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Posts posted by Jguy101

  1. Actually, with Java 1.5, the input is much easier. Instead of using the old BufferedReaders, you can now use the Scanner class. :) Here's the code:

    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in());scan.readLine();
    And output isn't really that much work...in my Java IDE (SitePadPro), I can just type in "out" and hit tab, and it'll give me "System.out.println();", just need to put in the parameter(s)...Java just needs to be standardized to you could just type in "jout(output)" our "jin(output)" or something like that. :)

  2. C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustroup (that should be the proper spelling for his last name, I can never remember). It was originally called C With Classes, because that's what it is: C, but with classes.


    C++ is a good programming language to start with, especially if you want to learn PHP, but it's not really good for large programs. For example, Windows XP is entirely written in C++. Is it very stable? No way.


    Anyway, I'd suggest learning Java first. It's very nice, and you can run Java programs on any computer with the JRE (Java Runtime Engine), which is downloadable for free, and you can even create applets with it to embed in web paged. :)


    Oh, with with the Abstract Windowing Toolkit in Java, you can actually call the system's default beep sound. I've put that in an applet, and a couple programs where I've made it go off when a button was pressed. :)

  3. Thanks for clearing that up, OpaQue. :)


    Anyway, I recently took Clicksor ads off my forum because my friend had also put them on his site, and pop-ups started showing up on his site... :) So, I've switched to Adhearus, and I'm eprfectly fine with them. I have it set up so they only appear on my forum index, and it's in its own "Sponsored Links" table... :(

  4. Neither. IPB's waay overpriced and the ACP's all screwed up, and phpBB just doesn't have enough good features. You can't even add subforums. Plus, you need to edit PHP to just disable COPPA registration...


    I'm a big fan of Jaia Interactive's MyTopix forum software, which I use on my site. It's currently in beta, and even though you'll have to pay for it if you want final when it comews out, it'll only be $40, and half that for the first fifty customers! :P And, I'm not sure, but it might be free without all the official support and skins and shtuff... :P

  5. I've had InvisionFree forums. I know the forum software is a modified version of IPB 1.3, don't know much else. A lot of InvisionFree fans claim that IF is invincible and is harder to hack than regular IPB, but the ACP is apparently much easier to hack into.


    There's some psycho group that claims they don't hack, that they only ask to become admins (the group's entire exististence is for the sole purpose of getting rid of sites run by "n00bs"), but if that's all they do, why do they only hack InvisionFree boards?

  6. In the March issue of Popular Mechanics, there was an article about PC modding. Inside there, they showed a pic of a homemade WiFi antenna, and gave a link to this site with instructions.


    Well, yesterday at my friend's house, we made a prototype, but we need to remake it, because we couldn't find a hosering, so we just attached the USB WiFi adapter to the sieve with wire, and the cord is hanging down (if we had the hosering, it'd be going through a hole in the back of the sieve).


    So, anybody like? Ya should, since it's cheap and a 12" could even get a range of 2-3 miles... :P

  7. Even if they do teach Karate or something like that, it's not realy that much of a fight against a gun.


    And, "Intelligent Gun Management" has a different emaning for everybody. For me, it's to allow guns, except requiring a license to own fully automatic weapons (like now, you need a retailer's license), and possibly have gun safety in schools, as Nils mentioned. For others, that means banning all guns and leaving everybody defenseless, depending on the police, who usually don't get to the scene of the crime until somebody's dead.

  8. Carbon dating may show that it's not that old, but people, you've gotta remember that carbon dating isn't infallible. How old is the oldest thing that we've carbon dated that we know for 100% sure when it was created? For all we know, it could only have a certain range of acceptable accuracy. And, it could be possible that a fire screwed up it's carbon or soemthing like that...

  9. I think it will. It's small but extremely powerful, and heck of a lotta bang for the buck. I'd like one, but I'd need $500 bucks for that. I could share my monotor with it, but I'd need a USB keyboard and mouse, which could replace my current ones...if I do ever get one, I'd probably get them from Logitech. :P


    Anyway, before you get people to buy one, there's one problem: people think Macs are these slow things running OS 7 or 8, because those are the only ones they've ever used (because that's what most schools with Macs have). People need to get into an Apple Store and try OS X.


    Anyway, I think Apple should introduce a nice lil' laptop for $799. I'm thinking a 12" like the base model iBook G4, but without all the bells and whistles, maybe having the combo drive as an upgrade, not standard equipment...I'd buy one. :P

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