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Everything posted by Xevian

  1. Must be due to these hackers... How annoying can they get! If they are so bored and so professional, go work for the government!
  2. I submit to National Security but the concept of hackers hacking into the phone company and stealing information only proves that the phone company does not have high standard of security! Its the phone company's fault! Fans calling up their idol, seems a little too rabid!
  3. If its beta is ending... then we need to pay? Oh... thats very bad! All my accounts will probably be erased! By then, I think only a few will want to pay for its service, cause its not like G-mail is very good!
  4. Whoa... Are you sure your house is not haunted??? I would have freaked out by now from all that wierd noise!
  5. Oh my freaking god... Do these people have nothing better to do but harress super stars? Really... These people are rabid fans...
  6. Oh... I may cause that to happen... I'm no good at these script things... Sorry in advance!
  7. If it's bogus... Try this link Gmail Its the real thing, if you want, i could give you an invite and you can try it out, all i need is your email address. No password and other personal stuff needed! Want to give it a try?
  8. Whoa... This seems really complicated but i think i do understand, the basics anyway! Well now... can i skip the introductory package and aim straight for the standard package? Its rather hard to find a good free host nowadays, most just close down on themselves, declare bankruptcy and destroys the user's board... Those are rather annoying...
  9. About the free hosting, which one does the standard package rely on, the credits or the posts? I'm very confused after reading all the package things... I read that i need to get 50 good posts for the standard package, then at the top now states that i need 50 credits instead, and i have no idea how to count credits! Can someone enlighten me? Oh and if this is in the wrong section, just move it... (Sorry)
  10. Ah... Sorry, rather caught up with drawing some stuff...
  11. Nonono... There are like two groups of people who are registered members, i was wondering if they could like seperate them and their boards in such a way that only the general forums let them interact with each other, their currently using the password system and are not very satisfied with it...
  12. I'm currently using V.6.2 with msgplus. You say that it can be installed without the spywares... Let me go try it out! I didn't get 7.0 as its rather unstable, sometimes it bounces back chats that you send out, which is rather annoying... Downloading from a friend takes much longer than usual too!
  13. Is there some way to seperate a board such that if i have 2 groups of people,only lets say the general forum is open for both of them, but the rest is only if they are in that group, then its usable without using passwords... My friends have been complaining about the passwords...
  14. I'm using 3M's screen and keyboard cleaner, but i don't use the cloth they provide, i only use their antistatic cleaning solution with ... i think is also 3M's CD cleaning cloth!
  15. Maybe a passing fad... As google might try to switch to PAID mail after a while, then... its going to be like those MMORPGs where everyone drops out... Except for people who really need that space!
  16. Woah! If yours is old... Mine must be obsolete!!!!! Woah... Need to visit the nearest I.T hub!
  17. Finally someone who agrees with me and now knows the ad that did it... I hope it can be disabled soon...
  18. That is even worse than getting limited amounts that always go down... Its a little wierd to see that it always stays at one, why not don't show it but you have unlimited amounts of invites??
  19. Neither do i, Drugs are BAD STUFF... Wonder why people even TRY to take this stuff... Errr... We seem to have gone off-topic
  20. Yup! So now Ad-aware has been corrupted by MONEY!!! I guess money is a very big factor here...
  21. Don't think so, Marijuana! There are more people signing in nowadays, and some might not have g-mail!
  22. I think its a virus, forgot what its called, but it was pretty rampant last year! Its purpose is to shut down your computer, preventing you from using it. If I'm correct, it was developed by some microsoft hater, and came out around the same time as the tooBIG.exe which makes your computer lag like crazy!
  23. Don't worry, if you use g-mail a lot, the invites will come back naturally... I actually want to get rid of them... Thats rather ironic...
  24. I see... I like using custom profile fields... Altering stuff is fun! Oh and for now we just moved to another back-up site and then sooner or later it will also get hacked then we try to move into Xisto! Hope it works!
  25. I used to use Ad-Aware Personal SE until someone introduced me to using Spybot S&D which worked way better than Ad-Aware!
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