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Posts posted by xtron

  1. Do u understand the concept of spawm ?? if so than you should be warned if not you should remember that when u registerded you ticked a box "do u agree and have read ...." with yes meaning that you know what spawm is and more... please take another look and do not SPAWM anymore for credits!

  2. yah it is an interestaing game , grate graphich .. uses the usuall EA games tracks (i mean the melodies in the game) but i hate that they did not implement the "crash mode" seen in colin mcray rally.. it would be cool if u could damege the car and not drive around with the batmobile...The handeling system could have been worked on much better...

  3. Get real all the Bond Games have been total flops.. i was extremly dissapointed in my latest James Bond game... dunno why ..the graphics were decent the sounds nice and the gadgets were Bond indeed...Well gonna install the game and see why i disliked it..!

  4. I know it not much has changed , sadly. And yes i got pissed off frequently with those loading times but, you must remember that the game is on one cd and all of those textures n' **** r loaded from the pc...Anyway i rather spend 6 h playing Painkiller than 1h with Postal.This is my opinion but.. i know a lot of people that uninstalled the game after 1h of gameplay ...

  5. This game is pretty cool but.. yes there is a BUT.. is .. the game is lame.. it's repetitive ..you can piss, kill, shoot people and that's ALL ... the first 3h of gameplay r nice ... because the game is really innovative, and new..The graphic is lame the SR are very BIG dunno why.. there's 2 much useless violence..and to much STUPIDITY!!If you want to unwind, relax TRY this game , but if you want to PLAY a game i dunnot recomande this game.This game is a D- LAME !!

  6. well this is a good idea for dial-up users who cannot d/l Photoshop and who spend a lot of time on forums/chats that use avatars...also Photoshop is a bit to complicate and may make users ,who just want a fast way to make an avatar, bored..rmdort good link :)

  7. So ... i want to learn some more ...

    The other day i started to lean HTML and contrar to popular beleave it was FUN..

    Now i want to learn php and some basic programing.. i really need some good and concise material ... cause i don't have the time to waist :) it would be perfect to get some good tutorials either on this topic or on other sites.



    I moved it here from the tutorial section, it's not a tutorial, maybe it could have gone in the programming section!

  8. Now when i try accesing with the FTP it says : The connection failed due to an error or timeout.1) Verify that the destination host name or IP address is correct.2) Increase the connection timeout threshold under Global Settings | Connection.3) Switch to the opposite data connection type (PASV or PORT) under Site Settings | Type tab.i really need acces to my account can anyone help ??

  9. Pls Check out at least the Leatest Posts before starting a new topic , it is just anoying to see so many Topics with exactly the same subject !! http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82001-topic/?findpost=1064289654 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82003-topic/?findpost=1064289677
    You all will finde ur answers there !!
    P.S. if i could i would close this topic

    --==TOPIC CLOSED==--
    but i can't :P

  10. well something is wrong with the server!! many of us experienced BIG problems when trying to acces cpanel or the FTP account. If u want learn more check out the Shoutbox history.So far i figure that account files have not been altered or deleted !! so .. i don't know how OpaQue is going to fix this one !! we all can only keep our fingers crosswed !! Best wishes for u and ur account !P.S. Check ur FTP acces and ur www account(not cpanel) and post here and tell me if u can !!

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