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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. google for "define:Blog"

    Definitions of Blog -- (weB LOG) on the Web:
        A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog is a "blogger." Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Postings on a blog are almost always arranged in cronological order with the most recent additions featured most prominantly.

  2. Lol.. im using Linux :)you can re-compile any Linux Distro, but Gentoo (https://www.gentoo.org/) is especially geared towards home compiling.just make sure you set CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -march=athlon -mcpu=athlon"(or -O3 instead of -O2 fif you are feeling dareing and your machine is in perfect condition)replacing athlon with the name of your processor.... athlon-tbird athlon-xp pentium pentium-xpthat type of thing.But the best speed boos will prbably come from re-compiling the latest source code...http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the latest kenrel, and after you unzip it...make menuconfigmake bzImagemake modulesmake modules installmake install

  3. All Linux users,


    Linux community has a Linux counter which keeps track for Linux usuage all over the world. This counter is counting for since years and is still counting.


    All of you Linux users, should register that at https://www.linuxcounter.net/


    It's run by a nonprofit membership organization called the Linux Counter Project.


    And BTW, I'm not affiliated with them. I just happen to be a Linux user for over 6 years.


    and you get a cool buisness card !!!

    i am Registered Linux user #359285


    this forum does not allow the following image extension (cos its generated by cgi i think) but to see the cool buisness card, click here.



  4. I heard that Longhorn was only delayed until 2005 because they were planning to include the WinFS system with Longhorn. Unfortunately, they couldn't get WinFS to be compatible with all of Longhorn's systems, so they had to delay it to try to make it work better between the two of them.


    the words used by a windows beta terster describing longhorn's winFS capabilities were that MS was going to "serverely scale back winFS"


    although some winFS code will be in longhorn, the feature will not be activated.


    ive Used a Linux implementation of WinFS... and i was not very impressed !

    didnt like haveing to write down keywords and short descriptions when i saved files...


    ii prefere just so save-AS ad give it a file name,...


    Someone was talking about OpenGL and Direct3D...

    these are both Graphics Libraries.... its Just that OpenGL is portable, and DirectX is not.


    The End result ot these graphics libraries are very similar to the end user, but very different from the developers view..


    Ut2004 for Windows used DIrect3D but the Linux Version used OpenGL.. hand up who could tell the difference.

  5. What OS are you using r3D?  You might be able to employ a software solution for mapping the Print-Screen function of your keyboard to another key or key-combination but wouldn't it just be easier all round to replace your keyboard?  Then there's always the option of pulling your keyboard apart to see what's causing the malfunction (if you haven't already?) but in my humble experience doing so usually makes matters worse LOL.  Hope you get sorted :)


    take your keyboard apart and clean the contacts on that key with soap and water.

    or maybe the contact just fell out of place.

  6. I've heard a lot about the development of Microsoft's Windows Longhorn project. Can anyone shed some more light to me about what's new in Longhorn? I currently run XP Professional so I'm planning to buy Longhorn to upgrade.


    its a bit early to be planning !

    your going to have to wait anouther couple of years !


    Longhorn WAS going to be a big change !


    there was a great new filesystem called WinFS.

    what winFS was going to do, was chnage the way you use your Home directory,


    instead of seperating you files in a hierachy.. for example..











    all files would be saved in one place, and you would open files based on a database system.


    the advantages... would be that instead of giving a file name... you could open a media player, then tell it to play Music Files, with Keywors Relaxing... and the media player would open all music that you told it you find relaxing.


    or you could open MS Office, and instead of a file name, tell it to open the project you were working on yesterday.


    However the Critics said Ms had set the bar too high... they were right.

    Longhorn will NOT be shipped with WinFS.. however they are still planning to add winFS as a service pack maybe in 2012 (from memory)



    Also, they are completely replacing DirectX.

    i believe it will be called Avalon, and all graphics wether it be the desktop windows, or 3D games will use Avalon....


    im not sure what this emans for my beloved OpenGL... but i do know it will be in favor of MS is OpenGL was done away with...


    (currently, OpenGL games are quite easy to port to MacOSX / Linux / Unix.. if all games were only Avalon / DirectX capable, then ms would have an added advantage on the Games market)


    Basically..... in my opinion... Longhorn will look and feel and have all the same features as XP...

    But for developers, there will be Huge changes...


    Death of the .NET framework..... (or a big upgrade)


    i don know if the new API sets will be any easyer, but i have heard developers are not looking forward to MS making all there knoledge on the old API sets opsolite.

  7. Yeah, that's the same with me. I upgrade my computer, and then one day, I find these random toolbars on IE. Terrible! Also, I read in PCWorld that the Department of Homeland Security has declared that IE is potentially unsafe to run on your computers. What a blow to Microsoft!


    Yeah... Firefox got a great Kick in populariity when slashdot reported that many security advisors switched there advice from keeping the firewall on, and keep automatic update on, and all the usual to Stop using IE, and download and use firefox...


    There was a quote of one systems admin putting stickers on all montors saying "Dont Touch the Blue E"


    which got passed around alot, and even made the subject of a few a wallpapers on kde-look.org.


    i actually find all this quite funny !!!

    a good example of irony !


    a long time ago, there was the broser wars... MSIE vs Netscape Navigator... and Just like the Old VHS vs BETAMAX, the superior product lost the war...


    in the VHS case, i dont know why, im too young... but with the browsers, it all ended for Netscape when MS started integrating IE into Widnows...


    anyways.. in the death throws of Netscape, it relased its source code as open source, and began the development of a few open source browsers...


    Years later.... Netscapes great great granddaughter.... firefox, is back with avengence and kicking *bottom* !


    they should make a spoof movie about it !


    no.. I SHOULD make a spoof flash animation about it !


    somthing like DIE HARD ! or well.. i dunno.. surgestons ?

  8. Sometimes, pages on my site have been known to apeare on B3ta.com's front page and newsletters... (once it was on there for a whole month)and while im bosting.... i know a guy who knows Weeble.... and im told he loves the video's on my site. !anyways.....lets say the webpage in question is 300kb... and it is on the frontpage of b3ta.com for a month... or maybe slashdot for a few minutes...How will my free account (when i request it) stand up to this kind of abuse ?any predictions ?

  9. This is the way i understand it....any version number below version 1.0 is an unfinished project....for example firefox 0.9, great, but the creators still want to do more work before they announce it as "finished"after that, its generally uncreace the first number for Major changes... the first number after the decimal for minor changes.. and yet anouther decimal and number for minor bug fixes and tweaks...for example version 2.4.26 might have the same functionality of 2.4.25 but with a bug fix, or performance tweak.there are also other versioning than some people use... for example 1.0-rc1 1.0-rc2 1.0-rc3 where RC stands for release candidate.... which is a bit like a Beta releace.and the Linux Kenrnel untill very recently (and a few other projects) used to use odd and even numbers to indicate stable or testing releases,,, for example..Stable Release ||| Testing Release2.2.X ||| 2.1.X2.4.X ||| 2.3.X2.6.X ||| 2.5.Xbut itn the end its pretty much up to you...The latest stable releace of Java is 1.4.. however the next version is going to be version 5.0no reas reason..and i have no idea why they do this.if i had to guess, id say its because Java vresion 5 sounds better than Java version 2 ?who knows.... whatever it is its confusing !

  10. Does this application work?  How well does it wrk


    its not an application..... its a 74 page on how to hit your hard drive !


    first page...


    How to revive a hard drive...

    1 Hit it.

    2 Drop it

    3 Freeze it

    doesnt fill me with confidence.


    a while ago i accidently formated a hard drive with semi important data on it. i started searching the web for tools on how to retrieve text files from formated disks.


    (for reasons ill not go into, formatting / deleting a file doesnt actually depete the data, just the link to it)


    anyways, i was looking for a retrival program, but found loads of advice like this.


    the problem was, that it seems to be for very old hard disks.. (you know... the ones that you are not meant to turn off !) and from they usually used names of very old equipment... like UNIX 2, and i386.


    i can See how Freesing a hard disk may solve problems like dry solder joints. (electricians terminology)

    but this brings into question other things like the Greace used in the bearings.... when greace gets reeeealy cold it goes stiff (or more viscous.. (spelling ?))


    also, even in a plastic bag, unless the disk was put into the plastic bag in a comlpete vacuume, there is bound to be some condensation !!!


    ALSO... as soon as you take the disk out of the bag and into the machine, then the humid aid is going to condense on the hard disk.


    has any1 attempted this ?


    i would strongly advise againsed the freezing or hitting parts of this guide.... (but the other section on bios settings and jumper re-adjusting could be suefull)

  11. Its ok that its proving 1GB but it is in under testing conditions so u people dont save ur important data ... beacause in term of any condition that Gmail refuse to give u access anymore to the email box...... than what people u do! so its better to use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also offers 1000MB email space.


    There is a Hige Link for advertisments...

    looks like they use you as targets for advertisements...


    do you use the account ?

    how many advrtisements are you sibjected to ?


    it looks good, but it doesnt have the other advantages of Gmail like GmailFS :)


    the thing i like about gmail is the no frills simplicity. Loads fast, even on 56k dial up users.


    if it wasnt for my ISP POP account being discoverd by spammers i would still prefere that account.


    im paying for it, might aswell use it.

  12. Hi,

    I m telling u how to edit your animated gifs ......... if u want some changes in the gif animated picture...

    u must have little knowledge about flash


    Simple open flash and goto to the file menu where click on import option

    import your particular gifs ....... haah now gif is displayed in the form of frame animation in flash window....... now u may using your photoshop or flash graphic knwoledge to edit image in each frame and then export it intto the same gifs.



    i have a question id like to add.....


    I used a similar method you descripbe to generate an animated Flash (.swf) media file from jpeg's

    (see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)


    anyways... im trying to add sound ! but cannot work out how !


    ive generated a flash sound file, but i connot work out how to merge the video and the audio into one flash file.


    pleas enote im using the Free flash tools on sourceforge, not the official comercial version.



  13. Hi,

    I think that whenever anyone create any new site and want to publish over internet  he must have the following features in order to choose free webhost.


    Free Space [as much he needs]

    Bandwidth  [according to you think how much visitors u expect]

    Uploading should be FTP/Browser both

    Subdomain like /you

    Must Support at least one either Php or Asp

    No popup or banner should be good enough.


    i would LOVE to find a webserver that supports RSYNC aswel as FTP.

    infact, im surprised RSYNC isnt used at all !



        rsync is a program that behaves in much the same way that rcp does, but

        has many more options and uses  the  rsync  remote-update  protocol  to

        greatly  speed  up  file  transfers  when  the destination file already



        The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the dif-

        ferences between two sets of files across the network connection, using

        an efficient  checksum-search  algorithm  described  in  the  technical

        report that accompanies this package.


        Some of the additional features of rsync are:



        o      support  for  copying links, devices, owners, groups and permis-



        o      exclude and exclude-from options similar to GNU tar


        o      a CVS exclude mode for ignoring the same files  that  CVS  would



        o      can use any transparent remote shell, including ssh or rsh


        o      does not require root privileges


        o      pipelining of file transfers to minimize latency costs


        o      support  for anonymous or authenticated rsync servers (ideal for


    okay... there IS a drawback ! RSYNC does use more processor power on the server tha FTP, but for the customers, its a life saver..


    basically... lets say you have your website, there is one uploaded to your webserver, and one on your local machine that you work on / update.


    after working on your site, withthe current method, you have to find all the files you added or made changes to, and upload them individually..


    but with rsync, you just set it running on your website directory, it automatically work oout what needs to be uploaded, and what doesnt.


    for big webpages / projects its PRICELESS ! :)

  14. I like XP, it's simple to use and it's great.

    But windows 98 and 95 runs much better on my system dan xp.

    I've rebuild my pc for xp and he's faster now.


    lol... speed is important to me too.. so i went overkill !


    the problem with XP is its onl one Operating System.

    and there are many many different processors in use by home users...


    AMD K6 / Athlon / Duron / Athlon XP / Athlon-Tbird / Pentium 3 / Pentium 4 / Pentium XP

    Some have HT (hyper threading) some dont.


    and So windows is Compiled with Optimisations that allow it to run as best as possible on every porcessor.


    However... there are better processor optimisations.. BUT, if for example you Optimised a program fully for an AMD Athlon-Tbird then it would run lighting fast on that porcessor, but it wouldn't work at all on a Duron, or pentium !


    like i said, i went Overkill... i Re-compiled my Whole Operating System for my Athlon Processor.

    i used the veery highest optimisation flags, so most of the programs on my computer will work on a pentium computer.


    and i have to say, you can definatly tell the difference.


    dont get me wrong, OPtimisation is not the only thing that affects performace, but it does help.. alot !

  15. Yeah, I think that the reason being is that IE has many potential weaknesses that are fixed in SP2. But since many people do not want to install SP2, they are switching to an alternative browser.


    I have a dual boot machine.... Linux for me, WIndows for the family.

    i use IE when im performaing the usual maintenence on XP, but i dont like it.


    its not so much the security, its the adware... osmehow, 5 diffeerent pieces of adware have atached themselves to IE !


    ive got the normal URL bar, then a google Search Bar, a Yahoo Search Bar... a Bargin Summthing Search Bar !


    its mad !


    a while ago i needed to un-bluck popups... so i turned it off in IE... but still the site wasnt working... i eventoually found out each searchbar had its own as blocker !


    also... i just cant work without tabbed broswing... im always using several sites at once..

    and having serveral Ie's running at once just grinds the system to a hault... not to menton the clutter factor.

  16. if you WANT a static IP well, you cant always have one... but the best substitute is DynDNS.orgSign up for a Free account, and download there Client software (and yes ! they even have a windows version !) The freee software grabs your IP on bootup, and sends it to your DynDNS account.you then choose a Domain Name... they have LOODS of great choises of free SubDomains..But there not the usual sub-Domains that have the company name in...for example....ANYTHING.homelinux.net or (.com or .org)ANYTHING.homeunix.net or (.com or .org)ANYTHING.gameserver.netANYTHING.gotdns.netANYTHING..... well goto there site for a full lst, there are LOOADS !I found this site just after signing up here... so untill i get 50 posts... im using my Own computer to Host my website !!!!!!FREE HOSTING.... UNLIMITED STOREAGE ! UNLIMITED BANDWIDTH !!!if you have a fastish internet connection, setting up your own web server is eeeeeeeeasy !however i would recomend using Linux.....my Intrusion Detection programs are logging quite a lot of Windows Specific Hack / Exploit attempts.i dont have any windows machines on my network... but i log the attempts just out of interest (and so i can mail the logs to the would be hackers ISP's)

  17. Two of my favorite alternative programs to run are Mozilla Firefox and Trillian messenger service.



    Basically, lets you talk to people using AIM, MSN, ICQ, Y!, and IRC



    An alternative browser to Internet Explorer (for you Windows people out there)


    There are some Great Open Source Free alternativs to Triliian....

    Gaim and Kopete are great multi-protocal chat clients that support all the usual MSN YAHOO ICQ JABBER IRC and a load more ive never heard of...


    Gaim is available at gaim.sourceforge.net.. its FREE, and OPEN SOURCE... source code, and pre-compiled versions exist for download for Windows and Linux.


    Kopete is a much better client in my opinion, and comes as part of the KDE-Network package from Kde.org

    (only available for Every operating system except windows :))


    Firefox is also my Favorite Web Browser....

    Also Thunderbird for email CLient.


    I Hear that Firefox is Growing in use and popularity even faster than Microsotfs IE is being droped.

  18. Software installation fast became a nightmare of shell scripting, builds, makes and make installs and other esoteric processes  as opposed to good old Install Wizards in Windows!

    Well,, its not a very Fair Comparason. You compare Compiling the software yourself in linux, to using an install Wizzard in WIndows....

    If you Compare using an "install wizzard" in linux to compiling your own software in windows, then the results would be LINUX is easyer...

    you HAVE to make fair comparasons... For example, why not compare Windows Install Wizzards againsed Emerge (Gentoo's install "wizzard")

    ANywaw, like you said, you are fully locked into microsoft, your grown to depend on it (which is what every ocmpany wants or its customers)

    Its Like Me Telliing you that french IS a BETTER language... even if i proved fresnch is better, you would still prefere english as you already speak it.

    Just like for me... Ive have 2 different computers... ive tried windows95, windows98 windows 2000 and even windows XP.. and i cant get any of them to work preperly !

    which is to be expected, im a linux user ! i need to be in controll of my system.

  19. *I think the second explanation is much tidier than the first & it seems that this thread could still use a little explanation considering it is a tutorial..


    to be honest i think this was just a shamless atempts at free hosting rather than actual tutorial...

    i just tried to salvage it by actually converting the messs into real C++ code.


    maybe it will now be slightly usefull to some1 ?

    as for an explaanation.... well...


    it just prints out a year calender...

    if naything its just a creative program that gives examples on how to use simple if structures.

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