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Posts posted by nakulgupta

  1. I agree...LCD is fast replacing CRT monitors in gaming parlours out here in India. But i feel that CRT is still a better option for clarity and response time..if only they were a lot safer for the eyes. But LCD's look a lot sleeker and and obviously space saving. It'll take a while for them to completly replace CRT...Meanwhile they have to get cheaper.

  2. phpBB version 2 has been completely re-written since the first version. Version 2 focuses on a professional-quality modular design, high security, multiple-language interface, support for a multitude of databases servers and complete layout customisation, all with a low execution overhead.

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    In addition, phpBB is open-source software so it has no fees, no subscriptions, and no restrictions on modifications. Couple this with a thriving and friendly phpBB community and you have a killer solution for creating communities on your site!

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    Notice from micoscopic^earthling:
    Wrong forum. What's New is solely meant for sharing some new technical/computing fact that you learned recently. Topic moved.

  3. Visit Microsoft Learning and Microsoft Skill Assessment to test ur skills. I scored 22/30 in the first Win XP test and 25/30 in the second. U can also use this thread to post your scores.

    Notice from microscopic^earthling:

    Once again wrong forum. Kindly be a little extra careful next time as to where your posts are heading for. The forum descriptions are always there to help you figure it out.



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