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Posts posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. If you have money, don't question your self, and buy a mac. You will not regret it, and to be truthfull, you will enjoy it. If you don't have enought money for apple, then go with pc. I prefer custom built PC's but if you don't have enough expirience with custom built PC's, the best choice would be to buy prebuilt combination, or maybe a brand name computer as HP-compaq, IBM or such...Anyway, to sum it up and show as nice chart:-> +++money -> go with apple-> ++money -> custom built (brand name)-> +money -> custom built (custom parts)I hope this was helpfull :lol:

  2. I personaly hope that they will produce some link between organic and electronic components... As someone posted in some post earlier here, that scientists linked microchip to brain... Anyway to get to the point:Neural networks, or processors, or whaever chips would perform much faster than regular chips, because of the fact that information would be traveling with speed of light, and that speed we would call "neuroherz" :lol:Hehe, it's nice to think what will be in future... But who knows what the sea of brainstormed scientists will bring tomorow... :lol:

  3. If you want to diassembe game, the best software to do it would be win32diassembler or softice. These are the best in the field of diassembling or reverse enginereing. But, as others are saying, beaware of local laws, because without local laws you are forbidden to alter change or diassemble software if author of that software forbid that in license agreement... :lol:

  4. what is CG ? Coherent Grehound ? Chime Greyscale ?

    CG is Computer Graphic :lol:

    Anyway, to get to the point. It's really nice design, just the text is a bit hard to read, and it's not monitor-issue it's because it's type of font that's hard to read. But you must resolve the issue here, do you want it to be hard to read, to attract potential readers or you want to push them away if they can't read the title.. What I want to say here, maybe it's better to use more readable text, or add some underlying layer with some different typeface that is more readable and double the effect of novel's title?
    I dunno, but other than that, it's nicely designed... :lol:

  5. Nice site, I have whole big list of sites that offer photoshop tutorials here. Also my own site offers photoshop tutorials, currently there is about 20 tutorials in flash format here and 4 brand new elite tutorials are available only if you register at my web, registration is as natural, free for all. I hope you will find it usefull.

    I need Photoshop Logo Templates...please!

    As for this logo template idea of chrls, it's pretty stupid one. If you need logo contact me via PM or go to my webpage and go to contact page, and write your request, with description of what kind a logo you need, for what purpose, and I'll see what I can do for ya.

  6. There is many software apps available today, some of them are commercial and some are freeware, anyway, just google a bit and you will find them.. There are also few sites that give you typing test for free and they are pretty reliable, some of them gives out certificates for typewriters (that you need to pay actually to get, but the test itself is free).

    I remember going to a typing institute back when I was 13 years old. But I quit before I learned to type the lower row and the numbers row. But it didn't really matter, as I could pick that up quite easily and I really wasn't considering typist as a career opportunity :lol:.
    How does one find out how fast they can type? Do you use a stopwatch to keep track of the time and then count the number of words you've typed? Or is there any software that'll give you your exact WPM?

  7. This is collection of my wallpapers, that I modeled/rendered or designed. All the wallpapers are done in the past 1 year period... Comment them if you like, and download as many as you like. All are in resolutions 1152 x 864 px, in fact, they are sized for my desktop, but it you would like some higher resolution, PM me, and I will see what can I do.. :lol:

    This thumb-list don't contain all my wallpapers. If you would like to browse all of my work that is available online, you must go to my devianArt page or to my personal gallery at my web


    Here it is my favorite picks, year 2005 FinalDesign collection:

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    That's it. I hope you like them, and remeber, the Wishlist is open. So if you want something at different angle, different color, resolution and such minor stuff, just shout, and I'll see what I can do about it :lol:


    Im really sorry for double posting, but this 4 thumbnails also goes into my wallpaper 2005 collection of best ones (bla bla... :) ) and Xisto board allowe only 10 images uploaded in one post... :P


    so, here is the rest 4 wallpapers:

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  8. First logo: Very good design, concept and idea. But, :lol: you could change that letter to message folder or something, you know, something that looks more like letter... Other than that, looks pretty ok to me. Concept idea is gread, and colors are lovely.Second logo: now here is a bit problem, I would drop that shadow out, i'ts kinda ugly there, and for sure I would change that yellow color onto something else (darker), as that, change also bottom line color ("catch friends!") - it's ugly color, and there is soo much more better colors. Also followed by this color changes you could change also that net color, from yellow to something gray/white maybe... And that red butterfly should be a bit more smothened, has some rough edges there... A word of advice: Try to use some vector piece of software for making logos. For eq.: Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia FreeHand, CorelDraw. When you complete your logo, it would be easier to put it in Photoshop or some other image program, and than do some additional editing and put it to web. The reason people do logos this way, is because, sooner or later, there will be a need for larger logo usage (billboards, postcards, flyers, memos, t-shirts.. or whatever) and this logo done in photoshop will be too small for printing usage... :lol:

  9. Every coulture has some traditional plants they use as medical treatment. People are not stupid, for centuries they are using these plants for fighting disease. At my place there is such a plant too, but Im not sure of it's latin or english name, direct translation would be something like: "house guard", and the reason it's called that way is, because it grows mainly on roofs of houses (!) :lol:

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