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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. That too is also a joke... but the point I was actually trying to make, is the law states you cannot make a copy of something you bought legelly for personal use. One of the best examples is copying personal DVD's as a back up of your personal collection. It is VERY common for a DVD to get scratched and become useless, so people like to make a back up copy for themsleves, just in case it get's scratched and ruined, they still have a copy. The industry is just trying to force people to buy more of their stuff. There was already a law in place which stated you are not allowed to sell pirated material. This law was perfect, it makes complete sense... if you didn't make the product or have the rights to it, you should not be allowed to make a profit off of it. I guess they just got fed up because that law was too hard to control... it's too easy to evade... so they made tougher laws with harsher penalties to try and make people stop doing it.


    Yeah i know !


    fortunatly, i dont think that law is enforced.

    of big brother finds your coppied dvd collection, and you show them u own the origonal version im sure you wouldnt get prosicuted... possably ordered todestroy them,... ( i think )

  2. No Offence intended.... but after you refered to those commands as "codes" and didnt know how to issue them, i assume you are new to Linux.

    You may want to look into programs like firestarter (free and open)
    it will ask you easy to understand connections like "Do you want to share your internet connecton? Is this computer a Web server ?" and then it will automatically set up your network settings.

    Securety is always better when you custom write your oen firewall to match your specific needs, but automatic tools are more than adiquate for a home system. (plus th logo is a cool penguin playing with matches :))

    firestarter comes with many linux distro's, if it dowesnt com with yours, you can get it here .



  3. And you can put all that stuff in osx with fink, darwinports, or its already built in. AND its easy to use.

    Darwin (base of macOSX) is similar to *nix, mant people consider Darwin to be the 4th *BSD.

    so when i say *nix im usually talking about Solaris, *BSD, MacOSX, and Linux.

    whats fink ?
    i assume darwin ports is a clone of BSD ports and similar to Portage (Gentoo Linux)

    MacOSX, in terms of average use is easy to use... but i assume you still have to have a bit of knoledge to correctly setup snort or a chroot envoronment ???

  4. Microsoft....im not sure if they are Lazy, Greedy or Stupid ! maybe a combination of all 3.Bill gates is an excellent buisnessman, thats not in question.But Take Windows aproach to Securety...Spyware Removers,Virus Scanners,Adware removersMS has a Beta release of there new Anti spyware program available to download for free.MS is also meant to be working on there own virus scanner, and there are many 3rd partytools.Notice anything ???these are ALL cures to the problem, ANY IDIOT will tell you that PREVENTION is Always better than the cure !Virus scanners are always 1 step behind of virii, simply because they cannot scan for a virus fingerpriint untill after the virus has started becoming a nuisance and been detected by anti virus company's.ALSO, a virus scanner cant detect a virus untill its already on your system, this is a Cure, not a prevention.The only attempt i can find at prevention in windows isthe firewall... I have a Windows firewall, and a router NAT hardware firewall, but windiows still manages to get virii.Now lets look at the Linux / Unix aproach to securety....1) Chroot Jails, if a server is compromised the attacker is locked into a subfolder, without root access they are inncapable of moving out of that servers folder, they have no access to the system.this is damage controll, windows has no damage control, if your hacked, potential damage is unlimitde.2) Tripwire, similar to a virus scanner, however, tripwire will detect any maliciouse behavior by things un-known to key files. It takes fingerfrints of all your non trivial files, and stores them in an encrypted database, if a fingerprint changes, yuo are warned. This is Cure.3) Snort, a packet sniffer. it watches all internet traffic. Snort can Scan for virii ON THE WIRE.if it detects a virus is being transmitted, uploaded or downloaded, it can instantly adjust your firewall to react, for example Ban that Ip for X amount of time, or simply Drop all packets containing parts of virii.This is PREVENTION.4) Any flaws are Instantly patched... INSTANTLY. there was recently a flaw in the linux kernel that allowed a local user with access, to force the machine to re-boot, even if they didnt have re-boot access.this was a pointless flaw, because any local user could just hit the reset button, or pull the power cable out. however there next day there was a patch. it often takes MS months to patch even critival vunrabibilities. this is PREVENTION.. (it doent count as prevention if you wait for poeple / virii to start exploiting it)5) Some Servers are compiled without Loadable module support, meanting all drivers must be hard compiled into the kernel. Without loadable module support, the only way an attacker could root kit your system, would be to recompile the kernel... impossable to do without detection, and insanely high access rights.... PREVENTION.6) ohh, and one more privilages. if a user on the system is stupid enouigh to download and run a program from an untrused source, the damage that script could do is limited to that users home directory.because that user doent have write access to the main OS, just there own files.Hey Microsoft... How many of your customers can read and write Hexidecimal Machine Code ???None of them... so WHY DO YOU GIVE NORMAL USERS WRITE ACCESS TO SYSTEM LIBRARIES AND OTHER CITICAL FILES.... cummon guys, this is just stupid.Again... this is called PREVENTION.Now.... the other side of the argument is "Yeah, but windows is easyer to use" and the answe is yes... Windows is easyer to use... However a Push bike with stabaliser wheels is easyer to driv than a Car....but i would never Recomend you you take your 3 wheeler peddal bike down the freeway !!!Windows, its easy to use.... but its a crap OS.is ease of use an excuse ?? there is no reason why they couldnt implement ALL the above into Microsoft windows, without making it any harder to use.but they dont... Why ? Stupiud / Lazy / Greedy ? you tell me.

  5. what im saying is... By Default, the copy command does not preserve permissions, and special setting like SUID. same with Tar.Also, if you backup folders like /dev/ or /proc or /sys/ you might get some very strange results !Also, driver settings.it just maks it abad idea to install an OS on virtualPC, and move ot onto a real root raprtiton and epect it to works.

  6. Amd all the way.what i wanna know, why do DELL refuse to sell computers with AMD cpu's ?i saw Dell's advert about ebing able to customise a P online then order it so i went on the website... its so lame...you Can have any CPU aslong as its a Pentium4.

  7. 2. the installed OS can be transfered anywhere!. transferring OS is just the same as copying ordinary files!.

    bad idea.
    might work for windows, but will cause havok with proper OS's if not done correctly.
    make sure you coont do somthing stupid like copy virtual folders.

    make sure you preserve permissions.

    make sure to reset driver configureation, or remove all driver configuration and enable coldplug.

  8. wha have you tried ???i cant remember what, but its only 2 commands, an echo 1 > into the /proc tree to enable ip_forwarting.and a slight adjustmant to a NAT table in thefirewall.idiot proof method.... Let an automatic program such as firestarter setup your firewall for you.there is an option in firestarter to allow internet connection shareing.you will need to Network interfaces, one to be dedicated to the Internet, the other to the local area network.

  9. i think Linux From Scratch is overrated.i built a complete linux system from scratch and learned nothing i didnt learn by compiling a few kernels, and the latest version of KDE.you spend about 2 days mindlessly going over the same porcedure....wget Filetar Filecd directorypatch < patch1patch < patch2./configure --prefix=/usr/makemake checkmake installover and over and over and over and over.True, i did end up with a super customised machine whch in a 1.3Ghz athlon booted in just ofer 4 seconds... but still...not as gooder learning experiance as you might think.if customisation is important, go Gentoo.Gentoo has alll the benefits of LFS, but has possably the best Package management system,Portage (a port of BSD's 'ports' system)

  10. You can have a look on vanilla kernel source at https://www.kernel.org/ if you are glad to  compile.


    Usually it can be found in you live-cd.Upgrading and selecting kernel source  to install is a quick solution to it.


    to compile driver's you need the exact kernel source used to compile the running kernel.

    a vanilla source of the same version will not work.


    and if you have having trouble finding the source code, your probably not at a level where you are capable of compiling a new kernel from source.

  11. Linux... Its a kernel
    GNU is an Operating system without a kernel.

    GNU/Linux is an Operating system. IF you are using it from a machine with an X server, it has a graphical user environment (Gnome) .

    Gnome looks nothing like Windows or Mac unless ofcourse you use a Mac / Windows Theme (not included in GNU).

    Screen shots of Gnome

    Ok... Kde bares a resemblance to Windows / Mac in is positioning of the clock / main menu / task bar.
    But KDE is not part of GNU/Linux. KDE is just a desktop envronment for UNIX, which because of the nature of Linux, will also compile and run on Linux. Most distro's Ship with KDE, but most distro's will default to a gnome desktop.

    Screenshots of KDE

    Linux is a kernel, and should not be compared with other Operating systems based on what an Unrelated project's scrren shots are like.

    When Linux is compared to OS's like WIndows, comparasons should be made on things like Drivers and stability, (with linux you can completely update / install your all you driver's without a re-boot)

    GNU/Linux is not related to KDE, just compatable.

    There are many, many window managers and desktop envoronments out there...
    all completely didderent, only one of them resembles windows.

    here is what Linux Really looks like.
    taken from 8139too.c in the 2.6.9 kernel tree. (my netowrk card driver)

    static struct pci_device_id rtl8139_pci_tbl[] = {	{0x10ec, 0x8139, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x10ec, 0x8138, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x1113, 0x1211, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x1500, 0x1360, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x4033, 0x1360, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x1186, 0x1300, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x1186, 0x1340, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x13d1, 0xab06, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x1259, 0xa117, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x1259, 0xa11e, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x14ea, 0xab06, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x14ea, 0xab07, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x11db, 0x1234, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x1432, 0x9130, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x02ac, 0x1012, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x018a, 0x0106, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x126c, 0x1211, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x1743, 0x8139, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },	{0x021b, 0x8139, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, RTL8139 },

  12. Here is the REAL joke...Law Number 1) You cannot Copy CD'sLaw Number 2) You cannot rmeove copy rpotection.If you are going to ignore Law1, whats the pint in Law2 ?if i have coppied a CD, i am guilty of 2 different crimes... Copying the CD, and copying the cd.one crime the actual copying, the other crime for using a cd copyer to copy the cd...Law1: It is illegal to shoot people...Law2: it is illegal to have 1of your bullets is in somone else's bodyLaw3: its illegal to point a gun at someone from point blank range and pull the trigger.Law4: its Illegal to have commited a crimeLaw5: its Illegal to have commited a crimeLaw6: its Illegal to have commited a crimeLaw7: its Illegal to have commited a crimecummon !

  13. Does anyone have any advice regarding using virtual machines, i know of VMware however have never used it and i know there is a M$ one which i have never used either (i don't even know what that is called). Can someone please reccomend one for use in windows XP to install windows server 2003 on please.


    you need Vmware for windows.


    But wouldnt you be far better of Dual Booting ?

    cheaper, and better performace than VirtualPC.

  14. There is no Best Web Design Web browser.People dont use web bwrosers to develop web sites, only to view them.you should follow the W3C standards, that should mean Firefox / Mozilla / Safari / all the other Wc3 compliant browers render the page the same, then test in Internet explorer, and attempt to tweak the code where IE has made mistakes.Plus, it depends on your target audience...im sure Linuxquestions.org dont give a crap how IE renders the site, i bet it gets very few IE hits.but for google, yahoo / general forums, most people will be using Internet Explorer....thats not a statement about which explorer is better, its a fact.a website should be Compliant with the sttandards, and if there is a problem with IE (most likely with CSS) then tweak away, but try not to break any standards.

  15. Gnome rocks....

    KDE is Great.... but its bloated, its getting like windows.

    a single application (Konqueror) to do everything... FTP, web browsing, file browsing, PDF viewing, CD ripping.. what else....


    however it IS easy to use.


    But Gnome... i love it,

    more thought out interface.

    GTK themes ive found at gnome-look.org are much better than the qt themes at kde-look.org

    and, GNOME gives off that feeling of being clean and polished desktop.


    The Gnome Themes are great, nothing distracting, everything on the desktop is perfectly distinguishable from everything else, but nothing grabs your attention away from what you need to be focusing on.


    I HATE what Fedora / redhat do to GNOME though.

    they patched it or added themes of somthing that make it look exactly like KDE, whats the deal ???


    KDE for the Newb's GNOME for the Experianced hacker :) / Guru / whatever.


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  16. YES, you can start Apache without having a website....anyone connecting to your website will get the default "this is apache default index.html, if you are seeing this, you havent made a website yet" index.html file.make sure your ISP is okay with you running a web server, alot of ISP dont like it,you can try to availd detection by running the server on a port other than 80 / 8080.some ISP's do scan sclients for open port 80 and 21.ALSO.. windows ME is not a good choise of OS.Apache is very secure, but running in on such an old insecure OS isnt going to do you any favors...have a look at Solaris / OpenBSD / FreeBSD / Linux (preferably slackware / gentoo)all make excelent servers, OpenBSD is the most secure (not a single remote securety flaw in almost 10 years)but all the checking of the source code means new versions of software is almost never available. (does this matter...? on a pure web server no, if you also use it as a desktop, maybe yes)but the other BSD's / Unix's are plenty secure providing you lookout for apache securety warning, and keep SSH up to date (or deactivate it if you dont need it)Unless you Need all the new feartures of Apache2, go for Apache1.

  17. I live in England, things are even more expensive here.. when people come back from America, there always telling their friends how cheap everhting is over there. Shoes, DVD's etc.in England got can expect to pay as much as £15 (about 25$ i think) for an album with 12 - 14 songs on it.Plus to make it worse, they add copy protection !!!!!!i have an MP3 player, when im out, i can either carry a bulks cd player which eats batteries. or a tiny mp3 player.i have a Legal need to rip CD's and encode them as Mp3's.but they are trying to stop me, take away my rights to stop the few kids that do download music.Plus, their statistics about how much music is stolen are probably waaaaayyy off the chart.10 years ago a bought a Nirvana CD.. now the cd is too scratched to work, so i ofnten download the contents of the cd... is this legal ? i downt know, it SHOULD be.also, with the speed of the internet, i usually just downlod music rather than ripping it of my legally bought CD's its easyer, i must have downloaded and deleted some songs many times.all this legal in my case (or atrleast ethical) but im sure they (whoeve isgathering the statistics) just assumed i was a criminal.

  18. more than 3 lines, no spam, decent conent i think.The tweak seems to work by allowing firefox to open even more connectinos to download through.did you ever use those Old downloading accelerator programs back in the days of windows95 ?like DAP (download accelerator Plus)Lets say a server is getting bogged down with connections, it will split its bandwidth between all the users downloading from it.hyperthetical situation....100kb/s maximum server bandwidth.100 users downloading.each user has a modem campable of 6kb/s, but the server is sending at 1kb/s to each user.if one user however spawned 6 connections, they would get 6 times their share of download bandwidth.but then everyone starts doing it, and connection speeds dont benefit, the server just has to spawn 6 times the number of server threads, so some servers not only allow one connection per IP address, which could be annoying as h3ll if your behind NAT.

  19. I use the GiFT with the apollon (for KDE) or giFToxic (for gnome) frontends.Reasons why Gift Smites al other p2p down hard (except bit torrent)1) Free and Open (no spyware, no adware, nothing sneaky)2) it uses a pluggin system for protocols.as far as i know, giFT is the only client which can simultainusly search and download from 3 differend protocols 1) FastTrack (the open source version of the Kazaa protocol, compatable with kazaa) 2) Gnutella (used by Limewire / most other p2p programs, (again, an open protocol)3) OpenFT (again, a great open protocol, less users than kazaa, but much better content)However Gnutella nolonger seems to work very well, my machine cannot find any other nodes,it seems the gift-gnutella pluggin has had no work done on it in over a year (maybe they are working on Gnutella2 ?)why do people use free closed source software, that caims to be spyware free, and lies about options to not installl "extra porgrams" when the Open sourced alternatvs can be proven to be spyware free.Reasons why Bit-Torrent rocks.....1) everything ive ever downloaded.. (and i have downloaded some HUGE Dvd iso's (Free sofware, not copyrighted material) and they always arive in perfect conditions, matching md5sums and all.2) which amases me still.... im downloading differend segments from different people, downloading a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy, each copy transmitted across the internet (by no means a perfect error free transmition medium) transmitted through spyware / virus infected machines....its just great !

  20. Im curiouse... Has anyone had a go at tweaking Firefox's source code ???I compiled firefox myself. the pre-compiled firefox is linked againsed the older GTK graphic library, (all my other programs are linked againsed th enewer gtk2) compiling yourself with the "gtk2" use flag will link it againsed gtk2. saves me having to download gtk1 and gtk2 themes :)

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