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Posts posted by nakulgupta

  1. In this tutorial we'll see how to create reflective caustics in 3dsmax using the mental ray® renderer.The mental ray® renderer from mental images® is a general-purpose renderer that can generate physically correct simulations of lighting effects, including ray-traced reflections and refractions, caustics, and global illumination. To render with caustics:1. Select each object you want to generate caustics, either by reflection or refraction. Right-click and choose Properties, then on the mental ray panel of the Object Properties dialog, turn on Generate Caustics. 2. Objects receive caustics by default. If you think this value might have changed for the objects you want to receive caustics, use those objects’ Object Properties dialog to make sure Receive Caustics is turned on. Also, to speed rendering time, you might want to turn off Receive Caustics for those objects that don’t need to show them. 3. In the Render Scene dialog, go to the Caustics And Global Illumination rollout and turn on Caustics. 4. Adjust the caustics parameters to get the effect you want. 5. Render the scene. To render with global illumination:1. Select each object you want to generate global illumination. Right-click and choose Properties, then on the mental ray panel of the Object Properties dialog, turn on Generate Global Illumination. 2. Objects receive global illumination by default. If you think this value might have changed for the objects you want to receive global illumination, use those objects’ Object Properties dialog to make sure Receive Global Illumination is turned on. Also, to speed rendering time, you might want to turn off Receive Global Illumination for those objects that don’t need it. 3. In the Render Scene dialog, go to the Indirect Illumination panel > Caustics And Global Illumination rollout and turn on Global Illumination. 4. Adjust the global illumination parameters to get the effect you want. 5. For the final rendering, turn on Final Gather as well as Global Illumination. See Final Gather Rollout (mental ray Renderer). 6. Render the scene. MENU REFERENCES:Rendering menu > Render > Render Scene dialog > Indirect Illumination panel > Caustics and Global Illumination rolloutMain toolbar > Render Scene > Render Scene dialog > Indirect Illumination panel > Caustics and Global Illumination rolloutHave Fun!

  2. Well, what more needs to be said ?this is the single greatest thing that ever happened to linux...

    In the current suituation... Yeah Linux rocks, but people want games.
    With the playstation3's optional Hard Disk Drive being shipped with Linux pre-Installed, that argument just got blown out of the water.

    you have a Ps3 for all the gamers, and Linux for the seriouse stuff.

    Recently IBM, the developers of the Cell processor mailed kernel patches to the linux kernel mailing list. In other words, as of kernel 2.6.11 (the current latest linux kernel) Linux is capable of running on the Ps3.

    Im not a gamer, i couldnt care less about games.. but have you seen the system specs for the Ps3 ???

    The average 3.2Ghz PC is rated at about 0.01 TerraFlops processing power.
    The Average 3.2Ghz Cell Porcessor is rated at just over 2 TerraFlops.
    Just for comparason, the Xbox 360 is about 1 TerraFlop.

    and they are planning on running the Ps3 at 4 Ghz !!!!!!!

    On floating point operatioms, that makes the Ps3, a good 200 times as powerfull as my AMD Athlon64 3400+ (2.4Ghz).

    Before we got too excited, 200 times more terraflops does not mean that the playstation3 could run Half-Life2 at 10,000 frames per second, there are far more other things to take into accound, like bandwidth etc etc etc.

    But this Super Computer (yes, its classed as a super computer) is going to be sold for approx ÂŁ300.
    Half the price of my self built PC.

    When the Ps3 is released, my pc is getting sold, and i will be working on Gentoo Linux running on the Ps3.

    Cummon second quater of 2006

    Wow!! Thats all i can say for now. Maybe we'll soon see hosting companies say we host on our own PS3 or something like that i mean 2+ Teraflops!!?? Thats bloody amazing. There is one question though,

    1. Can we install our own OS??
    I think that will be a factor that i would take into consideration before buying one.

    Also the availability of titles in India would be a deciding factor before i buy one.

  3. Since the past few weeks i've been getting really strange messages. Every time my system boots up i get the New Hardware detected message and it shows some really wierd name like aswRdr, cusbohcn. I used to cancel the sequence and disable the hardware but today i get several different hardware:-


    avast! mail scanner

    AVG7 update service



    Macromedia Licensing Service

    Office Source Engine


    I have absolutely no idea what to do except disable all of them. Any other ideas??

  4. The other day this thought occured to me. It is a bit complex to explain but i'll give it my best shot.Now assume that you have a wifi network (Call it A) at home. Now youhave your own business and have a wifi network in the office (:D. Now there is a considerable distance between the networks so they cannot be connected. Now how about this scenario....Your connection B can see C,D,E networks. Now assume C sees F. D sees G,H.. so on. By seeing i mean detect that particular network. Now after a certain amount of searching you find a network that can see your home network. Let us call the route a chain. The chain could be something like this. B>D>H>I>N>A. Now if you could piggyback across all theses different networks to connect back to your home network...... I hope you get my point.The thing with me is that my mind keeps running wild when a new computer related thought occurs to me and i think about various ways it could benefit us. Consider the following scenarios:(A) You get to connect remotely to your home network.(:D Assume music systems in cars become wifi enabled in the future. You can get your car system to connect back to your home network to get content. By content i mean music, videos, movies etc.© You have an internet connection. You see another piggybacker with one. You have the faster connection. You can share the connection and thus make his life easier. Thus we can create a giant web of internet connectivity where people limit the bandwith that they "share". Thus everybody gets internet everywhere.(D) Assume you see a connection that is not piggybacked. You can share the "client" that will allow him too to piggyback for himself.Now, "client" is a software that searches on your wifi network for other piggybacked networks and attempts to connect to them. Every user puts his networks under an "umbrella" i.e. a list of his networks. He specifies the required networks and the client tries to connect automatically to that network. It also attempts to see other inernet enable piggybacks and will try to route your internet requirements through that network if it detcts a higher speed and vice versa. There are many more posibilities that i might have not even thought of. Please put forth your views on this.PS:- Forgive me if the term im supposed to used is not piggyback. If it is correct and you have a better suggestion..please go aheadPS:- 2. I have not ventured into the safety issues that would arise due to well....the number of them. But we could discuss them here.The (:D is well ( B ).....

  5. We purchased a new home theatre system recently. Specifications:-A 5 channel Bose Speaker SystemA 7.1 Denon AmplifierThe speakers are very small and almost invisible. They are so powerful that my ears hurt but still there is no distortion. The amplifier looks good. Overall its an excellent combo. I watched a couple of horror films on it and it was pretty terrifying.How many of you have a bose system and what do u feel abt them

    Notice from Rudy:
    Moved because this is not computer related. You know better nakulgupta

  6. Last week was my fathers birthday and we had a dance party at our place. First we decided to burn an MP3 disc and play it in our player, but due to lack of continuity we decided against it. It was then that i came across this great software called Traktor DJ Studio by Native Instruments. It looked pretty good and was loaded with features. A list of the features that i liked.

    Since i have a 4 channel sound card i was able to plugin my headphones and sample tracks before they were played

    I could browse my music collection and select tracks to play

    I could crossfade between tracks in a second

    I could make playlists

    That apart it's a great piece of software and i would like to know how many people use this.


    Not to mention the party was a hit and i got paid 1000 INR (20USD) for doing a good job.

  7. What is a generation gap?? According to the Oxford Dictionary it is a difference in attitudes between people of different generations. The key word here is "ATTITUDES". Now attitude is A way of thinking or feeling about someone or something. Thus this gives us a clearer picture of what a generation gap means and when it occurs." A generation gap occurs when older & younger people don't understand each other because of their difference in opinion, experience and nature". I for one feel that this difference is definitely existing in our society today. Let me explain.

    Most of today's youth are deeply influenced by the growing reach of western standards and culture. To them it seems as the "Global" standards and the "In " thing to do. Everything about them today is influenced by the west. Be it Music, Fashion, Behavior, Trends, Clothing EVERYTHING. This I must add is good to a certain extent but beyond a certain point...it leads to differences between the generations. Earlier when the extent of the reach of the west was just growing, people did well to avoid it. It is in our nature to go for something we believe is true and will make us a better person. It may occur but is also leading to many rifts in today's society. "It is one of nature's ways that we often feel closer to distant generation then to the generation immediately preceding us"

    The next thing that I feel further aggravates the situation is today's education system. Earlier the importance to academics was not very important and there was not much competition. focus was on the all round development of a person. Sports, ECA, everything played a role. but today the focus has been shifted to academics. Learning by rote is very common. A student gives more time to academics. This leads to lesser time of interaction between parents and children. Parents too have a role to play in this by pushing the child beyond his limits and causing a "burnout" effectively making things worse. A recent study by a leading institute states that the amount of time spent with each other has effectively decreased by 75% over the last five decades.

    We today live in a smart world. The internet and technology has also played its role. That a child spends more time on the computer is too obvious to dispute is obvious and I will not go further. But that a child's social skills suffer is a very alarming situation. Today we spend time chatting with friends and relatives seven seas across may seem a good thing, but we are also losing the same amount of time that could have been used for interacting with a person personally. Thus social skills also suffer. Even a telephone conversation is far better for improving social skills. Thus we are not able to express ourselves properly. This further bridges the divide.

    Another difference that plays a role is the difference in upbringing. Earlier parents were authorative and children felt a bit scared to interact with their parents. Respect was invincible. Till date my mom is quite scared to speak to my "Nanu" (Grand father). But today the situation is more friendly. Children treat their parents like friends. This is another thing influenced by the west. Parents may or may not realize this due to the difference in upbringing and it is often treated as rude behavior and that today's children lack respect. In some cases it is even blamed on the school where the child studies." People often talk of the younger generation as if they never had anything to do with it". This further divides the gap.

    There are a few more things that can be blamed. Lack of spirituality, The media etc. which play their part in their own way.

    When I heard of this topic, like most of you would have I ran a Google search. But I didn't search for points or arguments, Instead I decided to let Google decide the truth. I ran two searches. One was Generation gap exists, the other Generation gap does not exist. Both were in quotes mind you. The result was quite convincing. For the former I got 474 results while for the latter just 19. Thus the writing is on the wall, The gap out there is present and increasing. PERIOD.

    This is the exact copy of my opinion as put forward in a debate competition



    Max. Marks :[100]


    [Time: 3 Hours]




    1. Answer all questions

    2. All the answers should comply with Ganguly’s


    3. Assume anything if necessary

    4. Answers should be copied from the question papers


    5. Use proper slangs if necessary


    Note: Only Ganguly can score 100 out of 100 marks. If anybody found to score 100 marks shall replace Ganguly in the Indian .Squad


    Answer any 5 Questions (2 marks each)


    1) What is common to a 100 mtrs race and Ganguly’s innings?

    Ans: They both last for the same time


    2) How can u say “Get Out” to Ganguly politely?

    Ans: Ask him to go to bat


    3) If Rahul is “The Wall”, what is Ganguly?

    Ans: The hole in the wall


    4) How can Ganguly save time everyday?

    Ans: By not bothering to pad up


    5) Who is the only cricketer who does not bat, bowl or field and yet plays international cricket?

    Ans: no comments…


    6) Why has Saurav Ganguly been recommended as the fielding coach for India after retirement?

    Ans: No one else can provide catches as easily as Ganguly.


    [iI] 5 marks questions (Answer all) Total 20 marks


    Q1.Which are the 5 ways to get the wicket of Ganguly?

    Ans:1) Bowl to rib cage. Ganguly jumps in his place. mistimes pull. Easy catch for short midwicket

    2) bowl good length outswinger. Easy catch to keeper/slip

    3) full length delivery at off stump. Easy catch for gully

    4) bowl short pitch outside offstump. Ganguly drags on to the stumps

    5)bowl a flighted delivery. Earlier Ganguly would hit sixes. Now he either gets bowled or stumped or catch to close in fielders.


    Q2. What has been Dada’s best performance?

    A. In the advetisement of “Sona Chandi Chyawanprash”


    Q3. What would be the name of Dada’s new book?

    A. Cricket - a complete Idiot’s guide


    Q4: What is the difference between God and Dada?

    A: At least God does not think he is Dada.


    [iII] Convert the following into Indirect Speech. (10 Marks)


    Ganguly to Kaif: — How do you manage to keep so fit for a match?

    Kaif — I think nothing of getting up at five, running round the stadium for two hours, then getting in three or four hours net practice before a cold bath.


    Ganguly — That’s funny. I don’t think much of it either!


    [iV] Write an essay on “Saurav caught as disguising media” (25 Marks)


    After the shameful defeat of Indian cricket team to Pakistan in Bangalore, the team members were not able to show their faces to people and they chose not to go in public and rather just pack up in hotel rooms.


    Ganguly could not resist for too long to be in hotel and not able to go out shopping and have fun. So he disguises himself as a Sardar and goes out. he meets a woman at the exit of the hotel who greets him “Hi Saurav !”


    Surprised for having been caught he comes back and makes himself up as a Muslim woman - in Burkha etc and goes out. Yet same again - the same woman greets him “Hi Saurav!”.


    Ganguly comes back determined to give it yet another try with the make up of a Hippie wig and shorts etc. All in vain - the same lady catches him again and greets him “Hi Saurav!”.


    Bewildered by now, he could not help asking, “How come u recognize me everytime?”


    The lady replied - “I am Laxman..Yaar!”


    [V] How can you preserve your records? (10 Marks)


    This one is not for Dada…….


    Q: How to preserve your records??

    A: If someone is nearly His double century.. Then declare the team-innings.


    [VI] Write an essay on “Back to the Pavillion in 2 minutes” (25 Marks)


    Best Seller by Ganguly: Back to the Pavillion in 2 minutes


    - Shoiab Akhtar admits Ganguly is faster and quicker than him. “I haven’t seen any one get out so fast. Man, I envy his speed. I am quick but he is quickest.”, he says. “I think I should now cut my run up short when I bowl

    to him. Or else, he might be gone when I am half way thru my run up.”


    - Narain Karthikeyan to get some tips on Speed from Ganguly. His sponsorers have asked him to talk to the Prince of Kolkotta. They are also planning to endorse Ganguly.


    - Dinesh Karthick confesses that his skills in getting ready and padded have improved a lot. As soon as Ganguly goes to bat, I know there is very little time in getting ready. “I must have broken world records a few times in this series” , says the Indian dimunitive wicketkeeper.


    Q: Any Guesses which is Ganguly’s favorite movie?

    A:Gone in 60 seconds.


    - Railways keen on Ganguly: Atleast we’ll be having someone who comes (back) before time. This will help them improve the image with the Indian public.


    Q: Which was the hottest place in B’lore Chinnaswami Stadium for the past few days?

    A: The seat Ganguly was sitting in while in the Pavillion.


    - Ganguly to donate all his bats to charity. “I don’t require a bat nowadays”, said the Indian southpaw.


    Sourav Ganguly is the captain of the Indian Cricket team. He was a very good batsman and is India's most successful captain till date. He's been going through a bad patch lately

  9. Two guys were roaring down a country road on a motorcycle when the driver slowed up and pulled over. His leather jacket had a broken zipper, and he told his friend, "I can't drive anymore with the air hitting me in the chest like that." "Just put the jacket on backwards," his friend advised. They continued down the road but around the next bend, they lost control and wiped out. Banta came upon the accident and ran to call the police. They asked him, "Are they showing any signs of life?" "Well," Banta explained, "the driver was until I turned his head around the right way!" "I'm scared," Banta said to one of his friends. "I got a letter from a guy who said he'd break my legs if I didn't stop seeing his wife." "Well," replied his friend, "I guess you'll have to stop seeing his wife." "Easy for you to say." "You like her that much?" the friend asks. "It's not that," declared Banta. "He didn't sign his name!"

  10. A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has been named Governmentium. Governmentium has 1 electron, 25 neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 100 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 201. These 201 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. Since governmentium has no protons, it is inert. However, it can be detected as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of governmentium causes one reaction to take over 4 days to complete when it would normally take less than a second. Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2 to 4 years but it does not decay, instead it undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant deputy neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, governmentium mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization causes some morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to speculate that governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical transformation could lead to its isodope called pandemonium. You will know it when you see it.

  11. A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am." The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude." "You must be an engineer," said the balloonist. "I am," replied the woman, "How did you know?" "Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is, technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip." The woman below responded, "You must be in Management." "I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault."

  12. ok when i turn on my computer everything is alright but after the windows screen the monitor turns off saying that there is no conection i can still hear the sounds but i cant see anything. all the monitor  cables are connected fine but i still cant see anything. can anyone tell me what is going on. do i have a virus or something??


    User:- deviant youth


    Problem:- Monitor switches off on bootup after display of windows splash screen.



    User attempts:- Checked cables and other misc. connections.


    Other symptoms:- Sound is heard but nothing is seen.


    Possible problem:- Resolution set incorrectly




    1. Bootup in safe mode by pressing F8 during booting sequence.

    2. Go to display properties and change the resolution to the lowest one. Possibly VGA (640x480).

    3. Press Apply, then OK.

    4. Restart system.

    5. If succesful END else goto II


    II If OS=Win XP goto III else goto *


    1. When you have booted up in safe mode select system restore and restore to an earlier time when problem was not specified.

    2. Reboot

    3. If successful END.


    Thank you!


    *Please specify OS

    -------------END OF SCRIPT----------------



  13. Ok..first of all thaks for the oppurtunity to increase my hosting credits...:(.::PC::. (In the order i can remember)_____________________________Need for speedNeed for speed 2Need for speed Hot PursuitNeed for speed High StakesNeed for speed Porsche UnleashedNeed for speed Hot Pursuit 2Need for speed UndergroundNeed for speed Underground 2Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban-------------------------------------------Age of empires Age of empires Rise of romeAge of empires 2 Age of kingsAge of empires 2 Conquerors ExpansionMicrosoft Flight Simulator 95Microsoft Flight simulator 98-----------------------------------------------The SimsSim Sity 3000Sim Copter-----------------------------------------------Half Life *Half Life 2*Counter Strike Condition ZeroCounter Strike 1.6----------------------Hitman*Hitman 2: Silent AssasinHitman 3: Contracts-----------------------Max Payne *Max Payne 2----------------* indicates completed gameMore games when i get home.

  14. What do you seek in a game? Graphics? Good storyline? And when is too much, too much?
    I personally think there is too much graphics in today's games, and it seems to be a epidemic within the devloping community that more graphics means better games, which is defiantly not true. You just need to looks at DOOM 3 and see how much of a dud it was. Nice graphics, but poor AI, gameplay etc. sent DOOM 3 crashing into obvilion. You look at games like Natural-Selection, which uses the HL engine (which is 6 or so years old) and how it has become more popular independent Half-life mod (i.e. Not brought by Valve)

    So my opinion is there need to be more emphisis to storyline and less on graphics.

    What i feel is a game should closely resemble well.... movies. Today some of he best games are based on movies. Because movies already have a well defined storyline it gives more time for the developer to give time to the graphics department.

    I feel graphics need to be nice without being too demanding....Like Half Life..the graphics are very nice and the game can be run on old computers too. Doom 3 was a monster in terms of graphics requirement. The game looked good no doubt but it needed too much resources.

    On the other hand games like Hitman with a solid storyline and good looking graphics are a pleasure to play...One of my all time favourites that one :(

  15. The other day i was thinking about Xisto and was frustrated at not being able to do more on the forum. But i was not very bothered...i had enough credits to my name. I just did a sort of check on my hosting credits and the way they were "spent"


    Hosting credits when applied fo starter package: 11

    Credits deducted :10

    Credits when i applied for the default package : 34

    Credits Deducted :32

    Credits after upgrade : 2

    Now i have applied for a domain change : 10 credits


    So total credits i spent in getting a starter package -> Default Package -> Domain Change : 52

    What would have otherwise been used had i applied directly : 30


    So Credits "lost": 22.

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