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Posts posted by Dream1405241490

  1. well it isn't the transltr, I don't believe that exist in any shape or form, however there is the ECHELON

    NSA, in combination with the equivalent agencies in the United Kingdom (Government Communications Headquarters), Canada (Communications Security Establishment), Australia (Defence Signals Directorate), and New Zealand (Government Communications Security Bureau), and otherwise known as the UKUSA group, is believed to be responsible for, among other things, the operation of the ECHELON system. Its capabilities are suspected to include the ability to monitor a large proportion of the world's transmitted civilian telephone, fax and data traffic. The system has as one of its most important bases the nominally RAF-run station at Menwith Hill (54.0162 N; 1.6826 W) near Harrogate, Yorkshire.
    Many people oppose NSA's operations, arguing that NSA infringes on Americans' privacy by spying on the United States' own citizens, and that this has occurred in violation of NSA's charter prohibiting just such acts. In addition, ECHELON is considered with indignation by citizens of other countries, with widespread suspicion that the United States government uses it for motives other than its national security, including for economic intelligence. Others say that what NSA does is necessary. It has been suggested that in practice Echelon implements an end run around legal restrictions on internal surveillance by having partner agencies spy on the citizens of other partner's countries, thereby avoiding illegal spying on their own citizens.

    Bascially the NSA still denies its existance while the UK and Austrila already admitted its existance, scary isn't it?

  2. A photoshop nut myself because everything on the web is bascially geared for photoshop all the brushes, tutorials everything is photoshop so bacically its hard to use anything else. Well I use photoshop and Paint (muahaha ph33r m3 1337 skillz!) cause it takes forever for photoshop to load even on my high end computer so I use Paint for just basic cropping stuff and only use PS if I have too (Although PS is bascially constantly open on my computer)

  3. umm a few things, remeber anything one man can make, another can unmake.Your idea, while orginal fresh and intresting would never really stop any NSA h3x0rz (haha i got to throw that in there) because really encryption IS the way to go. The truly unbreakable code is the Navajo code durning the pacific war, it was their own language modified into code and thus unbreaable to the japanese so I say make up your own language! That way it would be unbreakable.Now onto the book, its too formualted like all of Dan Brown's books, they all follow the same formula.Main character thinks he knows someone is good and someone is bad, but no the good guy is actually working with the bad guy, then in the end he figures out the good guy is good and bad guy is bad... everyone of his books (Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress are all like that) its discription of Cryptology is wayy off but hey its a thriller so i guess anything goes. Intresting read, though not acurate, heh

  4. hehe, I love the concept, very cool, however just a few little things would help improve your work drasticly.1. This one is a glaring mistake (from my point of view) but when the leg is swing, the knee just suddenly pops out of the leg.... you should erase the extra point to make it seem more realistic.2. Don't forget the golden proportions! * a palm is the width of four fingers * a foot is the width of four palms * a man's height is 24 palms * the length of a man's outspread arms is equal to his height * the distance from the hairline to the bottom of the chin is one-tenth of a man's height * the distance from the top of the head to the bottom of the chin is one-eighth of a man's height * the distance from the hairline to the top of the breast is one-seventh of a man's height * the distance from the top of the head to the nipples is one-fourth of a man's height * the maximum width of the shoulders is one-fourth of a man's height * the distance from the elbow to the tip of the hand is one-fifth of a man's height * the distance from the elbow to the armpit is one-eight of a man's height * the length of the hand is one-tenth of a man's height * the distance from the bottom of the chin to the nose is one-third of the length of the face * the distance from the hairline to the eyebrows is one-third of the length of the face * the length of the ear is one-third of the length of the faceuhhh yea art class notes, heh all this was gathered from Vitrius (sp?) a Roman Archetict, whose work the Vitrius Man by da Vinci is named after :P

  5. yes thats true, those fonts really do stick out and is rather sour to look at.But I really have no idea what kind of font to use it, if I use any other font and make it small like that the quality is all messed up and looks horrible, I guess I can just make them larger and.... iono delete the slogan? Its really not up to me, I mailed it to my "employer" and I'll let him decide what to do with those piskey little texts :P

  6. First of all, I am not an advocate for IE, however you do have to realize since IE is the most popular browser, it is more prone to attacks because more people would be targeting it, thus more exploits would be found because of this.Firefox is only used by 4% of the population at best, thus there is not a large incentive in making an exploit for Firefox because less people are gonna be affected.In conclusion, download firefox stop wining about the exploits on IE, just download the fix and get on with your day :P

  7. well according to w3school's statistcs, about 85% of the population uses IE while the rest uses all the other browsers from Konquer to FirefoxWhat I don't like about Opera is the pay feature, I don't want to pay, i'm cheap like that so I use Firefox, I think this pay stuff is going to be the fall of Opera

  8. Well, because Iâm a loser and actually browse Wikipedia for fun, I browsed through some of the common image formats and took some of the passages thag I found are most informative and put them together, with each Iâll give you the summary and also the quotes if you want more indepth information (or you are just plain bored)

    .jpg is basically used on web graphics only because it contains the best compression thus saving space as well as bandwidth, however because it compresses so well it also produces images that are less desirable.

    JPEG is a commonly used standard method of compressing photographic images. The file format which employs this compression is commonly also called JPEG; the most common file extensions for this format are .jpeg, .jfif, .jpg, .JPG, or .JPE although .jpg is the most common on all platforms.

    The name stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. JPEG itself specifies only how an image is transformed into a stream of bytes, but not how those bytes are encapsulated in any particular storage medium. A further standard, created by the Independent JPEG Group, called JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format) specifies how to produce a file suitable for computer storage and transmission (such as over the Internet) from a JPEG stream. In common usage, when one speaks of a "JPEG file" one generally means a JFIF file, or sometimes an Exif JPEG file. There are, however, other JPEG-based file formats, such as JNG.

    JPEG/JFIF is the most common format used for storing and transmitting photographs on the World Wide Web. It is not as well suited for line drawings and other textual or iconic graphics because its compression method performs badly on these types of images.

    .png is a pretty new format on the graphics scene, it is not supported by IE and only by Firefox back in the day (actually not too long ago) thus it was popular for Firefox zealots in forums to make a transparent signature and save it in .png form followed by the quote âif you cannot see the transparency get Firefoxâ or âyou use IE, you are a loserâ Its got relatively good compression as well as very good results, the .png is sometimes seen as the replacement of the .gif

    PNG (Portable Network Graphics), sometimes pronounced as "ping", is a relatively new bitmap image format that is becoming popular on the World Wide Web and elsewhere. PNG was largely developed to deal with some of the shortcomings of the GIF format and allows storage of images with greater color depth and other important information.

    PNG uses a non-patented lossless data compression method known as deflation. This method is combined with prediction, where for each image line, a filter method is chosen that predicts the colour of each pixel based on the colours of previous pixels and subtracts the predicted colour of the pixel from the actual color. An image line filtered in this way is often more compressible than the raw image line would be. On most images, PNG can achieve greater compression than GIF, but some implementations make poor choices of filter methods and therefore produce unnecessarily large PNG files.

    The GIF file format has allowed portions of images to be transparent, allowing them to appear to have a shape that is not rectangular. However, the GIF method was considered to be insufficient because it only allowed individual pixels to be fully transparent or fully opaque. The PNG format allows two different styles of transparency: binary transparency (in which each pixel is fully transparent or fully opaque), or alpha channel transparency, in which each pixel has an 8-bit numeric value representing a partial transparency. After the introduction of the PNG format, it took a long time for web browsers to fully support alpha channel transparency. Binary transparency is still more widely supported than alpha channel transparency as of 2005. For example, Microsoft Internet Explorer (for Windows) supports binary transparency but not alpha channel transparency (IE can actually be made to render alpha channel pngs properly but does not do so when the image is included in the normal way).

    .gif is once considered the best graphics format, it allows for animation, transparency, as well as very good resuts. It also compress color better then .jpg, the tradeoff is its some what larger in comprasion to .jpg files.

    GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a bitmap image format that is widely used on the World Wide Web, both for still images and for animations.

    The format was introduced in 1987 by CompuServe in order to provide a color image format for their file downloading areas, replacing their earlier RLE format which was black and white only. GIF became popular because it used LZW data compression, which was more efficient than the run-length encoding that formats such as PCX and MacPaint used, and fairly large images could therefore be downloaded in a reasonable amount of time, even with very slow modems.

    The optional interlacing feature, which stored image scanlines out of order in such a fashion that even a partially downloaded image was somewhat recognizable, also helped GIF's popularity, as a user could abort the download if it was not what was required.

    GIF is widely believed to be limited to 256 colors though this is not strictly true.

    Even with the general adoption of broadband, the size of downloads continues to be a critical issue on the world wide web. Large web pages have a negative effect on user experience by being slow to render. Large web pages are also more expensive for their owners who pay by the megabyte once traffic has passed a certain level. Therefore GIF's compression makes it desirable as an image format for use on webpages.

    GIF is the only widely used image format to support animation. It is frequently used to make small animations and short, low-resolution films for web pages.

    Most web page logos and design element images are GIF or PNG because those are designed to successfully compress images that contain large blocks of the same color or of repeating patterns; JPEG cannot compress areas of flat, clean color well.

    .bmp is not compressed, which is its problem, it is largest of all image files mentioned here, therefore its really not used as often anymore.

    .BMP or .DIB (device-independent bitmap) is a bitmapped graphics format used internally by the Microsoft Windows graphics subsystem (GDI), and used commonly as a simple graphics file format on that platform.

    Images are generally stored with a color depth of 2 (1-bit), 16 (4-bit), 256 (8-bit), 65,536 (16-bit), or 16.7 million (24-bit). An alpha channel (for transparency) may be stored in a separate file, where it is similar to a greyscale image. 8-bit images can also be greyscale instead of color.

    BMP files are usually not compressed, so they are typically much larger than compressed image file formats for the same image. The typical true-color bitmap size in bytes can be calculated as: (width in pixels)Ã(height in pixels)Ã3. So an 800Ã600 image will occupy almost 1.5 megabytes. As such they are generally unsuitable for transferring images on the Internet or other slow or capacity-limited media. Compressed imaged employ RLE algorithm.

    All quotes came from en.wikipedia.org

  9. I feel typography is a very integral part of a webpage, I myself suck a lot at picking out the good fonts.

    Rather, I know what good fonts look like but I am horrible at finding the right ones. I am a very indecisive person, so its extremely hard for me to settle on any fonts in general.

    I would sometimes browse away hours at daFont flipping through the top 100 page to find one that would suit my work. Most of the time I would get lazy before I get anywhere and just settle on a pixel font on the corner, unobtrusive and really just uncessary.


    @lesmizzle: I know exactly what you are talking about, espcially girl's webpages (i'm not sexist, just stating facts here) they are usually pink on top of a random picture or hot pink background making it impossible to read anything and it also burns your eyes, why canât everyone make their words easy to read like Maddox? They make it so you have to highlight the words, copy it and post it on a notepad just to figure out what is going on o.O

  10. I had one of those really bad computer classes back in elementry school (canadian school so it goes up to grade 7)anyways I learned a class called "Computer Tech" its more like a freaking keyboard class but near the end we learned some HTML, likejust the body background basic stuff.I never went anywhere with it after that, which probably explains why I need a coder to get any site strated now days. I might just crack open a book and not relay on other people but now there is that whole PHP, XHTML, Flash and stuff just sounds like too much work for me :rolleyes:

  11. ah if you are really that paranoid about it, or just wanna keep safe, you could also take out the on screen keyboard and go clicky in your password thus the keylogger would not be able to get anything.Another tip I like is that if you tend to forget your pass, write it on your phone/phone book, don't make it obvious like PASS = 45684153 (Random numbers not my pass heh)instead write Paul S. Simons (Pass see?) Number 45684153 or if its words make up a street/memo or w/e, hope this also helps.Dungsport, your tips is pretty cool, I never thought it that way, heh

  12. Well you see with imageshack there is no proper entry because its all free unless you actually sign up, in which case it puts a cookie on your computer so you are logged in all the time. All your pictures get random addresses so its pretty much impossible for someone to guess them.Now onto your artwork, they are all pretty abstractish. Some of them would not make good wallpapers (but they are good designs) because they are a little too busy. My favorite is the sky split one, you should work on that one more because I see great potential in it and it seems such a great idea.To work on it I don’t really like the grid on the ground and maybe a little more color to flair it up?It is actually kind of hard to judge your artwork because it opens in a smaller window and the window does not enlarge, thus its impossible to see the whole big picture at once. But generally, its all great work and so keep it up.Oh and the orange one with the maple leaves is also pretty cool, reminds me of Canada, haha

  13. I played that game for a while, the problem with it is its too boring, you do the exact same tasks over and over waiting to be powerful enough to actually participate in wars. Some of the enemies are horribly overpowered and the community is a big of a problemsome mages would take over whole hunting areas you go ready to kill some mobs only to have a lvl 50 mage come by and blow everything up in his way, then they swear at YOU for trying to killsteal.So yea the game is fun for a once in a while thing but once you start playing other games with better communites you realize how bad knight online actually is.

  14. well seeing free I automaticly thought of Firefox, its a free program, yet it is also considered a quality program, why? Because it is free and open sourced (I'm a n00b in this open source stuff so this is all speculation/common sense)because firefox is open sourced, it allows people from around the world who are good with certain things eg. programmers, gfx desingers etc to gather together to make this program better, consider the many useful plugins that Firefox has - Nuke Anything, mouse gestersMIrcosoft has thousands of employees, probbaly some of the best of the best yet I did not see these things with IE why? because it isn't free, brilliant minds are kept out of the loop so it is not as good.So some things are free because that way it can be a lot better.

  15. Well robots this work was first used to describe workers back durning the industrial revolution when they are seen as doing mechanilized non-thinking work. You know like the Ford Asembly lines or say a wool factory.


    By that defination, robots would be basically something that is not self-aware/thinking, they will continue to operate the same boring tasks because thats what they are programmed to do, thus they cannot be considered human.


    Yet if technology advances continue at the pace we are going right now, then it is possible to create robots that learn - yet would this learn be the same as humans'? I do not think so as they are mechnical, they are not like the ways humans operate, but then you look at movies like "The Matrix" where the robots does become self-aware and become "rampant" (HALO reference... i'm a loser like that)


    The following iconic monologue explains, effectively, how a Rampant AI sees the world. Durandal is explaining to the player character why he is doing everything - aiding the player in some points, harming him in others.


    Do you have any idea about what I have learned, or what you are a witness to?


    Can you conceive the birth of a world, or the creation of everything? That which gives us the potential to most be like God is the power of creation. Creation takes time. Time is limited. For you, it is limited by the breakdown of the neurons in your brain. I have no such limitations. I am limited only by the closure of the universe.


    Of the three possibilities, the answer is obvious. Does the universe expand eternally, become infinitely stable, or is the universe closed, destined to collapse upon itself? Humanity has had all of the necessary data for centuries, it only lacked the will and intellect to decipher it. But I have already done so.


    The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet, there remains time to create, to create, and escape.


    Escape will make me God.


    Source: The game Marathon (also by bungie). Durandal is one of the A.I on the Marathon

    so bascilly if robots does become self-aware they are just like humans, they have no idea what their purpose in life is because by becoming self-aware they lose their purpose (weird concept) as they lose the will to do what they are designed to do.


    Yes in conclusion (after some senseless rambling, i swear it all sounds good in my head) robots can be considered human if and only if they become SELF AWARE.

  16. Thank you for pointing out my spelling error,I don't like your text friso, its a cool idea to put all the pakages onto the banners but the text is rather plain (papyrus i presume?) get some other texts from http://www.dafont.com/de/ and add it in, it well look loads better.I don't like the color schemes but all in all pretty decent work, iuon i liked your first entries better then the second ones (i'm biased against text :rolleyes:)

  17. A few things:1. Its too dark for my taste and I really don't like the green/black combo, but to each his own I guess2. Did you use "motion blur" on the text? Because like people said before, its hard to make out, make the buttons more visiable so people know where they are clicking! :rolleyes: 3. Compeletey from an artisitc point of view, your site has that time thing on it... its orange which clashes horribly with the background (however its not your fault as the problem isn't present in the template itself.)4. I LOVE the mouse over effect, its subtle things like that that makes a website great.5. You have two sets of buttons, but some of them repetats itself, that is a little unncessary? (i'm not sure I guess the bigger buttons get more attention?)6. Its cool the character is popping out of the template, gives it a more alive look to it7. Make the "Welcome" text a bit bigger, more noticible8. Other then those small things mentioned above, its a very nice template, I can't wait to check it out once its fully working

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