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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. lol, these viruses and such really annoy me. Like mentioned before...it's a real wonder to me why people would bother making things like this :P


    The actual virus is the poeple stupid enough to believe it, and post about it on forums like this for other people to fall for it...


    the thing about a virus (living or computer) is it needs to infect other hosts fater than it kills them. otherwiese it will not spread.


    a virus that destroys your pc the second it gets there has zero change of spreading.


    the most sucessfull computer virii are like human Colds. they do no real damage... and dont make someone soo ill that they stop going about therw daily buiseness so they can go to work / school and infect others.

  2. yep we love Opera, voted browser of the year 2004 by one of the PC Magazines (I forget which). Opera is very nice looking and has a very versatile interface that can be changed to suit your preferences. The tabbing system is so fluid and can be changed and manipulated easily, unlike in Firefox where it is more rigid and ugly looking (sorry firefox lovers)


    ive only ever used Opera on my DamnSmallLinux machine.... its not free is it ? there was an annoying banner that wanted me to register to get rid of it.


    as for firefox being ugly... well... if firefox was beautiful by default, many users would never find the themes button

  3. I don't understand this at all. I've deleted thousands of watched video files that amount to well over 100GB yet my harddrive is only 80GB and it says on the properties that it still has 20GB of memory left. How can those 100GB of deleted videos still be in existance?


    imagine your hard drive as a very very very long list of ones and zero's that make up all your data.

    the data needs to be structured with whats called a file system. think of a file system as the contents page in a book.


    when you save a file, the computer writes the information to your hard drive, then makes a note of where that information is on the conents page (file system)


    when you come to delete that file, the computer doesnt actually go through the file writing over all the ones and zero's. that would take too long !


    so what it does, is remove mention on that file from the contents page.


    and if the file is not in the contents page, the computer doesnt know where to find it, so it apears to be deleted.


    however it IS possible to search the disk with porgrams like the ones mentioned here, and write that file back into the contents page.


    however.. while this file is not in the contents page, the computer teats it as free space on the hard drive, so eventually the file will be written over.

  4. ohh,

    no man i have removed bad sector from about more then 15 hard disks and they are all right and they work completely it also remove bad sector from sector 0 and from boot area i have tested it and it works try youw self 2 it will work.




    its impossible to remove a bad sector... bad secorts are things like scratches on the surface of the disk make by the read/write head... those heads are razor sharp, and with disks spinning at 7200 rpm, if you give thse disk a good knock, it does some damage...


    anyways, the software you pointed out simply maps around the bad sectors. effectivly shrnking the total disk capacity.

  5. Win XP is better... Thats probably why they have more users. People CHOOSE to spend money on buyin Win XP rather than to get a FREE linux. Jus shows that Win XP is much better


    WindowsXP is much worse...this is not an opinion, its a fact. its right there with facts and figures.


    nobody chooses windowsXP, it comes pre-installed.


    anyways, ill not bother post anymore since you post is pretty lame.


    you just stated an uninfomed opinion, with no arguments to back it up.

  6. Mouse gestures are ingenius in Opera but they can be so annoying, e.g. clicking both mouse buttons means back, which is annoying if that's not what you want to do.


    I have been told that firefox has loads of plugin extensions but still I would prefer to use Opera.


    so.... opera sounds like a great browser... why is nobody raving about opera ?

    why is it firefox everything ?


    is it just because firefox is up and comming (less than 24 hours till the 1.0 release), and opera has been around a while ?


    or is it that Opera is a well kept secret.. like linux used to be ?


    I went to university, and in the first week was told i needed to learn Unix...

    and there was 2 ways to become comfotable in unix...

    1) spend a load of time in the Unix labs

    2) use linux as a home system (free).


    this was the first time i heard the world "Linux"

    its a 1 hour bus ride to uni, so i downloaded linux...


    havent booted windows since :P (except to fix it for friends and family)

  7. If you look at some linux OS's now like RedHat this is what they are starting to do aswell.

    the vast majority of linux distrp's are free, whatever you intend on using them for.

    Microsoft has done amazing. It's incredible how someone could have made an OS that has changed the world completely.

    In the old days, when computers werent intended to be used by anyone except scientists, then Microsoft bought an easy to use OS, renames and re-sold it.

    I see Microsoft more as a marketing company, they did not write DOS, they paid someone else to make a vheap copy of the Unix shell, then renamed is MS-Dos.

    but the Operating System that changed the world was not windows... it was Unix !
    without Unix we would not have the internet !

    And without BSD's source code, windows would not be able to access the internet.
    Windows origonally took its Tcp/IP source code from BSD, but i think IPX is a microsoft invention... but IPX is lame !

    That is the key to Linux's appeal, and maybe Windows need to go free and open-source to stop it from being taken over.

    And Microsoft can never go Open source!MS have been Fudding (Fear, Uncertanty, and Doubt) Linux for years.
    Saying that open source is a "cancer" and "un-american"

    MS have very little credability left, if they open sourced windows, they would have lost what little remains.

  8. Its True that not all games are compatably with Linux... HOWEVER games on linux are cathing up.UnrealTournament2003 and 2004 both shipped with a linux installer !Also, ID software released a Free Doom3 engine for Linux.. (which basically means the binaries are free, but you need to buy the windows CD for the game content)And they released the Linux Version Months ago, and they only recently announced that they are starting work on a MacOSX version.Games companies are starting to realise the number of ocnsumers using Linux, and they are rating them higher than the Mac.Anyways.. ahh yes. user friendlynes... we could argue this point till the cows came home (one of my fave expressions) and would never reach a conclusion.my arguemt for my opinion (that KDE is more user friendly) is as follows.I have 2 computers... only One is connected to the internet, and dual boots , Linux for me, Windows for the family. t connects to the cable modem through a network card.for reasons ill not go into, i needde to have both computers connected to the internet at the same time.i connected the main computer to the second computer via the network cable, and connected the main computer to the cable modem via USB.with the new network settup i booted both windows and linux... who both auto detected that the network card was nolonger connected to the internet, just a small lan, and the USB port was the new internet connection. it was also easy to set them both to share the interne ocnnection across the local area network.the problem arised when a week later, i rewired the network again to its origonal state.The first time i rewired the network, the operating systems detected that the netowrk card was nolonger on the internet by the fact that there was no DHCP anymore. (there usually is) so they gave the card a static IP.when i rewired again, i wanted the cards tobe configured by dhcp again.. i had to tell them this, since there was no way for the cards to realsise there now was DHCP again...in linux, this was as simple as changing a line from "ifconfig_eth0=" to "ifconfig_eth0="dhcp"in windows....... well, it took all day.windowsXP is fluffy, it doesnt want to scare users with words like "DHCP" so there was no Use DHCP clickbox.the wizzards were just spawning error messages about my internet connection though USB being gone.. and itt kept listing the network card as local area connection.so i couldnt use the wizzards, and there was no way of forcing dhcp to be used.i eventually had to uninstall the netwokr card, re-boot, re-install the network card, just to trick XP into scanning for DHCP.annoying !

  9. whats is better to start a server on a windows,unix or lunix?

    FreeBSD (freeBSD.org) this is THE operating systems for servers.i would say FreeBSD is more or less equal to a good linux Distro, but BSD is more mainstream (if that is important to you)

    which one has more security?

    Both FreeBSD and Linux are Secure... but the actual security of your site will depend on how many mistakes setting up the web servers... for example, some people will make a new account like username ftp, password ftp for public downloading, but they forget to dissable that account for SSH logins... then anyone can SSH into your machine, and use it to send spam email. (this kind of human error is quite common)

    which get less viruses?

    Windows is the ONLY major operating system out there that has a problem with Virii.Virii can only exist under certain conditions that do not exist in other Operating Systems (Unless a virus find a way to get root access (or guesses your root password)
    SO ANYTHING except windows.

    However.... you have to realsie that most people viewing your server may be using windows... so even though you are running Linux or BSD, you still need a virus scanner to prevent users from uploading virii for other windows users to download.

    which is better for programing and web design?

    in my Opinion, Linux... but ive never developed in BSD or any flavours of UNIX.
    so basically.... Anything Except Windows.

    If you want a Commercial Unix OS, go for Sun's SOALRIS.

    if you want a Free Open Source Unix, go for FreeBSD.

    if you want to go for Linux, use either Slackware, or Gentoo.
    Redhat is a more famous Server Distro... but its a little too bloated in my opinion, but maybe a little easyer to setup.

  10. Look I have used Linux and I did not imply any of those things you said there. How can you say I am a person that doesn't want to be proven wrong when you have just written that yourself. I agree that Linux is sercurer.


    Openoffice I totaly dislike. PLEASE tell me how you can change the font colour. I used the font menu and the one in the tool bar but neither will change the colour of the font.


    You can't imply that I don't have a clue when you are wrongly interpreting what I say and making accusations of your own.


    maybe he was a bit harsh.. but your arguments were pretty lame.

    amways, dont argue wih the mods, they have supernatural abilities... ive seen them make posts dissapear without traces (and possibly people too) :)



    And whats wrong with OpenOffice !!!!

    ive never used star office, soi cannot compare it with that, but...


    well.. looks like MS Office, Compatable with MS Office... and has all the same featutres of MS Office.

    plus, ive never heard of an OpenOffice MAcro virus...


    and its FREEEE..


    you cant argue with that !

  11. It's actually very easy and simplistic. Just takes a bit more to figure things because it's low level.


    lol... thats what you think... you should see an IF structure in BrainF*ck !


    lets say you want to compare memory address 0 to memory address 1 and if they are equal DO somthing, (Without destroying the variables, you must....


    1) make a copy of the varibales to work on in memory at address 2 and 3. (so noot to change origonal variables)

    to make a copy of memory address 0 to memory address 2 you need to loop through subtracting one from address zero, adding one to memory address 2 and 5(temp) on each loop... then loop through address 5 subtracting one, and addinng one to address 0 on each loop.


    all of that just to make a copy of a varrable.. and you have to do that twice....


    here is the brainf*ck code to copy a variable

    #copy address 0 to address 1.[->+>+<<]   #this will set address 0 to zero, but make copys in address 1 and 2.>>[-<<+>>] #this them moves address 2 into address 0. (leaving address 2 at zero again)now both address 0 and address one contain the origonal value of address 0

    2)NEXT... you need to determine if the coppied variables are equal.

    loop through coppied variable one subtracing one on each loop from itself, and coppyied variable 2.

    if the variables are equal, then the body of a while next loop will not be entered from the address of coppied variable 2.....


    code for "If A is not equal to B"

    >>  # move to address 2[->-<]  #subtract one from each variable untill the first variable is ZERO>[  (THE VARIABLES ARE NOT EQUAL)  [-] ]   #the [-] sets this adress value to 0, so the loop will only run once

    to make a "If A is equal to B" test, you would need to set anouther variable to one, and then enter it with a while loop... but if the NOT EQUAL code is executed, it sets the one variable to zero, preventing the while loop from being entered....


    like so...

    >>[->-<]>>+<< #set address +2 to 1 to allow the TRUE code block to run, this will be set to 0 if the  FALSE code block runs.>[ FALSE [-]>[-]] #the [-]>[-]code zero's this loop, and the next loop, preventing the TRUE code block from running.



    In assembly, an if statement is as simple as a jump instruction, with a condition, and an address...

    in BrainFu*k an if code looks like this.......


    My Example of a rainF8CK IF THEN ELSE statement

    ,>,<[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>] >[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>] <[->-<]>>+<[FALSE[-]>[-] ]>[TRUE]

    and ontop of that, you have to make sure the code you insert into the TRUE and FALSE doesn not interfere with any ariables the IF THEN ELSE code uses.


    i havent debuged that, its just off the top of my head, so dont be surprised if it doesnt work



    Ohhh, and iif you think that looked complicated, you dont even want to know what an "IF A is bigger than B" looks like !!!!

  12. he will think twice before asguing with the linux crowed again !!!maybe some day in the future, Microsoft will go the way of the apple, and its oprtating system will be Windows GUI reporgrammed for X,running on a Linux (or BSD) operating system...then we will all be arguing which distro is better.... Getoo, Mandrake, or Microsoft WindtuX....

  13. >>>++[<++++++++[<[<++>-]>>[>>]+>>+[-[->>+<<<[<[<<]<+>]>[>[>>]]]<[>>[-]]>[>[-<<]>[<+<]]+<<]<[>+<-]>>-]<.[-]>>]

    translates to...

    move to current memory address + 3, add 2, while current memory address doesnt equal 0

    move to current memory address - 1, add 8, while current memory address doesnt equal 0

    move to current memory address - 1, while current memeory address doesnt equal 0
    move to current memory address - 1, add 2 ,move to current memory address +1
    minus 1, return move to current memory address + 2, while..

    well, you get the diea right ?
    think of it as machine code :)

  14. very few programs may need a re-boot..... but its still a sign of how poor the OS design is, not being able to make cartain changes without a re-boot.defragmentsing the hard disk may only need ot be done once in a blue moon, bt it takes ages to do, shortens the life of the disk drive, and again, the very fact that it needs to be done is proof of the poor disign of the file system.virus scanning... the very fact that there are thousands of new virii every month for this os is a sign of how poor the design is... how many Linux / BSD virii are there ?yes, there are tools to clean spyware... but the very fact that spyware can get onto your system is a sign of how poorly designed the OS is.same with Adware.Virus.... now that argument about it not being targeted because not many people use it is just flawed.There are LOOADS more exploits for MS IIS Server than there are for apache, despite the fact that most servers use Apache.And servers are a far better target for virus writers, as they have higer bandwidths, and have a better potential to spread, and very few people use windows as a server.Linux and BSD is just designed in a decent way that resists virii.and as for your final comment....your favorite windows applications are not compatible...thats like saying its a books fault for not being written in your language.. you cant read it, it your fault.and BSD / Linux is kicking *bottom* as far as compatability goes.Take a huge project like KDE... its a Unix program.. it will compile and work under Linux / All the BSD's / All the Unix's with no source code modification. now THATS portability !

  15. PuTTy is an SSH client for windows, it comes with SFTP, SCP, Telnet clients as well, but I don't think it allows for things like these :/ sadly.


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