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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. Cool Idea...Aslong as my status is set to active and not one of the away meaasages, anyone is welcome to send me an instant message on either one of the following MSN addrresses...c_s_notts@hotmail.comor my so far spam free address which isChrisLikes{DRINK}@hotmail.comReplace {DRINK} with the name of a certain drink that comes from Mexico, Has a Worm in it, usually drunk with salt and lemon, made out of the argava lilly, and is the most important ingrediant in the Tequila sunrise. cocktail.(i will be VERY surprised if any crawlers manage to pasre that into a valid email :D )

  2. Dont go with redhat.Redhat stopped produsing free desktop linux quite a while ago,at the same time redhat stopped, fodora took over.fedora took redhat 9 and continued to develop it.if you like redhat, use fedora. In recent years, Linux's desktop has come a long way, so you really will benefit from using the lastest available. version.I learned Linux on redhat and fedora, however i would probably recomend mandrake.Either way the following is always true, noobody ever stays with the first linux distro they try, i tried redhat / fedora then slackware, before i discovered the linux distro they best suited me.. Gentoo !

  3. So you want a portable library for a GUI ?use GTK-2 or QT (QT announced windows suport a few weeks abo, dont know it its ready yet)Most GNOME based linux applications use GTK (KDE programs use the QT library)By staying away from MFC, and using the GTK wrapper for programming the graphical user interface, your code should be very very portable.

  4. C++ has its downfalls as well. It's harder to learn (generally), but more importantly, it's a ***** to actually port to other processors. Since most APIs are processor specific, you'd have to find a comparable API to fill in the gaps that can't be used again. The OOP concept is essentially the same, so that's a moot point here.

    You mean each Operating system has its own API's.
    C++ if coded with portability in mind, is very very very easy to port.
    Just re-compile.

    aslong as you stick to C++ standards ( for example using fstream for file access instead of microsofts FILE class, < which does exactly the same thiing as fstream, except its not portable>)

    Infact, The only parts that are difficult to port between windows, and the rest of the OS's is the GUI. and this can be nullified by using the GTK, QT or SDK libraries in c++ for GUI control.

    In other words... IF a c++ project is designed with portability in mind, porting is as simple as a re-compile.

    ANYWAYS... advantages of Java which nobody has pointed out jet...

    1) Garbage collection. in java you dont have to delete memory when you have finished with it, it is virtualy impossable to wrte a program in java which suffers from memory leaks.

    2) No Raw memory access. Although c++ raw memory access is lightning fast, Java takes away memory manage,ment from the porogrammer, making it virtually impossable to make a mistake which could result in a buffer overflow vunerability.

    Some aspects or very confusing though.
    for example in c++ you can simply declair an array of user defined object, and begin using them..

    myObject  objectArray[ 100 ];

    BUT in java, to do the same thing you need to
    myObject[ ] objectArray = new myObject[100];for(int n=0; n<100; n++) {    objectArray[ n ] = new myObject;}

    this is because, in the java virtual machine, line one one creates an array of 100 pointers to myObject, you then need the loop to create 100 objects and assign them to pointers

    This part of the java language only makes sence if you understand memory management and pointers (which you will only get from learning c or c++)

  5. Telnet... it is a tool used for remote logins,and as a sort of teletext for internet before web browsers were invented.today its used for fooling around with servers, sending emails the hard way.. and.....is the newest form of getting free movies.. !Okok,,, there is no sound, but the subtitles are great.star wars, episode 4 ( Digitally re-mastered to ASCII ART !!! )open up a command line (click start->run then type "cmd" for windows users.)and maximise the window, and type "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl"ENJOY !

  6. just to clear this all up....When you install Half-Life 2, you need to connect to the internet once.you dont need to download anything, you just need to use a web page to validate your cd.then you can select "remember my password for offile mode"you will need a fast internet connection to play online multiplayer though !

  7. CD / DVD disk drives are usually IDE.
    do SATA cd/dvd drives exist ????

    there isnt much point in getting a SATA cdrom drive, since the cdrom read/write speeds are all much much much slower than the IDE bandwidth.

    do they even make SATA motherboards without IDE ???

    I will say after seeing my housemates SATA HDD formatting in about 10 seconds

    thats actually quite slow...

    i can format me IDE 80gig hard disk in about 2 or 3 seconds depending on the filesystem.

  8. The curretnt PCI-Express buss has the equivelant speed or AGPx16 (trice as fast as the current AGPx8)The main reason behind PCI-e is to replace PCI.PCI hasnt got much faster since it was introduced, and some network cards can go faster than the pci bus allows.but just remember, Bus bandwidth isnt everything, and a much cheaper AGPx8 card will still be capable of running the lastest games for a while yet.

  9. Sorry if this sounds stupid, but im new to XML, and i just cant get my head around this problem.

    imagine the following XML

    <student name=chris>  <link>http://.chris.com</link><student>

    i need to use XSL to translate that to a html hyperlink in the form of

    <a hreh="http://chris.com">chris</a>

    at first i tried

    <a href=" <xsl:value-of select="student/link"/>"><xsl:value-of select="student/@name"/></a>

    but that generates a nasty error, obviously because i have embedded tags.

    how am i meant to solve this problem ????

    i have tried storeing "chris.com" in a xsl variable, but then all i get is a hyperlink to a variable name.

    google is clueless, does anyone here have any idea's ??

  10. for me it would have to be.....Kopete (open source Chat client for MSN messenger, amungst other things)it supports automatic language translation with google ballblefish service...you can have real time chats with different languages without either person understanding the others native language... priceless !K3B (cd/dvd writer) similar ot Nero.Emerge (tool for auto downloading and installing software)Gcc (where would i be without my compiler !)ooohhhh, and Ksensors.dont ask why, but i just find it amsuing watching my cpu tempreture and fan speed rise under heavy load..And in the oldern Days, before i switched to Gnu/Linux i LOVED the windows 98 defragmentor porgram... i loved watching those little suqares change colour and move.it was like a laval lamp, sooo relexing.

  11. Hmmm... don't like that idea...Then people will know how to hack linux servers...
    That's bad...

    people already know how to hack unsecure linux servers.
    But if I am one of them, i can better protect my sever from those who have less than good intensions.

    After reading a tutorial on how to exploit buffer overflows (written by and for those who want to annoy) my code is now slightly more secure.

    For example.... i know that the easyesy way to get into a web server, is through badly written CGI scripts.

    because i know that i never ever ever use a CGI script i find on the internet without proof reading the code very very carefully.

    if i didnt know this, then i maght just carelessly add every free cgi script i find, and assume that apache will protect me.

    aslong as your intentions are good, knoledge of evil is never a bad thing :D
    (unless you agree that ignorance is bliss :D)

  12. When you say all messed up... are we talking about corruped textures, or onscreen artifacts ?is your machine overclocked at all ???the UT200X readme.txt says that the game pushes all your hardware to its limit, and can push overclocked hardware over the edge.could you post a screen shot please ?

  13. Also it depends what area you are programming in.Assembly is Great for programming device drivers and hardware firmware, but useless for web design.Perl is great for web design, but is useless for programming codecs.and prolog is useless for maths, but perfect for Artificual intelligence.I would say a good starting point would be C++ or Java. its a general purpose language that you can do almost everything with. (except wire kernel code with java).

  14. Some Universitys Offer Computer securety Courses.You cannot secure your own system without knowing how the bad guys break into your system.as part of these courses you have to try to break into designated machines.As for the Cyber-war link... WOW.... i LOVE the ascii art FreeBSD Daemon logo !!!!I dont know the reasons that the links you posted were setup, But aslong as we are all clear that the content is linked to help users protect themselves , and better understand securety, i see no harm.

  15. Hacker's Virus writers malware authors....
    Hate them. They annoy everyone for little or no reason.

    However, (with exception of script kiddies) those who do it the hard way,
    discovering their own buffer over flow exploits and writing the machine code
    to exploit and spawn a command line, you have to admire the amount of knollege and skill that this takes.

    If you know anything about *nix (especially Linux) and would like to pit you securety knoledge againsed other's have a look at this....


    Basically, on the 9th of this month, a Linux server will be booted, and its IP address posted on that site, and left running for 96 hours. there will be no firewall, and no tweaks done to it, just a jet to be decided linux distro will be booted, and all default serces allowed to run.

    the competition is to....

    1) gain root access
    2) create a file on / containing some identification (an email or PGP key)
    3) dissconect the machine from the internet (shut donw the network card)
    4) send an email announcing you have won.

    if nobody has hacked the machine within 48 hours, then low access level login passwords will be given out, at which point you will be able to attempt local privilage esculation exploits.

    Will anyone here be having a go ???

    I know virtually nothing about exploiting services, only how to prevent writing code vunerable to buffer overflows...

    but i will definatly have a little play, port scanning, version probing and whatever else i can think of.

    (maybe i should just post its IP on slashdot..... thats usually enough to crash most systems !)

  16. RIGHT !!!!

    Like i said, MP3 is a type of MPEG audio ! (Mpeg version 1 layer 3)

    Different version of Mpeg audio are used for different things, mpeg-2 is used on DVD players.

    and finally......
    wav is just uncompressed noise.
    compressed formats like mp3 or ogg are always always always always always smaller than the wav that they were greated from.

    all mp3 and ogg encoders suck in wav's and spit out mp3 or ogg.

    even if you used mp3 on totally random input (static noise, normally hard to compres) the result would be smaller as audio compression formats (except FLAC) are lossy.

  17. I think the reason of this was because in the old days of the internet, nothing about the internet was graphical, it was all command line text based (like command line ftp or telnet)then when web browsers came into use, they decided to add a www. prefix to the graphical stuff so the server could quickly identify what you were viewing its material with.but thats just an educated guess.

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