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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. Here is an Interesting thing to ponder.....Okay.. Mass and Energy are the same thing.... (Fact) When Energy Converts to Mass.. an equal quantity of Mass and Anti-Mass are created... in other words you CANNOT make a Proton, without also making an anti-Proton. at any one time, in the universe there is equal amounts of Matter, and Anti-Matter... Earth, this solar system, this galaxy.. as far as we know. is all made out of Matter.... so where is all the Anti Matter ?! logically, there must be an entire galaxy somewhere else out there that is similar to ours, but constructed entirely out of anti matter ! Advice.... NEVER EVER shake hands with anyone who is made up of anti matter !
  2. the if a .htaccess file is in webserver directory, then that directory is protected by a password.its basically used to construct members only areas. im pretty sure this question has already been answered here.
  3. this doesnt work in most browsers.. and even if it did, it doesnt stop people from clicking "View source" and EEEVEN if it did that, then it wouldnt stop people getting the source with telnet.this code is useless, sorry, and its been poted many times already by other people.
  4. who doesnt have somthing againsed Microsoft ?!because of MS i have to defgramsment my hard disk, run windows update, update the virus scanner, scan my hard disk for virii, re-boot..... BSOD.. AGH !
  5. Standard Users shouldnt Have Write Access to the System files anyways.If windows ever upgraded to the reiserfs file system support, this feature could be sued to stop virii running in windows and damaging my linux drive.. but intill then.....
  6. why oh why oh why would anyone want free ram !im Running an up to date Gentoo Linux (KDE desktop)im just browsing the web, listening to music.. and 100% or my 512 megs of ram is in use.this IS a good thing... whats the point in having RAM if ist not being used.80% of my in use ram is just Disk Cache, speeding up loading of programs and data.if my system suddenly needed the ram, then it will clear some disk cache.unised ram is wasted ram.this is the number one mistake that new linux users make. they come to online forums with angry posts like "hey.. i though linux was meant ot be fast an efficiant... its using all of my 1Gig of ram !!! windows only used 30%"
  7. Why bother all that effort to to block popups on a insecure browser... use firefox.popup clocking... add's and banner blocking.. secure.... tabbed browsing.... fast.. light weight.... great !
  8. i actually quite like Mplayer (design7/news.html)it will also play Ogg Vorbis i have thousande of music files, i litterally saved hundreds of megabytes after converting all my Mp3's to OGG's
  9. Yep, this truely is the greatest browser... i use adblock with firefox !im pretty sure it works in windows too... but who cares (im a fellow linux user)anyways... after a dew days of seeing the occasional AD, and adding it to the filter list, ive not seen an add since... not a single banner or anything !i find you can kill most of the ads by filtering "*/ads/* and "*/ad?*"i think its safe to say.. IE lost the browser wars !true,,, we all though IE had won the browser wars and killed off netscape... but then netscape joined forced with Open source... and came back as mozilla (gave birth to firefox) then well and truely smote IE into the ground....i think it would be a smart move if Microsoft scrapped IE and un-intergrated it for Longhorn....Lets face it...an OS with No web browser but an optional Firefox browser has to be better than a crap integrated Browser that every1 sniggers at.
  10. Microsoft Keep beeing exposed.. keep losing legal battes.... but nobody seems to care.There Software is the most expensive, the least secure, the lest reliable.They Patent Software which was Used in Unix decades before Microsoft was funded.(god knows how they got that through the patent office)
  11. i think we should let ext3 die now..... ext2 was great... it was patched with journalling support and called ext3.... but its just not cutting it anymore... give reiserfs a try !
  12. Hey.. maybe by the time Longhorn is out PC technology will have advanced beyond Physical storeage.. and instead of a hard disk, we will have some kind of non volitile ram.... (or internal USB thumb drives) spinning those heavy ceramic disks in the hard drive 7200 times a miute must eat up some power.
  13. Yep... 2 GB of bandwidth a month is fine.... but what if slashdotters try usng all that bandwitch in 2 minutes.i assume a kind of accidental DDOS attack would occur.
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you would be suprised by the info you can get on google.
  15. Why are you excited about Longhorn ?from what ive read, all the major changes are in the API's. Unless you are a developer, this wont affect you. WinFS DID look interesting.... but thats dead... and the Linux version of WinFS was intersting... but the novelty wares off quickly.
  16. from what ive read about Longhorn, its going to be a seriouse dissapointment.We were given screen shots.... and the promise of WinFS and the new Avalon graphics architechture... uness you are a developer, you wont care abaout avalon.... and winFS has flloped over and died... so what are we left with... the screen shots.. which show yet ANOUTHER different shade of blue... and no more green start menu. i think MS have over Hyped Longhorn.
  17. its pretty much correct....windows seems like an unfinished OS.. for example.. with a proper operating system, open an exe file ina text editor (or hex editor) and attepmpt to save changes... it will not allow it.... but windows will ! and this is the reason virii can infect other files on your windows machine, but Linux / Unix / BSD is immune.
  18. What does everyone think will happen to microsoft as Awareness of alternative operating systems becomes greater ?True, that MS has a very strong hold on the OS market, but even the giants fall.... remember IBM ? they were once the evil monopolisers.... but one day, somebidy cloned their bios, and they lost there hold on the hardware monopoly...How many people here have IBM PC's ? all of you... (except the mac users)and how many of you bought the computer from IBM ? or how many parts of your computer were made by ibm.... almost none of them.anyways... the way i see it... there are 3 possibilities...1)Microsoft follows the footsteps of the Mac OS and dropps the Operating system, and completely rebuilds itself using a BSD or some other flavor of Unix as a template and keeps its monopoly on the software market.. but nobody minds, because they have leanred to price their product fairly, and there new WindowsX (based on Unix) and inherantly nolonger suffers from virii (or the need of virus scanners) or disk framgmentation or any of the other little surprises.... Maybe even Embraces Open source projects like Mozilla Firefox.2) Microsoft again keeps its monopoly, but not by fixing there softare.... they do it with intelectual property patents (did anyone see the slashdot article about how Microsoft patented the Linux command "sudo" ?) everyone is even more unhappy, as the alternative open source OS's are locked down with copyright laws.3) WIndows goes the ways of OS/2.... dead.....Microsoft Releases its very own distro of Linux... and joins the ranks of Redhat...MS-Linux is shipped with a Linux Port of the Windows Graphical User environment (not open source) and is therefore Not offereed *bottom* a free download... but the price is acceptable.. and Microfots makes loads of money, as the majority of the windows users upgrade to MS-Linux
  19. Actually the MacOSX is based on FreeBSD... which in turn is an open source Unix clone. SOmeone (dont know who) once said that those who dont understand unix are doomed to re-create it poorly for all eternity..... Luckily, for the Mac, the eternity only lastered untill MacOS-9, and the unixification brought the company back from the brink of extinction.
  20. Trust the origonal....... ?!Well... i actually like the mac... but from the way you call it on origonal, you are probably unaware that MacOS 1 -> 9 absolutly sucked... and the Mac almost went bankrupt.. what Saved it was MacOSX, which is based on FreeBSD... a re-written kernel, and new Graphical interface.. but the guts that make it work are BSD... and FreeBSD just like Linux are Open source Unix clones.... so.... well... Yay to the origonal... UNIX ! infact most OS today are unix based. (except windows) MS said that Windows98 SE was more secure and fewer bugs than windoes 98..it said the same about windows 2000... it said the same about windowsXP.. it said the same about Serive pack 1... and now its saying the same about service pack 2.... and yet the number of exploits and virii written has been exponentially increacing ever since DOS.
  21. knoppix is a good representation of what linux will do, and an amasing representation of its flexability, but if you want to get into linux, you deffinatly want an installable distro.
  22. The .NET languages are new languages based on tried and tested languages geared todwards building software for microsoft windows .NET framework... think MFC but to a greater degree. but be warned, programming a .NET language is locking you into microsoft software.
  23. is firefilla anything to do with firefox ?whats the webpage of firezilla ? its not in my partage tree !
  24. Ohh right !yeah functionality like that has to be supported by the Operating system.... Currently, Only Unix BSD and Linux support this... (plus any other OS's which use Xorg) you may have to wait anouther decode for MS windows to catch up
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