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FTP Painfully Slow..
VisionGraffix replied to the empty calorie's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I my average transfer rate with other hosts have been about 50-60kb/s, I was uploading to asta at about 10-20kb/s. Thats about 3 times slower.I now use CORE FTP and my uploads have been over 35kb/s now. It may or may not have been my FTP but just a Xisto FTP problem but I do get a little fast uploads through using CORE. -
Yeah the Arachnophilia 5.1 has undergone a major change at version 5 and is now written in Java so can be run on any platform. If you havn't already got it, you need to download the version 1.4 or higher Java runtime package from Sun, a major job as it is over 10 Mbytes and the program itself which is much more modest at under 2 Mbytes. You may already have a suitable Java or be able to get it off a cover disk. So far the program seems more flexible but less powerful but I am sure it will grow rapidly. The tag colouring and beautification is still there but the site analysis tools which check for link integrity throughout the site and page layout and analysis tools to do check tag matching and overlapping etc on the page are missing. The browser support is for via a separate window rather than an internal display which allows you to check with many browsers but is less convenient in some ways. The global search and replace through many pages is however even more powerful and well thought out. I like the Arach version 4 and this the program I have given to a few of my students to use and explore. They have been coming back with great reviews, but they all understand that there are more complex programs out there. But with the ease of use, this is a good basic program to get you really going in the right direction. But I believe it is always good to learn the HTML basics at sites such as W3Schools. REMEMBER that Arachnophilia is a CAREWARE...It does not cost money it requires a different form of payment. It is best to go to the site and read about the CareWare concept yourself but to give an idea I quote an example of a deal suggested by the author if you wish to obtain Arachnophilia: Stop whining for an hour, a day, a week, your choice, and you will have earned your copy of Arachnophilia. Say encouraging words to young people, make them feel welcome on the planet Earth (many do not). Show by example that we don't need all we have in order to be happy and productive. blix, I love the visicommedia website. I have never used their software, but you have sparked my interest to see what type of interface and scripts they have implemented in to their AceHTML software. The prices seem a bit high, but I can't judge for sure how overpriced it is until I use it. I will try it out later today and give an honest review.VG
Google is by far the best search engine out there. I can count hundreds of reasons why I choose google over and other main search engine. I just wish I could get my darn webpage from the 2nd page to the 1st on google. I have it 1st page on Yahoo but not Google.
Catholicism Vs. Christianity How do they differ?
VisionGraffix replied to linzy's topic in General Discussion
No.. that doesn't make sense. VG -
Catholicism Vs. Christianity How do they differ?
VisionGraffix replied to linzy's topic in General Discussion
Huh? The Catholic church IS one of the Christian denominations. It would be correct to recognize perhaps four main "branches" of Christianity depending on how you want to group them. The first would be Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox. Some like to group these two together as a single group of related religions. I will call them separate. The next group includes the Protestant churches. These would be those denominations that split away from other churches in protest of things that they saw as wrong in those other religions. Though these churches do have various points on which they disagree, they also tend to have many similar doctrines and practices that come from there related origins. The Lutheran, Methodist, and Anglican churches would be examples of Protestant religions. The next group I will call the Restorationist churches. Unlike the Protestant religions, these churches did not break away from other churches. Nor do they necessarily share a significant body of beliefs beyond the absolute most basic of Christian doctrines. The only thing that relates them is that they all claim that the traditional Christian religions had all gone astray and therefore, did not have the authority act in Gods name. Therefore, the only solution was for God to call a new prophet or prophets with whom He could directly communicate and restore truths lost, correct error that that had crept into Christianity, and/or restore his authority. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Seventh-day Adventists are examples of members of this group. Finally, I will add the Baptists. Personally, I am inclined to call them another Protestant denomination. So, depending on just how you want to group them, we have 3 to 5 major divisions of Christianity. Only the Protestants can really be said to trace their origins back to the Roman Catholic Church. The rest claim to have origins that are independent of any connection to the Catholic Church. The fact of the matter is that each of our religions are branches of the larger group of religions that are collectively know as Christianity. Which one of us is the trunk, the one and only true religion, is a matter that we can debate ad nausium. However, that is outside of the scope of the question and in no way invalidates my answer. VG -
Most Comfortable Way To Sit In A Computer Chair
VisionGraffix replied to Antnydude47's topic in Software
Some excellent tips there! One tip you didn't mention is something you should do when you are not sitting in front of the computer. WORK OUT! Working out for at least 4 times a week for just 20mins or so and get rid of those aches and pains. Also, try stretching for about 10 mins before going on the computer. This will loosen the muscles and keep them from tightening up. You mentioned taking frequent breaks. At the webdesign company that I own, we have 9 team members who I allow a 10 minute break every hour. You will be suprised at the amount of work they succeed in getting done. It also gets their creative juices going. How many times have you thought of your best ideas when you are not sat at your computer desk?? Many of the worlds largest, powerful and most famous inventions were invented by individuals while on a lunch break, vacation and other relaxing activities. I do pay them for the 10 mins they are not at the computer. I believe this is the way you should treat your staff/team members, it is a much better environment when everyone is relaxed, well rested and happy. Sorry for going of topic, VG -
I think you should change the <title> tags and add some color and graphics. Its a start anway, at least you have a little bit of content.VG
I have been playing my skin flute for the last 7 years or so and lately I have been training a few girls how to play the blue vained piccolo
Your saying a Nuke bomb is less powerfull than the human/creator? Thats BS! We will kill everyone on this planet if we continue to build and allow these machines and robotic creations to work and fight for us because we are too lazy to work and fight ourselves. VG
Phpnuke, Postnuke Or Other? Dilemma regarding CMS
VisionGraffix replied to antonkelly's topic in Software
IPB has those, but you have to pay for them.They are well scripted and I have been using them for a while.My 2 cents..VG -
Google uses networked storage but in the form of networked clusters of Linux servers, which are cheap x86 servers with one or two internal drives.A cluster will consist of several hundred, even thousands of machines, each with their internal disk. At the last Google public count, in April 2003, there were 15,000 plus such machines with 80GB drives. Lets say 16,000 machines with 1.5 disk drives, 120MB, per machine. That totals up to 1.84TB. In fact Google probably has between two and five petabytes altogether, if we add in duplicated systems, test systems and news systems and Froogle systems and so forth.VG
The best way to get on Google is to trade links with other sites that are share similar interest to what your site is about.When the spider visits their site, the bot will follow the link to your site and BAM, your listed.This is only 1% of SEO, though.If you need to know how to succeed in staying on first page for various well searched keyword, start another topic and I will answer and questions you may have.G' LuckVG
Is There Any Good Search Engines Better Thangoogle
VisionGraffix replied to spickid101's topic in Search Engines
spickid101, just out of interest...What was your search query that resulted in this porn site?VG -
Is There Any Good Search Engines Better Thangoogle
VisionGraffix replied to spickid101's topic in Search Engines
Google has been my homepage address for a long time. The page loads quick unlike many sites that include search engines. The results are fast and the links are clean and navigation through the results in superb.Google is easily the best search engine out there!VG -
Google Cache For those of you who didnt know...
VisionGraffix replied to Antnydude47's topic in Search Engines
You can also use the cashe feature to get into and read certain forums that usualy force you into joining before viewing.The reason for this is that many forums have there site open for the bots to visit and read content for SEO reasons.VG -
My Website Banner/ Logo What Do You Think?
VisionGraffix replied to Shogi's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
6.5/10 I think you should change the bullet holes so they look realistic. Also the background should look light metal. It seems a little blurry and not so smooth.The white dropshadow doesn't work with the lettering.. a darker dropshadow would look better.The text font is fine but still this needs a little work. You have the color combination, now you just need a little more practise getting the image smooth, clean and realistic.Good effort though.VG -
Google Adsense Tips If you hear about people achieving high payments per click with AdSense, remember that's only part of the story. You also need lots of page views and a high click-through rate. Here are some ideas on how to achieve those three things: 1. If you're starting afresh designing a site specifically for AdSense revenue, you'll want a simple design that makes it easy to paste Google's code into a horizontal or vertical space on the site. For experienced webmasters, that's easy. 2. To increase your click-throughs, design a simple, uncluttered page with the AdSense ads displayed prominently. 3. Use white space, so that the AdSense panel catches the eye. 4. Stick to only one topic per page – that should make it easier for Google to serve up highly relevant ads on your pages. 5. Plain, bland pages with few competing hyperlinks should result in higher click-through rates on the AdSense ads. 6. If you want to target certain high-priced keywords, use them in the file name, in the heading on the page, and in the first paragraph – in other words, use search engine optimization techniques. 7. If you change those keywords, Google will change the ads that appear on your page. 8. Watch out for cases where Google has guessed wrong, and is displaying ads that won't interest your visitors. Figure out which words are involved, and rewrite those words. Help Google by sticking closely to the topic. 9. Don't worry about losing traffic via those clicks. If you can earn maybe 30 or 50 cents or more per click, you WANT to lose visitors! 10. You'll also want keyword-rich pages, optimized to rank highly in search engines, so you can serve lots of pages. 11. Where possible, use skyscraper ads, high on the page. They catch visitors' attention more than horizontal banner ads. 12. One of the beautiful things about AdSense is that you can now generate revenue from informational sites even if there are no obvious related affiliate programs. With 100,000 advertisers, there's a good chance that Google will find ads that match your pages, better than the big ad networks can. 13. Don't be tempted into trying to create thousands of spammy computer-generated articles. Human beings review sites for AdSense. Build useful, interesting sites. Google likes them. Even More Tips 14. Have a look at the top 100 keywords on 7search. This will give you a quick idea of keywords that people are willing to pay big money for. You can also type phrases into the 7Search Keyword Suggestion Tool. This is just step one of your keyword research. You'll want to dig deeper. 15. At FindWhat pay-per-click search engine you can do a search for any phrase and quickly see how much advertisers are paying per click. 16. If you have a Google AdWords account, you can experiment. Pretend you are planning to advertise using different keywords, and see how much you'd have to pay. That will give you a good indication of the popularity of the keywords. 17. You can also experiment typing words into Overture's View Bids Tool. Let's say you type in "asbestos cancer . The top three advertisers often pay about $12 per click. So that would be an good choice for a topic – provided you're a specialist on mesothelioma. For "debt consolidation", the top two advertisers often pay more than $9 per click. 18. The Overture Keyword Bid Amounts Lookup Tool speeds up your research at Overture. Type in a keyword and learn how much advertisers are paying per click at Overture and also find out how many searches were done on that keyword last month. 19. KeywordSleuth is a wonderful tool for very fast keyword research. You can find hundreds or even thousands of keywords – or key phrases – with just one click. It's fabulous to use if all you want is to find an enormous number of related key phrases with one click – much better than messing around with Overture. Try the free trial. 20. You can use Wordtracker to look for the 1,000 most popular keywords. You can also use it to compile a useful list of keywords relating to one topic. If you buy it for a day or a week, you can do a lot of research in that time. There's a free trial, too. 21. The brainstorming and research tools in Site Build It! are my favorite way to do research for keywords that are in high demand and low supply.. SBI is a superb tool – actually, a suite of tools. It's an all-in-one web hosting, site-building and web marketing tool. Type in a keyword and SBI Manager will present you with dozens of profitable keywords – ones with high demand and low supply. It can present them in order of profitability. Drill down, and you'll get dozens more profitable keywords. 22. It also has an "Analyze it" tool that helps you build keyword-rich pages that rank highly in search engines. It's simply superb. I use it and love it. Site Build It! is an excellent choice for quickly building large, simple sites designed to rank highly in search engines – which makes it perfect for generating lots of AdSense revenue. Check it out. My Site is Rejected From Adsense Of course, if your site is rejected, it doesn't mean it is poorly developed. There may be other reasons. See below: 23. Is your site an "About Me" page? Google does not accept these kinds of personal sites because most of them do not have a specific topic. They are usually just random facts about the web site owner. It would be difficult for Google's technology to display targeted ads on these kinds of pages. They are looking for sites that contain a generous amount of information on a certain topic. It could be anything from golfing tips to hair care techniques. Just make sure there is an obvious theme with original content. 24. Is your site organized? Be sure your site has a neat and clean navigation that's easy to follow. Also ensure all the links work and that there are no typos. Keep the colors to a minimum and make sure each page has a consistent layout. 25. How many pages are on your site? Even though Google doesn't specify a page number requirement, they are obviously looking for web sites with a decent amount of content. Again, it's not likely a two-page site will get accepted. Try to strive for at least 20 pages. 26. Is your content solid? Don't just submit a web site with a bunch of links to other sites. Be sure you have enough original content of your own to make your site unique. 27. Be sure to read the program policy and procedures carefully and make sure your site hasn't violated any of the terms. Need any more help, just ask away. I am willing to share any information I may have that would increase the amount of money your site generates from using Google Adsense. VG
Blue is a proven a color that works for increasing the chances of someone decidiing to click one of your links.You don't really want to blend the ads into the page too much.The best way to get a basic idea on how to present ads to increase the click rate is to visit LARGE websites and see how they do it. Visit Yahoo, Google, and other major money making companies. These guys pay alot of money to make their advertising work, so this is the best source of information on how to present such an ad.VG
Google Adsense Alternative Alternatives to Google Adsense
VisionGraffix replied to OpaQue's topic in Online Advertising
I completly agree with webguide with this one.Right from the start you told your friends to <- snipped -> Read this xtron.."Web pages may not include incentives of any kind for users to <- snipped -> This includes encouraging users to <- snipped -> or to visit the advertisers' sites as well as drawing any undue attention to the ads. This activity is strictly prohibited in order to avoid potential inflation of advertiser costs..."I like Google adsense and I make more about $150 a month through it.Thats $1800 a year for 1 small 125 x 125 Ad. I would add more but my site makes a good income how it set up now.If anyone is interested in Adsense and wants some tips.. I have made a new post in this Advertising category called Google Adsense Tips.VG}} -
So I guess this is like a Pyramid Sales thing.a.me.jig? I thought this type of multi-layer style of advertising, marketing and sales in illegal?There are hundreds, if not thousands of these type of scams and they are all a waste of time and if you are so unfortunate to buy into these scams, it can be a big waste of money.I consider this type of advertising on other peoples forums, SPAM. VG