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Posts posted by Giniu

  1. Try this page - it's not flash 8 releated but also works in earlier versions... and remember - if you don't need features from never players don't use them - there are still people that use older players (like all Linux users - they are forced to use 7.0) and they cannot or don't want to upgrade... stick with as low version as possible.

    There is page about making tile based games and some links: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  2. Hi,

    this can be considered of topic but is about typeseting, so goes there - into Business like most office apps... I hope :)

    I'm trying to make a macro in LaTeX that would help to substitute strings for custom ordering in makeindex package, the idea is to have command \Mindex that would substitute defined substrings and then make inxed still look good, so for example if we define T -> x and R -> w, and call:
    \Mindex{aaa} it would just call \index{aaa}, but when we would call \Mindex{TRRa} we would get equivalent of \index{xwwa@TRRa}, and more - we would do same to every separate index entry...

    first step was to substitute first occurence of letter in string - it went good I thought as it was working...

    \Substitute{a}{b}{aacs} -> {bacs}

    now I wanted first to check and make two before I make recurency call there...


    and it crashed... I know that this have to do with expand order, I have to expand argument first, and then expand rest command... docs about \expandafter are very short...

    any LaTeX master overthere that can throw me some docs about \expandafter (in readable form) or that can just tell how to fix that?

    thanks in advance,


    ok, so I managed to get second step working... now I can substitute them but still have to do some kind of substitution list and it don't work for non 8-bit characters... it's getting harder with every step, anyone hava ideas? There is what I have, it works only when defined in .sty or .cls files (as I used @-notation):

    \newcommand\rl@Substitute[3]{%\def\rl@left##1#2##2\@nil{##1}%\def\rl@right##1#2##2\@nil{##2}%  \def\rl@inside##1#2##2\@nil{%\def\rl@result{##2}%\ifx\rl@result\@empty%#1%\else%\edef\rl@changed{\rl@left#1\@nil #3\rl@right#1\@nil}%\expandafter\rl@Substitute\expandafter{\rl@changed}{#2}{#3}%\fi%}%\rl@inside#1#2\@nil%}

  3. Hi,

    Just wanted to check if anyone there knows Eiffel? Eiffel is not well known language that was created in 1986 by Bertrand Meyer. Eiffel has many implementations, one from it's author - implementation free for Open Source projects and very costy for others... but Eiffel also has one fully OpenSource implementation...

    so what is so good about it that it's worth to learn other language? Let's just write few things that are connected to SmartEiffel - Open Source implementation of Eiffel:

    - first of all - it's very powerfull object oriented language - one of few true object oriented languages like Small Talk... it have very robust multiple inheritance with selective export of features, transparency, feature renaming, generic clases, and hundreds other neat features... It can start war but it's OO design is LOOOOT more complete than in Hybrid languages like C++ or Java but this is sure in case of Pure-OO... :)

    - then it's slow you say like all this OO crap? nope - it's faster than C++ and have smaller memory footprint while it still have garbage collection (you can choose gc you want or even none if you are sure about your app)

    - so it won't run on most modern hardware you say? Again wrong - in theory it runs everywhere where simple GCC can run... in practise you have Windows, Unix and MacOS offically supported - rest you have to test yourself...

    - ok - so I still prefer C++/Java, I can do this or that in it... (web aplets, drivers, ...) - ok - you can do that in C++/Java... but they are very hard to learn compared to Eiffel - and - in Eiffel you can use option "compile to C" or "compile to JVM" to get portable source code or Java executable...

    - so how about reuse of existing software? you can call C in almost in-line fasion when you just make executable or compile to C, same for Java when you are using compile to jvm...

    - at last, probably it has very long syntax that wasn't seen anywhere else? a bit... there is example file hello_world.e, straight from compiler "tutorial" dir:

    class HELLO_WORLD	--	-- The "Hi World program" for SmartEiffel :-)	--	-- To compile type command : compile hello_world	-- Run with command : a.out	--	-- To compile an optimized version type : compile hello_world -boost -O2	--	-- To produce Java bytecode : compile_to_jvm -o hello hello_world	-- To run the Java bytecode : java hello	--creation {ANY}	makefeature {ANY}	make is		do			io.put_string("Hello World.%N")		endend -- class HELLO_WORLD
    also Eiffel it's not only language - it's whole method... with tools like "unit tests", "pretty printers", "project compilation management" and lot's more... there are some libraries out there and already few small games made with that language... take a look at: http://games.ethz.ch/ - all those made by students at short time...

    so if at least one person is interested I think I can start some tutorial there - it's easy language, but not very popular (probably because so called "design by contract"). Or probably anyone there that knows that language and we can write it together? (I don't need points or hosting, probably in team we could produce document in better quality - C'mon, let's do this - would this be first tutorial wrote by two? :))...

    remember - this is one of languages that changes the way you code...


    PS.: to prove it's faster than C++ I put this test result: [shootout.alioth.debian.org - subpage with Eiffel vs C++ test] - it's slower than C++ in few tests just because it don't have that dangerous direct memory access... so making something round way is slow... but if realy must use direct memory access that's why you can just call C function... to say it's faster or better or something in GENERAL I use this comparsion: [ same page as above, just shows all languages... ] - so those are not only my thoughts but are confirmed with tests...

    and my personal opinion - this language together with C, Erlang and Ruby makes you super hero... C for dangerous tasks, Erlang because have 20 times faster concurency than almost any other language, Ruby for RoR and fast scripting... Eiffel for general system prototyping, design and development...

    -- edit --

    one interesting thing I forgot - SmartEiffel compiler is written in Eiffel, every single class is written just like any other class you write, there is just no little difference in how you write them or how you use them... all can learn a lot just by reading standard library implementation... for example default windowing widgets - EiffelVision or some other libraries from base system or 3'rd party libraries like ESDL.

    -- edit --

    ok - so links above don't show that SmartEiffel is faster than C++, now it is bit slower, probably someone rewrote C++ version or they use never compiler, while they probably use latest stable SmartEiffel not svn snapshot that is far better - all languages are getting better and Eiffel is still on top together with others (in first 5, well - even if in first 10 it is still good... really noone is interested? even a bit? ok then... I will keep it for other time :D )

  4. wow, cool.... it look like a great software, anybody try it? can share some experience with me? like it stablity, software available?if this really work, i plan to install it in one of my pc...
    any other combatible software available?

    well portage is big software base, and if something isn't inside, then you can still build it from source - so all Linux apps are ok with gentoo in same way as any other distro... Gentoo is good distro, anyway I still prefer SourceMage - it has many neat features and is easier to install and maintain... some performance measures made on SourceMage computers showed that it is faster than Gentoo and same for Gentoo on Gentoo computers so they are closely same... you can check differences there: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I like the sorcery in this distro... you cast (build) spells (packages), you can update them with dependencies, you can dispell (uninstall) them and they are placed in kind of graveyard from where you can reinstall them - it will ask you for every optional dependency - but still alows you to set default flags for package like USE flags... also they have "Social Contract" similar to Debians one... there is quick example of instalation from their page:

    # cast muttComputing previously installed dependencies...
    mutt preparing environment...
    Build which version?
    (0) stable
    (1) devel
    (2) cvs
    Which one do you want? [0] 1
    mutt running configuration...
    Apply the compressed_folders patch? [n] n
    Apply the edit_threads patch? [n] y
    Apply the trash_folder patch? [n] y
    Apply the purge_message patch? [n] y
    Apply the maildir_header_cache patch? [n] n
    Apply the sidebar patch? [n] n
    Apply the attachment_counting patch? [n] y
    Apply the isalias patch? [n] y
    Apply the deepif patch? [n] y
    Apply the date_conditional patch? [n] y
    Apply the current_shortcut patch? [n] y
    Rebuild documentation affected by patches? (requires linuxdoc-tools) [y] y
    Enable POP support? [y] n
    Enable IMAP support? [y] n
    Enable the header cache? [n] n
    mutt checking dependencies...
    mutt optionally requires some MAIL-TRANSPORT-AGENT (to send mail).
    (0) [none]
    (1) courier
    (2) esmtp
    (3) exim
    (4) msmtp
    (5) nbsmtp
    (6) netqmail (installed)
    (7) postfix
    (8) qwikmail
    (9) sendmail
    Which one do you want? [0] 6

    anyone there used both? I use SourceMage mainly and Slackware... haven't chance to try Gentoo... what do you think Qwijibow about SourceMage?

  5. Hi,I have small question - wonder if someone would be able to give me some hint... friend of mine have 6 SATA II Raid-ready drives (longer waranty and hot-plugable)... he cannot have more - all are same vendor, size, and almost serial number as they came in box packed together... just to plug in...It would be used mainly for securing his programming environment so lot's of small files (also whole system built from source, and general file backups), there would be RaiserFS 4 on disk with 4kb node size so small files would be happy. There wouldn't be too big files, few movies recorded on fly but no file would exceed 1GB... (this makes such big cannon like XFS not best choice and that's why Raiser was choosen - also for it's long known stability)...now - he decided he want to build Raid matrix... and already have 6 drives but isn't able to plug more on his hardware. It for sure is about data security so it should be mixed method and include Raid 1, but still should be faster than working on one disk.So... raid 10? Or maybe 0+1 or not with 1 - something like 30, 50?... if there would be 8 disks there could be used raid 100, but there are only 6...so... anyone have some recommendation?\Gps.: first thread after soooo long :)... almost forgots how it feels :)

  6. Had this few years back on first hour of analitic functions... :D - remember that complex number are algebraically closed field and that means every equation of form x^n = y (in more general any a_nx^n + a_(n-1)x^(n-1 + ... + a_0 = 0 for a_n =/= 0) have always exactly n solutions... in that case (x^4 = 1) four solutions - so one of solution is 1... call it (1,0) and draw on plane where (x,y)=(1,0) usually is... now draw circle of size 1 in center of (0,0). And divide the circle into 4 parts... staring from (1,0)... and you get 4 numbers:(1,0) = 1, (0, 1) = i, (-1, 0) = -1, (0, -1) = -iand all those suits equation you gave... remember that multiplication in complex can be read as rotation and scaling of vectornow how to find all posible solutions to x^20 = 1? draw (1,0), circle, and divide it into 20 parts... you can explicite calculate them if you are able to convert number from standard mode into trygonometric mode: instead of z = a + ib you can writte z = |z|*(cos a + i sin a) and get same result - then you can easily multiplicate or divide a to get new numbers and turn mode back to other form if you want/can)and all this because complex are algebraically closed field :)edit--also remember - you can write that i^2 = -1 (this is how i is defined in most cases) but writting sqrt(i) isn't correct way for complex :)

  7. Heh - why not - I can throw mine also :D... so it is...1) VIM - yes VIM :)...2) LaTeX3) GnuPlot4) Erlang Virtual Machine5) Wings3D6) XMMS7) Gaim8) Firefox9) Azureus (only when new Linux cames out - Slackware 11 is close :) )10) Blenderand this is mostly all I use - I can't remember other sotware except for basic system tools like OpenBox (Windows Manager) or SLiM (Login Manager) etc...\G

  8. That's quite clever for people who don't have Linux or know about it and they can install it for a low charge, so they think its great value whereas your downloading it for free.

    First of all - I inform they that Linux is mostly free (there are distributions that aren't free), we always together choose right distro (that turns out to not always be free), and if one chooses free one there is still cost for CD's, right? Anyway - that's why I "take what they give".

    Do you go round their homes or do they bring the laptops and desktops to you?

    it depends... I prefer to go out but if someone don't want we can talk it over and even met in my place or caffe if computer isn't too big - anyway I prefer to have whole set of tools connected while installing, then I can choose drivers and install them at once - and actually test them - this saves lot of time but it's hard to bring to someone tower, monitor, printer, scaner, tablet, etc and whatever :)...

    Linux Installation... wow.....i feel so thrilled when i hear from people from Unix or Linux platform. Linux Installation will be much easier & simplified compared to Unix installation.

    It is very simple when you at least one time see how other does it... then you have lot less chance to brake your real first instalation :) - also - for thing that I usually take money - on SourceMage you can make realy neat centralized architecture from many computers... I usualy build it double - one central box have two systems... first is configured to build using distcc and rest of machines, you can test software in seconds and see if they works, then second system is same as other systems - and you have neat utility on it - cabal... when you execute something on cabal it executes everywhere, but ccache can still be shared over network so you get software compiled faster than with one shot...

    Giniu, i think instead of taking the price without any complaints, it will be better if u have a price fixed & increase if required according to the effort u put in. u can consider my suggestion. smile.gif

    I think that I would stay with my way of making things - at least for individuals... Consider that people don't want to try Linux because they are scared - when you show them that it don't bite, then they can start with it... when you got 2 CDs and after install black screen welcomes you until you "startx" (I always explain why this is better than staring X at first run) then many just removes it and installs back stolen WinXP... this is sad but true... when about small companies this is different story :D

  9. I vote Wings3d for modeling (as I'm one of devs of it so I couldn't say anything else... it is quick to learn and gives you nice power when we are about polygon modeling...) - for anything else than polygon modeling I say Blender... release 2.42 includes REALLY NICE features that was added after release of Elephants Dream and created in their studio while making that movie :D

  10. And if you are on Unix (including Linix, BSD, and many other flavors) then even better as you can get free professional package for video editing... Cinelerra - it is widely used even in commercial movies and such

    you can even get workstations tweaked to work with it but they are not cheap

    and if you don't have linux - don't worry - there are live cd's especially for video editing... you insert cd, restart and have shiny video editing workstation from your home pc, then you take cd off and everything is back to previous state... if you are on x86 then you should check Video Linux or if you are on x86_64 then you should check 64 Studio... you also might want to take a look at Dyne:bolic - live cd distro designed especially for artists, it should have something to author movies, you can also look for Knopix based MediaLinux live cd, but it seems their site is down for minute - anyway probably you would find many mirrors. Those are great live or not live distros especially for video editing and digital content authoring - and you get it for free :D

  11. nah, not for hosting... :D just for pleasure :o I last logged in 11'th September 05 when I terminated my hosting... I have paid host as I didn't had time to come online so also post - I still had abou 50 days of hosting but resigned to lower bandwidth and space on asta... soon after that small hardware problems started... anyway - there I am ;)nice to meet you PyOst... :o

  12. Hi,I'd like to welcome everyone back after year of absence... I have some time and probably would be able to stay around for some while :PFor those that don't remember me or joined when I wasn't there... I'm Linux fan - and Linux user for nice few years... at start Red Hat 7.1, then Red Hat 8.x... after that some flavours of Aurox (Red Hat based) and Fedora... then quick try at Mandrake and finally - Slackware 10, 10.1 and 10.2... why Slackware? Because it works :oI plan to switch to one of three distros: Lunar, Source Mage or Sorcerer... very nice source based distributions and in my opinion lot better than Gentoo... but I first must change my ISP to something better than ADSL with 7gb download limit :/...I'm student of mathematics on Technical University of Wrocław, Poland... I also like to code sometimes :o... I prefer Erlang, I use it everyday in two OSS projects (one very often and second almost no - but still :o). I also know C and C++ but not Visual Somthing from M$ - I think that ANSI standard is more important - I write once and have 3 products :P... I also know Ruby - and use it especially as it has SDL bindings... it is very fast for prototyping software... I tried HTML but it is too hard for me - I tried PHP but realized that it is dying dinosaur, then tried Ruby on Rails - and liked it :P but don't know too much about it for now - still learning and don't rely need it now... I also looked at Java and plainly hate it: "final static void just don't don't ask why"... :D from other things I know Bash and can write Makefiles...I lead design process of cRPG game (I'm part of RavenLord gdt) but we still are on design stage... I'm also learning ot program games... currently I'm busy with using OpenGL to draw 2d using SDL... as it is most cross platform environment... is aviable even on Playstation 2 ;) As target I would try to learn Crystal Space 3d...I think it's all for now :o... oh - and I prefer harder kind of music... plainly hate current trends... I prefer Hard Rock, Metal and of course classical music... especially Beethoven :o regards,Giniu.

  13. Hi... I wasn't there for some time but now I need opinion... I hope someone would be able to say something about my script... what should be fixed, what I can do to improve it...

    it is universal language redirection script for few pages that I work on and I need it to be as good as it can be... would this be working in every browser in which scripts like that can work? If now what I should add?

    (why I aded "en" and "en-US"? The script first checks if there is exact name and then it converts it to small letters and takes only two first... just in case someone would ask before finishing read...)

     <script TYPE="text/javascript"> 	 languages=new Array("pl", "en", "en-US"); 	 default_language="en"; 	 if (navigator.language)    navigator_language=navigator.language 	 else if (navigator.browserLanguage)    navigator_language=navigator.browserLanguage 	 else if (navigator.systemLanguage)    navigator_language=navigator.systemLanguage 	 else if (navigator.userLanguage)    navigator_language=navigator.userLanguage 	 else if (window.navigator.language)    navigator_language=window.navigator.language 	 else    navigator_language=default_language; 	 in_list=-1; 	 for (i=0; i<languages.length; i++)    if (languages[i]==navigator_language)   	 in_list=i; 	 if (in_list>=0)    language=navigator_language 	 else    navigator_language=navigator_language.substr(0,2).toLowerCase(); 	 for (i=0; i<languages.length; i++)    if (languages[i]==navigator_language)   	 in_list=i; 	 if (in_list>=0)    language=navigator_language 	 else    language=default_language; 	 open_site="./"+language+"/index.html"; 	 window.location.replace(open_site);  </script>
    And what do you think?

  14. I thought that this topic would be about ZipSlack...:

    ZipSlack is a special edition of Slackware Linux that can be installed onto any FAT (or FAT32) filesystem with about 100 MB of free space ... you do not need to repartition your hard disk if you already have DOS or Windows installed. ZipSlack installs into a directory on your DOS filesystem...

    Again - there are also LiveCD's based on other distributions that Debian(Knopic)... there is for example Slax based upon Slackware, also very good one...

  15. You should mention that those aren't screenshots of Linux but one of many desktop environments - KDE... it would be hard to post screenshot of Linux... but anyway, it would be good to post some alternatives to KDE, like:


    Gnome: [ Gnome screens ]

    XFCE: [ XFCE screens ] (I love this one :) personaly I don't like KDE desktop just like that eye-candy Win-XP desktops, but this is just my opinion)

    FluxBox: [ FluxBox screens ]

  16. Hi...

    Today I wanted to try install phpBB in one of my subdomains, I opened fantastico, entered all data just like earlier (one month ago I managed to install it, but now I'm stuck)... on step 2 I have some premission troubles:

    Install phpBB2(2/3)
    Warning: file(/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico/includes/enc_check.inc.php on line 225

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico/includes/enc_check.inc.php on line 226

    and then mkdir cannot create directory becouse of other pemission troubles:

    Install phpBB2 (3/3)
    Warning: mkdir(/forum): Permission denied in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1122469216.97696029.58616175787 on line 1292

    1) File: /forum/config.php [ERROR! ]
    2) File: /forum/data.sql [ERROR! ]

    is this only for me or someone also have similar troubles? Can this be becouse of badly counted disk-space usage this time (again shows unlimited... I know - this is - just display error...) or maybe there are some other reasons? :)

  17. Well, "Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind" is indeed a good game, especialy with all those addictional stories and other extras... I've finished it, and I think that it's worth, especially that you can play more, solve more, and wait for expansions and the do even more... the official end of game is just beginning of real game :) this game don't have "end" if you want so :Pnow I can't wait for "Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivision"... anyone saw screens from this one? I did, and was impressed. If gameplay would be like in ES3, Oblivision would take the World :P

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