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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. i agree with going 64bit... however they wont drop 32bit overnight.im no expert, but im willing to bet that by the time they drop 32 bit support, your currently state of the art processor will be getting dated, ready for a update.since 32bit is being replaced, it will be quite cheap...so you could save money staying with 32bit... but for future upgradability and compatability.... 64bit is the way to go.and go for AMD...:)cooler, cheaper, AMDPowerNow-K8 rocks !, shorter pipelines, and fewer clocks per bogomip :P

  2. AMD 64bit 3400+
    512 meg ram
    400mhz FSB
    GeForce FX5700LE 128mb
    2x USB 2.0
    4x USB 1.1
    nvidia GeForce 3 chipset
    100 mbit network
    10 mbit network

    Dvd Writer capable of.....
    DVD+R 12 speed
    DVD+R DL 2.4 speed
    DVD-R 8 speed
    DVD+RW 4 speed
    DVD-RW 4 speed
    CD-R 40 speed
    CD-RW 24 speed
    HD-BURN 24 speed

    NOTE: cpu speed is variabkle, runs between 1Ghz and 2,4 depending on load. (shown here at 1.004Ghz)

    processor       : 0vendor_id       : AuthenticAMDcpu family      : 15model           : 12model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3400+stepping        : 0cpu MHz         : 1004.585cache size      : 512 KBfpu             : yesfpu_exception   : yescpuid level     : 1wp              : yesflags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 syscall nx mmxext lm 3dnowext 3dnowbogomips        : 1986.56TLB size        : 1088 4K pagesclflush size    : 64cache_alignment : 64address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtualpower management: ts fid vid ttp
    tux root # lspci0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 250Gb Host Bridge (rev a1)0000:00:01.0 ISA bridge: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 00e0 (rev a2)0000:00:01.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation nForce 250Gb PCI System Management (rev a1)0000:00:02.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a1)0000:00:02.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a1)0000:00:02.2 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a2)0000:00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 250Gb AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a1)0000:00:08.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation CK8S Parallel ATA Controller (v2.5) (rev a2)0000:00:0a.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation CK8S Serial ATA Controller (v2.5) (rev a2)0000:00:0b.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 250Gb AGP Host to PCI Bridge (rev a2)0000:00:0e.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 250Gb PCI-to-PCI Bridge (rev a2)0000:00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] HyperTransport Technology Configuration0000:00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Address Map0000:00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] DRAM Controller0000:00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous Control0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV36 [GeForce FX 5700LE] (rev a1)0000:02:07.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)0000:02:0d.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)

  3. I tend to avoid Pentium, they get way too hot, and they are trailing behind AMD in the 64bit market.64bit processors will run native 32bit operating systems,and 64bit operating systems can run 32bit software.. Operating systems like Linux can do this nativly, but with windows, you have to use emulation... which will slow things down a bit.if your planning on sticking with your new CPU for a good few years, 64bit is the future.. but 32but will be around for a while yet.im running an AMD 64 3400+ on 64but Gentoo Linux... and its amasing !!!my motherboard and cpu suppport somthing called amd powerNow.it alters the voltage and frequency of your cpu to match load...my system is running on low volatage 1Ghz... but if cpu useage rises above 90% it accellerates, all the way up to 2.4Ghz with hivgher voltage.so when you are just web broswing, your system stays super quiet, and super cool... then the fans and 2.4Ghz jump up when you launch doom3 :)

  4. wow !!! my bios is set to perform a shutdown if my cpu gets that hot !

    i have variable speed fans and CPU.
    at 1Ghz idle my cpu tempreture is 49 degrees.
    at 2.4Ghz with heavy load... 49 degrees (and more fan noise :))

    Cpu = Amd64 3400

    depending on cpu load, th cpu runs at the folloing frequency and voltage...

    bash-2.05b$ dmesg | grep powernowpowernow-k8: Found 1 AMD Athlon 64 / Opteron processors (version 1.00.09b)powernow-k8:    0 : fid 0x10 (2400 MHz), vid 0x2 (1500 mV)powernow-k8:    1 : fid 0xe (2200 MHz), vid 0x6 (1400 mV)powernow-k8:    2 : fid 0xc (2000 MHz), vid 0xa (1300 mV)powernow-k8:    3 : fid 0xa (1800 MHz), vid 0xe (1200 mV)powernow-k8:    4 : fid 0x2 (1000 MHz), vid 0x12 (1100 mV)powernow-k8: cpu_init done, current fid 0x10, vid 0x2

    internal empreturn usually about 30 degree's

  5. a simple script could install itself when you view the email its in and run the command to delete it simple

    Yes, on windows that would work, but like i said, windows is just a toy, no securety.
    for that to work in *nix i would need to save the file from the email then run the following commnds....

    su -<root password>mv theScript /bin   (because my home directory is mounted as "noexec")chmod +x /bin/theScripttheScript

    My second computetr was an Amiga1200 with workbench 3.0. 2megs of ram, half a gig hard drive (which came seperatly) ahh thegood old days.

  6. .the big thing in the 80's was the Graphical User Interface... A way for the computer to be useful to grandma back in the day. Well, nowadays, Grandma's dead

    like me...I am Samaurai...a Keyboard Cowboy....and all those point-and-click people out there just like you...are the cattle......................moo!

    haha....you have a amusing way with words.

    Ryan, Linux is a multi user envoronment... unlike winows which just seems to emulate a multi user envoronment. in linux, and other unix's like BSD and MacOSX, files have owners... you cannot alter someone elses files without permission, you cannot just right cloick a file and un check the "read only" flag.

  7. Lol....

    as for disk defreagmenter, thats happens no mater what os you have.

    Nope.. Only windows !

    no need to defragment Ext3 / Reiserfs / XFS / JFS / loads more....

    Windows is the only Operating system i know of which uses suck a broken file system.

      actually thats not possible without it auto defraging itsef cause overtime you may delete files that are right in the middle and that space then isn't used, i guess an os could defragment when you delete a file but aside from that it would be a problem.

    Denial ?

    defragmentation doesnt need to be done on deleteing....
    do you understand how filesystems work ?

    linux does not defragment on the fly... it just doesnt fragment un-neccecerily.

    it needs that cause all the viruses are written for it cause most people are smart enough to just use windows,

    smart enough to pay for buggy, broken software ?

    So..... if windows is so great, WHY can the university of califonia develop a Unix OS called OpenBSD, and check its code tooo well, then there's not been a remote securety hole in over 8 years, then give it away for free...

    but Microsoft, the richest company, with far more poeple working on it than BSD, have such a broken OS ?

    answer that one.

  8. i cant remember the link.... (google ?) used to be on /.someone managed to install netBSD on a GameBoy advance !there is no real reason to use linux apart from the *nerd* factor,turn up at your local LUG, turn on your ipod, show the tux boot logo, and be the center of attention of the nerds for a few minutes :)

  9. I will never leave windows, it is the best, it has all the viruses and stuff cause thats what they are written for being that it is the most widley used operating system today, if that were to somehow strangley change to say mac or linix then virus makers would start to make viruses for that os.as for holes, reslly windows update fixes them, they are too huge, every os has holes, this just sounds like propaganda for linux, but their is no reason what so ever to switch.


    thats a very common and misguided stance.


    there is no preventaive securety in windows, thats why you get virii, and need to fix the porblems.

    there is no damage limitation in windows, which is why when you are compromised, the virus has complete control over your system.


    people are always trying to write linux virii, think about it, the first linux epidemic, the script kiddie who wrote it would be famous.


    Virii cannot exist in linux without the root password, if a virus tried to infect a file on my computer... well, i will show you

    bash-2.05b$ echo "I am viral code" >> /boot/kernel-2.6.9-gentoo-r14bash: /boot/kernel-2.6.9-gentoo-r14: Permission denied

    if you did that on windows, your kernel would be compromised, your system rooted, and a 12 year old in holland would now own your computer.


    Can you Read and Write in Hexadecimal machine code ???

    nope... so why does windows give everyone write access to libraries / programs / system tools...


    any computer scientist will tell you that the structiore of windows OS is embarasingly poor.


    No OS is without its holes, but have a look at an ancestor of linux..... http://www.openbsd.org/


    Free Functional and secure since 1995

    Only one remote hole in the default install, in more than 8 years!

    now... let me ask you this.... has windows EVER... released an OS without a remote securety hole ???

    WindowsXP Sp2 was secure for a week or 2 before they started findinf#g holes.. wasnt it ?


    like i said, windows track record is pittiful.

  10. I wouldnt call that dependancy hell.its just an extra piece of info... for example, the answer to "why is my sound soo quiet" the solution may depend on wether you have ALSA or OSS, alsamixer for alsa, aumix for oss.dependency hell, somthing which has almost vanished in some distro'sijn the days of redhat9, not too long ago, newbs b1tched about it, then project like apt-get and yum jumped up. and i switched to Gentoo... Portage dosnt know the meaning of dependency hell :)As for Xfree... it didnt just change to Xorg. XFree85 changes its licence, many peopl didnt like the new licence, and some dont even consider it to be "Open Source". So the Project Forked, Xfree86 and Xorg.Xorg kept the old licence, wone over almost all the developers, and as a result has taken over as th leading X11 manager on most distro's and has some funky features like the Composite manager.

  11. And the answer to all of this is for the linux community to sacrifice the thing they worship: choice.

    So true !

    but you dont need to remove choice, just agree on standards. for example the display manager.
    Some Linux Distro's use XFree86, some use Xorg, some use other, i forget the names...
    some even use windows display managers like eXceed. but does KDE care what display manager you use... nope, because they all use a standardised X11 protocol.

    There is a newly started project, i forgot the name, but it aims to standardise all the little things that vary between linux distro's. the things that cause almost no inconvininece, but may preventa redhat binary from being installed to gentoo.

    everyone agrree's this is a good idea, when its finshed, and major distro's make themselves compatable with the theme, people will be able to make binary installers than truley install to any linux distro, just like how windows does it.

  12. Which is why pages usually review driver, rather than simply state they exist.anyways, i dont disagree with what you are saying.anouther factor in why software developers dont target linux is... 1) if someon is using linux, they probably prefere the free solutions, 2) unlike windows and MacOSX there are sooo many variables.. Kenrel version, kernel patches, KDE FLUXBOX or GNOME, compiler ? optimisation flags...it would b impossable to suply any customer support... it would take hours finding out what versions or what is installed, ALSA or OSS, is kde compiled againsed LASO libraies.. what about cups, maybe cups s installed, but not linked to KDE... AGH ! nightmare.which is why Ut2004 has a penguuin logo, but no implication that it will work on linux.

  13. This is when you could potentially mess up your system to an unbootable state.

    atleast withGNU/linux its impossable to damage the system / get infected without first entering roots password.

    Also, Windows is a fine OS as long as its protected with a firewall, virus checker/remover, spyware checker/remover, SP2, and Firefox.

    all that maintenance.

    thats whats so insulting about windows.... Zero securety. all these so called great tools like Adawar spybot and Virus Scanners.. these are temporary fixes which clean up the mess after your system has been owned.

    prevention is better than the cure,

    As for Desktop's I Like Gnome because its part of GNU/Linux, but kde is pretty cool too.

  14. The marke for older poeple on the internet is increacing.many of them are alien to computer technology, many of them dont care to learn.With a Linux / MacOSX you shot them what to click for internet, you show them what to click for email, you show them how to turn it off. end.with windows you do same as above plus... do not open strange attachments in emails, ebven if they apear to come from a frend.. you CAN click .jpg's and .png and .bmp's but make sure it isnt .jpg.exe, you can also open .txt's and .docs, never click a .exe .dll .ocx .bat .pnmdownload a virus scanner update, scan your computer's hard drive for virii, dont uinstall anything of the internet unless its trusted,defragment every month,when your computer has degraded to an unuasabl state, use a floppy disk to fomat the C dirve, enter the Bios and change boot device to cdrom, boot the install cdrom.. install this driver than driiver... the list is endless. Linux/BSD/MacOSX is only hard when you start re-compiling kernel's.my girlfrends family has a computer they cannot use because its soo bogged down with virii and spyware. all she needs is email, and internet browsing.

  15. Thirdly, I've never had much of a problem with Windows, so why should I switch?

    Totally !!! ive never had a problem with my bike,, so why bother trying a car.. surely all that extra wight means you have o peddal extra hard !!!

    so you never had a problem with windows... so that means you have never de-fragmented your hard disk, scanned for virii or spywware, never re-installed, never re-booted, never had to install a service pack.

    I never had a problem with windows, untill i tried anouther OS and discovered that Windows was the only OS which suffered Spyware, Adware, virii, and a filesystem that detiriorates over time, and constantly neds to be proped back up with a "defragmentor" just to stop it grinding to a hault.

    if you dont try, you will never know.

    and its always fun to talk nerd,

  16. (which was entirely writting in C++, which is by far not the most stable language).

    True, C++ is by far not the most stable language, but its no worse than C.
    C/C++ allows you to use memory directly (pointers)

    any language that allows the porgramer to directly use memory opens up the possability of a programmer mistake resulting in a buffer overflow exploit.

    ever wondered why there are never buffer overflow exploit in Java written programs, this is why.

    however the kernel NEEDS this kind of access, its not possable to write a kernel is java.

    anyways, can we PLEASE not start any more poll's or discussions on this kind of open ended topic when there are already several running.

    and PLEASE read an entire post before replying yourself.

    the other thread "Which OS is the best", every 3rd post is by yet anouther person informing the thrread starter that there is no *perfect* OS.
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