... I think the best thing about myspace is the forums... but I'm beginning to like the forums here @ Xisto... lots of intelligent and cool people here!
  2. I find it difficult when I browse someone's myspace profile and it takes forever for their page to load. If it takes more than 5 minutes to load, I'm out. I think people try to force too much code/effects on their profile page... the old axiom "less is more" certainly applies here. A point to remember: Not everyone today uses DSL/Cable/Broadband... at least I do. Someone using dial-up would NEVER get a page to dl on some profiles. Just keep that in mind... when you "preety up" your profile...Cheers!
  3. I've recently become addicted to this game. I think the graphics are quite good for the cost, the game is very re-playable. The 'quests' are quite good, increasing in difficulty that is not frustrating. Each level builds on the previous level. My only gripe is that it is not MMRPG... i think a game where you set up your kingdom, and stave off challenges from others would be very cool. I'm sure there is one out there, but I haven't found one yet. Any help/clues?Also, any talk about MAJESTY?Cheers
  4. I greatly anticipated the release of "Fable". The first day it came out, I rushed to the video store on my lunch hour, to buy the game. As soon as I got home from work, I played it. Boy, was I disappointed. It was not what I expected. Sure, the graphics are cool. Sure, its a good story. But at the final encounter, I was left with the feeling of 'thats it????' It had so much more promised, and it failed to deliver on all accounts. No replayability factor. So I give this game a score of 3 out of 10. Only because the graphics were very good is it rated even this high.
  5. No. More and more radio stations are putting up their own website, which serves to promote them better (giving them a presence on the 'net) and allow them to garner more advertising dollars. Yahoo Launch is an independent arm of Yahoo, and not affilliated with any commercial radio station. When you use Launch, you build your own "radio station", allowing you to customize your musical content to your favorites, on a rating system. It then "suggests" other music/artists based on your ratings. Hope that answers your question...
  6. What I find most amusing about straightedge kids and vegans in general (read: IN GENERAL) is the sheer hypocrisy of them. "I'm vegan! Look at me! I don't kill ANY animals!" all the while they are wearing their LEATHER jackets and LEATHER boots. I guess its bad to kill the cow, yet its perfectly ok to WEAR the cow. Now, granted, not all vegans and sXe'ers are like that. That's why I said "the vast majority" of them.
  7. Just wanted to post to introduce myself. I live in Hawaii, am an avid punk rock afficionado. I own 2 independent record stores on the island of Oahu. I came to this site for 2 reasons:1) To get the free webhosting so I can upload a song to my myspace profile...2) To learn more and get better at the technical aspects of computing.I am knowledgeable about surfing the 'net, but not that tesh-savvy. I'm hoping to learn more while here.Mahalo!
  8. Myspace has an excellent forum thread on this topic... read about it here... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. I've been running linux for several years on my home pc and my company pc... both run excellent, no crashes, etc... so IMHO, linux hands down
  10. Sometimes, over a period of usage time, Windows XP deteriorates. When that happens, defragging certain sectors move or not move, depending on the amount of deterioration. My advice, if you want to really improve your pc's performance is to partition your hd and use linux, while keeping windows xp... i find that with linux my pc's performance has been much better than compared to windows xp...
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