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Posts posted by Jguy101

  1. Well, I've rpetty much decided not to use Ubuntu....it seems some of its coders are insanely dumb. First of all, you have to go into the console just to set up a dialup modem; second, there isn't any really nice form of confirmation for if you want to use "default" or "expert" installations modes...which led to the erasing of everything on my Snow G3 iMac's hard drive...including the keyboard and mouse drivers...and I'm not sure, but the filesystem mught even be gone, because the Mac OS X install CD won't show my hard drive as existing...and the eject key isn't working!


    Woe is me.... :P

  2. That's the thing: if the growth wasn't halted, they would be normal, living human beings. And besides, even if we did find a cures for diseases with embryonic stem cells, you couldn't eliminate the fact that the process did involve killing.


    Also, what's this thing about stem cells having to be used in a particular area? Stem cells from nostrils were being used to treat diseases like MS and MD.

  3. @Axis: actually, anybody purhcasing a gun has their fingerprint run through the FBI's National Instant Check System.


    @qwijibow: Dude, I don't take it you've ehard of the woman who had a hot clothes iron pressed into her skin...if she had a gun, that woudn't have happened.


    Anyway, take Switzerland: every household is required to own a military rifle, and a sealed tin of ammo. The ammo tin has to always be there, but the rifle can be used as much as the resident wants. Shooting is practically a national pasttime. ever hear of mass-murders over there very often?

  4. Well, I've decided to delve into Linux...I ordered some Ubuntu CD's a while back, but they haven't come yet. I wouldn't be complaining, but recently I saw a new mailman put a whole pile of stuff in one of these new package mailbox (something to prevent mail theft), I dunno if he even sorted it to see who all the stuff was for, and if a neighbor got it and didn't bring it over.... :P


    Anyway, I'm downloading Kubuntu tonight. :P

  5. Embryonic stem cells? No way. It involves the destruction of what would otherwise grow and become a living, breathing human being. (Well, it kinda already is human, but the breathing part isn't there.)


    However, there are many other sources of stem cells, including umbylical cord blood. In fact, some people have been treated for diseases in Spain, using stem cells that were retreived from their nostrils. :P

  6. I have a firend that's interested in learning some programming languages (he only knows AppleScript and HTML, but the latter doesn't really count), and he's kinda interested in Java. However, he's a die-hard Mac user, and the only PeeCees at his hosue are an ol'd desktop on Win95, and his Dad's Dell laptop. So, where could he get the JDK for Mac OS X?

  7. Just curious, but does anybody else here like MyTopix or its predecessor, Thema Topico?


    For those of you who don't know, MyTopix is a relatively new system from Jaia Interactive. It's in beta, but the next build (1.3) is expected out within a couple weeks max, and it should reach final by the end of the year.....anyway, Thema Topico!, MT's predecessor, is a nice, single-forum system. MyTopix has a simple mode that is on by default when there's only one forum, but I kinda prefer the Topico word filter, so that's what I use....


    So, anybody else like 'em? :rolleyes:

  8. 1) Machine guns require a Firearms Retailer's license to own in the US, and it has since the 30's.

    2) Ever heard of a hunting handgun?

    3) I don't get this whole "assault weapons" thing. The ban itself just banned cosmetic accessories like bayonet mounts.

    4) As for the drugs part, here's this:

    A Hollis, N.H., man was awakened to screaming in his backyard. The homeowner, Donald Narkis, grabbed his gun and headed downstairs when he heard glass breaking in the kitchen. Narkis fired in the direction of the intruder, who, undettered, continued to advance as he screamed and smashed furniture. together with his armed daughter, Narkis ordered the intruder onto the floor, but the man wouldn't stay down. Narkis fired again, but the shot hit next to the intruder's leg. When polive arrived on the scene, the intruder, identified as Peter Camplin, complained, "that psycho tried to shoot me." Camplin, who had moved into the neighborhood only months previously, was found to have a significant amount of cocaine and alcohol in his system.

  9. You claim that if you ahd hit the guy, he would have killed you. However if you had a gun, you may have been able to use it and defend yourself. Also, why didn't his girlfried do anything? She could've pulled out a lamp or something and knocked him out.


    Oh, and when I gave you the drug addict situation, I meant high on drugs as in high, not high as in height. Most likely, the guy wouldn't care about your wallet. He'd be on some mad rampage and all he wanted to do was kill you.


    Also, you can't forget hunting. :P

  10. Well I was kinda hesitant to download it again after some problems I was ahving with it when I first started (pages is Firefox just started shaking up and down like somebody was moving the scroll wheel), but I downloaded it again and it works fine. I jsut have to take it off when I play a racing game, becuase for some reason it's as if some arrow keys are acting like they're either being pressed at random moments, or they're stuck (which they aren't, and I think it may be both), 'cuz my car will swerve. :P


    Anyway, I was on the Xisto team for a little while, but I decided to start my own team. :P

  11. JGuy, I am well aware of the crime rate in the UK, being British, and living near Manchester....


    I think you lost my point, in that regardless of whether I was allowed to own a gun, I still could not legally use it to "defend" myself.  Quite frankly, anyone who shoots someone should have to deal with the consequences. Killing people should never be justified - and you can never guarantee that you will not kill someone if you shoot them.  Until we can deal with the social problems that cause gun-related crime (drugs, greed, isolation etc) there will always be someone using one to get what they want. 


    But there is the supposed argument that if the homeowner has a gun it may deter people from robbing their houses.  This argument is flawed because if it was the case, there would be hardly any robbery in the US, whether armed or not. And having a gun to protect yourself is pretty pointless if you have already been shot dead.


    You also say that 12% of guns used in crime are bought legally.  Get rid of legal gun ownership and you will have technically reduced your gun crime by 12%.  Any government would love to be able to do that.


    One of the major problems that the world faces today is that less and less people are valuing human life.  Some dregs of society think nothing of killing another person.  Is this due to desensitisation by the media, or just a general decline in morals?  Or is it because we are descending into an animalistic hell where only the ruthless mobs will survive?


    (Sorry for being a 'tad' dramatic  :P )


    Dude, as I said, gun crime wouldn't really go down. People would either buy their guns illegally, or use knives. Plus, law-abiding citizens wouldn't be able to own them, so they couldn't defend themselves.


    Also, 'bout killing people: you believe that if some drug addict who's high, 6' 7", and running towards you with a knife, you have to let him kill you sintead of defending yourself?

  12. I think it is more inhumane to keep someone who is brain-dead alive for a long period of time than it is to let them finally die peacefully. If I was ever in that situation and showed no signs of improvement after five years, I'd rather die than be a burden to my family.


    As I said, she was making progress in rehab, 'til her husband put her in a hospice, and the rehab stopped.

  13. Dude, she was NOT "brain dead"! Yeah, people claim the smiles and sounds and stuff were just reflexes or whatever, but as far as I know, nerves don't act up that long after death. The only form of life support she was on was a feeding tube, and that's just becuase she couldn't feed herself. She would have been able to, becuase she was making major progress in rehabilitation, but then her dirtbag husband puts her in a hospice.


    So, now he's got what has been said to be as high as $12,000,000 in money from a life insurance policy that he is believed to have had on her....

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