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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. people can "see" you but they cannot install any unwanted programs as long as you deny them from your registry.

    adding a run on boot entery to the registry is only one of many many ways a malware program can auto start itself.

    The problem windows users face, is the windows kernel.
    securety has to be implemented at the very lowest level (kernel level)

    Unfortunatly, is Windows used the same securety methods that keeps *Nix immune to virii, it would break most windows software which hasnt been designed to cope with limited privilages.

    for microsoft, is a choise between securety, and backwards compatability. and backwards compatability has to win... whats the point in securety if all your old software has to be re-designed.

  2. WindowsXP uses very very weak md4 hash algorithms to encrypt passwords.your options are brute forcing it with johntheripper, or hash insertion (simply making up a new password, hashing it, and saving it over the old hash)unless you used drive encryption, hash insertion should work fine.do you have access to a *nix rescue cd ? (for example knoppix)if so, ther is a porgram called ntpassword for re-setting passwords (hash insertion of the SAM file)

  3. Viruses are now a thing of the past.

    A recent test, showed that a unpatched WindowsXP machine simply connected to the uinternet, and booted (no-one using it) became infected within 30 minutes.
    Ok, hat wouldnt happen with a fully up to date windowsXP with firewall's and all the other stuff, but for that ip to be sound so quickly, there must be a lot of infected machines out there looking. For the Linux / Unix / BSD users, and windows users who perform constant maintenance, virii may be a thing of the past, but for the computer illiterate windows users, its worse than ever.

    which (for the record) gets reformated every 4 months

    surely it would be less time consuming to learn *nix ?

  4. Also i think i remember reading that laptop use was as bad for fertility as constricting underwear... (which may be a good thing depening on your social life, lol)but seriously...i had this same choise a few months ago, and i chose desktop for several reasons.1) for my work i need a network connection to my university Unix servers, when i am at home, i dont need a laptop, when i am at university, a client computer is rpovided for me in the computer room.2) a laptop would only be usefull for 1 hour a day while i am on the bus.3) laptops get stolen.4) AMD64 3400+ desktop, or intel 1.0Ghz laptop for th same price.5) last time i looked, laptop battery life sucked !

  5. Both Gentoo Linux, AND MS windows XP, AND my motherboard bios/instruction manual agree that i have a USB2 controller.

    i have 8 Usb sockets, 4 in the front of the case, and 4 at the back n the motherboard.

    Nomatter which one of these 8 sockets i plug my USB2 mp3 player, the operating system detects it as going through the usb1.1 port !!!

    i have both usb1.1 and usb2 on my moherboard., but all sockts apear to be usb1.1 !

    Usb2 is enabled in my bios, usb2 drivers are installed and working.

    the mp3 player works fine in all sockets, just at slow usb 1.1 speeds.

    i cant work out whats wrong... i even updated my BIOS !!!

    SO... here's the technical information.....

    USB configeration from last kernel compile...


    here is the USB controller information
    0000:00:02.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a1) (prog-if 10 [OHCI])        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 0c11        Flags: bus master, 66Mhz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 5        Memory at fdfff000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 20000:00:02.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a1) (prog-if 10 [OHCI])        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 0c11        Flags: bus master, 66Mhz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 11        Memory at fdffe000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 20000:00:02.2 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a2) (prog-if 20 [EHCI])        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 0c11        Flags: bus master, 66Mhz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 5        Memory at fdffd000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)        Capabilities: [44] #0a [2098]        Capabilities: [80] Power Management version 2
    as you can see i have 2 OCHI (usb 1.1) hubs, and one EHCI (usb 2.0) Hub.

    And here is what my kernel has to say about usb direing boot up...

    ehci_hcd 0000:00:02.2: USB 2.0 enabled, EHCI 1.00, driver 2004-May-10ohci_hcd: 2004 Feb 02 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver (PCI)

    I am certain that is is not a software problem, as the same fault ocurs wth windowsXP and Linux.

    any idea's ??? this is driving me mad !!

    im considering re-compiling linux with only usb 2.0 support, but im not sure what that will do to backwards compatability (my USB mouse is USB vrsion 1)

    HELP !


    oh yes... and its a VNF3-250 Chaintech motherboard, with nForce-3 chipset

    and ive just been reading the USB2 driver readme... it seems that all usb ports SHOULD be usb2, and the hardware should physically route the usb device to a usb 1 or usb2 controller deppending on what its detected as....

    my mp3 player claims to be usb2... could it be lieing ?????
    could it really be usb1 ???

  6. Mplayer is an open source media player / encoder.
    its not the best media player (i think xine is better, fully suports dvd menu's)
    but mplayer is commonly used in other media applications as an interface to all media types, especially those requireing win32 binary codecs.

    have a look at its web page, it seems its in danger of being shut down.. design7/news.html

    My dad couldnt find a media application that could play the mp4's that his mobile phone recoreds, divX player coultnd play audio, and windows media player just couldnt play it.. so i told him about mplayer, he opened up the web page, and smack....

    from what ive read on slashdot, the battle to keep software patents out of europe had almost been won !

    what do you guys think ?
    is it really curtains for thedays of the free and open media players ???

    Notice from microscopic^earthling:
    Moved to Software > Multimedia

  7. A long time ago, i used to write in visual basic (college made me !)i was writing a simple activeX controll for VB that allowed forms to upload and download files from otehr programs using the same activeX control.i put it on a VB programming website as an example / tutorial to whow otehr basic winsock use, and earn myself a few points.however, their was no securety or authentication on the porgram, so in the read me, i wrote a little warning... "When active, this control will listen on port XXXX and allow anone else who makes a conection to upload / download freely. their is no securety, running this on an un-firewalled machine is almost as bad as installing sub7, this code is given as a tutorial only, DONT use this code for anything directly, i am not rsponcible.. blah blah blah"unfortunatly, it seems google picked up the keyword "sub7" and i started getting instant messages from self proclaimed *hackers*when such people contact me, i tend to ask one question.can you program assembly ?if they answer yes... (and i believe them) i call them annoying ace holes.if they answer no, i call them stupid script kiddies.unfortunatly, any idiot can cause havvok, the "i love you" worm was written in visual basic.

  8. Great thanks...

    However i dont understand why a for-each is needed.
    Im new to XSL, but in the past, i have been using templates to do similar things, and its worked fine...

    for example... take the XML

    <page>  <paragraph>     THIS is a paragraph  </paragraph>  <paragraph>      This is Anouther Paragraph  </paragraph>  <paragraph>      Yet anouther paragraph !  </paragraph><page>

    i have ben using templates to convert it like so...

    <xsl:template match="page">     <html>         <xsl:apply-tmplates select="paragraph"/>     </html></xsl:template><xsl:template match="paragraph"> <p>    <xsl:value-of select='.'/> </p></xsl:template>

    and it has worked perfectly.
    There are many different paragraph tags here.
    why does this type of re-occuring tags work with a template, but my small_photo tags need a for-each function ????

    Thanks for the Help.
    Im doing this because i need to learn XSL, the page the example was from is an olg page i made about converting a pc case into a minni greenhouse with artificial lighgting on a timer, and ventilarion... quite an interesting PC mod :D (worked too)

    i didnt have my notes with my when i wrote the above example, so i may have confused some match= and select=, but take my work for it, when i write that with my notes handy, it works fine.

    thanks again, your modified code works, i just ned to know why fo future exams etc....

  9. Hello, for the life of me i cannot work out what is wrong with this XSL

    i am trying to convert XML to a scaled image which is also a hyper link to itself (in full size)

    here is some example XML that i need to translate with XSLT

    <entry date="30th August 2004" title="Ohhh yes !!!">  <small_photo url="incase.jpg"/>  <small_photo url="fstleaf1.jpg"/>  <small_photo url="fstleaf2.jpg"/>  <small_photo url="fstleaf3.jpg"/>  <small_photo url="fstleaf4.jpg"/>  <small_photo url="pants.jpg"/>  <text> 	 Yep! after only a week ! The first piccy is of the plants inside the computer case. 	 The cardboard thing at the top covered in duct tape is part of a domino's pizza box, 	 we cut holes in it, and used to to support the light bulbs.  </text>  <text> 	 The last photo shpws the minni green house fully switched on, in its hiding place. 	 The other computers in the foor drown out the noise of the quiet fans. PERFECTLY hidden !  </text>	</entry>

    and here is the XSL template i am trying to do the converting with
    <xsl:template match="small_photo">  <a><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of match="@url"/></xsl:attribute> 	 <img>    <xsl:attribute name="src"><xsl:value-of match="@url"/></xsl:attribute>    <xsl:attribute name="width">20%</xsl:attribute> 	 </img>  </a>	</xsl:template>

    in other words, i am trying to generate the following HTML

    <a href="incse.jpg>         <img src="incase.jpg" width="20%"/></a>

    When i try to open the XMS document in firefox, i get the following error "Error loading stylesheet: Parsing an XSLT stylesheet failed."

    the document is rendered perfectly (without pictures when i remove the small_photo template.

    any ideas anyone ??? thankyou.

  10. Ahhhh Voodoo !!
    I remember those days !

    You either had a voodoo graphics card, or you had a crap graphics card !

    Voodoo3 was released when i got my first x86 pc.
    i remember a voodoo advert on the tv showing quake2 (which was amasing graphics at the time !)

    remember GlideGL ?
    what the hell was GlideGL ? some voodoo version of OpenGL ?

    Look, neither company is better.
    Each line of cards they produce is different. Sometimes ATI is faster, sometimes nVidia is faster, and even then it often changes on a program to program, task to task basis. If you really want to know which is better, go figure out how much money you want to spend. Then, go look up some recent benchmarks and reviews for cards in that price range.


    thats what i said... and i think it also got said around page 2, lol.

    i dont think anyon is actually reading the thread, its gotten too big, which i assume is why so many people are repeating over and over whats alrady been said.

    but if anyone closes this thread, sooner or later a new ATI vs nvidia will pop up, get merged with this one, and spawn even more repertition.

  11. The first thing you need to do is decide on a distribution.
    have a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they have information and reviews on every linux distro you could possably think of. you will also find there links to the distro's home pages.

    the usual distro's for newbies are mandrake, suse, ubuntu and fedora.

    then you need to either download a free copy of the cd's and burn them yourself, or order a boxed prodct from their websites.

    Then make sure your PC is set to boot from CD rom, insert the cdrom, and power on.

    follow the on screen instrutions.

    for each distro its slightly different.

  12. remember the thead about free Ubuntu cd's a month or 2 ago ???well i applied, and they have finaly got them !i ordered 1x86 cd, and one AMD64 cd.and i ALSO recieved a LiveCD !!!!fantastic !(although im a little dissapointed that version 5 is comming out next month.ohh well, i will download version 5 later.did any of you guys get uor cd's yet ??

  13. How about the concept of distributed internet computing

    lol, yea thats what they are doing.by downloading and running their software, you are voulenteering your spare cpu power.
    but the cash goes to the machine that made the discovery.

    so although its a joint effort the prize money is trying to encourage you to volenteer as much computing power as possable to increace your chances of winning.

  14. There are libraries in C which are designed to allow you to use data types of any length. for example you could define a float data type that uses 1000 bytes, then use it to divide 10 by 3.but these large data types have to be calculated by an emulated cpu that wil not approximate divisions like x86's do, which is slower.I think a cluster computer would be perfect for this type of number crunching.Because the search can easily be forked() into simultanius porcesses that do not need to compunicate to function.to stand a good chance of winning, you would need to clock up more computing power for hours than all the other ocntestants put together, i dont think 100 p4's would do it :D

  15. The significance is that it allows you to be using Linux, but have windows to fall back on without having to re-boot.Once fully booted, knoppix tends to use about 60Megs of ram, thats nothing on modern computers.an athlon / pentium3 and 256 megs of ram and their wont be any prblems.ALSO, it will let people who dont know how ot alter the bios to boot from CD have a look.anyways.... Unreal TOurnement in Ascii art doesnt have much real use... but its still cool :D

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