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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. Random Embarasing stuff that i think is very funy

    is this guy dancing ?

    And possably the best, 27 year old woman goes to doctors with a VERY bad cough,
    they test for TB and other infections, and find nothing, later an x-ray and surgery finds an accidentily inchaled condom.... poor girl.. hehe

    WOW... that was annoying... even when i pasted the full html page that the images were in, it still doesnt work... anti-hot linking from hell.

    the 2 links above still work though, still squite funny.

    in the ebay link, the man taking the photo was a nudist, and his partial reflection was just visiable though the reflected camera flash.

  2. Knoppix ha salways been a great demo for Windows users to have a peek at what linux is without having to format / repartion / install anything. But now with version 3.8 just released, its even better.


    Shutdown your computer, and boot the cd, and you boot knoppix linux, just as you always have, with full desktop / word-processing / web browsing / games / everything.


    but here's the new feature, insert the CD into a fully botted computer running Microsoft windows, and via auto-run Linux Boots in its own window from within Windows.


    impressive ???


    Posted Image

  3. its been a long time since if used eulers number!


    Reasons why e() is beter than pi.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    (funy in a math geek kind of way)


    does euler's number have a day ??? try convreting this into a date, lol.

    Posted Image


    i suppose 7th of February ?

    but i think its probably celbrated even less than pi day.

    at least 99.9% of earths population have heard of pi... (even if they do confuse it with apple pie)

  4. Was the folder portected with encryption, or just access rights ?
    it its access rights, you can get around this with a recue cd capable of reading NTFS.

    Here's an instruction on how to do it with DamnSmallLinux

    But Linux NTFS write support is still un-stable. (reading is fine)
    so you may want to copy your files onto a cd, thumbdrive, or upload to FTP for downloading on your new windows disk.

    DamnSmallLinux boots entirely off cd, you dont need to install it, its a 50mb download, i dont know how fast your internet connection is, but with broadband it shouldnt take too long.

  5. Oh no PLEASE no just....no okay no? right ? no.

    sorry... but....


    why do people who have never used linux ommane on it.
    the views about games is very out dated, half life 2 works fine with cedeger.

    nothing here has been said that hasnt already been said 10 times in the above 8 topics.

    We have a Mac vs Windows, a Windows vs Mac, 2 linux vs windows, and 2 whitch involve Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris and BSD.

    Please dont make new threads when we already have several of them.

    im going to close this thread.

  6. DVD riping is illegal, im not asking about dvd riping, im asking about somthing completely seperate, Multiplexing / De-multi plexing. its a method of converting one format into anouther... like converting a mp3 to a wmv. which is totally harmless.anyways, im in danger of starting a debate here, so im locking this thread (evn though i started it, i know)if you have any experiance with mpgtx on the AMD64 send me a pm or somthing, thanks.

  7. EDIT:then let me re-phrase the question, i am having trouble converting an mpeg with audio, into an mpeg without audio, and a seperate ac3 audio file.the porgram i am using to do this is called mpgtx (from source forge)its just an ac3 encoder / mpeg decoder.the process is called DE-Multiplexing. basically, the reverse of multiplexing.need to start with an mpg, and finish with a .m2v and a .mp2mpgtx reports no errors, but creates corrupt ac3 audio (the .mp2 file), cauing mplayer to crash.with the error "Failed CRC check" in other words, corrupt ac3 audio.note to below: like i said before the edit, im resotreing a damaged disk, not making a copy (yes its open to intepretation) and im not sure about america, but there is nothing illegal about it in the UK. especially when for all intents and purposes, the origonal is destroyed.

  8. personally i hate M$ products so i don't use wma and make my audio files with mp3 codecs

    WMA's tend to be smaller, less compatable, and less quality iin my experiance.
    and untill windows releases a 64bit ema codec, or the linux guys hack an open source wma codec, i cant listen to them on 64bit gentoo without having waste space installing a 32bit chroot envoronment (im having trouble cross compiling)

  9. larger fans are also louder

    depends on the fan speed.
    a large fan on a slow setting will move the same amount of air as a small fan on a high setting,
    and cause less noice.

    its like 2000cc a car engine on tick-over is more powerfull than my model aeroplane 9cc engine running flat out... but the car engin is much quieter, even though it 20 times bigger.

  10. Whats Better, ATI or NVIDIA ?Which car is Faster... A red one, or a blue one ?oth ATI and nvidia make many different graphics cards,you can compare 2 different graphics cards, but not 2 company'sthe latest ATI card will out perform the GeFOrce4 MX.the latest Nvidia card with outperform the ATI RAGE.the best way to find out, would be to pick a nivdia card in your price range,then pick the latest ATI card of the same price, then google for benchmarks.also, you CPU is important in gaming.

  11. Theres a saying...."If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is"if any of that (first post) is true, every idiot would buy a second hand computer (£20) and leave it running 24/7and every genius would write a daemon which could run in the background, and make uitself look identicl to MS IE, without ever poping anything up. Browser identification is provided by the client, and the server could never verify.so... so we want this thread locking ???or does anyone else want to comment on this scam ???

  12. ALSO.... add extra case fans.The greater the difference in tempreture between the air the fans are operating on, and the hot surface, the more efficiant the cooling is.But by adding more case fans, the system tempreture significantly dropped, this making the existing cpu / graphics fans even cooler.

  13. that would be bad for software developers, because they would then have to make sure that their software is compatible with all the many OSes and browsers. Thia in turns leads to higher software prices for us!

    Not really, take KDE for example. its a very complicated Graphical user envoronment, it works under FreeBSD, OpenBSD, netBSD, GNU/Linux, UNIX, Solaris. with little more than a simply re-compile.

    its onlt hard to port applications between these OS's and windows because windows is so alien (does not conform to POSIX standards)

    if any other OS was dominent, then there would be no problems.

  14. well.. i was quite surprised actually, but it survived !96 hours without anyone breaking in, and 48 of those hours free valid login names and passwords were made public.even 48 hours with a valid username, and nobody managed to gain the required privilag level.And this was worse than a standard install.No firewall was used, and excessiveservices which are NOT normally running by defualt were started, such as apache wbserver, and the tenlet server.on monday 14th march the statistics will be released.So, unpatched, un-firewalled install with most of its services running lasted 96 hours, dureing which timeit was under constant attack, and its IP address advertised, and its owners encouraging every one to attack it.

  15. Server Operating Systems.....

    FreeBSD is a great all round free and open ServerOS.
    OpenBSD is a super paranoid securety free and open Server OS
    Linux is the Cool guys Server OS (free and open)
    Solaris is most used Commercial Server OS... (and was recently made free under certian conditions, not sure, see the homepage)

    If you are comfortable with Unix, i would go for FreeBSD (or if you need an insane amount of securetyy, OpenBSD)

    if you are new to the Unix world, i would go for Linux, not because its any easyer, but its usually much easyer to find help on forums for Linu than it is for BSD UNIX or Solaris.

    And ofcourse, these always windows Server.
    the only one that isnt free, and has a very bad reputation as far as securety is concerned.

    By the way, what OS do Xisto's servers use?.

    qwijibow root # ftp ftp.qwijibow.astahost.comConnected to ftp.qwijibow.astahost.com.220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------220-You are user number 6 of 50 allowed.220-Local time is now 07:33. Server port: 21.220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.Name (ftp.qwijibow.astahost.com:chris): qwijibow500 This security scheme is not implementedSSL not available331 User qwijibow OK. Password requiredPassword:230-User qwijibow has group access to:  qwijibow230 OK. Current restricted directory is /Remote system type is UNIX.                                          <<---      EDIT.... read this line Using binary mode to transfer files.ftp> bye221-Goodbye. You uploaded 0 and downloaded 0 kbytes.

    so probably not linux, maybe FreeBSD / Solaris ???

    I thought it is Apache servers, but I can't really be sure. It would be nice to know

    definatly apache http server. look http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  16. So you like Ascii art ???that was nothing.Get over yo souurceforge and get yourself "aalib" its a graphics driver (like openGL) but outputs to ascii art.Ive played Quake in ascii art, Unreal Tournament in ascii art.and get this !!!with aalib and mplayer, you can watch MOVIES IN ASCII ART !!!!real mpegs avi's divx or DVD's in ascii art.if you have knoppix, fire it up, and look for a program called "bb" its an asci art demo program, shows you loads of great high resolution real pictures in ascii art.

  17. Looks confusing, the nodes you compare seem random ?
    it would be hard and ocnfusing to actually implement that.

    Why not use Bubble sort ?

    although you are not looking for code, its easyer to explain with code... i hole you understand.

    // sort characters in a string into alphabetical order (must be lovercase)const int MAX=10;char array[MAX];bool chaned=true;//TODO: Code to fill array with MAX-1 random characterswhile(changed) { // (if changed is false, the list is already in order)    changed=false;  // reset variable    for(int n=0; n<MAX-1; n++) {           if( array[ n ] > array[ n+1 ]) {                  // TODO: swap the 2 characters over                  changed = true; (we made a change, so we are not in order)            }    }}// String is sorted !

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