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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. who worries about findong hole in openBSD

    the BSD team.

    the BSD operating systems are DE FACTO web servers... (you know, the internet thing)
    why hack a few home computers with broadm#band / dialup, that are powered on for an hour a day when you could hack the infrastructure of the internet.. BSD machines with T1 connections, that are powered on 24/7 rebooted once every half decade for an upgrade.

    you obviousely know nothing about computers.

  2. NOTE: i first posted his a while ago in a securety thread, since then the mods moved the thread into a newy created "windows" sub forum... making me look pretty stupid... lol.so i moved it here... probably nothing you didnt already know, but maybe of some use to the newbs.And Just incase you are NOT running WIndows....here's the Linux Version on how to keep your system Secure......Firstly... FIREWALL !i would recomend either using a graphical frontned like Firestarter, but if you insiste on writing your own firewall......start withiptables -P INPUT DROPiptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPTiptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -k ACCEPTthen open extra ports if you are using any servies (like http or ftp etc etc)Next, running servies.. some distro's will automatically run serives on a default install (especially netowrk orientated distro's) shut all the ones you dont use down.So.... You have your firewall running, and your software is upto date !For a home system, this is secure againsed networked attacks,to protect yourself againsed maliciouse programs, follow the very simple rule... DO NOT LOGIN AS ROOT !If You DO run servies on yyour system, like Apache Web server, or maybe an FTP server, there are extra steps you can take...i would recoment instaling the following software.SNORT:Snort is a packet sniffer, a bit like a firewall.A firewall decides what connections are , and are not allowed... Snort then takes over from here and watches the allowed connections, it looks at there content for maliciouse code...For example, lets say there is an exploitable Buffer Overflow in a web servron your system... IF an attacker sends code over the netwok intended to exploit the overflow, Snort will detect it, and can be configured to block that persons IP on your firewall.TRIPWIRE or AIDE:this is a bit like the windows version of a "virus scanner" in windows, virus scanners scan files againsed virii fingerprints to detect if that file has a firus on it... its major drawback, is it will not detect a virus if the virii fingerprint in not in its database.....software like TripWire keep a database on oll critical files MD5sums'sif ANYTHING make any alteration to a file on your disk... like a hacker that has broke into your system,Tripwire will alert you.This doesnt prevent an attacker from getting into your system, but atleast when they do break in, they will be detected. and you can begin re-compiling any files they tampered with and lcok them out.other porgrams whihc you may want to run from time to time are RKhunter and f-prot.RKHUNTER is a Root Kit hunter.a root kit is a nasty breed of virus, it is loaded into your kernel as a module, from there it can do anything.theoretically, a root kit oculd do anything, and hide it from the user.example...a root kit could be running a web server, it would be serving a file called BootLeggedFilm.avi which could be savved anywhere on the disk, for example /root/however, when a logged in user ran "ls /root" the root kit would first run ls"ls /root" then remove the file it is servering from the list, before display ing it on screen. when your system has been rooted, the linux kernel becomes the virus.f-prota normal virus scanner, pretty much useless linux virii are so rare, and following simple rules like not abusing root will save you from them.all you really have to worry about is manual hacks though buggy daemons.

  3. Does your motherboard support Overclocking in the Bios ???if not, get your soldering iron out, its not enough to increace clock rates, you also need to incrace volatages.i always recomend overclocking, especially Pentium 4's they run hot enough as it is.Why significantly shorten your hardware reliability and life for the sake of half a second boot time, or an extra half frame per second in doom3.whats your current clock rate, and what clock rate are you aiming for ???

  4. Windows stole the look and feel of Apple....Apple stole the docker from NextSTEP.I believe that Apple would have eventually come up with a docker system even if they never saw NextSTEP, i also believe MS would have come to the same conclusion about putting seperate programs in seperate overlapping boxes on the screen called windows, even if they never saw apples desktop.Who was it who had the idea of putting water in the freezer to make ice to put in drinks to cool them down ?if he didnt show his friends his idea, his friends would have worked it out for themselves.Apple lost the law suit, its over, and nolonger relevant.

  5. KDE and GNOME are different Desktop envronments

    there are screen shots at kde.org and gnome.org
    however like i said earlyer, with themes a desktop can look like whatever you like.

    its the design thats very different... like i sadi earlyer...

    GNOME is more unix like in its philisophy... No bloat, a program for every task.
    KDE is lik the MS Windows aproach... more bloated, and heavily integrated. (however you can remove most bloat by only installing KDE companents you want / need)

    example... in GNOME you have a PDF viewer, an FTP client, a web browser, an image viewer.
    in KDE you have Konqueror... which is a web browser, a PDF viewer, and IMAGE viewer, and FTP client.... like Internet explorer.

    install them both, and decide which one your prefere...
    generally, newbies prefere KDE, and more experianced users prefere GNOME.

    Gnome is much lighter, and will run on slower hardware better than kde.
    KDE is more pretty.

    see kde-look.org and gnome-look.org for screenshots and themes for the desktops.

  6. Cames consoles already have ethernet...NetBSD and Linux can be installed on the playstation and Xbox.when Games consoles come with keyboard + mouse, they will be just what ive always wanted...a PC that comes without bundled MS software ;)Then MS will go and ruin it be releasing Windows for Xbox.then PC's and games console's will be the same thing.LOL

  7. you shouldnt comapare GNOM to KDE on looks..the themes can make KDE and GNOME look identicle if you like.you can even get windowsXP themes for KDE and GNOME.copare them on what reeealy sticks out, the design !GNOME is more unix like in its philisophy... No bloat, a program for every task.KDE is lik the MS Windows aproach... more bloated, and heavily integrated. (however you can remove most bloat by only installing KDE companents you want / need)example... in GNOME you have a PDF viewer, an FTP client, a web browser, an image viewer.in KDE you have Konqueror... which is a web browser, a PDF viewer, and IMAGE viewer, and FTP client.... like Internet explorer.

  8. It was the MAC desktop environment architecture that gave him the idea for windows. No one can tell me otherwise!

    here i am telling you otherwise...

    Everyone says that Windows STOLE the Mac's Graphical inerface, but nobody seems to understand what they are saying, they are just repeating what they have heard, much like parrots do.

    Microsoft and Apple worked together developing the windowed desktop, then before it was finished, the 2 company's split, and decided that each could take the work they did together, and copmplete it seperatly.

    Next thing you know.... Mac is B1tching that MS stole its desktop... why....
    before they split up, it was not documented in the project anywhere that windows could overlap...

    it was documented that there were these things called windows, and they contained applications that could be dragged around the screen. its common snece that they would overlap! but Mac claimed it was there idea.

    There are too many stupid patents around...
    Microsoft has somehow managed to patent the sudo command... which is not yet available in windows, but has been used in Linux and Unix since the dawn of time...

    ITS CALLED PRIOR ART.. i swaer the patent offce is full of monkeys !

  9. Hardware compatibility (especially foreign hardware)


    Yeah thats True... but linux cannot force hardware vendors to document there own work well enough for the kernel hackers to develop drivers... they do there best.


    personally though, i would rather read a compatability list before buying than have to suffer the de-fragmenting virus scanning adware and spyware and etc etc etc


    blah blah blah broken recored.. lol.


    As for control, realize that OSX is built on unix, which linux was made to be a version of(it has since changed a bit). So, linux and Mac OS are very similar. So similar in fact, that you can run linux software on a Mac.

    lol.... GNU/Linux is a recursive acronym for "GNU IS NOT UNIX"

    Linux is a completely seprerate OS to UNIX... however, it does conform to all the Unix standards, which is why it seems to be identicle... usually, and unix or linux source code can simply be re-compiled, and run on the other platform.


    Linux is developered by a load of hackers all across the globe.. pretty cool eh.


    OpenBSD is open source, but is developeed mostly at the University of califonia.


    MacOXS was a branch off FreeBSD, the kernel was re-written, and the Graphical Desktop was added (the desktop is closed source)

  10. i meant a sub-forum for opinions / discussions / arguments on why Linux us better than windows.for example the following topis..Windows vs LinuxMac vs WindowsMac vs LinuxWhich is the best Operating systemMacOS or Linux for College class'LINUX !!!all the abouve threads may have different titles.. but inside them they all have the same thing...Linux users talking about linux superiocity because of securety...Mac users talking about userfriendlynessWindows talking about how linux is too hard for them...same thing.. over and over and over and over.and while ive had som good discussions on those type of threads, i think it would be nice if they were seperate from threads like...Digital Camera AdviceBrowser TestAGV: computer killer ?Virtual MachinesiPod linuxam i explaining any better ???

  11. i remember the bood old day when things were made of metal...ram / databus isnt shilded againsed electro magnetic interfereance, so metal cases portected your pc from rafio waves...even the fans motors are build in a complicated way to prevent EMI output.Now, they make cases out of plastic, and put very strong sources of electro magnetic interfereance insde the case in forms of Neon Lights.i had a friend who had problems with artifacts apearing on screen duureing game play, and a few random crashes. turned off the neon lights (especially the one built onto the GPU fan) and all was well with the world ;)Sounds impressive though... i hope those are variable speed fans.. or you will have a bit of a wind tunnel in terams of noise :Pgot any benchmarks / bogomips value on the CPU ???am 64bit AMD 3400+ scores 4767.74 bogomips ;)

  12. KDE is quite some *BLEEP*... It looks like the interface of a baby's toy. All round too-bright colored buttons and stuff...

    Thats what the themes are there for.
    Gnome has some pretty eye assulting themes too... its just that they are not default.

    KDE will provide a much less *alien* desktop for a windows user.

    I use Gnome and KDE depending on how im feeling.

  13. There should be a sub forum for argueing / discussing / compareing Operating systems.Leave the Operating system forum for Questions and answers.Some popele have a real question about a specific OS, they post here, then before you know it, there poost has gone out of view, with several.. is "X better than Y" theads.Discussing and compareing is bood, but people looking for answers should come first.Questions Like "How do i protect myself againsed SMURF attacks on solaris 10" should be in the Operating systems section...Threads Like "What do your prefere, MacOSX or FreeBSD or Linux, or windows" should go into a sub forum, just so they dont clutter up the forum for poor mr SMURFED-to-deathJust my opinion.

  14. I have a cheap Q-tech home broadband router, ive noticed the following stranghe events in the system logs of the router.

    2005/01/31 18:20:08 : **Smurt** from 17:00:03 : **Smurt** from 15:39:58 : **Smurt** from 14:59:54 : **Smurt** from 14:39:49 : **Smurt** from 14:29:45 : **Smurt** from 14:24:42 : **Smurt** from 13:11:01 : **Smurt** from 12:30:57 : **Smurt** from 12:10:52 : **Smurt** from 12:00:48 : **Smurt** from 11:55:45 : **Smurt** from is the address of my Gentoo Linux box.
    whats goping on here ???

  15. even if your distro doesnt come with openOffice, you can download it free with a graphical installer from http://www.openoffice.org/


    The hardest part of linux at first is learning what porgrams are called...

    when i started linux i asked so many question's like where can i find an mp3 player, only to find i already had several installed.


    after a few months let us know how your doing...

    some people try linux and give it up after an hour or 2.


    at first i duual booted between windows and linux, doing wha i didbt know how t do in linux on windows, now i can do things in linux that i cant o in windows.

  16. Linux without anti virus is far safer than windows with anti virus...
    Linux uses preventative securety rather than *clean up afterwards*

    Yes.. you can drag copy for files over.

    just be prepaired, its very different from windows at times, you will need to read...

    visit linuxquestions.org the best ever linux help forum.

    ipod works... but sometimes needs a kernel tweak.

    do you have an internal pci software modem ? if so, check compatability before attempting... same applies for wireless...

    its a steep learning curve... but i thionk its worth it... ive not had a single virii / spyware since i installed linux..

    for P2P look at Apollon....
    its better than most p2p because it uses all 3 popular file share network's.. fasttrack (kazaa) OpenFT and Gnutella... where most P2p programs only use 1.... usually Gnutella.


    when asked.. during install... go for KDE graphical user environment rather than GNOME... kde has more of a windows feel to it. and install the compiler and development tools... you will need them to compile allpication from source should you choose to do so.

    EDIT: as for comments about anti-virus....
    aslong as you dont abuse the root acount you will be fine.

    never login as root...
    never run any program as root unless its vital.. and only run programs as root that are part of the OS.. for xample the firewall.

    to do somthing as root.. from a normal user login, open a console and type "su" stands for super user. enter roots password, when you have finishwd with root, type "exit"

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