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Posts posted by Dream1405241490

  1. its a pretty generic template, nevertheless, you did a great job on it for your first try =P, you should have seen mine... utter disaster.Anyways to improve upon it, change the texts to something more professional, and make the "Navigation" smallerumm the color scheme is pretty intresting although I don't like orange, whatever works for you.I AM AMAZED that you did all that in paint, I can't do anything in paint.. its just such a terrible program :(

  2. I really hate CS... its like this...*You see an idiot running in a stright line**BOOM, you fire your scout and kill him for being stupid**Noob: OMG YOU *BLEEP*... YOU ARE HACKING!!! You: Dude, you just suck stop being so stupid N00b: No you *BLEEP* get out of here You: Don’t be a sore loser… Noob: OMG I’m SO GONNA PWN J00 NEXT TIME You: m’kay*Noob buys machine gun and rushes you, you shoot him in the head again… Noob: OMF *BLEEP* CAMPERAnd it goes on like that, the game is too infested with stupid people. So now I’m playing America’s Army, at least there isn’t that many idiots on their and when you camp at the objective people don’t complain couse they realized that is the point of the game

  3. Keep in mind the following information have not being offically confirmed so don't kill me if these turn up false. (I'm pretty sure they are real though)


    XBox Live

    2 types of Xbox Live:

    Xbox Live Silver (no subscription required)

    Xbox Live Gold (subscription benefits)


    Features for Gold service

    + Bold Text means also avaliable for Silver service

    + Underline means its also an offline feature


    - Seamless transition to Xbox Live account from Xbox to Xbox 360

    - Access to MMOs (additional fees may apply)

    - Free Xbox Live weekends

    - Multiplayer online gameplay

    - Avatar for gamer profile

    - Motto for gamer profile

    - Personalized look for Xbox System Guide

    - Offline achievments

    - Online achievements

    - Access to other players' Gamer cards via Live

    - Cumulative gamer score

    - Location/language profile

    - Reputation

    - Enahnced matchmaking using above

    - Skill level matchmaking

    - Gameplay style profile (casual, competitive, etc.)

    - Recent players list

    - Free and premium download game content

    - Free and premium downloadable movies, music, tv

    - Downloadable demos/trailers

    - Microtransactions

    - Custom playlist in every game

    - Play music from portable devices

    - View images from digital camera

    - Stream media from Windows XP

    - Interactive screen savers

    - Track info for CDs

    - Communication with voice, video or text

    Posted Image

    ^Wireless Controller^


    Posted Image

    ^Perfect Dark Zero^


    XBox Specs

    360 Hardware:

    1. Support for DVD-video, DVD-Rom, DVD-R/RW, CD-DA, CD-Rom, CD-R, CD-RW, WMA CD, MP3 cd, JPEG photo CD

    2. All games supported at 16:9, 720p and 1080i, anti-aliasing

    3. Customizable face plates to change appearance

    4. 3 USB 2.0 ports

    5. Support for 4 wireless controllers

    6. Detachable 20GB drive

    7. Wi-Fi ready


    Custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU

    - 3 symmetrical cores at 3.2 GHz each

    - 2 hardware threads per core

    - 1 VMX-128 vector unit per core

    - 1 MB L2 cache


    CPU Game Math Performance

    - 9 billion dots per second


    Custom ATI Graphics Processor

    - 500 MNz

    - 10 MB embedded DRAM

    - 48-way parallel floating-point shader pipelines

    - unified shader architecture



    -512 MB GDDR3 RAM

    - 700 MNz DDR


    Memory Bandwidth

    - 22.4 GB/s memory interface bus bandwidth

    - 256 GB/s memory bandwidth to EDRAM

    - 21.6 GB/s frontside bus



    - Mulitchannel surround sond output

    - Supports 48khz 16-bit audio

    - 320 independent decompression channels

    - 32 bit processing

    - 256+ audio channels

    Detailes on Specs

    CPU - Xbox 360's CPU has three 3.0 GHz PowerPC cores. Each core is capable of two instructions per cycle and has an L1 cache with 32 KB for data and 32 KB for instructions. The three cores share 1 MB of L2 cache. Alpha 2 developer kits currently have two cores instead of three.



    GPU - Xbox 360's GPU is a generation beyond the ATI X800. Its clock speed is 500 MHz and it supports Shader 3.0. Developers are currently working with an alpha 2 GPU. Beta GPU units are expected by May and the final GPU is slated for a summer release. The final GPU will be more powerful than anything on the market today; in game terms, it would handle a game like Half-Life 2 with ease.



    System Memory - Xbox 360 will have 256 MB of system RAM. Keep in mind that this number should not be equated to typical PC RAM. The Xbox has 64 MB of system RAM and is a very capable machine.



    Optical Drive - As many have speculated, Xbox 360 will not use Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. Games will come on dual-layer DVD-9 discs. While the media is the same as that of the current Xbox, the usable space on each disc is up to 7 GB. The drive is slated to run at 12X.



    Memory Units - Xbox 360 will use 64 MB to 1,024 MB memory cards. 8 MB is reserved for system use, leaving a 56 MB to 1,016 MB for user data.



    Hard Drive - As many have speculated, Xbox 360's hard drive is optional. 2 GB of the drive will be used as game cache. The final drive size is still being determined.



    Camera - Xbox 360 will have a USB 2.0 camera. It's capable of 1.2 megapixel still shots and VGA video. Photos can be used in-game and for gamer profiles. The camera can also be used for video chat. It's unknown if the Xenon camera will allow for EyeToy-like gameplay. Developers are currently using a simulated camera driver.



    Sound Chip - Xbox 360 does not have an audio chip in the traditional sense. Decompression is handled by hardware, while the rest of the chores are handled by software. DirectSound3D has been dropped in favor of X3DAudio. The former was deemed too inflexible.

    Posted Image

    ^Face Plates!^

    (From OurColony, offical XBox Source)


    Finally, a little trailer of games on the next gen console Dark Sector


    These are all from friends in another forum

  4. ummm people on this forum seem to enjoy my graphics, and I'm a little anxious to get my site out there even though its not even close to being finished but whateverchaosdream.astahost.comenjoy it and give me comments, there is going to be some big overhauls in the near future

  5. alrighty here, I have more pictures so people knows i'm not bsing about this whole thing


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    yea celebrity pics are kinda hard to fake, takes too much work and these look geniune, I might also host some secret info on the XBOX 360 nothing illegal about it, it just kills BW like a mofo so I don't know



    Posted Image

    See the logos in the back drop? One of them is the swirls while the other I guess is going to be the offical logo.


    Posted Image

    ^New Logo^


    Posted Image

    The controller, again see the logo in the middle?


    "The leaked Xbox 360 pics keep on coming this afternoon. The latest is a close up shot of the new console’s controller that gives us a good look at that little silvery thing in the middle, which besides sporting the Xbox 360’s logo, is also supposed to be some new kind of button or something or other (if we knew exactly what it was we’d tell you)."


    Posted Image

    Again see the logo on it?


    "Microsoft must have been dreaming if they thought they could hold a launch party for the Xbox 360 last night and somehow stop us from getting our hands on photos of every last piece of hardware that was there. We already scored a live shot of the console, along with its controller, now courtesy of another attendee we now know what the Xbox 360’s DVD player/Media Center remote control is going to look like."



  7. yes, the shine is definately a great idea as long as it doesn’t repeat like crazy, it certainly adds sophistication to your splash. I’m suggesting not to place the links onto your splash as it compromises the whole simple elegance of your splash. However, my suggestion would be to do a mouse over animation of the buttons so it would say flip over and sites would be there.Meh its kind of hard to visualize what I’m talking about.Again, this work is just getting better and better

  8. Posted Image


    "Can’t tell you how we got our hands on this image, but what you’re looking at is a real live shot of the Xbox 360 that someone sneakily snapped with their cameraphone at Microsoft’s Xbox360 Revealed launch party in Los Angeles last night. Also note the presence of a hard drive attachment up top, the white controller, the Xbox Live headset, and what looks like that EyeToy-like camera peripheral we’ve been hearing about."


    Source: Engadget


    I have to say, it doesn't look that bad, I like the new design as it is so much smaller then the orginal XBOX

  9. The glass orb effect is very well done although a lighter shade of blue would better convey the sense of glass.I like the whole simple style instead of the overwhored grunge style I've been seeing poping up everywhere now.The curves on each side are nice touches however, it would be better if you can make those horizontal as that gives the effect of a larger space.I really don't think you should add anything to it except maybe a glass button that says enter and a small light border maybevery nice job overall

  10. a few things, you are using IE which is kinda like asking for it - not blaming you most people does use IE, but its like sex without a condom you take certain risks =P


    Get Firefox and then use that as your default browser first, this isi a preventative meaure although it does nothing for your hijacked IE (But i believe the firefox won't be hijacked sooo.


    Lavasoft's AdAware is also free for personal use, its one of the best spyware sweeper I have ever came across.


    Go to the hijack this forums and learn which log files you have to kill because by deleteing everything your internet might not work anymore, so DON'T DELETE EVERYTHING.


    IMPORTANT: Make a backup point first in case you deleted something your should not have


    Then reboot in safe mode, in XP I believe you hit F8 or F12, not sure which and go into C:\Program Files and delete anything that has Toolbar Web Search, or anything internet related that you have never installed before.


    Go to the temporary internet files folder and delete everything, empty your recycle bin and reboot, your problem then should be solved.

  11. Heh I really like to list my critisms and things to fix because it is easier for another to read and fix their mistakes.First off, I like the idea you are going for, although it is somewhat over done. Thus you have to make it pop, make it yours and unique.1. The nebula is… plain and blurry, add some purple or yellow, or blue to it to give it a more live feeling, thus creating a better effect.2. The stars are horrible, they are like just one stamp with a circular brush with 20 hardness, try adding lines to them to simulate the effect of light, make light crosses and such.3. Too dark, I know space is dark but hey it can’t hurt to make it a little brighter right?4. There seems to be no visible source of light that could have brightened the planet like that, maybe add a bigger star that gives off light? Not just a small star in the background.5. I have no idea what those blue dots are suppose to be, planets? They need some work and loose the black ring that is around them.There are my critisms, I hope you will improve upon your work, that piece has a lot of potential, but you know what potential is – “ain’t done it it” (my wrestling coach used to say that a lot to me)

  12. I personally dislike using templates that are offered free of charge on web pages because just about three hundred other people are probably using the same exact template â thus taking away the professionalism of a web page. This is one of the reasons why I have taken up graphics design, so I can do my own thing and not rely on others. Thus I suggest reading SOME tutorials but donât always use them because again millions of others are going to have the same thing (some exaggeration there) Develop your own style and stay away from trendwhore styles because thatâs what marks a newbie instead of a seasoned veteran (which Iâm not)For brushes, I suggest http://www.deviantart.com/, they have great sets that are constantly updated, and by browsing away at their site allows one to develop their own skills tremendously.Chris as for the template logo⦠its kind of a oxymoron, a logo is unique and your own, a template is a preset that anyone can use, I can try to help you in creating a logo although I am at the moment quite busy working on my own template as well as one for another site. However if you PM me with some details Iâll see if I can free up some time to help you out.

  13. Ahh yes that part had me confused for a while too stupid brick I say. What you have to do is lie down in front of the bulldozer and just wait, Ford Perfect would show up and offer you his towel, keep laying down and then ask him “what about my house” and then keep waiting until Perfect convinces the bulldozer driver to take over your spot for you =P, I busted out the book the figure out how to do it.Note: Play the flash version, there is graphics and a GUI (graphics user interface) to further help you in the game.

  14. umm the fonts won't read because the users don't have them, therefore they can't see your font (catch-22) at least that is what I think you are asking about.To circumwent this problem, make your buttons into .gif files (or any other image file) and slice and code them. That way the users can see the cool font even if they don't have it.Lastly for the main content you can't just keep on making image files just use arial or times new roman, every computer now days have those files and they look the most professional

  15. its actually quite easy to keep up here, there are numerous different topics to dive into and the people here are quite friendly. Umm yes you are right, you need 30 credits for a new account (the nice one) and then once you get it, your hosting credit will dive down to about 3. After that everyday your credit goes down by one, but if you post at least one post a day it will counteract that. However, the adminstrators here recommend haveing at least 15 credits just in case you were gone for a while and you want your account to stay alive :(have fun posting

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