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The Bob

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Everything posted by The Bob

  1. WOW is much better. Sorry if I cant go into detail as I only played guild wars for a week before I reinstalled WOW and got back into it.Guild wars is fun but not realy an MMORPG at all. Kind of a shame that its so simplified, the complexitys are halph the fun of a MMORPG. This game feels like one of those cheap Korean mmorpgs that they play in internet Cafes.I dsugest WOW to anyone unsure. Yes you have to pay, but its not as bad as you would think when you actualy play and see how grand the game is. Your paying for these massive worlds worth of server data and it IS well worth it.
  2. I prefer my fighting games in the flavor of Dead Or Alive 3. SImply put its the best fighting game to date. Many people put the series down(for obvious reasons) and consider it to be a button masher but thats simply becouse they are a scrub at playing it. There are a handfull of people who have got the most out of doa3 and they have experieanced just how deep the gameplay realy is. Unfortunately this isnt a place your average gamer can get to easily becouse it takes much practice and time. Ive seen many times the argumant that any random hack can button mash and defeat a pro 9-10 matches and I can safely say that it is not true. Any "pro" worth there salt would likely win all matches in perfect or near perfect form.I think the thing most holding doa back is its female charicters. Realy a shame that the game gets such a bad rep considering its no worse than most anime(the game is anime inspired) and realy pretty tame. I play for the fighting, not the boobs.Anyone else play? Anyone else actualy any good?
  3. SC2 was rushed and didnt stand up well against the origanal DC version. SHame realy as the DC one was such a great game.The reason this game is coming only to ps2 is becouse they want to spend even less time on it. The idea is to get another SC out the door before next gen and thats what there doing. Instead of coding for 3 systems, they picked just one and there gonna churn out another sub par sequal. Just look at the new charicters, they know that the game is lacking so they have to have sexy girls to sell it for them. Maybee SC4 will be decent.
  4. WC actualy plays a fair bit faster(less lag I mean, actualy gameplay is Identical so it must be your machine) then the last version.Im enjoying the Frog, he is rather nice to play. Its fun to have a new style of shooting to master for once. I actualy wish they had added at least 2 more :/The new Backgrounds are amazing though, i love having to actualy dig your way to your oponent before you can even hit them.
  5. Thats a good point though, what kind of person i sthis marketed towards that would cary a Swiss Army Knife and a USB drive? A woodland survivalist HaXoRZ!? Or perhaps maybee Boyscouts will start downloading there badges instead of sewing them on?Its definetly a impulse geek purchase if I ever saw one. Personaly I want a usb drive in my toothbrush. Why you ask? I have no clue.
  6. What was your favorite need for speed titles that were released before the underground series hacked up the franchise?I enjoyed Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 and High Stakes the best.I also was a big fan of The need for speed MMORG, Need for Speed Motor City Online. I realy wish they hadent shut down the servers for that game as it was the best tuner game ever in my opinion. There were more parts in that game than you will find in GT4, NFSU2, and Forza combined. The only drawback was that you were limited to 50's and 60's cars only. My car was a Ford ranchero(called rustbucket ranchero). I had some nice stuff on it but mostly used or cheap parts so i would break or throw rods in evert race Twas nice though that people would think I had no power becouse the exterior looked like it was strait from the Junk yard. Too bad they never noticed the wheelie bars sticking out the back
  7. I would rather purpchase both a good knife and a compact storage medium than get them both combined. Its looks fairly cheap to me and a knife is a knife, often times you do things with it that you would not want a compact storage device near.No thanks, just another peice of crap that will end up in the junk draw or in the trash after it breaks.
  8. Looks fairly interesting. I may swap that for my current homepage
  9. Well beta is nearly over from what I understand. I was playing since the first day but life steaped in and said "you dont have the time" I also believe that Beta charicters will not be purged. The admin of the official forum stated that himself. and Finaly..... That was a few years ago dude
  10. [Not A Fanboy]Xbox 360 will NOT play pc games. That has never been said, It will never happen.Okay, that aside, I tend to think as follows:PS2 = 100% Style and 0% Substance, Sells becouse its cool even with its lackluser First party and exclusive contentXbox = Clearly the undergod, also the least taken advantage of. Greater things should have come from this box. Hopefully they will be in 360.PC = I dont know what to say about PC gaming other than the elitist additude of most PC exclusive gamers is realy anoying. Get over it kids, PC gamers are not the be all to end all of games. I for one would rather pay for a next gen console than pay for a next gen GFX card that isnt guaranteed to play all my games released for PC. For all the big talk they are also paying the big bucks....and for what? Patches? New content? Online play? Im sorry but anyone can get that these days, hell PDA games get that kind of suport. In the end all that matter is good games. I will gladly play and own all consoles including PC(but I wont upgrade as often as Needed to keep with top end games).If I had to chose a winner for next gen I would go on a limb and say MS's new Xbox will edge out PS3. I also think that PC gaming will decline even more, getting only budget and the best of the best of console games for releases by the time the next next gen comes around.
  11. They are an amazing band. I dont think I realy need to say anymore......but I will.It hurts me to think of what people could be listening to instead of Dream Theater. It realy is a shame they lost out to Nirvana back in the early 90's. If they had come out on top we would not have had to sit through "Alternative" and all this Rap/Metal Hybrid stuff waiting for the next wave to come around and save us from mediocrity.The new DT cd is amazing. Get it!
  12. In a word "no".The recent 2 3d Mortal Kombats are stiff and unresponsive games on par with early fighters from the begining of the 32 bit erra. SOmewhat accepteble gfx aside....these games should be avoided as they are only taking time away from playing proper Mortal Kombat games.
  13. Those are some interesting choices.....Anyway, I prefer my fighting games in the flavor of Dead Or Alive 3. SImply put its the best fighting game to date. Many people put the series down(for obvious reasons) and consider it to be a button masher but thats simply becouse they are a scrub at playing it. There are a handfull of people who have got the most out of doa3 and they have experieanced just how deep the gameplay realy is. Unfortunately this isnt a place your average gamer can get to easily becouse it takes much practice and time. Ive seen many times the argumant that any random hack can button mash and defeat a pro 9-10 matches and I can safely say that it is not true. Any "pro" worth there salt would likely win all matches in perfect or near perfect form.
  14. The Bob


    I ended up getting ahold of The european version of this game as it has yet to be release in the states. I must say that its one of the best arcade racing games I have played in some time. Some features of interest would be: Fully Destructable Cars Fully Destructable Environments Car Upgradeing(basic but deeper than NFSUG) Bonus Games(see below) Rock Soundtrack(enough rap tuner stuff) Bonus games include things like Demolition Derbys and Figure 8 races but also have some neat minigames were the ragdoll physics of the driver come into play. There are games were you use the driver as human bowling balls, darts(launch them into a huge dartboard), and simple things like trying to hurl the driver as high into the air as possible. These are all rather fun Anyone else played this game? Anyone have any questions about it if you havent?
  15. Is there anyway to transfer data from a standard PC slave drive to a laptops hardrive without having the PC HDD installed in a PC? I realise this is a somewhat silly question as the HDD would need to be powered somehow. I just dont want to have to track down a PC just so I can grab a few Gigs of data off of it.
  16. What you actualy need is any kind of mild Isopropyl alcohol. Most screen cleaners that you buy in Computer stores are Isopropyl. Also take a look at your cd cleaner fluid. The spray variety. many times that will do the trick as they are also Isopropyl.
  17. Howdy all, Im Bob. Heh, Im obviously here to get some free webspace but after inspecting the forums I must say that its not as bad as I had asumed it was going to be. Looks like I actualy may enjoy it and post just becouse its a class forum, not just for the credits.Anyway, see you around.
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