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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. Im talking about CS source (that comes as part of Half-Life 2).I have had this game working on windows before witha respectable frame rate. (60 + frames per second on maximum quality settings)now on maximum quality i get 15 frames per second at most.Ive just checked, i have DirectX 9.0c installed.The game is un-playable. yet on the same hardware, linux runs the game perfectly smooth at 50 frames per second.this MUST be a driver issue ???an AMD64 Athlon 3400+ with a GIG of ram hould now have this trouble running CSS on winXP on a default install.Thanks for your reply, but i dont think shutting down a few windows services is hoing to quadruple my machines performance (which is what it should be doing)Thanks for your reply, any more idea's ?Ohh, an how can you set the game to run OpenGL ?i thought it was DirectX only ???Under windows, Half-Life 2 just wont run at all, even in minimal quality settings.I get perhaps 2 frames per second !!!!! (linux runs it at a playable 30)Minimal system requirements are...256Meg Ram1.2Ghz CPUDirectX 7.My machine should have no truoble running this !Im convinced that windows must be using MS's generic AGP slot driver,its the only way i can think of that would cause the machine to detect the card correctly as nstalled, and give such prro performance.On 64Bit Athlon mother boards, the AGP controller is on the physical CPU chip.first time i installed linux on this machine, i forgot to use the special AMD64_AGP driver in the kernel, and used the normal AGPGART.. this cause similar performance issues, but on compiling the special amd64 on-chip agp driver, this was resolved.remember, ive manager to get this game working on widnows before, without tweaks. and this was before i upgraded my machine to 1GOG ram, before that it was 512.

  2. I run a dual boot system, windowsXP and Gentoo Linux 64.hardware...AMD64 3400+1 GIG 400 Mhz FSB RAMGeForce FX-5700 LE (265 meg)I somtimes play Half Life 2 (mostly Counter stike source), which used to be on my Linux partiton.But i now need to free up some space on my linux partiton, so i installed counter stike to windows.The problem is, windows performance in this game is very poor.For example, in Linux running a direct3D EMULATOR (not native D3D)i set all the quality settings to maximum, maximum screen resolution,maximum model quality, maximum texture quality, and enable anti-aliasing.Linux runs this game about 50 frames per second.However, in windows, with this setting, i get 15 frames per second.when i lower all quality settings to minilal, minimal screen resolution, minimal model and texture quality, everything, i still only get about 25 frames per second.SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG !.Linux manages 50 frames without real Direct3d support, maybe translating on the fly to OpenGL.My AGP controller (NForce-3 250) is installed (and confirmed working at 8X)and my Nvidia grapics drivers are installed and working.the directX dialot shows that DirectX version 9.0b is installed.all drivers are the latest versions.And windowsXP is a clean install, no virii, adware or spyware.WHATS WRONG ???i just cant figure it out.any idea's ???

  3. I take it then that you dont understand the init boot scripts ???Different distro's use differant methods of managing run-levels, so i cant give step by step instructions.But you basically need to add the eth device to your defaut runlevel.Ask someone on a kubuntu forum, this is NOT a kde problem.read the kubuntu guides.If i had a kubuntu system in front of me, i could do it in seconds.but im just un-familiar with its settup, sorry.

  4. Putting things after that in /etc or in rc.d are "patching" solutions due to the fact that you forgot something.

    nope, /etc/ is where your system configureation files go.
    What you describibe is just a frontend GUI which will edit the /etc/ files after you hit save.

    editing the /etc scripts is not a dirty hack, its the correct way.

    Thjere's nothing wrong with using wizzards, but i find thy often complicate matters by trying to make complicated settings idiot proof.

    whatever you are doing with kwifi manager, kwifi manager probably does it by passing on your commands to /sbin/ifconfig, and makes them permenant though the /etc/ configs.

  5. Yep... Genuine Advantage is a Genuine Pain for me, a paying customer.I got a copy of MS windows with a computer i bought, I dont use windows, but i do own a copy.now... i have a problem with WMV-9 video files, to play them i require the windows codecs, which are available in 32bit linux, but not 64bit linux, as 64bit wndows has not yet been released.So the only way for me to play WMV version 9 files, is to use windows media player though WINE (cedega).But because of this genuine advanatge nuicence, i cannot download windows media player from microsoft !!!Paid for it, but i cant use it !Its okay to stop people from stealing software, BUT NOT AT THE EXPENCE OF PAYING CUSTOMERS.

  6. Networking should be setup by boot scripts (they run with root privilages) dureing boot-up, not manually with KDE.im not too familiar with Kubuntu, or WLAN, so i cant give exact instructions, but basically, you need to configure your network settings.boot-up scripts are usually in /etc/init.d/make sure the netowrking service is in your default run-level (5) and the WLAN eth: device is correctly setup.If you cant get your head around the configs, you could also start WLAN with ifconfig in the local boot script.local is a general purpose boot script that runs last thing before the login (graphical or console) is loaded.good luck.

  7. If consumers are not aware of alternatives than it is fault of either the consumers or the alternative makers. How could it be the fault of MS???

    The following is a recent example or MS barring mono developers from attending there conferance..


    mono is a porgram that allows .NET appliations to run in linux.

    MS are activly trying to stop consumers from learning about the exsistance of alternative products.

    Mono is trying to get exposure, but MS simple refused them access.

  8. Reiser4 has already gone stable, But the kernel maintainers are refusing to add it to the mainline kernel over arguments about the Linux VFS (firtual fle-system layer)The linux kernel guys want reiser4 to be placed low level, under the VFS, with all the other file systems.And Mr. Hans Reiser wants it to replace the linux VFS, and eventually re-implement the current linux file-systems as pluggins to the Reiser4 FS.Technically, this would be a good idea, But when NameSYS stop maintaining reiser4, the kernel hackers wont be able to take over, and linux will be left without a VFS at all.

  9. How many file systems are available for GNU/Linux? I was under the impression that there were only ext and reiser filesystems.

    ext2 - the origonal linux FS, non journalling
    ext3 - journalling version of ext2, ext3 and 2 are the same ehwn journalling is switched off.

    Reiser version 3
    Reiser version 4 (only available in patched kernels)

    JFS - IMB's Journalling File system
    XFS - High performance journalling file system by SGI (origonally for IRIX)

    MinixFS - for the minix operating system.

    A few special purpose encryption / compression file systems,
    for example CramFS and SquashFS, used by Knoppix to fit 2 gigs of software onto a 700 mb cd.

    and of-course the cd-rom and microsoft file systems.

    I think most distro's still default to use Ext3 because its tried, tested, and stable, but its performance is pretty weak.

    Ive already made the switch to XFS. not really noticing any difference between XFS and Reiser4... plus XFS s in the vanilla kernel B)

  10. You dont need to be able to program to use linux, however, havin an understanding of at least one programming language shows that you will have no trouble getting down and dirty with manually editing config files shouldthe need arise.I dont think the distro choice is as important as the Desktop Choice for your requirements.For older hardware, a desktop like iceWM will fly, its minimalist desktop that runs lightning fast, loads fast, and takes very little memory and cpu power. However its not very attractive.KDE is possably the most windows like desktop, attractive, newbie friendly, but takes more memory and power, depennding on how many *eye candy* features you select.If you dont mind spending a little longer learning and configureing, i would reccomend the GNOME desktop.Its a nice combination of style, design, and efficancy. Should easily run very fast on your hardware.

  11. Nope.I think ext2 is a relativly simple File System, which might be why a user-space progam like explore2fs can read it.but for reiserFS and especially reiser4 you definatly need to be in kernel space with a driver.I dont think anyone is interested in porting the file systems to the Windows Kernel right now.Also, future plans for Reiser4 seem to be to focussed on the Linux VFS, which obviously doesnt exsist in windows.But hey... ii've got the reiser4 source code if your interested in porting it to win32.. LOL.EDIT: To be honest, the more i read about why Reiser4 is not in the linux kernel, the less i like it.Dont get me wrong, the file system IS impressive, and is very innovative, but from what ive read, Full integration inot the vanilla linux kernel would reuqire changes to the VFS that would inconvinience alot of other file systems. ALSO, the linux kernel hackers claim that once the Reiser team stop maintaining the file system, they will not be able to take over, and support will stop.Reiser, although open source IS afterall a commercial product. It seems the company's motivs are more about getting exposure through linux, than contributing to linux.For now, im enjoying the slight increace in boot speed over reiserFS (verison 3).But I may go on to try XFS or JFS next time i feel like experimenting.As the the -ck kernel patch... im still loving it ! lol.

  12. There's always a Linux alternative for windows software, except for games, Then there are only alternativs when the gaes company chooses to make one, OR the games engine source is released.Which is why i think people concentrate on games with cedega.Up untill very recntly, i was very impressed with cedega's ability to run half-life 2.but a steam update seems to have broken steam for wine... gotta wait till the cedega team fix it B)

  13. Lol, of couse not.Microsoft has no inention of implementing any other filesystem other than its own NTFS.even Vanilla Linux doesnt support Reiser4, only the experimental patches such as -nitro -mm and -cko do.NTFS isnt all bad, it does support some features that other FS's dont, Like for example, NTFS tries to place all files required sureing boot close to each other on the physical disk.

  14. This is by no means a complete tutorial,
    Simply instruction on how I managed to install gentoo onto a reiser4 partiton.

    This is not for beginers! I will assume you have a good understanding of linux, and are capable of more advanced things, such as patching, configureing, compiling and installing a kernel from source without much (if any) instruction.

    Currently, no install CD's support the reiser4 fileing system, so we have to do some interesting juggling.

    This will describe how i did this with the GNU distro "Gentoo" but there is no reason wh yit could not be performed on any other linux distro.

    but first.. a disclaimer..

    Notice from qwijibow:
    I take no responcibility for any data lost.
    You follow this instruction at your own risk


    The partiton table. we will need to following partitons.

    1) OPTIONAL: dual boot partiton (with windowsXP installed ?)
    2) boot partiton (100 mb)
    3) root partiton (big as possable, minus windows partiton and installer/home partiton sizes)
    4) installer_partiton (must be at least 1.5 gig)
    5) swap partiton (between 256 mb and 1 gig)

    the installer partiton will be used to install the linux that we will use to install linux to the main root partiton.
    Think of the installer partiton as a custom made install CD, that supports reiser4.

    After the install is complete, we will use this install partiton as a /home/ partiton, so the space is not wasted.

    if you keep alot of data in your home partiton, you may want to make it bigger than the minimal 1.5 GIG.

    Follow your normal install procedure for your fave distro, select a MINIMAL INSTALL, do not install anything you dont need, no not install X, or KDE, or GNOME, or anything, all you need is a bootable partiton and a compiler ! (gcc must be installed, but NOT KERNEL SOURCE CODE)

    When you get to the part of the installer where you must setup the disk, DO NOT use automatic partitons, selct custom partiton, and partiton as described a the start of PART 1.

    select the installer partiton as the root partiton for this install, make sure the boot partiton is selected for use, and mount points are all correct.

    by now, you have installed a minmial linux distro (with gcc compiler) to your smaller 1.5 gig installer partiton, and you have sucessfully booted it.

    In this Section, we will patch the kernel, and install reiser4 utilities.
    Thus allowing us to start using the reiser4 file system.

    now, goto kernel.org and download the latest 2.6 vanilla kernel, and the -mm patch set.

    unpack the source code to /usr/src/
    rename the source directory from linux-2.6.X to linux-2.6.x-mm.
    cd into the directory and apply the patch.

    gzcat /path/to/mm-patch | patch --dry-run -p1 &&gzcat /path/to/mm-patch | patch  -p1 

    if the above command fails to patch the kernel, try with -p0 instead of -p1.
    if that doesnt help, you are trying to patch in-ocmpatable versions.. the versions MUST match !

    compile the newly patched kernel, somthing like

    cp /boot/Config-X ./.configmake oldconfigmake menuconfig# (at this point, select file-systems --> and select Reiser4 as '*' (not M or blank)makemake modules_installcp ./arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /boot/bzImage-mm

    edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to boot bzImage-mm instead of whatever your distro placed by default.

    REBOOT !

    now install "reiser4progs" package for your distro, gentoo users "emerge reiser4progs".
    for different distro's, google for a pre-compiled package, or get thesource code and compile yourself from http://www.namesys.com/v4/v4.html


    Now we are in a reiser4 enabled linux distro, all we need to do now is to place it on a reiser4 partition.

    format our main root as reiser4.

    mkfs.reiser4 /dev/hdaX

    replace X with the partiton number of the main root.

    now there is a split, Gentoo users have a choice, all other distro's must go with PART-3A.

    In Part 3A, we will simply copy our current root onto the reiser4 partiton.
    This is quick, but can be tricky, and will cause 1 or 2 small problems on the first boot, for example lock files that need to be deleted.

    The alternative for Gentoo users, is to folow a fresh install on the reiser4 partiton, this is more simple, and problem free, but will take a little longer.


    Move our current distro, onto the reiser4 partiton.

    make 2 new directory's.
    mkdir /reiser4_rootmkdir /source_root

    mount the current root to source, and the reiser4 partiton to reiser4 root.
    mount /dev/hdaX /reiser4_rootmount /dev/hdaY /source_root

    perform the copy.
    cp -a /source_root/* /reiser4_root/


    start a new install on the reiser4 partiton.

    Folow normal gentoo installation except for the part about the kernel install and configure.

    when it comes to this, simply copy over the source code, and kernel modules from the installer-partiton.
    no need to copy the kernel itself, because we are using a seperate boot partiton remember !

    cp -a /lib/modules /mnt/gentoo/lib/cp -a /usr/src/linux-X-mm /mnt/gentoo/usr/src/


    make the new root partiton bootable.

    you will now need to update the partiton numbers to the new root in /boot/brub/menu.lst
    make sure to also alter the root=/dev/hdaX parameter on the kernel line !!!
    Modify the /reiser4_root/etc/fstab to make the reiser4 partiton root, and make the old root /home/


    format the installer root as reiser4, and edit sftab to make its new mount point /home/.
    mount it or reboot before you start to add non-root users.

    FINISHED !!!

    If you chose option Part 3A, you will expeciance problems dureing the first boot,
    this is because of certain lock files which are created, but never deleted, as a bi-product of making a copy of a currently running root partiton.

    you will need to hunt these files down, and manually delete them.

    ENJOY !
    post any qustions you may have here, i will try to anywer them the best i can.

  15. HOLD everything !!! lol.

    Ive decided to dump the -ck patch, and go for an evn more exotic -cko.
    This patch is based on -ck, but has even more aggressive performance tweaks, and a few extra patches that are really cool, for example reiser4 !!!!

    Reiser4 is the newest addition to available file systems, Lightning fast.
    I wont go into the specifics of how it works, but it leavs ext2, ext3 and reiserfs (cersion 3) in the dust.

    Most file systems perform very similar when dealing with large files, the main goal in file systems today is being able to access lots o small files, very rapidly.

    Reiser4 is just over 10times faster than ext2.

    No doubt about it... Reiser4 IS the fastest file system... here are the benchmarks !

    Reiser4 homepage

    However its not all great news... Reiser4 is not yet shipped with the canilla linux kernel.
    NO GNU/Linux install cd's support it yet, nor to liveCDs.

    so to use this filesystem on your root partiton, you would need to do like i did.

    1) install a normal linux distro.
    2) patch the kernel for reiser4 (or use -cko or -mm kernel)
    3) format a second root partiton as reiser4
    4) migrate surrent root, to new reiser4 root.
    5) edit /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu;lst

    Ohh, and one thing to be carefull of....
    Grub cannot yet boot reiser4, so you will need to use a seperat boot partiton, with more simple file system, for example reiserfs (version 3) or ext2/3.

    I will write a tutorial later.

    But for you linux pro's i would DEFINATLY recomend using the -cko kernel patch, and reiser4.

    (just remember to backup anything important on reiser4, as rescue cd's will not be able to read it)

    Anyone who uses linux for games (especially windows games though wine) should definalty look into te -ck or -cko kernel, its lightning fast, so fast ive been able to bump my Half-Life 2 video settings to max quality.

    enjoy !


    HOLE everything.. AGAIN... lol.

    Ive just beem reading about WHY Reiser4 has not yet been added to Linux,
    Ill let you google for it yourself, but basically, its not maintainable by kernel hackers,
    and seems like support for it will end when namesys moves onto the next reiser5.

    Still a nice filesystem to play around with, but dont integrate it into any long term plans.

    I think i will move onto XFS / JFS, or maybe Ext3(again) next time i feel like experimenting / tweaking my system.

  16. Usually, i use the plain un-patched vanilla kernel, or the Gentoo patched kernel.
    And they both work quite nicely.

    But on my last linux compile, i chose a slightly different optimisations setting in /etc/make.conf.
    and the desktop wasnt quite as responcive as it used to be, under heavy disk use, for example video editing.

    so i started looking at other ways of increacing desktop responciveness, in other ways that re-comiling the whole system.

    this is when i came across the Con Kolivas' kernel patch set.

    For those who dont know, a patch is a method of changing anouther piece of software.

    This patch does some amasing things that are not yet implemented n the kernel straight from kernel.org.

    my favorite features...Batch (idle) schedulin

    In norml linux, (and windows) each running program gets a share of the processor time, and a share can be adjusted with the priority level (nice settings).

    using batch idle sheduling, a process can be made to ONLY have access to CPU time that would otherwise be IDLE.

    in other words, i could be compiling somthing huge, or running a video editing porgram, transcoding DVD's, and the desktop and all toehr programs would continue to work asif the computer was sat doing nothing at all.

    i could even play a game like Un-Real tournament 2004, while compiling / video encoding, and the game would still run full speed.

    What kernels are you guys using ? any exotic ones with cool new features that others would like ot know about ???

  17. I could almost like windows if..1) it didnt overwriye my MBR when i install it.2) it would stop fiddleing with my clock, and believe me when i tell it that i live in ENGLAND3) It would use a UK keyboard layout, and stop miixing " and @ keys.and most importantly....4) if it would just crash quietly, without throwing all those "would you like to send an error report" things in my face.

  18. This feature is called xinerama in linux.programs you want to be abkle to use both monitors need to be comppiled with support for it.its un-likely that such an old server distro would have been compiled with such a desktop feature.google for xinerama, and how to add support to your distro.. in Gentoo, you would just add the word to your USE flags, but different distro's will do it different ways.

  19. 1) It ALWAYS sets the clock wrong dureing bootup !i tell it NOT to automatically set the clock though the internet... but it does anyway.i set the location to UNITED KINGDOM, EUROPE.. but it still incists i would be better off with America time (not sure which timezone)2) the @ and " keys are the wrong way round, again, i set UK keyboard, but it still thinks im better off with American.3) Although it CLAIMS to be multi tasking, the whole operating system freeses when i insert a cd / dvd, and doesnt continue running again untill the cd / dvd is mounted... whih is a pain in the *bottom* for slighty scratched cd's.4) Windows hard crashes wen i turn APIC off in the bios.But ive recently bought a copy of cedega, so i can now play HL2 and Counter strike source in my beloved Gentoo ;)

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