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Everything posted by rozalia

  1. Yeah, I can see why you would say that. It's true that China's environment and pollution predicaments has been terrible even before this "current" economic boom and health issues are not really what you would say "up-to-shape." I appreciate your comments and view. Thanks.
  2. For anybody who has been catching up in the money magazine, Fortune and any other sources of economic info and updates, do you think there will be a future economic blast-off in China? We all heard of China's ascending growth in the automobile market, Intel market, and etc. This communist country has also become a global giant trade center with imports and exports totalling up to $851 billion last year. While the rest of the world seems to be in economy down-hurl, China seems to be slowly climbing up the ladder.So what do you think? Do you think China will be developing a great business future? Or do you disagree that China will end up following the same destructive paths as South Korea and Japan? Will China be coming up with their own international brands (i.e. Samsung and Sony)?Personally, I have great faith in China's economy at the moment (considering how bad America is at the moment). If it really skyrockets, I'll be sure to be there. Not gonna miss an opportunity like that if it ever comes up in a world like this, if you know what I mean. x]So please leave your opinion or whatever news you grabbed. It'll be great if there's any feedback.
  3. I'm actually really, undeniably upset about Bush's decision to go to war with Iraq. I do see the reasons why he would want to war but *ahem*, I have to guess that a large number of soldiers over there in the Middle East do not exactly see what they're fighting for. (Sure, some may support Bush but still...) I mean if Bush wants to go to war so badly, why doesn't he and whoever else who is against him or supports him on this war issue fight it out themselves in one of those Roman arenas in their drawers with a bat or something instead of sending all these troops of American soldiers over there. I do question if some of them actually want to go over there and carry out the orders but that is just a sheer assumption.And for anybody who watched Opera on Monday, what about Africa? Gee loh weezers, that's country has been in ruins and trouble for decades and what has anybody done for that poor place? *Coughs* Not very much, sadly to say. Geocide in Rwanda since 1994 and it's still going on. I can't even type out what's happening to the women and children over there. It's inexpicably sick and disgusting. Ugh, makes me wanna puke. Seriously, what is Bush doing in Iraq when Africa is even in more turmoil?! Actually, I take that back. Iraq and the Middle East has also been in mumbo jumbo as well but...You know, I won't be surprised if Bush decides to invade Russia like Napolean and Hitler did (whoops, inside joke, my bad...). But then my dad who didn't get the inside joke said, "Who in the world wants to invade Russia?! There's not much there when you think about it..." But for a president like Bush, *sigh* you really never know...
  4. I'm more a fan of Asian music but to stick with American music... Ambulance Ash (the British one) Caesars Palace Cake Detroit Cobras Doping Panda Embrace Fall Out Boy Goo Goo Dools Idlewild Keane Le Tigre Louis XIV Margaret (Polish band) Nada Surf Oasis Pet Shop Boys Pixies Red Hot Chili Peppers Rilokiley Scarling Tex La Homa The Dandy Warhols The Decemberists The Faint The Rasmus Tribeca Veruca Salt Ho...and Switchfoot as well. xDDDDD And of course, the Beatles. Who can forget them??
  5. Yeap, Adobe Photoshop here too! :] But I also use Paint Shop Pro 7 which is slightly more difficult to get a hang of (and sometimes very bothersome and obnoxious...). If you're siding with PSP, I suggest that you choose ver. 6. Ver. 7 and 8 just have all these add-ons and extensions, which I find not much help or good to the whole program. But all in all, Photoshop all the way. It's simplier, has the same tools and comes out with the same wonderful graphics and looks. Besides, why do the same things on a troublesom program when you can do the same on an easier one? *Shrugs*
  6. Right with you, qwijibow. I applaud you. I can't say much about the movie industry anymore. I'm not with the American one but the Asian one is pretty bad off already. The black market behind it all is actually much more successful and a lot of the DVD's I watch from Korea are redistrubuted from Taiwan, China, or Hong Kong. Even some of the Japanese CD's (which are outrageous... you think $15-20 was expensive?! Japanese ones are $30 and up. @__@; that I own are redistrubuted as well. The inflation is freakin' crazy (*cough* economy). I'm not paying an extra $20 on a CD that I can get for $10 and it has the exact same thing as te original. But then, that depends on my mood. Sometimes, the original will always be the best.
  7. I agree with you on the "trendy" thing. Everybody always likes to follow trends and soon, the current trend will die out and a new one will be created and thrown out into the market and everybody once again, will follow the new "trend." I'm not saying it's a bad thing because I know many people who follow trends and they have excellent tastes. And I'm not saying the Ipod is bad because it's "trendy" for I also like the Ipod though I do not prefer to own one. I'm sure it has great earplugs and acoustics but accessories? Sorry, I'm not a big fan on accessories. Personally, I think accessories are a waste of money and tend to loose their purpose quite easily.
  8. *Sigh* Sadly, I'm not into any Martial Arts yet but I'm very highly interested into taking one or two. (Actually, I'm taking fencing and that's kinda time-consuming along with piano and so on...) But I'm really into Tae kwon do, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Karate that's been mixed into other types and martial combat. When I have time, I read up on different martial arts since I don't have the time to join nor sign up. Currently, I am futhermore interested into the 'bo.' I'm sure a lot of you heard of it. It's a long and very thin bamboo stick, about 5 ft. long (?). I find this art especially special and elegant (in a combat type of way). Though it is very, very hard to master and one must have the dedication. And I definitely do not but it's fun reading about it and watching the masters fight it out. x]
  9. Well......not like I want to 'fire up' this discussion even more since Cryptonx seems to be a little touchy about his view on Microsoft (no offense taken please). My family has been supporting Microsoft Windows for a pretty long time and well, I'm fine with what's working out. My previous computer was a Windows XP Home I think but my dad ripped the CD's off somebody's else so it wasn't original (ooo...dad... xP) and we couldn't update security alerts (not like I was keen enough to update them in the first place) and back then, we didn't buy the anti-virus softwares yet. *Shrugs* But that was our fault so what can I say...? \('__-)/Anyways... I'm sure there are a quite handful of other people that also support Windows as much as you do Cryptonx but no, I'm not one of them.
  10. *Shrugs* Frankly, I don't need so much space for my email account. I'm plenty content with 1 GB of space or how much space I have right now. Big file attachments aren't really such a big deal; uploading them is the only bother. I and other people/friends seem to have no problem receiving big files but that's only because they have 1GB+ email accounts. Personally, I think that if someone has a lot of files and projects to send back and forth between co-workers or clients; then a GAWAB account or even a private company email address would be suitable.
  11. Yun Seub by Koyote. Great Korean ballad... Well that's kinda blunt considering the fact that there are many Korean ballads that are all exceptionally gorgeous. *Shrugs* Urgh, not anymore... Locomation by Orange Range is on now. O__o
  12. Yngwie Malmsteen? Wow, that's one I have never heard of. Interesting name and did you say 'with guitar?' I'll be sure to check them out. I think I heard Estaban in a music shop before. Not sure, but I'm pretty sure it was. I remember when I was a child, I was really into classical guitar players that did their own versions of Bach's pieces. Not as heavy as the original ones played on the organs and oh boy, are organs loud and permeating sound everywhere with all those gigantic pipes. (Yeah, I'm not too big of a fan on organs). And I'm not a really big fan of Baroque music in the first place so classical guitar players helped me appreciate the 1600's music much more than before. ^__^
  13. True. The use of floppy disks has been slowing down for a while now. Even my computer's hardrive doesn't consist of a floppy drive. My family usually stick to the USB cable which stores just enough for us. (I usually use the 128 mb one for a few music files and documents that I want to switch from computer to labtop or vice versa). And about the DVD/Blue Ray topic, I heard about the harder shells somewhere else but I wasn't really too interested into it. Sure, it'll be nice that the DVD's don't get scratched up from too much usage but I think that would bode well with DVD rental buisnesses. My parents own some Korean soap opera series and we only watch them once so why bother with the harder shell? But I haven't heard all about the pro's and con's on Blue Ray so please, continue to enlighten me on it.
  14. Yes yes yes yes!! The Dandy Warhols! The first time I heard their name, I just rolled off my chair, laughing. Really, it just sounds so funny. It's like saying 'tor-MEN-ting' with the em-PHA-siz on the absolutely wrong syl-LA-ble. Doping Panda; I'm not sure if they're an American band because I can barely comprehend what in the universe the vocalist is singing about. And then there's Le Tigre with their funky little songs like TKO. (would someone mind defining TKO for me? o_o) I don't know if Nada Surf, Louis XIV, Rilokiley, The Rasmus, Cake, Keane, Tex la Homa, or Detroit Cobras would be considered underrated. ('__-)? Or how about Ambulance, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Scarling? I'm more active in Korean music and classical/jazz music than I am in contemporary English music.
  15. I agree with wreslur. No screen; not buying. Sure, it's compatible and doesn't take up as much room as the Ipod or Ipod mini but still, I prefer it if there was a screen so I would actually know what track is on and if I really want to listen to a song that I'm really hooked onto, I wouldn't have to keep on pressing the >>forward button just to find the freaking song. But, it's a new product, new design, and once again Apple is trying to overrun all the other mp3 player companies. Sure, it's a quirky little techy object that would attract many consumers but like all the other commentors, I rather save up for a mini Ipod or something that's even worth more than that.
  16. I don't use flash or java in any of my sites because first of all, I only run small sites and none of them need unnecessary flash videos and sorts to cram it all up. I realize that the Japanese make really good flash sites (especially for bands and artists) that are not implying the dizzy effect on the viewer nor is it so boring that the viewer is spending all his/her time, searching for the >>skip button. I tend to stick with layouts that include images that are high quality, modified with photoshop or PSP (brushes!) and obviously showing experience in html and coding.All and in all, I don't want the layout to be too hard on my eyes. Oh yeah, and the navigation has to be clear. I don't want to waste my whole day, clicking the whole page just to look for for the 'Home' button. >.>
  17. Well, I used to have a music orientated site (more like a mp3 rotation site) before my friend's hosting domain shut down on her, pulling down my site with hers as well. It was such a shame though. I spent so much time on the coding and the layout. (And I do think it was a nice piece of eye candy too! ) I'm still considering the fact if I should return back to managing a mp3 rotation site. It's fun at times but then, it takes time to rotate music and besides, it's illegal. I don't want to keep risking the chance of having my site deleted or shutting down the whole service that hosts me. *Shrugs* Perhaps, a music shrine of an artist or band? 6('___- )
  18. I used to shop for mp3 players in Hong Kong where the designs are much up-to-date and cheaper than in America or where I reside, B.C., Canada. Now, I question the 'cheaper' part but still the models in Asia are much more high tech than the ones over here. The only problem with the ones in H.K. are they're usually 128 mb to 256 mb. They're light, small, and very compact but not enough room to store over 100 songs. I, myself, own a Creative Player Nomad MuVo2 1.5 GB. I find it very reliable since I had it for a year and it hasn't broke down yet. Plus, 1.5 GB is enough for me. o__o The only thing that sucks about it is that the charger is one of those big fat plugs from England and I have to use a plug converter (which I keep leaving behind in hotels when I'm on trips...). Another one I have is JNC Digital Audio Player SSF-502, which only has 256 mb of space. It's fun to bring along since it's pretty light and only runs on a AAA battery but I still prefer my Nomad mp3 player. *Shrugs* I personally think that 1-2 GB for a mp3 player is good enough. Besides, so many people have Ipods, I tend to forget how expensive they are. o__O
  19. Nope, I just do site designing for fun and as a hobby (or if I have any free time... ) Though, I am in need of some hosting service...or there is no other way I can put them up...
  20. Richmond, British Columbia! :333 But I'm going down to California. San Francisco to be more precise. 6('__- )
  21. Nice... I like the design template you used/made? Simple but still grabs attention; good. Yeah, I agree with InjunSteve on the grammatical errors. Don't feel offended; I have terrible grammar as well (join the team..). I'm sure once the grammar is fixed, your site would become higher class (if you know what I mean...) But all in all, it's not too much of a strain on the eyes, which I do like.
  22. My newest computer has Microsoft Office Professional XP though I can't really tell the difference between Professional and Home. I was disappointed when I first downloaded it in because some of the microsoft programs were missing (i.e. microsoft front page). Then I had to dig around the house for my other Windows CD's and install the programs that the package didn't include. I have also used Windows 2000 with NT Technology; not bad. I can barely remember how Windows 1995 and 1998 works, due to my bad memory. =_=I agree with shaldengeki on the fact that he hasn't switched to Linux because Windows works fine with him/her (sorry!). And yes, I have heard of the pros of Linux (as well the cons) and may consider switching to it in the future.
  23. Piano for 10 years (and lovin' it) and flute for 4 years. I can manage the bells and xylophones and other various percussion. I'm more of a classical/romantic type of pianist but I do enjoy playing modern music and jazz.
  24. Well, I respect your opinions. But really, I did not enjoy any of the movies. They're so far-fetched and watered down from the book version; ugh, it makes me sick. Sadly enough, I was really disappointed when I read Order of the Phoenix. What was up with all the depression and angst?! And Potter's 'teenager PMS'?!? He's worse than a girl! (And this is coming from an observation of a girl, mind me) I dearly hope that Rowling can come up with a really miraculous comeback with the 6th book... Whenever that is coming out... >.<
  25. Probably you found this somewhere online but I just thought I would share it to more people. *Grins* Quite humorous. In a weird sense of a way. x]9 Things I Hate About Everyone1. People who point at their wrist while asking forthe time.... I know where my watch is pal, where theheck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I askwhere the toilet is?2. People who are willing to get off their lazy behinds tosearch the entire room for the TV remote because theyrefuse to walk to the TV and change the channelmanually.3. When people say "Oh you just want to have yourcake and eat it too"Darn right! What good is a cake if you can't eat it?4. When people say "it's always the last place youlook"Of course it is. Why the heck would you keep lookingafter you've found it? Do people do this? Who andwhere are they? They need their Butts Kicked!5. When people say while watching a film "didyou see that?"No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stareat the floor. If I really wanted to admire the floor, I would have gone to the flooring store. It's free, mydear friend.6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?"....Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?And then they ask you again, "Well, can I ask you another one?"You just did it again my friend.7. When something is 'new and improved!'Which is it? If it's new, then there has never beenanything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have beensomething before it.8. When people say "Life is short." What?!?Life is the longest darn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks"Has the bus come yet?"If the bus came would I still be standing here, smart one?
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