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Posts posted by warbird1405241485

  1. http://notpron.org/notpron/


    It's a very hard game, well I'm not sure if you can call it a game actually, that's why I posted it here and not in the game section. You have to pass the levels by finding the key to the next level. It starts very simple with clicking on a door, but after a few levels you have to find the next level by changing the URL. When you made it to level 4 you'll have to find a username and password. Every level in different ways.

    You'll have to dug very deep in your computer and you need to use every bit of your computer-knowledge to succesfully finish the game. It has got over 100 levels. All harder and harder. I hope you'll like it, don't give up to early, it's damn hard.

    Owh, one last rule: DON'T CHEAT when you start with it all the fun is gone.




  2. I don't overclock my computer. I have a 3.6 ghz and all my games and other stuff works great so I don't need it. I know it maybe sounds great that your computer is running much faster, but I wouldn't recommend it. I tried it on a old 100mhz and I overclocked it to somewhere around a 166mhz, but after 2 years it started to running much slower and now it's to slow to use so I had to put a new processor in it (It's now a 166 without overclocking).I know it sounds great. But please people, don't do it if you don't know what you're doing and you want to use your computer for more then just a few years.-=Jeroen=-

  3. I tried it, and actually, I didn't like it at all. Maybe it was because I was used to GameMaker. It was just not as good as GM. It wasn't very powerfull and the options were very limited. It's maybe better with the new versions, but still I don't want to learn the programming language of RPG Maker. I know GML and that's good enough for me. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to say that the program is bad or something, but it just isn't good enough for me. Please tell me if the new version is better.-=Jeroen=-

  4. Me too, if there wouldn't be anyone caring about me, and I didn't have any other reason to life, I think it would be quiet easy. I would close my eyes and go. Sometimes I realy don't understand why I life, why anybody life. I mean, what's the sense of life? Getting rich? Getting happy? That's I think why people believe in God or something like that. Because they can't accept the fact they were born out of nothing, just to be nothing. And that's also the reason for many people to get a goal in their lifes, just to be something instead of nothing. Personaly my parents are my driving power, but sometimes also we got some hard times together. Then I think about all the other people who care about me. If there wouldn't be anyone else except my parents, I think it would be very hard for me on that times.-=Jeroen=-

  5. Yeah, the only thing I hope is that they didn't change its direction. I don't like comets, not when they're hitting my *bottom* at least :P They said the result will be like if a little bird would crash against an Boeing 747, everybody knows it don't feel anything of it, but what if the bird flies into the engine of the 747? The results are not nice. The engine will probably blow, what I don't like when I'm in that plane.-=jeroen=-

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