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Posts posted by warbird1405241485

  1. Twitch ... what can I say? I know words won't bring your dad back. But I want to say that I feel really sorry for you. My granddad who I was really close with passed away a few years ago and I can remember that it was one of the saddest expierence of my so short life. My deepest condelences for you and your family.-=jeroen=- (also on behalf of my brother who you might remember here as rixxon)

  2. When I posted something in the Review Section and I hitted the submit button something went wrong with the server/my computer and I got a 404 error. When I returned to the topic I was posting I did saw my reply, but when I viewed the topics list it wasn't in there as a recently replied topic. Worsed of all: when I looked at my credits they weren't changed. Not a realy big deal since it wasn't a very long post (about 6 lines or so) but this isn't the first time this happend to me. When I posted a article about Call of Duty 2 this happend too, but this was a much bigger article I worked on for about 2-3 days. Does anybody knows what happening?-=jeroen=-

  3. I used to play it a year or so ago and I think it's the same screw up business as Runescape but then worser. With Runescape you've got a very good game, but if you have done all the F2P quests it's just so boring, so you are almost forced to pay. Habbo Hotel is even worse because there's almost nothing you can do without paying, except for talking about and wandering around. If you wanna do a game, you have to pay, if you make your room, you have to pay. You just have to pay for everything. I think you're quite silly if you do this. I'm sorry to say this, but it's just what I'm thinking.-=jeroen=-

  4. President Bush is desperate. Is Osama bin Laden Already death, or is he still allife? Osama decides to help him a bit, so he send Bush a personal message from his secret hiding place: 370HSSV-0773H. Short but powerful. Bush doesn't got a clue what it means. He ask the FBI, CIA and the NSA, but none of them knows what the message have to mean. At last the White House asks the British MI-6. Less then two minutes later Washington gets a response; "Tell the president to read the message upside down..."You get it? :):P

  5. I don't think so, my site is in Dutch and in the almost a year now that I'm here, I never had any problems. Welcome on Xisto btw, have a nice stay and enjoy your flight with your captain Opaque. His team is always standing by for you if you need any assistance. :)-=jeroen=-

  6. I've played this game now for let's say almost a month. And I thought it was time to give you a full review of it. I spend four days on writing this review, so I hope you enjoy it.


    Call of Duty 2

    By Warbird


    The first Call of Duty blowed medal of Honor, the in that time so succesfull game of EA, totally away. When I first heard about the second CoD my first thought was: "Will Infinity Ward repeat that with games like Brothers in Arms and become leader of the WW2 shooters again?".



    The Storyline:


    Russian Campaign

    Call of Duty 2 starts in the of '41 Russia where you, as private Vasili, are doing your training. After you shot around a bit and thrown a few potatoes that have to act as grenades your base is attacked and you have to fight the Nazi's. After you defeated them, what is not that hard by the way, you are transported to other historical battles of Operation Barbarossa (the codename for the German attack of Russia). Together with your mates you run through demolished building and abandoned cities where it's freezing as hell. The shootouts are really cool, everything is very fast and the action so good that every games will like it.


    British Campaign

    But you aren't only playing at the easternfront. After you've beaten the Russian levels you go to North-Africa where you are sergeant Davis. As an intermezzo between the British levels you also find a level where you play tankcommander David Welsh. I really enjoyed that part of the game. It's just so much fun, driving around in a tank and shooting Nazi's. It's just the controls that are messing up at this point. My tank was getting stucked all the time and before you can turn your gun to shoot at something your target is already disappeared.


    US Campaign

    Also the US campaign is included. Where you, Corporal Bill Taylor, will land at the beaches of Point-du-Hoc to take out some heavy artillery guns that are threatening the landing at Omaha beach. But when you're landed you won't find any guns, just some metal. Your mission is to find the guns and disable them. After some fighting you find them and then you have to defend a crossroad. After that you simply have to wait at the beach while shooting some germans and then your job is done.


    Bad Points:

    1. 90 Percent of the game exists from quickly following firefights, sometimes interrupted by little moments when you have to take out planes with an AA-gun or driving around in a tank (see british storyline).


    2. Everything is just so much "on the rails". You can only go one way and your enemies will come just as long until you proceed a little further or you've taken another mission objective. It doesn't mather how much of your mates are killed, because there always enough of them.


    3. The game is just too easy, when you get hurt too much there will appear some red stuff supposed to be blood on the edges of your screen telling you that you have to take cover. After staying in safety a few seconds you can return to battle like nothing happened. This makes the game, even on the hardest levels, very easy. It's nearly getting hard to die, if you know what I mean.


    Good Points:

    1. Long life the multiplayer! The multiplayer option is making this game so much better. The multiplayer responsable for a big part of the points I gave to this game. The AI of the gaming is stuffing up the singleplayer mode, but you won't have that problem of course with the multiplayer.


    2. The graphics aren't unique or something, but still from very high quality.


    The Score:

    Overall: 8.1

    Graphics: 8.5

    Gameplay: 7.8

  7. Thanks for the information, warbird.  But perhaps you could quickly scan people's responses to a thread before you post, since occasionally you'll find something you missed.  You don't necessarily have to thoroughly read everything, merely scan it.


    I'm very sorry Khymnon, but why are you so upset about it? I did scan the reply actually but I must have missed it, probably because you didn't post the link but made a textlink of it. Fact is that not one Moderator/Admin saw this thread so I don't think it's that big deal.



  8. The Californian "Governator" Arnold Schwarzenegger who got hurt last saturday when he was riding on his motorcycle didn't have any driving license for his motor. The 58-years old motorlover said that didn't have any license because he was "forgotten" (*ugh*, yeah right) to get one. Schwazenegger said that he won't drive his Harley Davidson anymore until he got a license. (Probably not very hard for him since he is ... you know what). Strange thing: he has made some very strict laws about driving licenses, for example you can't get your license in California if you aren't a legal American citizen. And most strange about it, the police didn't even wanted to give him a bill! What do you think: should police give him a bill or not? My opinion is that he's just an American (well, he wasn't even born there, but anyway) citizen so I think he just have to pay it. He's rich enough for it.-=jeroen=-

  9. Holy COW birdie - you got an oracle whiz as your mom !! Boy, what a mom to have ;) Oooohhh.. I'd have sailed through all Oracle Cetifications blindfolded.


    Hehe, thanks M^e, I'll tell her :D Anywayz, you didn't met the rest of my family yet then. My dad for example is a IBM mainframe engineer, I've got an uncle who's a official(!) Microsoft engineer and a MySQL pro and my cousin is a high-rated webdesigner. Just to mention a few. Yeah, we've got quite some knowledge in here :D



  10. I heard a different story. What I know is this: when they found the miners at around 11:30 someone of the rescuers called the goverment are anyone, don't know exactly and told them that there was one survivor and twelve deaths. But someone around thought he heard him say twelve survivors and one death. He was happy because of that and called the press and they told everybody else the news. That's the story I heard, I don't know if it's correct, but I think it's a more likely story.

  11. I used to play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory quite a lot and since it's a open source game there are of course tons and tons of mods. And then I realy mean tons, like every server had his own mod. Nice on itself, but quite annoying if you haven't found a good server yet and you're looking for a better one, because every time you want to go to a new server you have to download the entier mod package of sometimes even 20-30MB. I like mods, but only if they're realy good and it doesn't get annoying like in this case.-=jeroen=-

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