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Posts posted by xtron

  1. I have a password manager and it had my account and pass
    i acces http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    and FTP with cuteftp to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ user sgater and nothing !!
    i have tryed "
    If you have lost your password, you can reset it by Clicking Here." and nothing no email ....!! and it says :"Password Reset
    Resetting password for sgater: A confirmation email has been sent to the email address on file." but no mail

  2. hi again.


    im searching for the very best LAN-messenger. desired specifications:

    - free

    - simple

    - no need to turn it on to receive messages (or auto-turn on)

    - simple.

    I also heard something about a built-in messenger in windows, that works with commands in start – run. Please tell me all you know (about this subject :P)

    What do you use, and what is so great about it. And don’t forget to post a link where I can download it.


    Well there is a WINPOP messenger buit in every OS by windows but it isn't actually a chat tool. Personaly i recomend BorgChat u can dowload it


    But be careful to activate the Turn on with startup so it will automaticly turn on when u log in and deactivate that anoying popup-at-mesage function so u won't be botherd by everyone that is using the chat !!

  3. I used photoshop, downloaded the stargate font, and got a gate picture from stargate's web site. I think I'm gonna improve it a little though.


    About the mod thing, I won't really have time to do my job if you gave it to me, because I'm on a couple of other forums, and I might not hang out too much on yours. BTW, .tk domains don't work where I live. :P


    Then VIP account is what u need...

    VIP accounts are given to people that have contributed 2 the site and u don't have to manage anything u will just be able 2 .

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if u can't acces TK.


    P.S. firedoor hmm nice banner if u want a MODERATOR ACC pls contact me!

  4. NO the liquid used in L cooling is does not affect electrical stuff. (dos not conduct electricity) well at least some of the cooling liquids.But if u install it corectly it won't make any trouble.. but unfortunately there are a large number of disadvantages to liquid cooling in computer systems these days. Some of the most prominent disadvantages are size and technical skills required to install a kit.Liquid cooling is still only really effective for those people who are interested in over clocking their computers well beyond what air cooling will allow , so if your computer is working good as it is u don't need it .

  5. This is the BEST , most ECONOMIC , FASTEST, EASYEST way to cool the procesor and all of your components . (i have a big MOF air cooloer and the temp in my room is 20C)..Try it !! I have been using this method for 6 months now ... the only CON is the cooler noize and the dust but with a good cooler and reguar dusting... resolve those problems

  6. Is it a binary file or is a Ascii file.

    You may have tell your ftp application to upload the right file type.


    Or else you may have check if the file name is correct or not.

    Remember to check if you have accidentally add a spacing or a unwanted full-stop* somewhere in your file name.


    Can u elaborate ??

    I use CuteFTP what must i do ??

    I uploaded a bmp in my main server dir and i can't acces it even if it has 777 CHMOD ??

    WHAT IS WRONG ????????!!!!!!!!!

  7. People!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't make me green with envy !!Ok so i live in the biggest dump in the world (Romania) here i have a cable connection with this specs:1 suposed 2 get 256 d/l but i get 70 if the sun is heating the cable2 the thing i wander is that i get 300 at u/l ????? not all the time but this does not comphort me3 and i PAY 50 USD /month for this s**t !!4 DSL is only in it's beginings so i can't say squat !!

  8. Bittorent is great ...i only keep download 24 h in my pc... :P it's illegal after that..Ok i have used Azherus, Bitcomet and BitTornado I finde Azherus to use too much memory (it's made in JAVA) and sometimes it freezes ,maybe from me, BitComet is really "uncomfortable" 4 me.so i STRONGLY RECOMED BITTORNADO !!:P

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