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Everything posted by friso

  1. hey all, this topic is - as you could have guessed from the title - about smileys. you can post you own edited smileys here, or the ones you have found somewhere, and you would like to share. i've got a RAR archive, and i added it, but i haven't made any of them... this is my favourite: please all post your favourite smileys, as long as they aren't in the standard package used in Xisto.. (<- like that one) and if you made one yourself, you definetely gotta post it!
  2. i think it is supposed to be in the designing - animation forum... that's pretty much the subject isn't it? and no, i don't no very much about video editing... sorrythat's all!
  3. hey all! thanks for all the reactions. i see it doesnt always work, too bad... my tutorial is actually more meant for plain html pages, like encyclopedies, articles and stuff like that. if you want it more complicated, and to put on your own site, i would like to redirect you to one of my best friends.... AMKINT! wooohooo! his topic is here: a topic by amkint anyway, i gotta go now, i'll see you later.. or well... read you later... or maybe your posts, actually... anyway: later! EDIT: why didnt i get any hosting credits for my tutorial? when i posted it, before it was accepted, i had 39,95 or something, and after i still had the same.... i don't really mind, i got enough, but other people might.
  4. hey, nice tut, but check out my tutorial here, it's kinda the same... i suppose your method works better, but you can only put it on a site, instead of in the adressbar. my method is meant for plain html sites, which is where encyclopiatic (or whatever ) information is mostly stored... i like that munim.liquidpulse.net too..
  5. hi all! this is my first tutorial, i hope people will like it. it's basically a way to find out how old the content in a specific website is, it works with javascript.This is a very short tutorial, because it's very simple. You just type the javascript in the adressbar: java script:alert(document.lastModified) en press enter. you will get: ofcourse, you can put it on your webpage too, but i myself don't like prompts too much. i hope you will find this tutorial useful, and would like all kinds of comments. Even the negative responses, but please, be subtile, and don't slap me with a wet fish, (you know what i mean, Nils,sorry about that ) btw: the prompt i used was Google's last modified. javascript:alert(document.lastModified)
  6. i got a 15" tft flatpanel on my own computer in my own room, and on the other computer we got a 17" TFT (im not on that one that much). with a website, i recommend, if it fits with your template design, to count on 15" screens, and 1024*768 pixels, and if there is more, just blank spaces on the left and right of the screen, just centre it all.
  7. Love that XTCAbandonware, i just downloaded King's Quest 1! Pixels are 24*24 of my pixels, but that doesn't matter, it's great! i found Grim fandango here:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but it's a full demo, what do they mean by full demo?? it's not the full version, is it? i played GF some time ago, but i don't know what happened to it... it seems as if it dissapeared from my computer... too bad you can't buy those old games anywhere, maybe you van buy GF, but not the other games...
  8. o o o o o o o o GLE is my favourite. i just love it, what can i say. Probably because of all the extra functions, like toolbar (got it) calculator (use it) maps (use it) travelplanner (use it) e.g. and, ofcourse GMAIL! (got it too ) i even wanted it before i knew it had 1 GB. I think i'm gonna order a google shirt, too I
  9. i also agree. it's not that all played music sucks, but there is so much more music out there... somewhere. ofcourse, it depends on what radio station you listen to, but they all play crap sometimes, just because it's in the top-i-don't-know-how-many. that's why you need sites like the draft. unknown music should get known. the top-i-don't-know-how-many is just a random selection, actually. i don't know if there are any dutch people here, i thought just jipman (hoi) but anyway who is dutch, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ once in a while. not-dutch people can go there too, it's a very simple system.
  10. just kidding nils, i didnt mean to slap you with a wet fish, you know that, don't you?i think you're a great mod, even though you are already 50.... just kidding, just kidding, it's not that old, really btw: @soleimanian: yeah, i meant subforum, just couldnt find the right word for it, you know, i was just stuck, i meant subforum
  11. yeah, playing games on the computer seems more fun, because you need something for it, i guess, but when you actually do something like running about in the countryside, it's actually a lot more fun... too bad we cant realize it...
  12. hi, this topic is just mainly about devianART and especially about favourite artists and deviations, and i want you to post em all, and tell me why you like it. these are a few i like: 1 i like it, its surreal, but realistic at the same time... 2& 3 becaue os the drawing style and all of ndhill's work, ofcourse! (no kidding) and i'm still looking for one i saw some time ago, it's an animated yin&yang sign, with the balls and the other things spinning around.. its kinda hypnotising, actually... if anyone finds it, PLEASE tell me! hoping to see some nice links posted here..... fris
  13. It's in the Photoshop topic, Nils... that's just a con of the 'active topics' thing on the bottom of the page, but if you take a good look around *hint-hint* you can see it...
  14. YAY! i am glad it's good now, and i just broke my old (deleted) record of 39 with only 36! i dare you all to break that score, especially YOU szupie! Muahahahahahahahahahaha ahum.. nevermind... this probably wont be necessary, but if you beat my score, please PM me, so i can kick your *bottom* back right away!
  15. one word: Image cave it's got a great connection, high uptime, you got albums, and you can give a link (usera.imagecave.com/[enteryourusername]) to your friends, so they can see all of your pictures, and it's got extra options like resizing to make thumbs, optimizing, making different albums if you want, etc. plus, the most important of everything on the web, it's simple. i recommend it to everyone!
  16. hey, i was just playing Mini Golf 3, and i had a great score, but i'm on the bottom of the list... szupie is on top, but that isnt right, cause szupies score is the worst of all.. (sorry szupie ) and i shoulb be the champion... i know it's not a big deal, but i thought, what the heck, i'll just say it.. btw: where can you play these games, is there a central site where you can? just for my friends, so they can play these games too, without 5 posts and inlog.. PS: im not sure if this topic is in the right place, but please correct me if it isnt.. ty
  17. wel, check out leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, it's pretty clear there..obviously the killing part doesn't count anymore, because that would be against any law. christians who really are homosexual can't do anything about it ofcourse, but they can't have sex i think... 'tis but my humble opinion
  18. yeah, i know how simple that is, just two things i don't like about it: quality loss big files and, because i don't it to look so amateuristic, i wanted to do this.
  19. friso


    hey, that's right... probably because the topic title is just 'Firefox' which makes it seems as if the topic is just about firefox, and not the tray system issue. no offense, but you have that a lot, when you aren't clear in the topic title kc8yff, i'm not picking on you, i do it too, sometimes, don't take this too serious here you can find more information about minimizing all kinds of programs to a tray button: His Webpage
  20. Hi all, I saw this a few days ago, and wonder how it works. Itâs basically just a few images and they make a slideshow. I took a look at the code, and gathered you had to put something into the head, and that it was a javascript code, but I canât find it anywhere... can you please help me? PS: donât look at the text, itâs dutch, you probalby wonât understand it, so donât bother trying
  21. friso


    you know, harriko, i heard firefox has a great pop-up blocker, except for porn sites... me, i just use IE, but i think i'm gonna switch to Firefox, and i use the google toolbar as a pop-up blocker, i like that toolbar anyway well, yeah, i'm a google fan. so what? you'll just have to live with that, cause i'm not gonna change it as long as Google doesn't hack our webcams... EDIT:should i go to firefox?
  22. who said we were? i'm here for the forum. when i came, i just wanted to get hosted, but now, with 30 posts and 15 hosting credits, i'm not even hosted yet.. =Dit's just that i cannot be totally active at Xisto AND Xisto, and i would like a host... i said that in my post, too. but, thanks for the advice, i will stay
  23. unFREEz is a good one, i use it, it's very simple, just drag and drop it into a small screen, where you choose the frame delay, and loop or not: it's only 28 kb, and it's just an exe file, no folders or extra files needed. i'm using it for a long, long time now and the only dissapointments in my animated GIFs were because of my lack of drawing/timing skills. you can find more information or download it here: UnFREEz 2.1 - WhitSoft Development
  24. hi again.im searching for the very best LAN-messenger. desired specifications:- free- simple- no need to turn it on to receive messages (or auto-turn on)- simple. I also heard something about a built-in messenger in windows, that works with commands in start – run. Please tell me all you know (about this subject )What do you use, and what is so great about it. And don’t forget to post a link where I can download it.
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