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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. It's not just for porn and not only for paedophiles. You can use this if you don't want your internet activity to be known in your local network, especially by your Sys Admin. Since images and other stuff gets stored in the cache while surfing thru the web, you don't want others to know every thing you do in the web especially if you're at work. :)


    the guys at work will still see your cache.


    anyways.... if i wanted to surf annonomously.... i just ssh into a Unix machine at University, set the display variable to my home IP address (to get a remote GUI login) and fireup mozilla....


    although im sat at home... am actually working on he uni Unix machine.

  2. Yeah, Kazaa has alot of spyware and adware. But you can use the alternative Kazaa Lite or Kazaa Lite Resurrection. The owner of Kazaa filed a lawsuit against the creators of Kazaa Lite becoz many people preferred to download Kazaa Lite coz it didn't have adware. Kazaa makes money thru the spyware and adware bundled to it's software. Kazaa Lite is exactly the same as Kazaa except for the adware and its free.


    *i also tried using Bittorrent and its really good if you're looking for new files and the downloads are fast. :)


    the problem with the torrent.. is if your not fast enought and miss the feeding frenzy, donwloads can be very slow.

  3. I use APOLLON !
    Kazaa like interface, No adware, no spyware, free and OPEN SOURCE.

    well.. apollon is actually a frontend to giFT.

    but what makes Apollon / giFT special is that unlike other P2P's it uses multiple protocols......

    it can search and download from GNUTELLA FASTTRACK (kazaa network) and OpenFT all at the same time.

    (plaus maybe others, but there the 3 i use)

    so you are 3 times as likely to find what ur looking for.

    Apollon (the greek god of Music) can be downloaded from http://apollon.sourceforge.net/
    (or just search sourceforge.net

    oh... and yes.... this is a linux users only program (but it will also run in knoppix liveCD as a bolt-on) for you windows victims.. oops, users :) lol

  4. Knoppix it's a good choice to start learn linux without configure the partitions on the disk, because it boot from cd and run from cd, but use this only to try, because if you always use knopixx in that way, it will kill your cdrom drive. The better choice is partitioning the disk, to install directly to the harddisk, it's something hard to do, there is not GUI (graphical user interface) to do this, then you have to use linux command, if you want something more definitive you can try the easy sides from linux, they are Mandrake and Redhat distributions.


    Greetings Deivid


    Kill your CD rom drive ???

    hows that gonna happen ?

  5. I am using filemaker 7 in my server side, I want to generate some server side script to search for the database and create some chart accoding to the result. Since filemaker do not support customer script in client side, I need to write some CGI code to pass the query and compute in my server side, anybody have some easy tutorial of Perl? IS IT a good way to program like that?



    Seems to me SQL would be perfect for what you want !

    (i cant remember much about SQL... but it studied it a few years back, its designed to generate tables from searches on databases)

  6. Aside from enabling and configuring your browsers to use proxy servers, you can also go to sites that let you surf anonymously. All you have to do is type in the website that you want to go to and it will take you there. Some of these sites are Anonymizer.com, Guardster, WebWarper, AnonymSufen.com, etc. You can search for it in Google. Just type in the keyword "anonymizers". There's even one site, Anonymization.net where you can download a toolbar and use it directly from IE. You just click on the icon and type in the site that you want to go to and click on Go. :)


    apart from paedophiles downloading child porn.. who would need this kind of service ?

  7. Zip anything important and put a passowrd on it.


    Lol... is that a joke !!!

    anything important, encrypt ! (with some real encryption software)


    GnuPG or the dm-crypt kernel driver.


    try to use both upper case and lower case passwords, try to include numbers and symbols.


    if you are suing a file as a key, take it from /dev/hwrandom if your machine has a hardware random number generator (and the driver is loaded) or /dev/urandom for software random.

  8. if you want free software.... well i do i even have to say it ? (linux !)the older versions of Mac (OS9 and older) were not too good... but OSX is FreeBSD with a customised GUI.and i dont think you will ever find anyone (not even the most devoted Bill Gates Fanatic) will claim anything is more sttable than FreeBSD.on the Top 50 uptimes of webservers FreeBSD takes the Top 47 (last time i looked)

  9. I found something interesting out here. For all us Windows-users who want to try Linux but can't, let me introduce Knoppix. I haven't tried it myself, and I'm a Windows user, but I certainly will try at some point.


    I use Knoppix on my home file server (it only has a 1 gig hard disk)

    Knoppix is a compressed bootable cd-rom with over 2GB of software.


    you boot the cdrom and have all sorts of software avilable for use.

    Security tools...

    Tools for fixing or recovering data from dead windows machines.

    cd . DVD burning software,

    media players (DVD VCD MPEG DIVX AVI / whatever)

    compilers for C, C++ Java,

    Web browsers

    email clients


    file shareing.

    email servers

    http servers

    ftp servers

    ssh servers

    printer sharein

    development tools (like visual studio / VB)



    you can do almost anything with knoppix that you can with a normal linux distro... without having to format your hard disk or commit to anything.


    its a bit light on the eye candy.. and since its loading software from compressed cdrom it loads a little slow... but knoppix is a MUST have.


    also.... DSL is worth mention... its a cut down version of knoppix...

    web servers / web browsers and a load of usefull utilities on a 50 megabytes CD !


    (DSL = Damn Small Linux)

  10. Hi.. thanks for the info .. but can u tell me how to install it under SUSE Linux .. I am a newbie to Linux .. so I have no basic idea of the installation procedures..

    All i know is how to install Linux .. and so I did install Suse Linux  9.1 and am running under KDE envi ..

    so any help would be appreciated .. Thank you :)


    mplayer is also avaiable in windows..


    anyways.. how to install....


    IF you are using gentoo (my fave distro)

    emerge mplayer

    [iF you are using an RPM]

    #download all the rpm's you need...(mplayer mplayer-common mplayer-skins mplayer-gui)rpm -Uvh ./mplayer*.rpm

    IF you want to compile from source

    #download the source code and extract it into a folder../configure && make && make install

    #NOTE: you wll need to add the 'with GUI' flags if you want to also compile the gui interface.. read ./configure --help for more info.


    source code available at design7/news.html

  11. And you can emule some Win games too :).


    on my linux machine i have.....


    Commercial Games... (yep i like the 3rd person shooters)





    Unreal Tournament

    Unreal Tournament 2003

    Unreal Tournament 2004

    Kingpin: Life of Crime

    Half Life

    Counter Strike

    Opposing Forces


    Open Source Games

    Cube (3rd person shooter)

    Flight Gear Flight Simulator (realistic flight simulator)

    Torcs (realistic race car game... (uses a physics engine !!!!))

  12. You say that Linux doesnt need to be restarted often, that is not entirly true, it all depends on how much you use it, leave windows on for years if you want and dont use it, maybe linux can cope a little better but still stop bashing windows, Windows Server 2003 is stable and works really well. And last long.


    BSD is the most stable... then linux.... then all the way at the bottom windows...

    hmm, whats that site called with all the statistics on what websites run what server's ??? and uptimes stuff ?

    netstat... webstat.. i dunno...


    anyways.. look at the cart of the top 100 uptmes...

    every single one of them is UNIX / BSD.


    Linux's uptime cannot be tester properly as the uptime counter resets itelef every couple of years.


    and windows deservs a good bashing.... we will keep bashing windows untill it doesnt need its disks fragmenting.. (like all the other OS's) and is just as virrii free as all the OS's...


    okay, there are 1 or 2 linux virii availableIF you are dumb enough to login as root... but windows manages over a thousand a month... cummon.

  13. If you want to ecncrypt a file o a text try kremlin(http://www.kremlinencrypt.com/), there is also a little introduction to the different kind of cryptographic algorithms :)


    this site is hosted on a Linux server... (using shadow passwords) so they will automatically be hashed.


    for other types of encryption...


    a good program for public/private key pair encryption is GnuPG (GPG)

    or for hard disk encryption there is a good script called cryptsetup (uses kenrel level dm-crypt)

  14. The you can do is chage your linux to SuSE 9.1, These linux meke all for you. He install your modem, printer well your every hareware.

    The it brings software as mplayer to see movies (these are similar to Media Player), Xmms to play musicb (these are similar to Winamp), Kopete for every messengers, K3B for write yoour cd's and dvd's (these are similar to Nero), Mozilla (these are similar to Nestcape).

    And the best is that you do not have to pay for the lisence its free.

    And SuSE heve good games that Unreal tournamend, Quake 3, Medal of Honor and Wolfenstein Enemi Terrytory, that you play them in windows and now to in linux.

    He have a Program named QT Designed similar to Visual Basic.

    I invite you to now of linux if you don't now of them, or try to see SuSE 9.1 so that see its ease.

    Try it and tell me.


    all linux distro's come with that software.

  15. I think winXP is better, but, I've never tried linux. I think I might have seen it once a long time ago, but I don't know if that was really linux...

    then why give your opinion...!
    opinions comparing 2 things are not valid when you only try one of them.
    its posts like this that make these types of polls pointless.

    anyway, its a total no-brainer...

    New Virii per month for WIndows... (according to anti--virus companies) 1000 and growing !
    New virii for linux.... (ever) ZERO.

    what more can i say.

  16. Few years ago linux was really unfriendly for common user. But now linux is more flexible, drivers are generally available in internet ,you can even play many games.It is no problem to install simultaneously windowsXP and linux (you can download it).This is easy way to to acquaint this great system.But when computer has no internet connection linux is not recommended for games or entertainment but is still good in office or for programers.And is more stable then Windows


    Linux is the most user friendly OS for people who work with computers.

    I Use UNIX, Linux, SunOS, Solaris, BSD on a daily basis....


    but then im using them.. i notice no difference.. they all use the same standards, they are all compatable.

    i dont even notice that im not using linux most of the time.


    this is the way it should be... Operating systems designed to make MY life easyer when moving between different Labs using different OS's.


    Windows is a product... and like any other product, it want to make life as hard as possible for you to convert your knoledge of windows and make it usefull for other OS's.


    kinda like the tobacco industry's.

  17. Linux family OS are the best server and can do everything, Asp too :) if you use it /docs/about-mono/

    or the old Apache::ASp that allow to use Asp(.net) on a Unix Box :)


    Yep... this is a No-brainer.......


    here's a list of server OS's, from Most reliable and stable... to the worst.


    FreeBSD / Unix....Linux...................................................................



    I run a Linux server with all the usual security.. im my logs i often find windows specific exploit attempts, and only very rarely find linuc exploit attempts.. and when i do, they are for very old out of date servers.


    this doesnt deccecerily mean that all the windows hack attempts would suceed.... but still.


    ALSO.. keeping up to date is important.. may i recomend Gentoo.... its the most famous Linux distro for BLEEDING edge software.

  18. Well it's impossible to "steal" this. If you include that file from Websaints server the code will be treated as it was run on your server and thus will try to look file alle.txt from your server. If you simply request that file it will only add hits to Websaints counter.


    The referer checking would be pointless in this but I'd like comment it a bit in general. People do not seem to know or just forget that nowadays quite many users disable or block referer sending. In certain browsers it is an option and I believe most of the current commercial software firewalls include an option to block them. Not taking this into account can mean that users that do not want to send referers can't use the service at all. For instance one development version of the WordPress blog software required referer sending to make changing it's options possible. The referer checking was simply just for sending the user back to the page where he came from. Other example is a certain torrent site that refuses to work if not getting referer information. They reason is understandable though: there is apparently countless "mirror" sites that are not actual mirrors but simply index their files and points the user to download the .torrents from the original site.


    you misunder stand my meaning.......


    i mean someone could replace


    <p>Number of guests visiting my site: <? include('alle.txt'); ?>.</p>

    the include file with a coomplete URL to anouther server. and replace "alle.txt" with a different filename.

  19. The big bang theory, or what I think, is when the universe collapsed, and there was a huge explosion, resulting in the stars and planets. It took millions, billions of years of the formation of our solar system and the way it was shaped to be.


    assuming anything collapsed at all.


    ever read about the M-theory (an adaption of Super String Theory)


    the M-theory surgests that new Universes Are being born within our Universe,

    because the universes create their own space as they expend, they could start off in your bed-room, grow just as big as out universe, but never intruse on any of its space...


    if anyone is interested.. read book on String Theory, M-Theory and Stephen Hawkings' "a Brief History of time"


    fasicinating stuff about how gravity doesnt exist.. its just an illusion you get when viewing curved multiple dimensional space in only 4 of its dimensions.

  20. Yeah... I have a Mac OS X and IE and Safari browsers.... lol is it possible to do transparent windows on the web? It doesnt matter if it's an alert or a window anymore lol.... i would just like a transparent something lol... not to sound desperate or anything lol.


    only possiblee if you have xorg-6.8 installed... im not familiar with Mac-OXS, but i know its a BSD based system.. try it maybe.. https://www.x.org/wiki/

  21. Well if you believe in god ans stuff you have to ask the question who made god or where did come from


    duuude....... ur thinking in terms of before and after, left and right.

    before the universe, before space and time there is no left right, before or after.


    time has not always existed.. time started.


    Think about the following..

    IF time was infinite, and went on forever with no beginning and no end, then the time between today and the earlyest possible time would be infinite....


    and the definititonn if infinite.... today would never happen.

    but as you see, today did happen, then reason surgests, that time is not infinite... it was created.


    and yes, we' will not get into discussions of religon.

    im not religous..... but if i was, i would not be a chirsitian, i dont care what greater purpose god claims to have... geniside murder slavery and rape is evil and i will not worship any god that commmits such acts. id be a satanist :) the worst thing he did in the bible was to give the humans knolegde of good and evil.

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