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Posts posted by Dream1405241490

  1. umm weird news i've seen, what does this mean?

    We are NO longer using PayPal for accepting payments on un-referred member purchases, advertising, etc. We are now using a much better merchant account with 2CO.com. This will not affect how you will be paid, though however we do plan on adding other payment options in the near future including other online payment processors, checks by mail and eventually ACH credit. Please note that un-referred member purchases are now $3.00 / each and for the next 15 days we will be auditing accounts that have reached at least $50 for payout. As it stands, there are over 150 people to be paid and over $15,000 earned. One member has earned over $1,000!

    does that mean we have to not use paypal anymore? This doesn't smell too good if you know what i mean

  2. 1. Linux is free2. You can just get a Linux boot disk so you can use Linux when you want to and Windows when you wanna play games.3. See above4. Linux is quite fast cause its not a GUI although you can use a GUI (KDE is supposely the best but Gnome is pretty attractive too)umm i'm not a linux user, but i know people who are sooo yea these are the best info i can give you. I believe m^e is an Linux user so yea he should reply here soon :(

  3. I think its more then just a trilogy... there is like 5 books

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

    Life, the Universe, and Everything

    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    Mostly Harmless

    The game you are talking about is an interactive fiction - kinda like choose your own adventure

    The TV series was followed in 1984 by a best-selling "interactive fiction", or text-based adventure game, distributed by Infocom. Titled simply The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, it was designed by Adams and Infocom regular Steve Meretzky and was one of the most successful produced by the company. As with many Infocom games, the box contained a number of "feelies" such as a "Don't panic" badge, some pocket fluff, and an order for destruction of Earth.
    The game was resurrected in September 2004 by the BBC for the Hitchhiker's section of the Radio 4 website (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4) as part of the publicity for the initial broadcast of the Tertiary Phase, and is currently still available to play  (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hitchhikers/game.shtml) online. This new version uses an original Infocom datafile with a custom-written interpreter, by Sean SollĂŠ, and Flash programming by Shimon Young, both of whom used to work at The Digital Village. The new version includes illustrations by Rod Lord, who was head of the studio that produced the guide graphics for the TV series. On March 2nd 2005 it won the Interactive BAFTA in the "best online entertainment" category.


    there is the game, you can play it online ;D

  4. ok I did a little research on this site and well... the results are mixed. Although it seems they DO pay you. They make money from the ads they have, they use to have google adsense but that was taken off because it broke the rules.It seems this scheme is illgeal in some places(no idea where) oh well they do pay you though I really don't know

  5. OMGZ0rZ YOU LIVE IN THE OC? THATS LIKE THE COOLEST PLACE EVER... OMG I LOVE THAT SHOW AND HOT PEOPLE...hehe just kidding, I live pretty close to the OC and well... the show is like freaking false advertising right there.Anyways welcome to the forum have fun here, judging from your intro post you are probably gonna be a great member here so WELCOME!

  6. umm i don't suggest a book as its too wooden, instead I suggest going on different webpages and searching for your own unique style. Learn to use photoshop by going on graphics sites and then you can really be good and learn to code. I learned my coding from w3schools (although I really suck and I get my buddies to code for me)so yea learn to design yourself, don't use books, its too wooden

  7. you are missing quite a few games from that list ;Dmy favorite stratgeywise as well as realisticwise has to be SWAT 4, it is so freaking realistic, you don't kill everything in sight, instead you try your best to arrest your enemies instead of R6 where its just run and gun, very unrealistic. Also with SWAT, its really all up to your squad, you can't be all gun ho and run into places attack kill and expect to live and win.American's Army so far is also a favorite just cause its more realistic more mission orientied instead of how many people you can kill, just my two cents =D

  8. first of all there are hackers and then there are crackershackers look for exploits and use them to get to places, however their primary goal is to do it for the ability to do it.crackers however look to damage computers, use viruses, crack softwares etc, they are the ones who are annoying.Now onto the topic, if you are looking to learn how to hack it isn't easy because well it takes learning, there isn't a set formula that you just follow or anything like that.I tried to learn and abonded it after one day cause will I enjoy having a social life and am not looking forward to sitting in a basement infront of a command prompt madly tying away (umm stereyotype i know), you'd think its like freaking Sword Fish with five monitors hot girls and kickazz music playing in the background... but its really not.Anyways to learn ho to hack (i heard all this from an aquientence whose name i can't revel cause then he has to kill you :P )First learn how the internet works, really learn it, read everything about it, the principles everything.Then learn a programming language, supposely C++ is the best to learn but python or pearl is a good starter.Now after throughly understanding the languages you will to hack.Or you can always test yourself at http://www.hackthissite.com/ its a pretty nifty idea, bascially testing your ingeniulity and stuff

  9. people don't realize most logos are simple and catchy, you see it you know what it is. Look at the McDonalds logo, horrible isn't it? yet anyone would tell you what the golden arches are.It isn't about prettiness, its about pop, you know, so people can associate the logo with your merchadise.To the many people who asked this: Yes the XBOX360 is the confirmed name and the logo is confirmed (hence the topic) it was on the XBOX offical site as well as the MTV preview thing

  10. I would just prefer a liittle button that says "Music ON/Music OFF" it is so much simpler and for the love of god don't put midi in, its usually really annoying and a sign of a bad webpage. Anyways put in mp3s cause they have the best effect in my opinion.For the button, i think you can make it as a flash object and put it in a page, but I'm coding stupid so i don't know what i'm talking about ;D

  11. its quite nice, what program did you use to make it?I like the lens flare effect on the back of the planet, it really gives the effect of a sun and the shadow that was cast was also a great effect.The little stars are a bit plain, and the background doesn't really have that much of an effect to it. Maybe add a supernova effect or something?I really like what you did though so nice job and keep up the great work

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