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Posts posted by ASR1405241491

  1. There hasn't been any followups on the uptime/downtime of the server.. I am new myself but how is it for this month so far? and another thing, you cant base uptime/downtime rate on just a month... does anybody have more experience in Xisto to let me know how reliable it is... I am not here to complain, but it is just a mere curiousity.... Thanks in advance...

  2. Thats not bad... that means you only have to post 1 post a day, and you shoudl be good to go... my concern is who takes care of approving the host request? I dont wanna be a burden, but Im really excited on the webhost... I heard so much cool stuff, I just want to get my hands on it and see what its like.... So on average, just out of curiousity, how long does it usually take to actually get your account approve, coudl anybody help me out?? thanks in advance...

  3. Download nero and sure smart nero, it will hold your hands and take you where you wanna go... If you dont really want to burn the game into CD... I recommend you go with Daemon-tools mentioned on the previous message... itll emulate the file as a drive, so you could install you game and then just close it, or uninstall it if you will... I say, if you wanna play your game real quick, easiest is daemon tools, without a doubt... but if you want to give it to somebody or make copies... then Nero is the easiest way to go... itll still take time to burn and all that fun stuff...

  4. I haven't seen or heard anything like that... Where are you from...? is this a nationwide thing yet, or its barely coming out and itll take a couple more years before all butchers and supermarkets would adapt to the new smartlabels? I certainly think it would be great, cuz my dumbarse roomate always leave meat in the fridge for the longest time, and eventually I always have to throw it away, cuz he would never take it out and cook with it when he plans to.... I was raised up in a poor family, so I know the value of a dollar and not to waste food... it kills me inside having to throw away expensive and delicious steaks because his dumbarse doesnt do anything with it, and I dont want to get sick...

  5. I agree that with all new technology theres a risk, like cars... yes people were scared, but I doubt it was that bad... I certainly think nanobots should be reconsider and make sure it is "unhackable," that way it could not modify it's purpose in the human body... I doubt giving it AI is not going to help... or else it will be like what saxsux said, "sci-fi film". I just hope it is not too simple where anybody whos everybody could learn and access it and control the nanobots.... I dont want to hold the risk of spontaneous combustion or something...

  6. Well i thought that Ive seen so many people asking for help with cutenews so i decided to make something for you all to have a look at before you ask for help without even trying.

    What you will need:
    Hosting (This doesn't work if you don't have hosting which doesn't support php)
    Cute News
    An FTP program

    ok, now that we have the things we need, we can upload to our server. Please not that that will NOT work if you are using most free hosts e.g. Free Webs however payed hosting (i recomend http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) will support php which enables you to do this. OK, here we go

    1. Unzip cutenews. If you are using windows XP this will happen automatically, when the folder opens makesure you copy the folder inside the zip file to the desktop or the folder where you store your website.

    2. Open the FTP program (Core FTP) and it should look like this:

    3. Fill in all the information that came with your welcome e-mail when you bought your hosting.

    4. Your FTP interface should now look somthing like this:

    5. What you now have to do is drag the cute news folder (you will have to find it first) from the left to the right.

    6. When that has finished you may close the FTP program


    7. Go to your hosting account and Log in, then go to the folder called cutenews

    8. Now what we must do is CHMOD the files, which basically gives us permission to use cutenews and change it properties. To do this click the file and then choose "change permissions" we will do this to all the files in the"data" folder. See below:

    9. ALL the files under the data section MUST be changed so as the numbers say 777

    10. Now you must go to http://ww38.yoursite.com/cutenews/config.php and fill in all the details.


    To add news to cutenews just go to:

    To See the News go to:

    If you would just like to have the news in an iFrame just use this code:

    <iframe src="/cutenews/show_news.php"
    width="580" height="518" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"
    hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling=yes name="iframe">

    however if you want it put on you page add this code where you would like the news to go and save the whole page as "whatever.php":


    You may now continue to add news and change the look of the news boxes.

  7. :P:P:P:P:P I believe it is worth it for the price... for those of you who run a lot, you know your shows are important to you... by modifying the arches to fit your feet is great, you dont ever have to worry about it causing pain on y our feet... If you know, for basketball players who practice jumps, they have different shoes with different arches to condition you to jump higher for the basket... If that technology, all shoes would have the option, which is nice... its versitial for every situation.... sweet..

  8. Now does this thing happen a lot? Another question I have: is the server just a little busy right now thats why loading of forum is a little slow? or is everything from forum to web developing on Xisto is a little laggy like this? Just to reiterate, I am not complaining, just wanna figure out exactly whats going on. I know you get what you pay for... so if its free... it might not be as well as purchasing one of your own...

  9. I would have to say dreamweaver, notepad and flashmx... Macromedia is a great company.. they have everything you need to build a nice professional website...I usually use flashmx and adobe photoshop for my images and flash images... Dreamweaver is use for coding and all the fun stuff (developing)Then notepad is for minor fixes of codes... simplicity is the key...

  10. Hey, I saw on some science channel that they are researching on nanobots: small little microscopic robots that are injected into your body to maintain a good health for you... Thats a really cool concept; so when your body is infected with bacteria, it could automatically start attacking those bacteria and leave you healthy in seconds... The only downside to that is if it gets into the wrong hand, our world would be kinda like the 1984 or THE BIG BROTHER... they can monitor our thinking and our actions everywhere we go... And if a hacker somehow finds out how to control the nanobots, your life would be based on a button somewhere... all they have to do is press on a destructive mode on the nanobots and it would start destroying you from the inside out... that sucks... haha...

  11. She/He said they dont have money... why are you suggesting stuff when they dont have money for those stuff...??? yeah.. I'm sure you already checked it out but the PaintShop Pro shareware should be okay for you.. since you are not too advance... than you would use photoshop... Honestly... I use my Paint on windows... haha... are you editing photos or are you doing 3d text and stuff? there are many free programs out there for specific purpose.. go search on yahoo.com...

  12. I would say an ideal OS is when the OS is completely cutomized... you can change every and anything on the OS or switch it back to default...My goal is to change the visual interface of the OS to something out of this world.. I dont like the fact that windows are all the same and nothing is different...Although you could use softwares like windows blinds or change the windows shell, but still, you are really limited to what you could really do though... I guess the only way is to program your own, but thatll take a lifetime to do for me.. hahaColgi Ergo Sum :P:P:P:P

  13. Hey there, I am not an expert at anything, but I figure I share my project with everybody online and hopefully other enthuist would reply and feedbacks and inputs...A small form factor, but also want more power than what a fanless unit can provide, I've put together this snazzy combination:- Morex 3688Its a nice little case for my CarPC... that way it doesn't take too much space in my car.- EPIA M10000 1GHzIt's not bad at all... I believe it has a GeForce 4 gphx card built into the board... - 256MB PC100 SDRAMIf you are planning to do something crazy with yoru computer, feel free to upgrade to 256 I supposed, I just feel, a 256MB should be good enough for movies and music..- Hitachi 20GB Notebook Hard-DriveThis is the bomb right here... improvision is the key, and by using a notebook hard-drive it saves a lot of space for me...- LITE ON SLIM CDRW+DVDyou gotta have at least a CDRW + DVD... if not, its crap... but due to money issues I cant get a DVDR/W if you could more power to you...I am also changing the Windows shell that way it will be like a user interface car stereo... I have a custom built touch screen LCD as well.. but its tough to make it right... its still in the works...Welp... thats it to my CarPC.. let me know what you think... and if you know where to get cheaper parts anywhere.. let everybody and myself know so I could start upgrading.. hehe..

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