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Posts posted by Jguy101

  1. I'm also Catholic. :P


    Also, a little tidbit 'bout us and the Bible: it used to be that every church had bible hand-written by monks. If somebody wanted their own, they would have to pay somewhere around US $10,000, becuase it took a loooooooot of time and effort on the part of the monks.


    Well, when the printing press was invented, bibles started flying off of 'em. The Protestants started creating bibles that they labled "Saint Joseph", but had fake books in them (like the "Book of Timothy"), and some of the stuff in them the Church considered heresy, so the Pope at the time kinda got fed up with the Protestants pretty much lying (well, I guess it was lying....) to convert Catholics.

  2. a very nice post , i would like to build the prototype can u elobrate on the device and methods used to build it




    Well, as it says on the site, all you need is the sieve that you can find at an Asian cooking shop, a USB WiFi adapter, and a rubber hosering to secure it (oh, and the USB cord too). I think you might also need aluminum foil, but it seems there are some without it on the website.... :)


    Anyway, I know of a free WiFi network in Portland (according to Popular Mechanics, it's a major one) called Personal Telco. I wanna sue it sometime...'cept I don't have a PDA or laptop. :(

  3. I dunno....it just seems too simple for my tastes. :)


    Anyway, if all you want is a single-forum BB system like this one, 'cept in PHP, try Thema Topico, the precursor to the MyTopix forum software I've talked about before. It has its bugs, such as one in the word filter (A** is automatically filtered, but that presents a problem becuase it will turn "password" into "p######word" or "association" into "######ociation", even in the help files, but it's easily fixed by going into the ACP and adding a space on both ends, or just removing it from the filter), and a stastics problem (which is also easily fixed by recounting the stats from the ACP).


    The download seems to have been removed from the Jaia Interactive website, but I still have it on my hard drive, so I'll probably put it in a zip archive sometime soon and upload it to my site...BTW, you can also find a preview of Topico on my site by clicking here. :(

  4. I've tried it, but Firefox went all kablooey. Any website I viewed was shakin' up and down....I got rid of it, but that's the first time I remember my PC ever doing that, and it still happens every now and then, although usually to my sis, not me.... >_<

  5. Well, the forum software, I mentioned earlier, MyTopix, I believe has a single-forum mode where you can jsut have topics. I'm not toally sure...if it doesn't there's always the original Jaia BB system, Thema Topico, which is all single-forum...no official support offered, but still free. :)

  6. I'm pro-gun control because clearly anything that can kill needs to be watched closely.


    The problem is though, that people who are killing people with guns are the ones not following the laws in the first place.  The gun registration and all of that is all well and good, but the problem is, only the law abiding citizens actually register their gun.


    Criminals buy their guns on the black market or whatever, so they never register.  What we really need to do is stop the illegal sellign of guns.  that way people whio intend or are likely to kill can't get guns. 


    Beefing up gun laws only affects those that follow them in the first place.


    Another thing that neds to be stressed is gun-education.  I'm not saying everyone needs to know how to use a gun, but we should teach kids how not to shoot themselves or their friends.  I'm for gun locks aswell, soley to stop accidents.


    One posible solution i thought of would be not allowing regular citizens to purchase live ammunition.  only those with a hunting license or law enforcement can purchase real bullets.  everyone else should buy rubber bullets that dont kill but can still be used for recreation. rubber bullets still work at the shooting range, and nobody dies.


    I'm a bit of an idealist and i hope that some day guns are all together wiped out, at least in the use of killing.  i sitll find guns to be really cool.


    But if everybody can only buy rubber bullets, then how could anybody defend themselves?


    Oh, and Adamsgi: Not only does the UK have tight gun laws, there's also a very high robbery rate. People are left defenseless against criminals that are obviously getting their guns illegally. In the US, only 12% of guns used ina crime are bought legally, so if guns were banned, those people would just buy their guns illegally, while law-abiding citizens are left defenseless.

  7. Excuse me, um, but there are more than 6 different types of forum sofware out there. Could a moderator edit this and add an "other" option? :D


    Anyway, I'm a big fan of MyTopix from Jaia Interactive, which is currently in beta, but it'll reach final within a few months probably. It's got lotsa nice features, but not too many features, like IPB (They apparently add features to it if one or two people want them. Wouldn't it be better to just create a mod for that?). :D


    Oh, and BTW, you hafta pay for IPB (unless you install it from the cPanel). You may not be able to install MyTopix directly from the cPanel, but it's free. ;)

  8. It depends on what you mean by graphics.  For a simple GUI, Java's Swing API is easy to use, and usually built in or included as an add-on package to install.  There's another GUI API, but it slipped my mind.  I always just used Swing.


    Java, as stated before, can be complied to run on the JVM.  This creates a multi-platform application that you can easily distribute.  The only negative part about this is performance, where the JVM is often sluggish and not fully robust enough for me to trust.  I'm using a Yearbook creation software for a school, and it's the most poorly designed (and hideous) program I've seen in years, and I suspect that the problems lie mostly in the Java architecture rather than program design (could be wrong, but honestly, would anyone purposefully write a program that requires you to quit the application to open a new file?)  I hated the JVM, and probably always will.


    C++ has its downfalls as well.  It's harder to learn (generally), but more importantly, it's a ***** to actually port to other processors.  Since most APIs are processor specific, you'd have to find a comparable API to fill in the gaps that can't be used again.  The OOP concept is essentially the same, so that's a moot point here.


    If I had to classify Java and C++, I'd say Java is for learning, and C++ is for coding.  C++ has significant advantages when it comes to performance, and can smoke Java in equal settings.


    I don't think that's the JVM's fault, it sounds more like a creation of a dumb programmer. After all, Oracle SQL was written in Java....

  9. Just wondering, but does anybody else here have flight simulators?


    I have MS Flight Simulator 2000, and I also downloaded a free one (forgot what it's called), but it doesn't seem to work. Anyway, I'm wondering: does anybody know of a good, free combat sim?

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