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Everything posted by Qop

  1. Thx for the reply but I wasn't finished yet ;)But yes you're right, it's nearly as they are invisible o.O
  2. The giant squid There is a squid out there that inhabits nearly every sea on earth. There are probably thousands in the sea. They get to grow to about 18 meters long. They have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom. But then why is it that nobody has ever been able to catch so much as a snapshot of them? Introduction to the Architeuthis dux: The Architeuthis dux, or more commonly know as the Giant Squid, is the largest invertibrate alive. They live all over the world at depths of 200 to 700 m. It has huge tentacles for grasping food and bringing it to it's beak. Some facts: Length: 18 meter - 59 feet Weight: 900 kg - 1.980 lb Longest tentacle: 9 m - 30 ft Eye-size: Size of a volleybal (!) A baby Giant squid which washed ashore Architeuthis dux is latin for " King of the Giant Squids" (dux=king and Architeuthidae=Giant Squid), and he really is the king. Measuring 18 meters from head to feet + 9m tentacles, this animal couldn't be called anything but BIG. Where are they? 'So, if they're so big, then I'd like to see a picture of them.' Strangely, there has never been taken a picture of a Giant Squid so far, as they are very shy creatures. Even more absurd, until now, there is only one occasion on which a Architeuthis dux was seen. A US navy boat was doing an exersize when suddenly an enormous squid surfaced next to them, and happily swam along for several hundred meters until it dived down. In this time, nobody was in the right state of mind to run and get a camera. The marine-guys said it was almost ten-twelve meters long, with huge tentacles behind it. This is how our ancestors saw the Giant Squid: as a giant man-eating monster So this is one report so far. And scientists estimate there are probably thousands of them deep down. What on earth drove them to that conclusion? The explanation is very simple and very convincing. The cachalot, a giant wale, dives down to great depths. Not for fun of course, as the pressure down there is stunningly high, but for food. Deep down lies the kingdom of the squids and that happens to be a cachalot's favourite meal. Sometimes (or actually, fairly frequently) cachalot's wash upon shores. Most of the times these animals will die. Then they go to a lab for disecting etc. Because of this, we have come to know a lot about them. Some cachalots had strange suction cup-like marks on their bodies. This convinced some scientists already that they hunted Giant Squids. This is a cachalot But then they cut open it's stomach. They pulled out long tentacles with suction cups of up to 2 inches out of the cachalot's stomach, beaks of squids, etc. This truly convinced every scientist that squids were on the menu. And it convinced them the Architeuthis dux wasn't a myth, for the tentacles pulled from the stomachs were as thick as a man's arm. Seeing as they know that cachalots need quite an amount of food, and seeing as we know how much cachalots exist, we can make an estimate of how much Giant Squids are alive. Seek the Squid! As a result of this conclusion, many scientists went crazy a discovering a new animal so big that had lied undiscovered under liters of water for so many years. Instantly, team after team of anxious scientists rushed out to get underwater subs, camera's, boats and more equipment. Some scientists were confident cachalots were the key to succes; they attached cameras to the backs of them and watched as they dived. But everytime they managed to get a camera on a cachalot's back, it broke loose due to the enormous depth or because cachalot's like to rub themselves against each other if they're itchy. So that didn't work. Others tried mini-subs that they could control from above. This worked better, as they at least reached the bottom. But no light penetrates from above at those depths, so they needed to send a blinding flashlight with it. And because the Giant Squids are very shy, they didn't dare get near the light. And of course they could outswim the robot easily, as it's speed was a laugh. One of described subs Conclusion So there are thousands of stupid squids swimming out there for years without showing so much as a tentacle of them! Maybe there still are some great mysteries that lie hidden from us, yet to be discovered. Qop
  3. Opposites might well be man's great illusion, if you come to think of it. Seeing all these examples being cracked by one another, I racked my mind for something completely opposite. But it's not do-able. For example, I say that Death is the opposite of life. Someone could then say: 'Attach strings to the hands and legs of someone who just died, like a puppet. Then start walking him and some passers-by, though they might find him walking strange, would see him as alive.' This shows the majour problem about definitions: they are easy to use in all-day languages, 'cause we need to communicate. But if we start to have philosofical discussions such like this one, our languages are just too 'shallow', meaning that the definitions are based on perception. We define things as we see them. Take the example: people see a dead body walking around (the strings are invisible, did I mention that ) and they classify him as 'alive'. After all, dead people don't get up and around much, do they now? But there is a problem with perception: it isn't 100% reliable. Ghosts, for example. Imagine yourself in a deep, dark dungeon. Gusts of wind, darkness, dripping water, strange noises; to the human mind this is a paradise of imagination. Some people claim to have seen ghosts, and although the experience might have seem very real, it's highly unlikely it was a real ghost. Back to opposites. As you see opposites are highly undefinable because of a huge area of darkness between one and the other. That's why it's such a good topic of discussion
  4. I found a very funny but rude alternative for MSN: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's funny, and t works (skip the first 2 links though).
  5. "Spongebob squarepants- movie theme" from Avril lavigne. God I loved that movie
  6. If a threat like this is real (and we've that is quite real), the government should prepare an evacuation plan. Furthermore they should make it clear to the citizens how dangerous an eruption is, so they learn why they have to evacuate if necessary.
  7. At first I looked at the examples and I thought "hmmm, nah'But then I saw the building thingy, and I was like 'WOW' :PAlthough I can make these things myself, It's still cool to see what you can use flash for. <likes his easy movie>
  8. Finally! It's coming! A long time people have been guessing what would come next: AoE III, AoM II, a completely new game... Whatever it was gonna be, it was bound to be great. Now, after a long period of waiting, they are proud to announce that AoE III is coming in june/july! This is there page: The official ESO website Believe me, these pics look amazing!
  9. Although it doesn't make any sense, you can easily convert mov to swf. Just import the mov to flash (provided you have flash of course). Then drag and drop onto stage. Above you see on your keyframe that it contains something. Then you have to start adding keyframes until every keyframe has a fram of the mov file (use F6, it's much faster; just press and hold). If the entire movie is on your timeline, you can just publish your settings and only tick the SWF box.
  10. I don't wanna be annoying, but the thing is, there is a middle way in genders. They're called hermaphrodites, and have reproductive organs from male and female. According to dictionary.com: Furthermore, there are also neutral people. They have no gender at all. So there is basically always a middle way because of nearly every object on Earth there are such quantities, that there are always exceptions.
  11. ^^ MMORPG were a great invention. Until now I only played Tibia, which I still like after half a year. Before I only played online games such as AoM, AoE, Comand&Conquer, etc.My experience with Tibia is very good, and I like it that it's way simpler than WoW, with all these diferent vocs. It's certainly a lot less hard to choose .BTW, I have a question: Is Morrowind also avilable as MMORPG? Or are you allways on your own?
  12. I use 2004 too, but I never had MX, so I don't really know the difference.
  13. True. But there is one that comes quite close to it. The one scentence, the one thing to remember is this line: "It is." It may apply on anything you see, feel, hear, think about, etc. Try to divert that line.
  14. This is mine. I like it tidy and empty too. A bit like this. Put all shortcuts into one master folder. Nothing can obscure my vision of Magritte's famous piece of art as well as his Philosofy (This is not a pipe )
  15. Ups I read this: and ran out to follow the order. Must really try to read on in the future
  16. First get this misconception out of the way: The greenhouse effect is an effect that is caused by earth itself. The atmosphere prevent heat from getting into space easily, just like a greenhouse prevents heatness to rise up to the sky. What you mean is the enforced greenhouse effect. Because factories, cars, etc. blast billions of soot particles skywards everyday, the atmosphere gets fuller and denser. This means that the warmth of the earth is easier to retain. On the other hand, this doesn't seem to take immeadiate dramatic proportions. Ok, over the last century the temperature has risen 2-3 degrees (which may not seem a lot, but believe me, it has its impact). As for the gap above antarctica and Australia, scientists have reported that the gap has stopped growing and even seems to be wanting to shrink again.
  17. Qop


    Indeed. But could you carry it around in your pocket listening to music? Don't think so. This is not true. But in order to do this, you must first open iTunes, go to edit, preferences. There choose the tab 'iPod'. Then the tab 'General'.There you see a checkbox that says 'Use iPod as harddisk' (or something similar). If you enable this you can copy and paste all that you want. Although the music is a funny order. -+WARNING+- If you enable the above, beware that you have to release your iPod manually!
  18. Wow man, u relly know your stuff! I have found out that webdesigning is a very good way for a bigspending 16 year old dude like me to earn some nice cash. After I read this, i thought: "You know, this might actually help me! " So I just typed some random words in google (I.E. 'Yachts', 'Shop', etc.) and just by browsing I found 2-3 sites that needed.... Thanks very much
  19. Qop


    You can only invite some friends if you are a member for some weeks. Just wait and see, you'll be inviting your friends in no-time
  20. Hmmmm, I really like the Timmy tour site. The colors are a nice bleu, not hard but soft colors. And the blue gives the visitor a sort of sense of sea-colors. The buttons are nice, especially if you want to avoid flash a bit then this is a great replacement. I don't know if you did these foto's by yourself but the feathering is nice. The top-picture also roxx.The only possible improvement I can find is that you maybe could replace the photo of Timmy on the front page.
  21. As I see it, there is NO meaning of life. It's something people have thought up, because they (we) always search for a reason behind everything. We just can't take it that there isn't any reason to live. Religions are an excellent example of people who are searching for a meaning of life. God is their explanation of why we are here, and the meaning of life would then naturally live as best as you can and deserve yourself a place in heaven. But that's not the way it works! There just isn't any meaning of life! That is to say, it doesn't have any meaning by itself. It doesn't mean that you can't give your life a meaning. You have to do something you really like doing: go fish, do some work in the garden, play music, whatever! If you feel your doing something useful, or if the thing you're doing really cheers you up and put you in a good mood, that's the thing! That's your meaning you put to life. BTW- No offense to people who believe in god. I'm just not a believer, I can't get myself to believe in God.
  22. Firstly, let me apologise for my inaccurate information, though I must add I got it all from my schoolbook, and I'm, well, a bit shocked, that my book provides wrong information . I thought Zen originated from Hinayana Again, I apologize for my wrong information. But I DO know one thing about Buddhism: it's a great thing.
  23. Personally, the only belief I find acceptable is Buddhism. Officially this isn't a belief at all, but a conviction. They don't have a central god, that's why. The buddha isn't a god. There are two sorts of Buddhism: The Mahayana, meaning Big vehicle. This is the belief for "normal" people. In this belief, there are a few gods. They are called Buddhisatva's. These are all inferred of the Boeddha. This is the belief for people who can't or don't want to give up everything they have. The Hinayana, meaning Small vehicle. In this form of Buddhism one has to give up everything he owns, just like the Buddha did. These people mostly live in Tibeth.
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