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Posts posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. If you try to tell me that Microsoft Corporation has stolen thier ideas then I would like to see you tell me from where!!

    From Xerox. Oh and there is MacOs too.. And there is many other things too.

    And yes, I have ALL Licensed copies of Windows, for your kind information - except Window 98SE. So, better not call me illegal!

    good for you.

    Also, you cannot challenge the compaitibility of Windows, cause you know that 99% of the software on the planet IS compaitible with Windows.

    and there is still that 1% that isn't.

    Let me tell you something. Do you know why windows are so popular?
    It's because people are soo stupid, so they are using windows. :D

  2. Hey guys (and gals)
    I've decided to start my own entry for this.

    Yesterday, I was hunting for the logo, stupid me never thought to take the vector logo from the flash animation on the home page of asta. So for those who want it for their own developments, below is a very accurate cut-out of what the original logo was.

    And below is my (partially completed) preview of what my skin is going to look like.

    You're off to a good start... I can't wait to see it when it's finished... but anyway... maybe I'll still make another re-submission, with new skin :D

  3. I think you all get wrong idea about this google calendar thingy...First of all, the idea of calendar is purely for bussiness people. Why? Because if you go to schoole or colledge, why the hell would you bother to put your calendar online? i'ts easier if you write it down on piece of paper and stick it on your wall behind computer or something. (At least you could read it when there is no electric power :D )Anyway, for bussiness people, with lot's of meetings, idea of having online calendar is very good and usable. If you have, let's say, pretty busy week, and you have to meet several people, at different places, but you don't know how and when you'll meet them, the best way is they come to you, when you have time... And they could see it online when you are available... It's usable for bussiness partners too, that works on distance, that way each partner can see when other is available to reach...But for common people like me, and you, google calendar is just one more thing that's unusable, because, we like to have our privacy OUR. :P

  4. Person that lives in conditions like that wouldnt live much. Why? Think this way. If you don't eat all kinds of junk food, and sometimes maybe you eat something that is not healty enough, like apple that isn't washed, your organism may get infected - but then again, that way your organism learns how to defend. If you put a man in solid environment with really pure everything, from air to water and food. He would probably get sick soon, and die, from some genetic generated random disease. well, anyway, that's the way I think of it. If you think for a bit, you will see that medications today expands lifetime, but then again too much of them eventually gives different effect to an organism. Organism then developes addict to drugs and medications, and eventually can't leave without them...

  5. Well, that's *one* way to get people to show up and read the blog - wait for them to accidentally enter too man Os in their address bar *snickers*
    I wonder when Google will buy out the knockoff search engine that comes up when you use four Os?

    Man, now I wish I'd thought to register a site with extra Os. I bet Google would give me a ton of cash for it! *grins*

    I think they don't have to. They have enough popularity without anyone now. :P

  6. using a sheep is a great idea. A sheep has a lot of weight, so he is able to provide a lot of energy. Because of the earratic path when wandering the pasture, we must add an inertia device to the system, transforming the step, stop, eat, step, stop, eat to a constant motion. Maybe adding a dog could improve the step-stop-eat behaviour to a run-run-run-stop-eat-run-run tempo.

    I think that greenpeace or other animal-friendly organisations would not like this idea. ;) but for me, it's another good use of stupid sheeps :P:P

  7. Is there any way to only clear the cache for a particular site, for example gmail? I don't want to clear all of my cache just to make one page work. I don't think this is possible in Firefox, but can you do it in IE?

    well, in Internet Explorer, cache is stored in folder named:
    C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
    So, there you can find anything that has "Internet address" gmail.com or google.com and delete ONLY those files. Make sure to close your IE window before doing that... That should do the trick...
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