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Everything posted by rapco
Disk Read Error I keep getting a disk read error...
rapco replied to spacewaste1405241471's topic in Hardware Workshop
check teh forum i oppened on the same issue: A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press Ctrl+alt+del, Get this message when booting the pc http://forums.xisto.com/topic/80871-topic/?findpost=1064280723 -
When i click your link it send me to http://elpais.com/elpais/portada_america.html if is your it pretty cool layout for a webzine!!!!! and, thanks for your review.. but.. it's nop mambo, it's xoops y hablo espaĂąol, el theme no se como se llama por que lo modifique, entre llas modificaciones, el nombre tambien Buena suerte!
Speed Up Your Connection In Windows XP
rapco replied to soleimanian's topic in Websites and Web Designing
" Qos Packet Scheduler" has to be selected or not????? -
Problematic Gmail anyone having problems right now?
rapco replied to dissipate's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Ok, i know almost everybody dislike something about micro$oft, but u have to admit msn messenger it's pretty good... You can use it with your gmail account signing up at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ About the sending issue... i have had that problem too, an it really is temporary, when that happends, log out, and login again... The problem that i really have it's the smtp through Outlook express, i have an overtime error... That's really bugging me off!!!!! even though gmail it's a good service -
soleimanian thanks!, but i have already solved my problem, if you see my posts tou'll see i posted the script..... If someone is reading this to learn how to do it, go to: http://www.phpworld.com/articles/2000.02/mysql_000.html for a step by step explanation.
In The Beginning Technology Advancements
rapco replied to Josh_Jpn's topic in Science and Technology
Did u ever see a mac in the early 90's...With a 10' or so screen... and the 5 1/4 drive.. now that's something to laugh about!!!!That and it's "logo" software!!!! -
I get your point, i just don't think your users -or anybody elses for that matter- should suffer the conscecuences of Micro$oft lovers, you should promote Firefox from your site..have u heard of racism????... clasicism???... maybe this is the new "Borwsersicism" of something like taht.. and it neves ends well....just a comment...I use firefox...
Ok, i've got the plug-ins installed, i can see flash in other sites, like Xisto.com an others.. so it's not the pul-gin The link to the website is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it should be seen above the "INICIO" title... Hope u can heklp me out, thanks for the posts!!! i have solved my problem, don't ask me how... the only thing i did was change the code to: <object width="550" height="420" id="pentacargo" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,42,0" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"> <param value="pentacargo.swf" name="movie" /> <param value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor" /> <param value="high" name="quality" /> <param value="samedomain" name="allowscriptaccess" /> <embed width="550" height="420" allowscriptaccess="samedomain" swliveconnect="true" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" src="pentacargo.swf" name="pentacargo" pluginspage="http://http://www.adobe.com/special/errorpages/404.html; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
I know what you're saying, cuase it's happening with my site... i actually posted a new topic looking for help...But making a diferent design per browser it's quite exhausting, don't u think?There must be a way of designing an all browser compatible site... and a way to verify that...
Ok, it's not an specific site, but it' an exclenete resource when bying on line: http://www.dealtime.com/?sb=1 you have got to check this site out!
I've heard Zerp assumption is the best one to get my data back.. have anypone tried it out????
Thanks for the aclaration... when i saw the php.net url i remebered i should give credit for the script i posted before.. it's from http://phpworld.com/ EXCELENT SITE!
I have a website with a swf obejct in it, i see it in internet explorer, but not in firefox!!!! the script is the following: <div><center><object width="550" height="420" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,42,0" id="pentacargo"><param name="movie" value="pentacargo.swf" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="samedomain" /></object></center></div> What can i do to it so firefoz user may see it..?????????
Why would anyone want to block a browser????I know a lot of people hate Micro$soft Internet Explorer (myselve included).. but what about the visitors... ????... there a lots of people that doesn't care for browsers, they just want to urf the web.. why make it difficult for them???
Ok, thanks everybopdy for helping me aout!!!! Finally i had to use another code.. the following: note: in the line $connection = mysql_connect ("localhost", "rapco_sena", "virtual"); localhost =server rapco_sena = database username virtual= password ACTIVIDADMYSQL.PHP <?php if ($submit == "click"){ // The submit button was clicked! // Get the input for fullname and email then store it in the database. $connection = mysql_connect ("localhost", "rapco_sena", "virtual"); if ($connection == false){ echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>"; exit; } $query = "insert into alumno values ('$documento', '$nombre', '$email', '$telefono')"; $result = mysql_db_query ("rapco_cursoweb", $query); if ($result){ echo "Success!"; } else{ echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>"; } mysql_close ();} else{ echo " <html><body> <DISABLED-FORM method=\"post\" action=\"activmysql.php\"> Escriba su documento de identidad: <DISABLED-INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"documento\"></DISABLED-INPUT><br> Escriba su Nombres y apellidos completos: <DISABLED-INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"nombre\"></DISABLED-INPUT><br> Escriba su direccion de e-mail: <DISABLED-INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"email\"></DISABLED-INPUT><br> Escriba su telefono con indicativo de ciudad en Colombia: <DISABLED-INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"telefono\"></DISABLED-INPUT><br> <DISABLED-INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"click\"></DISABLED-INPUT> </DISABLED-FORM> </body></html> ";} ?> MOSTRAR.PHP <?php $connection = mysql_connect ("localhost", "rapco_sena", "virtual");if ($connection == false){ echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>"; exit;} $query = "select * from alumno";$result = mysql_db_query ("rapco_cursoweb", $query); if ($result){ echo "<table border=1>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Documento de ID</b></td><td><b>Nombre completo</b></td><td> <b>Email</b></td><td><b>Telefono</b></td></tr>"; $numOfRows = mysql_num_rows ($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $numOfRows; $i++){ $doc = mysql_result ($result, $i, "documento"); $name = mysql_result ($result, $i, "nombre"); $emaila = mysql_result ($result, $i, "email"); $tel = mysql_result ($result, $i, "telefono"); echo "<tr><td>$doc</td><td>$name</td><td>$emaila</td><td>$tel</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>";}else{ echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>";} mysql_close (); ?> This script works perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know i'm going to propose i mediocre way of doing it.. But.. have you try any cms for e-learning????? check some out at http://www.opensourcecms.com/ in the e-learning tab.. I know u'll like it..
NilsC, i didn't post the message about IP, it was spacewaste....Just wanted to clear that out....And, please, do some posting abput uncapping... please!
hey!I feel happy for all of u sattisfied foreign isp customers!, but making fun of our low-tech condition isn't funny... Ok, first of all, i'm 21 years old.. i want to know how old r u... why?, quite simple.. i don't think u know the problems that expensive technologies generate... people here can't use internet as much as they want or need, so tehy don't have resorces... taht's pretty bad for educating isues.. don't u think?and, the topic is about UNCAPPING!!!!please talk about this ('cause i'm also jelous!!! jeje)
I'm almost shure that the problem is in the .phpPLEASE HELP ME!!!
Ok, i have created this html page: With this php proccesor: and this database and table: And i'm getting this error: WHAT0S WRONG???? Thanks!!!! PS: great post microscopic^earthling, thanks a lot!
Ok, so... now you know all about prices...let's talk moral and ethics...In my case, (been robbed by my ISP) would you consider my rigth to get a bigger bandwith!!!!?by this i mean... uncapping wouldn't be taht bad, would it????what do u think about this?
how about you being as human as everyone else???then.. will u need friends??IF YOU THINK YOU'RE GOD, then yeah, WHY WOULD U NEED A FRIEND?but in the real world... friends are like bread.... you wouldn't like it ALL the time, but then, at some point... when was the last time i eat bread????lonelyness is a good motor, but alone and lonely are quite different... the two last posters haven't been alone, but lonely (i may wrongly think)And really.. if someone can do EVERYTHING on it's own... will he use a pc again?, did he DO that??? have he created anything of his daily use???? i doubt it... so no one solve anything on it's own... random is not "nothing"
Well.. hummmNetstores.. well i fllowed the link, downloaded the forntpage plug-in (very exited at the moment)...But!!!!, (and i didn't know why this came as a sorprise) THEY CHARGE YOU FOR GETTING A STORE!!! a lovely yearly fee!!!!i'am trying oscommerce and zen-cart and tehy are both great, i had i woring demo... BUT IT'S DOWN WITH MY Xisto SITE!!! So, i'll try to mount it on another sever and then u'll see it working, jejeNetstores is not THAT good to be payed for (in my humble way of thinking)
You're right, after i posted my message, i went out i did some research.. found out it's ilegal.. and it damages the isp service by robing them.. so i have desisted to my idea.I would like to ask a moderator to close this topic. Al tough it may become a good discusion of why ISP services in contryes like mine (Colombia) are so expensive!!!!!for ex: my 256 kbps cable service costs 45 usd a month!!!! that's a rip of.. considering the kind of money we earn here.... for ex: a construction man recevies 150 usd for a month's work!!!!!! he'll never pay a isp service like mine... I think (in a twisted way) taht un-capping may help getting back to those robbing ·$·%"·%$ that pretend to make richer while making us more poor than we already are!!!!