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Everything posted by antitoxic

  1. CPU :AMD Atholon XP 2500+ Codename Barton ; 512mb L2 cashe. MB : MSI Delta LSR RAM : 512 DDR 400mhz HD: 40 gb video : Nvidia fx 5200 128ram sound : 5 channel card on board
  2. I have an LCD, too..... Samsung 172x SyncMaster
  3. My CPU is AMD Atholon XP 2500+ Codename Barton ; 512mb L2 cashe.
  4. Just buy a cleanung spray for LCD displays and take a soft duster...That's all.
  5. To "kelp" : Do you test the dns servers of Xisto. Did they work. I'm from Bulgaria and I don't know am I able to do this. However I saw where to put the nameservers in my domain accountTo Jhonny : I havo no domain from astaspace . I've won a domain from a computer radio show .
  6. Opera is DA fastest, da most beautiful and most functional browser. Opera is DA browser for you . I use it from 3 years.
  7. Is it a command that just cancel the menu delaying?!
  8. I've already said about the flash music. You can make a swf file with size 1x1 pixels that is not visble and add a background music in the swf file. The swf file can be uploaded at every site.
  9. Can I connect my domain to asta host space using DNS servers. Is it easy to set all the options. I have a domain (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and I want when I type it into the addressbar to load the site hosted in Xisto . Is it possible?!
  10. File Zilla is the most simple and FREE ftp client.
  11. I didn't understand something . Is it able to find my site usnig a search engine after coding the html with html protector ?!
  12. can somebody tell me about Sims 2 something more...What are the improvements ...new stuff ?!
  13. That's what I mean ...They want just to earn money..not to provide cool mail...PS: I know about the programs checking google mail but I want to use my mail client build in Opera 7.5 ... I used to use opera like everything ( mail, irc, browser, download manager )
  14. I know that my favourite movie is unknown to everbody but..just to say:Black cat, White tomcat...or in original : Църна маца, Бел мачор.
  15. Photoshop CS ..or GIMP These are the best...no hesitation anymore. Chose one ... PS: GIMP is free
  16. Would somebody tell me how to install a php forum .... I want to add a forum when I reach 50 post ,too. I've tested to add phpbb on other site and when trying to access to the index.php it wants to install. What parameters must I fill ?!Please help me.
  17. BASKETBALL rulezz.."I love this game"
  18. It is absolutely unpractical.. there is no pop3 or smtp server... I can't use it with my mail client and there is no extra stuff that are so cool..
  19. I think that it's much more easier to have a talent abot graphic designing because the program languages can be learn but nice design is a hard work to do.
  20. MAC rulezz... Microsoft products are all copied from other place ..Trust the original... I use Mac and I'm very pleased
  21. websaint If you want users to be able to control the music just add a flash file with bg music with stop and play function. Tell me if you are intrested to tell you more
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