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Everything posted by enve19

  1. Personally I think IF it does exist, they should leave it well alone. Can you imagine if they drained the loch for instance and there it was, scientists would drag the thing out and just do tests on it. Would end up being captive the rest of its life.Humans cant leave things to just live as God intended to, we have to mess around and ruin things. If it is real and it wants to be found it will surface, just knows what would happen to it i guess if it did reveal itself.
  2. I really like that setup you have there quatrux, it looks like a linux style interface. Did you get it from a perticular site, or is it one of those where you have to set it up via individual programs?I like the whole Amiga thing as i remeber my first computer was an Amiga.Loved it still in the loft somewhere!
  3. Reports out today are saying that Rapper Jay Z is in talks to buy into Arsenal football club. Originally he tried buying into Chelsea but was turned down by Roman Abramovich. Jay Z is reported to have said "Football is very bling" and "Thierry Henry is cool!"Personally im looking forward to it, more money coming into the club and plus its an a list celeb too.
  4. This one will certainly come in handy as we work with nearly 400 computers on our network and it is difficult keeping up with which ones have remote access enabled.Plus when we tell the staff to log out and they dont we can just chuck the batch file at them!!!Thanks
  5. Its one of those things where you didnt know it but although its a small thing to do, it is very helpful.I use the quicklaunch makes it easier for me, but i was always having to delete the icons. So this is a perfect little thing to do. Plus i never thought of looking there!Thanks
  6. I have a form of linux on my Xbox and it is really impressive. Only a few months ago i knew absoloutely squat about linux and now im running it on a PC perfectly fine and also as mentioned my Xbox. I started off with Mandrake for my PC and it was very simple to install and run. It gives you the same sort of look to windows and runs soooo much better too. I beleive it is 3 disks in size but you get all the extras you need to get it running right. I use Gentoox on the xbox which is just as good, it is just the xbox version of gentoo.It is definately worth trying out, as even if you end up going back over to windows after a while, you will have widened your knowledge that little bit more.
  7. Im currently running::733mhz Intel Celeron::::64Mb Ram::::250MHz custom chip named XGPU, developed by Microsoft and nVIDIA::::250Gb Seagate HDD::And im running Liniux Gentoox.It runs really fast and have had no problems with it what-so-ever.Just in case you didnt know this is an Xbox! I love this, i have everthing i need all in one thing.
  8. When i was ten, i didnt have a computer of any kind. I actually had to make my own entertainment, i used to be out constantly playing football or cricket. This is why (in my opinion) todays kids are all overweight. I mean, if they werent just sitting in front of a computer from when they get in from school and at weekends, they might be a bit healthier. Thats all parents have to do, cut down the amount of time the kids sit there and tell them to go out and play.
  9. I like the Gorillaz videos at the moment, just the whole animation side of things has interested me for years. The fact that they are like alter egos of the actual musicians is great, they even made a small clip for when they won an award recently!!All there videos are really good enjoying watching the video more than listening to the music!!!
  10. Very impressive, just like me your just stepping into photoshop. For not doing it for very long i think it looks really good. Keep up the good work
  11. They are absoloutley amazing, ive been scrolling through good-tutorials for about 6 months and i cant do ANYTHING close to what you have created.I would love to be able to just come up with something like that to call my own.Anyway, Kudos on the creations. You definately get a thumbs up from me on those.
  12. I personally just use the incorporated into Nero. Its a good program never had any problems with it has always doen what i needed to do. This is purely simple audio editing ive done nothing major.
  13. Sounds like the game is up to scratch, i think i'll go and get it tonight and have a blast on it. I really enjoyed the 3rd one and from what you guys have said, it sounds a lot better than that so its got to be worth a shot. Definately think they should bring the price down on these games seeing as the Xbox 360 is being released soon. Becomes very expensive especially when you are buying 3 or 4 games at a time.
  14. You will get the same two answers wherever you ask this question. It will always be Imageready or Flash. I prefer to use imageready myself just for the fact that it has photoshop at the click of a button. But I really like the look of flash, nice layout easy on the eye. So at the end of the day its purely both down to preference, both will do what you wanted doing.
  15. Im going to go against the grain with what other people are saying and say i think the best one is the Metal Slug sig. Jus cause of the way that the game shot in the background looks really good with it pixelated. Makes for a clean, really nice looking sig.Keep up the good work
  16. I like it.....Its simplistic, but effective. My missus would love it she is into all that pink and girly stuff!Keep up the good workEnVe
  17. When it comes to the computer starting to slow down, i always do a full reformat. Backup all the bits that i need and just wipe the lot. Just saves having to sit there for ages waiting for it to load up. i have a P3 about 700mhz and because i do this, its quicker than my parents 2ghz P4.
  18. They should think about adding maybe some lower priced cars into the game. Its all good turboing a merc or bmw whatever, but i think it would be more fun if they added a few more of the run of the mill cars into it. for instance, they could add an escort or sierra cosworth (english version) i would much prefer to do up one of those and race that. I personally didnt like the second one as much as the first, although it made the gameplay that bit longer having to drive around trying to find the shops, it just wasnt as interesting in my eyes. One main garage that covers everything would make life a lot easier. I did like the new style races in the second like streetx i think it was called, maybe some more style races to improve it.They should definately leave it though for the 360 and ps3 though, not much point now as the consoles are close for release. Plus as stated in an earlier reply, the graphics will be immensly better and more life like.
  19. Definatley pros and cons to this.I mean if in some cases it is your team on the receiving end of the goal then you'll hope the ref doesnt see it (as in Man united's pure luck against Tottenham last season) But obviously you'll want it on your side if it did go in and and its not counted.I personally think they should just leave the game as it is, too many rules and regulations will soon spoil a game that i love very much. Its just another way for people to have more control over something in life. You dont see that kind of crap on a cold sunday morning when playing, its all just down to the ref. Thats how it should stay in my eyes, its not done any harm for the game for the last 100 years.
  20. Just wondering really, after the addictive third title in the burnout series, has anyone had the chance to play the new Burnout Revenge yet? Are there any pro's or cons to it in comparison to the last Burnout game? Is it worth the purchase or a hire it once and get bored of it?Im looking at buying the game when i get paid and although i can just read the reviews, i'd like to get a view of it from someone who isnt writing a magazine. Just your average gamer.So any information on the game would be great and a possible turning point into buying the game.
  21. Pretty funny game to play when your drunk i guess!!!Or under the influence of herbal remedies!!!!
  22. Was looking into getting one of those ipod nanos, but im really down the middle between that and the psp. If im right they are both the same price, but you can play movies and games on the psp.........Well i guess thats my mind made up.
  23. Working as an IT administrator in a company with more than 400 machines we tried our hardest not to get it. After a certain time though due to us using remote update via the server sp2 got pushed onto us and we had to distribute it oout to all the machines. Now to tell you the truth i dont know what all the fuss was about with it, i heard a lot of bad rumours about it. Since installing it on all the machines, i will say we have had one problem, it stopped encarta working on any machine.imagine that, a confliction problem with a piece of their own software! We have since upgraded to the 2005 version and no problems there. All in all it seems to be an ok update no real problems bar the one mentioned. but personally i'd prefer if our company would just chuck windows and head over to linux. would make my life easier (not so many problems!)
  24. Ive been using google for about 3 years now and find it really good for picking out things i need. Originally used to use msn but one day i just changed and have never looked back since for some reason.
  25. I really cannot stand Kanye West, i mean REALLY.He is an arrogant t****r and just thinks he is something he,s obviously not, God. I mean this whole Racism business is just getting way out of hand, because Bush is just pure lazy he is now racist? Did Kanye seem to forget that there is all races in the area that Katrina hit? No it was just a way to stir up controversy amongst people, and to get himself heard. These people need to grow up and stop all this crap about racism, why people cant get along i dont know.
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