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Posts posted by ASR1405241491

  1. im sure someone already gave you all the information about meta-tags, but here is my two cents on it.... hopefully it covers many stuff other people have not gone through in this thread...A meta tag description is as follows...<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="The text you want goes here."> These are the words that will appear in the text of the listing of most [not all] search engines when you do a search... Use interesting words because this is what your reader will see...Consider the following - which one would you click on if your were looking for a holiday home? 1. Nice holiday home... 2. Happy holidays! Breathtaking Ocean view with beautiful garden and outdoor entertainment area...Make the description interesting and relevant... No point in telling your would be visitor you have a sea view when you sell trucks! Meta KeywordS:This tag look like this:<meta name="KEYWORDS" content="happy holidays tranquil surroundings peaceful accommodation holiday home">Some rules for META DESCRIPTION tags: 1. You should not go more than about 500 characters or some search Engines will ignore them or worse still, penalize you for spamming... 2. Do not repeat keywords more than three times or you will be penalized. 3. Most advise you should separate the keywords with commas.... Personally the writer has found that leaving the commas out works better... 4. Make sure your keywords are relevant to your pages' content... TITLEBy far the most important tag is the TITLE... This is the heading people will see in the Search Engines and is what will make them click on your link or not... Be sure to make your Title as interesting and eye catching as possible...The format for the TITLE tag is like so:<title>Secrets of META TAGS explained.</title> CUSTOMIZE YOUR META TAGSYour meta tags on every page of your website should be different... Sure, this is a lot of work but it is essential. You should spend as much time and effort thinking of what your visitors are likely to be typing into the search box at the search engines as what you spend on designi.ng your pages...We did an experiment on on of our large websites about a year ago... This is what we did: * We made two identical pages (images and text), * We put invisible links (made the links the same color as the background) from the main page to both pages so the search engines would find them, * On the one page we carefully selected out META TAGS, on the other we did not.The result? * The page with the 'untweaked' META TAGS got 128 hits after 6 months. * The page with the carefully selected TAGS got 56,295 hits in the same period!OTHER META TAGSTitleThe title of the web page is perhaps the most important of all meta tags<title>Laugh until you cry</title>Keywords<meta name="keywords" content="free, food, recipes, lala, blah blah">Description<meta name="description" content="If you want to laugh till you cry, Click here. This stuff is really funny!">The page description should be less than 100 wordsAuthorThe name of the person who authored the page<meta name="author" content="asr">EmailThe contact person's e-mail address. Don't put this in unless you want SPAM!<link rev="made" href="nospam@mydomain.com">CopyrightThe copyright year and the name<meta name="copyright" content="2002 by asr">RevisitHow often to tell the spiders to come back<meta name="revisit-after" content="14 days">RefreshThis field must contain a URL that refers the page to another link in a specified number of seconds<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="120; url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ date when the content expires<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Wed, 39 Jan 2004 26:29:02 GMT">DistributionGlobal – Used for major entry pointsLocal – Used for local entry points<meta name="distribution" content="global">RobotWeb spiders can be restricted using the following Robot meta tags. Recommend you do not use these but your a robots.txt file instead.:All – Robots may traverse and index the pageNo Index – Robots may traverse but not index the pageNo Follow – Robots may index the page but not follow itNone – Robots may neither index nor traverse the page<meta name="robots" content="nofollow">RatingGeneral14 YearsMatureRestricted<meta name="rating" content="14 years">Character setThe most common character set is ISO-8859-1 The following is a rough list of the languages contained in the ISO 8859 seriesISO-8859-1 – Western Europe and Americas: Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Faeroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and SwedishISO-8859-2 – Latin-written Slavic and Central European languagesISO-8859-3 – Esperanto, Galician, Maltese, and TurkishISO-8859-4 – Scandinavia/BalticISO-8859-5 – CyrillicISO-8859-6 – ArabicISO-8859-7 – Modern GreekISO-8859-8 – HebrewISO-8859-9 – Western Europe and Americas: Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Faeroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Turkish, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and SwedishUTF-8 - Unicode<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">LanguageChoose a language or add another under Other in Front Page (or whatever you use)<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en-us">Page cachingBrowsers cache pages by default Select the No-Cache option to stop caching of your page<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">GeneratorThe name of the program used to create your web page<meta name="generator" content="Home brew 1.0.0">Window TargetUseful for preventing page framing<meta http-equiv="window-target" content="_top">AbstractA brief summary of the description meta tag, under 100 words<meta name="abstract" content="Viewpoints, Tools, and Content for Webmasters">CommentsComments are not actually meta tags Some search engines have used them instead of meta tags You may also want to add a comment as a self note.<!--bla bla bal Remember to buy bread-->Chin chin...

  2. My nickname is simple... ASR is the company I work for and theyve been treating me well so Ive inherited the abbreviation of their name... Originally, my nickname was truvu17... I made that name probably 12 years ago when computers and internet first came out and I was using AOL internet service... The name truvu was originally from a reef tank company that is widely supported in many pet places I go to... With the interest in reef tanks and fishes and my last name is Vu... choosing truvu wasn't a hard decision... So I ended up with tru (as in true) vu (my last name) and 17 was my age at the time.... It was fun while it last, but 17 comes off as a little kid's name so I have to change it.... Im sure nobody's going to read all this but its good to sometimes share the things you dont usually share with anybody else....

  3. Thats great to hear that there are planets out there... As we already know there should be millions of planets out there in millions of different galaxies... I think we should focus more on finding a way to visit these different planets first before we even look for more planets... To me there are no reason to discover more if we cant even travel to the planets nearby to earth... Possibly by having all scientists and researchers focus on one goal only that is to travel to the nearby planets, we would accomplish that in the near future... I think sometimes they are too focus about putting their name on the newly discoverred planets they forget everything comes in increments... To focus and research on traveling to nearby planets as a whole would possibly help us learn more in our life time, instead of waiting another hundreds or thousands of years to do anything beyond earth... Thats just my interpretation of all this.. it might be wrong... I would still congratulate all the scientists and researchers who had invested countless amount of effort into improving our lives and our future... Thanks...Chin chin..

  4. What do you mean? internet is probably the best thing in the world... it is the only tool that could connect soo many people to soo many places and resources... I just recently moved to a new place and not having an internet right now is horrible... I cant stand not using it for just oen day.... for example, I am currently looking for new furnitures and things to furnish my house... yet due to the fact I dont have any internet I cant find and shop for the best thing I want in my home...Chin chin....

  5. Thats true... I know not a lot of people are very multi-tasking... Hence where they pay too much attention to the cell phone they wouldn't focus on driving... I know that because I'm one of those people... When I talk on the phone it is crazy to have me driving... I believe there is a law in california that prevent anybody from using their cell phone while driving... now it is not fully enforced, but once more accidents happen, im sure theyll start enforcing...Chin chin..

  6. I have to agree, photoshop is better... For its support in the community and its complicated features that psp could not provide...Now obviously if you dont have money and you want some decent software to edit your photo and artworks, psp is the one for you. But if you are a web designer or art professional photoshop is the best... Especially with all the action/filters/plugin support from different individuals and companies, its hard to not choose photoshop... Chin chin...

  7. I think that is right... it is for our curiosity... but another reason why is to give us hope.. just like religion or anything else that requires hope and faith, etc... It gives many of us hope that we could better ourselves by filling ourselves with more knowledge in the universe... Possibly even find a cure for everything we cant seem to discover here... It makes me wonder sometimes if maybe just maybe they have unknown elements out there that would help us cure aids/cancer or perhaps create a better future with less harmful resource to damage our world, as well as, providing futuristic hovercrafts and other amazing sci fi stuff weve seen in movies.... But all in all, I definitely feel it is good that we are doing it... as I always believe, think positive... because without think positive, we'all just sit around and wait until we die... So far, there hasn't been any significant discoveries, but hopefull one day we will be able to change our lives somehow... Wouldnt it be nice to live forever???It might not be possible, but what if it is available somewhere galaxies away???Chin chin...

  8. Honestly, theres been too many zombies and undead movies out that Im kinda sick of it... They are soo much alike except for the simple storyline... everything else is based on how they survive with that certain events of zombies/undead.... They need to think of something new... I certainly think the only game that would be a good movie to make is Halo... It's sci-fi and futuristics with different monsters... Itll be great... Metriod would be cool too... Max Payne, Hitman, and GTA is kinda like mafia movies and I guess its good and all but I doubt it will beat godfather or scarface... That just my two cents... Chin chin...

  9. I believe I read the newspaper the other where they stated that the launch date is going to be the same, but they are still unsure if discovery is ready for operations. All the technology vested into the shuttle are technology invented years ago. They felt like they did not utilize the best technological advances out there and that they fear it might be disastrous like the previous launch... So I dunno... I guess well see when that happens...Chin chin...

  10. I certainly think a lot of the media's technology ( as in movies or television ) would be the first ones to be invented...For example traveling to the moon and stuff, was something out of this world back then, but due to support by the media, researchers like NASA were able to have enough funds to have a man on the moon....Obviously we already know how advance our current technology will get as time progresses...The cell phone industry is obviously here to stay and they will continue to impress us with newer features to keep us on the line and be more and more dependent on it. (If were not already; personally, I cant live without a cell phone for even a day). My hope is on technology like the one in minority report with tom cruise...One day, we could turn everything on and operate it with just a holographic screen... Hopefully im still alive to witness that technology being a nationwide or worldwide demand and usage.And obviously we all know about the hover cars... If we could find a source that would be harmless to us and also provide such a powerful source of energy to keep a 1 ton car in air for a long time, we will be in business...But most likely, in order to find that type of source, we would need to venture into different planets and find newer elements...Hopefully thats not just a dream to me, even though we have the periodic table of elements, but hopefully there are more elements out there that we could never imagine exist...Chin chin...

  11. Basically, you can write about yourself, post photos of yourself (naked, or of your neighbour, naked, or of anyone, naked—you can post photos on this Web site of people who 1. are not you and 2. who are not clothed), and you can network — make friends, look for dates, or even long-term relationships.....It’s kind of neat. Also, it’s free, which is always neat.There are forums and groups about all kind of things, from politics to music to relationships to dog grooming. And much more. Some topics are vague (Party!), and some are specific (Why You Should Consider Never Watching TV Again But Simply Party!). But since it’s a free site, there seems to be, well, some misuse of the space. At any rate, here are some things I’ve noticed that seem a little, let’s say ... interesting about Myspace.com:1. Photos. You can post naked photos of ... anyone on this site. Explicit ones, too. If you would like people to think you look like Brad Pitt, you can do that. If you would like people to think you look like Brad Pitt smoking a cigarette while jogging in the nude on top of the Empire State building, given the wonders of Photoshop, you can do that, too......2. "Friends." As time goes on, you add “friends.” The more “friends” you have, it seems, the better off you are in life. In fact, it seems, the more “friends” you have seems to be directly related to how cool and worthy of living on this planet you truly are.....3. Obtaining "friends." You obtain “friends” by sending them free messages along the lines of: “Will you be my friend?” But you can also write something like: “I really like your music. Do you like mine?” Or, “You have tremendous breasts. I would very much enjoy touching them. Bite yourself!” The potential “friend” then reads your message, and either adds you to their list of “friends” (and yours, as it so happens) or disregards you, like you’re unworthy......4. Lying. You can say anything you like on this site. You can call yourself Jimmy. You can report you own many cars, a mansion, have a six-legged dog, and can speak 18 languages, or that, in fact, you are Marcus Aurelius........5. Hostile. A lot of people seem to lie about themselves. Or they’re openly hostile, they’re “taglines” reading like angry cyber graffiti. “I Put The Ho In Hot, Biotch!”6. Youth. People use that term a lot ... “biotch.” And they swear a great deal, as well, and call each other names. Also, most of the people on this site are very young. I suspect some cannot yet call themselves teenagers or legally drink in the province of Quebec....7. Whitesnake Fans. Myspace.com seems to attract a large number of people purporting to be goth, bisexual or huge fans of ‘80s hair-metal bands. Which is fine, of course, as Seinfeld would say, though, are there really that many Whitesnake fans still kickin’ around?8. Blogging and Lying. You can blog for free, claiming you invented charm and that you are the person Carly Simon is singing about in the song “You’re So Vain.” (See, it’s not Mick Jagger.)That said, Myspace.com is a nifty site if you’d like to network. Say you’re a writer who wants to chat with another writer about writing, for instance—you can do that. And musicians, essentially, advertise for free on the Web site, which is also great. And hey, who knows, maybe people have met great friends through this portal, or even their husbands or wives or partners ... who are goth and own the entire Whitesnake catalogue. Proudly...As many people say on Myspace.com, it’s all good, yo!!!Chin chin.....

  12. Hey peeps....I'm just a little curious about the next technology that would turn the world around again... As you already know, Microsoft came out with windows and promise that everybody in our nation would own their own computer and by doing so, windows is the number one used operating systems. Bill Gates became the king of the world with his outrageous amount of money....So what's next??? any new discovery that would push our economy to grow technologically like the computer growth?It seems to me we haven't grown much technologically, all Ive seen so far is upgrades after upgrades of different computer parts that makes your computer faster. Why can't they just achieve the smallest way to build chips and sell the faster right away, instead of ripping people off with upgrades.Basically I curiousity is : will there be something that would be anything with tthe possibility to be in everybody's home and benefit for everybody to use?Chin Chin....

  13. Well apparently the people of Atlantis is very smart and if there is a city of Atlantis for real, they would have ways to breath underwater, find resource, and hidden away from us. Heck! If it is true, they could even have the ability to cloak the whole city under the deep blue atlantic. All in all, you dont need to correct me if Im wrong, but like religion (it gives hope to mankind and give them a meaning in their lives), the lost city of Atlantis is probably something to give Archeologists and Hardcore SciFi people a reason to continue their beliefs and gives meaning to their lives......Chin chin....

  14. Yup, honestly... Stock photography should be available for a decent price. You could buy one for cheap, but the quality is just soo crappy, theres no more purpose for it. And when you want a good photo that has some sort of meaning to the picture, its bank to even touch it... I believe a good way of making money off that is offering a free organize and enormous collection of stock photos to everybody and make tons of income on the banners and advertisement... Due to the fact that it;s free, there will be an outrageous amount of traffic to the website and many companies would love to advertise on it...Chin chin...If somebody is interested in starting something like that... let me in on it.. hehehe....

  15. I recommend using adaware se and hijack this! Make sure you are in safe mode without networking. That way there is no communication online what so ever...After scan with adaware and then open hijack this and search for unfamiliar programs and delete it...THe purpose of hijack this! is to list out all the programs that would start when you first start your computer... By doing this, the next time you start, you wouldnt have to worry about anything starting up...Hope that helped..Chin chin..

  16. Well Im just glad to hear theyre actually doing something with all the research money invested into it... Although its nice hearing that theres close to a cure for all mankind to use and save themselves from the malicious carcingenic cells, but what I really think is they already have a cure...Its probably only for the rich people... That's why you see sooo many celebrities never die... With money you can treat anything... Hopefully one day we are treated the same.... =/Chin chin...

  17. I certainly think its not gonna get a high demand for it....Its kinda like game consoles... Nintendo Cube is basically the new Mac model and the pc's are the xbox's.....Due to high support and usage throughout the world, the xbox (in our case, the pc) is going to still out sell.... Though price is relatively cheaper than pc''s, the limited upgrade capabilities is what people are concern about the most.Especially now, computer advances are going soo fast; once you buy a brand new computer, after a few months it is outdated again.... so having the flexibility to upgrade whatever I need whenever I want is what I prefer.....On a positive note though, these Mac's would be great for schools and government usage. It would save a lot of money for schools to get these than a pc for every student to use... =/Chin chin....

  18. THanks a lot, it worked great for me.... I have ran into other problems like unable to write on config.php and stuff... I am not sure if I should do it, but I changed the permissions to some files for owner to read, write, and execute... Also my account create option is messed up... for some reason everytime they try to create an account there is an error... does anybody know why that happened? I went into cpanel change some options in the php table and got it to work to add accounts on the back-end, but on the front-end everything goes through fine, except it doesnt add the new created account ontot he website... If anybody knows how to fix that, please help me out, thanks....Chin chin.....

  19. We we actually customize our own laptops like how we could customize our down desktop computers???? I have been curious about that for awhile now... If yes, we would you be able to buy your parts and stuff to create a super laptop that fits your preference.... Would it be cheaper to build one too? or would it be more expensive buying the parts separately???Thanks in advance3...chin chin..

  20. If you are confused with Flash MX (which there are a lot of tutorials online for you to view and learn), you might want to try something little more user friendly like Swish 3D.... Now what are you planning to do with your website??? If you are interested in turning certain pictures into 3d objects or use simple 3d shape objects swish 3d would work great for you... And once you become more advance, there is a 3d max plugin to use with swish 3d...If you dont know of 3d max, it is a complicated graphix software people use for 3d animation... Many professional animation movie makers use it..... Or if you remember about the dancing baby back in the days... It was created by 3d max... Check it out at Erain.com, you could actually look at what type of graphix you could create with swish 3d in their picture and video gallery... pretty neat... Hope that helped..Chin chin..

  21. UFO's............Bible.............Theyre all stuff people make up because without hope, there is no meaning for life....People want to believe that there is UFO's so they could keep themselves fasinated and curious... People want to believe religion to give them a reason to live on until theyre old... Without religion a lot of people would probably kill themselves because who wants to live their life if they know once they die then its the end... But ignore me thats just how I feel... everybody is entitled to their own beliefs and feelings.... Freedom of Choice!!Chin chin..

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