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Everything posted by SunBlind

  1. Yeah, it sucked really bad :/ But thanks for the sympathy and the encouragement, I really appreciate it I'm trying to put up some cool tutorials... I'm working on a simple webpage generator but first I need to find a place for my pages so I can test them. I made the generator last year when I wasn't really good with PHP and when I looked through the code last night I about had a heart attack, so I had to redo it all. Anywhos, off to go find a decent host. Thanks again!
  2. Thank you, and you're welcome I hope it wasn't too vague, I was actually typing it from memory, I haven't done it since last year and I didn't feel like opening up PS Lol. I actually do have a little screenshot of it... I just didn't see a place to attach a file and I have no host atm :/
  3. This tutorial is based on a webpage generator I made (for my users with little or no HTML knowledge) after spending about 3 months collecting javascripts, code snippets, layouts, and all that other good stuff. Since this takes quite a few steps, and I'm dead tired, I'll be posting this tutorial in 3 parts: Part 1- Create The Template Part 2- Make The Form Part 3- Fill The Template The template will be the container for all the passed variables collected by the form. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant... The simpler the better! Now let's Get Started... Step 1. Make a simple template with 6 sections. These sections will be for the header, the menu (3 links), news, an image, the main content , and the copyright. For the sake of the tutorial, I have uploaded one here. Step 2. Fill these sections with a little bit of info, just to make sure everything will look okay in the end. (example) Step 3. Replace the info you entered with variables such as $title, $link1text, $link1url, $img, $news, $main, etc. (example) Step 4. Preview the page. You should see the template you created intact (take fixed and expanding widths into consideration... it could screw up your layout if too much or too little information is entered into the template) but with variables in place of your info. You're 33% done! Now onto the form...
  4. I found this PHP/javascript chat the other day: BlaB! Lite I really love it! I set it up (which took no time at all) just to see how it worked, and I think it's great! I'd show you my working demo, but stupid plex6.com decided to change my hosting plan from $4/mo to $9.95 so I cancelled it. Anywhos, I highly recommend this chat. It's really fast, and fairly easy to customize with your own colors and graphics, too. Rated a 10 with 166 votes in the PHP Resource Index!
  5. I love that site! I especially like the section for people's imagination of how the future will be. I think my favorite one is a scientist holding up a beaker with a baby in it. It's kinda creepy but at the same time it's so real, it really makes you think. I think they have some tutorials too, I haven't been there in ages. I didn't know that you needed credits to enter contests though... learn something new everyday!
  6. That's a great idea! Thanks again Although, my story isn't very special... I just got frustrated when I first started out with websites with all of the ads, popups, and the restirctions with all the other free webhosting companies... So I decided to start my own! I was successful for about a year... I had a little partnership with my friend Lenny of Xvanced, forming xs_host.net (The Xvanced/SunBlind Network) We only had about 15 users, but it was worth it! One day we realized that one of us forgot to renew the domain name and we lost it all Now I'm trying to do it all again, but with more services, more people, and a lot more advertising!
  7. Sorry I don't have any images for this tutorial, but it's so easy you won't need them! Okay, here we go... 1. Start off with a square image, white background. I think 400x400 works best. 2. Go to Filter>Render>Clouds 3. Go to Filter>Pixelate>Mezzotint: Short Lines 4. Go to Filter>Blur>Radial Blur: 100%, Zoom, and Best. 5. Hit Ctrl+F to duplicate the filter 6. Duplicate the layer 7. Go to Filter>Distort>Twirl: 75 or -75 (top layer only) 8. Set the top layer's blending mode to "Lighten" 9. Now merge the layers and press Ctrl+U to colorize! Or... 10. Press Ctrl+U on each layer for an even more awesome effect Add overlaying scanlines or something and enjoy! Or if you're trying really, really hard and it's still not coming out right, here's the action.
  8. I always keep my CSS in a seperate file... Just like mini_m said, when you want a little change, it's definitely easier when it's in a seperate file. Especially for someone like me... I end up changing my site layout and colors every month! Going from a black and grey site to a lime green and teal one is a pretty big pain when you have to go and change all the tags. And all a css file really is is the same one you put in your head tags.. just without the style tag!
  9. Aww that's really sweet, thanks a lot
  10. I personally love the way lime green looks on teal... I'm using it for my newest site (and I'd show you but my host decided to raise my hosting plan from $4/mo to $9.95/mo so I cancelled it :/ That's why I'm here!)
  11. I suggest going to zymic.com... it has some really awesome free templates. I've used most of them, I customize them for people.
  12. You could also try finding people who will do work for free, or exchange their services for things like advertising (or in my case, gaia gold) like I do. I also suggest going to a place like zymic.com... it has tutorials, PHP scripts, and even free templates to use. I definitely learned a lot from that site.
  13. When I was 13 I was really into the band Slipknot. I could never go to concerts, and none of the people in my neighborhood or in school really knew who they were... So I taught myself HTML to make my own fansite to show my love for the music and to be around other "maggots." I also have this obsession with creation and customization, I'm a sucker for anything I can change to suit my own tastes... No matter how useless and dorky it is Lol.
  14. Maybe you want to try Funky Chickens, they have a pretty nice collection of codes. But mzwebfreak is right, all the codes and css do lag the loading time, somethin fierce. Take a look at my little brother's band's page There's Always Forever, see? (PS, my little bro's Sean, the drummer. Isn't he adorable?!)
  15. I'm not sure if anyone has ever heard of it, but I've been using Arachnophilia for 4 years now, I love it! It's nothing too advanced, but it gets the job done. I like it because it runs great even with Photoshop and all my other programs running (I tried dreamweaver but it took forever and a day to load, and it's the only application I could have open at the time). I use it for HTML and javascript. For PHP, CGI, and css stuff, I use syn text editor. Arachnophilia syn Text Editor
  16. Hi, my name's Rae, nice to meet you all! I'm a 19 year old single mother living in Maryland. I love designing websites (even though they're not that great), I dabble a little in PHP scripting, and I love to help other people. (I aslo like anime )I started learning HTML 5 years ago, and I've had over 5 sites since! My goal is to have my own free hosting company, much like this one (but without the forum posting,). I've actually had a little one going for the past 3 months, but the hosting costs were just getting to be too much on my low income My domains are dreammare.net and dreammare.org... I ran out of good domain names Lol. I offered free website, forum, tagboard, blog, image gallery, guestbook, forum signature, tell a friend, and counter hosting services. Hopefully, when I reach my 50 post goal I'll be able to do it all again! I would actually like to find other people who would be interested in partnering up with me in the DM.NET site and going for a group hosting plan. If anyone would be interested in being a template/graphic designer, programmer, or forum mod, please contact me
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