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Posts posted by warbird1405241485

  1. I'm using Norton Internet Security and I think it's a very good Anti-Virus/firewall. On one of my other computers I'm using McAfee but it isn't as good as Norton. It takes quite a while to update it and it's requiring more space then Norton. Also the service of Norton is better I think. I've my computer infected three times by a virus, every time on the computer with McAfee. When a new virus is released, Norton is just a bit faster then McAfee with updating their virus-definitions.

    One thing I want to remember you by: it's hard to test every virus scanner avaible and say what one is the best of them. Norton is better then McAfee in MY opinion but maybe other people will prefer McAfee because it also got strong points Vs. Norton. Anyway I don't know if Norton is the best, but it's definately a very good one !



  2. I would suggest http://www.yellbox.com/. It's free, it only puts a little link in that nobody will notice.




    - Fast and easy to set up.

    - No programming knowledge necessary, just put a little piece of HTML in your page's sourcecode.

    - Doesn't take any webspace.

    - No PHP or MySQL required.

    - Very customisable

    - Filters "bad" words and replace them.

    - Lots of smileys

    - IP-ban



  3. People who got infected, READ THIS !


    The virus you are talking about is the W32.Sober worm. Probably the W32.Sober.X version. It is a mass-mailing worm that an own SMTP to spread itself. Also it will cause you security settings to lower so it won't be detected. It's send as an attachment on an email that's written in English or German. The latest version is send with a mail that seems to come from the FBI and ask you to answer the question list attached to it.


    This worm isn't realy dangerous for your computer except for the fact that it can cause bad performance because it's mass-mailing itself but it will search your computer for email addresses to send itself to and you don't want everybody to know who you're emailing with are you ?


    If you computer DOES get infected for some reason it's not very hard to remove it. Just download the removal tool of Symantec and your done with this stupid little ****er.



    Symantec removal tool:


  4. Astahost works very simple. You get 100% FREE AND ADLESS !!! webhosting of the very best quality. Ok, I know it sounds a bit to good to believe. My first thought when I saw this site was also: "Why do they offer that kind of service for free and how are they able to ??? :) " It's actually very simple. They gain money by the advertisements you probably already saw on the page. I agree that it are quite a bunch of them, but it aren't too much and I don't care because they do something so good with it.




    How do you apply for hosting:


    First you need to get credits. You gain credits everytime you post here on the forum. Since you already asked for help here I assume you know how to do that. you post have to be meaning full and not 1-liners (very short posts). But if you copy large articles from other sites and the Adminstrators / Moderators find out you are in big, big trouble. And believe me, they WILL find out if you did ;)



    Rule number 1: Make your posts meaning full and don't copy things from other sites !


    If you type a good post you also have to find a good and meaningfull title. Not something like "Help me" like you did this time, but "How do I get hosted?". Ok? you understand?


    Rule number 2: Use good titles for your posts


    One little note: the <EDIT> button is disabled on this forum due to technical reasons, you can't change posts, if it's realy necesarry to change them, contact the Admins/Mods. They can change it for you.


    For every good post you make you get points, so called "credits" the better your post, the more credits you get. If you have got 10 credits you can apply for the Start Package. If you do so you get 20MB of space on the Xisto servers. If you have more then 30 credits you also can apply for the Regular Package. You then get 150MB of free space.


    That's everything you need to know I think. When you need help you can always contact me by clicking on the PM-button.


    Good luck, and welcome on Xisto !



  5. My answer to your question would most porbably be a yes - a turkey has no fingers, it won't be able to pull the trigger =P


    This turkey has, it's the very rare Saint-Michael-Turkey, that only lives in Astahostia ;) ;) hehe, never had so much fun because of a sig Rofl.


    (sorry for spamming :) )



  6. I prefer a slow sensitivity too, at least as slow as possible because like Jipman mentioned it's very annoying if you to put up and down your mouse all the time. I like snipering, what requires a very low sensitivity especially in one of my favorite games: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, because sniper rifles were quite hard to handle in WW2 and they simulated that pretty well in this game.-=jeroen=-

  7. I'm very sorry for you, but you can't anymore. I don't know if you could on the time you posted this thread, but at this time you can't. The Xisto staff decided to stop with this kind of accounts because there weren't many people who could get 15 people together with the same interests and enough credits to apply for a group hosting account and because it was invaluable for Xisto corporation. This is what I heard, plz don't kill me if I'm wrong :) but I'm pretty sure it isn't.

  8. Hehe, he isn't hiding them M^e, its just you who can't see them :) anyway, thnx for the tip, I realy appreciate this help but there's one thing I don't feel comfortable with: you have to send you username and password in the email. I'm kinda worried that someone will intercept the email since my computer is infected with quite a bunch of spyware. Can't you guys find my password somewhere on the servers? You are the admins for godsake ;)-=jeroen=-

  9. I think Uploadport.com is pretty good. It has a download limit of 1GB an hour (much better then the 50MB of Rapidshare) I'm not sure if you can upload without registering, I didn't have out to figure out how. You can download two items at a time (instead of one). The speed is normaly average to Rapidshare, sometimes in busy hours a bit lower but still very good compared to other sites.


  10. I got Nero (version but I can't find the SmartStart thingy. So I tried Alcohol 120% what I believe is ten times better, but that's my opinion. Anyway, I used the Erase option but I got this error: "(Q:) _NEC DVD+RW ND-2100AD(0:1): Fout bericht : [05/26/00] - Invalid Field In Parameter List". Two little notices: "Q:" is the name of my DVD writer and for those of you who don't speak Dutch: "Fout bericht" means error message.-=jeroen=-

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