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Easy Downloading Command For Linux (newbies)
qwijibow replied to MGM's topic in Websites and Web Designing
No !!!!! No No No No No.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. This is a security problem. wget does NOT need root privilages to download files to your home directory. any bugs in wget that allow arbitary code to run would run as root. as a normal user, the damage an attacker can do is limited.. as root, an attacker could install root kits and other nasties ! The correct thing to do, would be to set SUID on /sbin/shutdown, and as a NORMAL user.. wget whatever; shutdown -h now or setup sudo to allow normal users to run shutdown as root and use wget whatever; sudo shutdown -h now ALSO.... use of the '&&' would prevent the machine from shuting down if the download fails (think of the electiricity bill) use ';' so that the shutdown will run whenever wget exits (even with EXIT_FAILURE) Also, maybe pipe wget stdout so that you can confirm that the download finished succesfully when you reboot. -
P2p Tv - Exciting New Way To Watch Tv On Internet
qwijibow replied to saneax's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Looks Great...What Operating Systems does it run on ?I too would like an invite if anyone has any spare.. Thanks.chris(dot)stones(at)gmail(dot)com -
Can anyone recommend a good book For advanced modern graphics programming ?The Last book I read "Ultimate Game Programming With DirectX-9" was quite useless.I have experimented with Direct3D 9, and OpenGL 1.5 on and off for a while now, and want to learn all the advanced stuff.Cg is my shader language of choice,c/c++ for the usual stuff...and completely avoiding all that Visual Basic C# .NET Rubbish...Thanks.I was considering the Cg tutorial book by nvidia, but it has some bad reviews on Amazon.
:p Linux Is Better Than Windows :P
qwijibow replied to cinemove's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Great for users.... but what if you are a developer ? Windows is horribly developer un-friendly. I have wasted countless hours because of windows broken / badly designed API's. A few Examples... BROKEN: 1) WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance) (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633559.aspx) Stupid me... i assumed that hPrevInstance was a handle to the previous instance of the application... Nope.. regardless of how many instances are running, this variable is ALWAYS null... it even states that its broken in MSDN. IN-CONSISTENT STANDARDS... 2) LoadLibrary() https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684175.aspx Most win32 api's take standard path notation ( "/Documents/Folder/File.txt" ) They also accept non standard, crazy double backslash notation... ( "\\Documents\\Filder\\file.txt") Portablilty being important, i was using good old standard forward slashes, But for no real reason, the LoadLibrary function is special, in that it cannot handle slashes, and MUST take double back slashes.. This took ages to resolve. 3) DLL's !!!! lets say shared.cpp is a c++ source file... in most operating systems, to compile it as a dll, you just add "-shared -PIC" to the compiler options. and -soname myDllname to the linker options. you dont need to change the .cpp file at all. in windows, chaning shared.cpp into a dll from a normal .exe means painstaking going through all the code, adding __cdcecell(dllimport) and dllexport to all the relevant parts. and if that program installs any global headers, you have to do lots of pre-processor juggleing to make sure dllexport flip over to dllimports depending on if they are being #included from the dll project, or a project that intends to load the dll. 4) Let me access the underlying hardware !!!! I wrote a small 2d game engine for an embedded machine that can run windows or linux. it has a good cpu, but no graphics acceleration, and memory is precious... for graphics, in linux, i map the framebuffer memory into the application address space, and write pixels to it directly. the rendering code is only a kew kilobytes. for graphics in windows.... ohhh no, no framebuffer access for you... i have to use DirectDraw ( now intergrated into Direct3D ) And how many megs of dist space does Direct3d take ??? i dont have the fugures with me... but its a lot of wastefull redundant code just to blit a few sprites to the screen. -
Hackers Join Open Source projects and write Great Software... e.g. Richard Stallman+ writing Gnu Compiler Collection,and are generally respected...Script Kiddies do a quick search on google, download security auditing software like aircrask, written by truely intelligent software writers,simply run the software, coppying the commnds they saw on a google page,Then log on to forums and claim they "Hacked" 128 bit WEP encryption....somehow managing to think they achieved somthing,without even taking a glance at the encrpyion algorithm source code,without having a single clue how the security auditing software they used works.Thus, giving the security auditing software writers ( the good guys ) a bad name.Breaking the encryption for the purpose of proving it can be done, thus casuing wireless hardware companys to come up wth better methods, is a good thing.Breaking DRM, is a good thing ( in my opinion, too many DVD's dont work on my linux PC out of the box).hastling your neighbours, stealing there bandwidth, and generally being annoying helps no-one, just exposes you for a script kiddie,perhaps compareing yourself to some hollywood film character ( Zero-cool / that swordfish guy / Matrix neo bloke )
Windows Linux? Coalition of Windows and Novell
qwijibow replied to beatgammit's topic in Websites and Web Designing
We Already have Linux Apps on Windows... X11 runs on windows, as does GTK, and QT, using cygwin to fill in the gaps. with the above, most linux userland apps can be ported quite easily. Linux is an Open Source Kernel, And GNU is an open source Operating system... Microsoft does not need to pay any money to use OPen Source Sofrtware openly... And it would not be possable for MS to use any OS software under a differant licence, as it would be almost impossable to track down every source contributer ( emailing patches etc ) to get everyones permission for a licence change. Microsoft can use the Linux Kernel whever they want, completely free of charge.. aslong as any modifications are also made open.. ( intergrating the windows kernel would classify as one HUGE modification ) I think there is alot of confusion over this news. -
You Have Two Options............ 1) The Usual Way.... After Installing WindowsXP, Boot a Linux Rescue Disk and Re-Install Grub with the command. "grub-install" read man grub for more info. typically.... mount /dev/your_boot_partiton /bootgrub-install --root-directory /boot /dev/hda 2) The Easy, 733T haX0r Linux GuRu Way.... The Boot Sector is Stored on the first 512 Bytes of the physical Disk. so... Backup your boot sector to a file like so... dd if=/dev/hda of=/BootSectorBackup.bin bs=512 count=1 Copy the backup file to a floppy disk / whatever. Install Windows XP. Boot a Linux Rescue Disk. then Copy your Origonal Boot Sector Over whatever Garbage WindowsXP put there with the command dd if=/BootSectorBackup.bin of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 If at all in Doubt... Use Method 1.. If you Make a Mistake With Method 2, you can waye boodbye to your Partiton Table... File System, and look forward to a full re-partiton and re-format. Good Luck.
How To Start A Program On Startup With Options
qwijibow replied to djXternal's topic in Websites and Web Designing
The Preffered way of doing somthing like that is with the 'local' boot script.The Local Boot Script is an empty script that always runs last dureing bootup.its there specifically for users to enter any commands they want to run dureing bootup.In my opinion, its better to put applications like this in local, mainly because any resources that the program may need ( for example networking, or the Graphical User Interface ) will be definalty be up and running.ALSO....if you make a mistake in the local script, it does not matter..however a mistake in innitab could prevent the system from booting.(easy to fix, but annoying)the local script is in differant places in differant distro'shave a look in /etc/ and its sub-directories.maybe /etc/initd.d/localGood Luck. -
Suse 10.0: Can't Get On Network! Help Please!
qwijibow replied to nightfox1405241487's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Everything is fine, eth0 would not show if the drivers were not working. You just have not brought up the interface. Usually, eth0 is brought up with init scripts. set the eth0 init script to run dureing bootup ( this is different for different distro's ) Or, start the ethernet interface manually... read man ifconfig i dont remember exactly... but its somthing like... ifconfig eth0 up ( to start with dhcp )orifconfig eth0 < network options > up ( to manually set gateway etc etc ) Also make sure you have at least one dns server ip in /etc/resolve.conf -
Modem help with drivers for dial up modem
qwijibow replied to iGuest's topic in Websites and Web Designing
With the modem Connected to the PC, use the program 'lsusb' to obtain the Product ID Code, and the Vendor ID Code.These ID codes can then be used to find the apropriate Linux Driver, if one exists. -
Hi, i've recently started working my way through a book on Using DirectX 9.0c SDK. And i've noticed that Depth testing is not working on my first few programs, Nor is it working on the book's cd's demo applications ( even pre-compiled) In other words, some objects are beeing drawn over the top of objects closer to the camera. Very early in the book, ( Chapter 1 ) the book descibes this problem, and how to resolve it by enableing Depth testing using the Depth Buffer. the solution it says is a single line of code g_D3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE); However, this seems to have no effect.. Distant objects are still beeing drawn over the top of some closer ones. Any Idea's as to what is going on ? I am using DirectX Runtime 9.0c SDK 9.0c Graphics Card is NVidia GeForce FX 5700 LE ( latest drivers ) The PRE-compiled programs on the CD were compiled with Visual Studio 2005. I Was using GCC-3.4 (cygwin) compiler, but in an act of desperation, also attempted compiling with Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003. which resulted with the same rendering issue !!! HOWEVER... DirectX games all work fine. Im hoping this must be due to a programming error..i have noticed one or two in the book... but i cant fint it, and MSDN states that that the single line of code above is the ONLY requirement for correct 3d depth rendering. oes anyone have any ideas ??? unfortunatly, i am not able to past the demo application here, as i am not the author, and it is probably under some kind of copyright.
Gentoo Cflags & Use help needed configuring make.conf
qwijibow replied to bakr_2k5's topic in Websites and Web Designing
CFLAGS are compiler optimisations,USE flags effect the ./configure stage of compiling.The differance is, the CFLAGS are sent to the compiler every time you compile an application. USE flags only effect certain ebuilds.For example, you could set "-X" in the use flags ( to remove Xorg), and compile KDE, or any graphical application.And they would be compiled WITH Xorg support, because the KDE ebuilds do not read the X USE flag.If you have a look at what packages actually read the flags like 3dnow, you will probably see that almost all of them ignore 3dnow, and let the compiler decide. ( 3dnow is probably turned on by default )Read the gentoo handbook about USE flags, it will describe in more detail.ALSO....Gentoo Only officially superts Athlon64, and therefore, on the 64bit version, the pre-compiled system is already optimised quite well for this processor... you dont need to spend hours re-compiling from stage 1. -
Suse 10.0 Won't Install?
qwijibow replied to nightfox1405241487's topic in Websites and Web Designing
after re-booting you did remove the cd right ?if you bios is set to bott cd rom before hard disk, leaving the cd in will boot the installer every time your machine is switched on if the install disk in the drive.Ok,,, assuming its not that ( had to post it just incase... you know how the sily mistakes go un-seen )I would guess that the installer is failing to install the boot loader.instead o running through the whole boot process again, install the boot loader manually.boot any linux medium, and run grub, or grub-install..be sure to read man grub first if you dont know what you are doing. -
It is true that with more than one memory stick, dual memory access han improve performace a little...BUT, you are forgetting about the DRAM controler.With High Speed DDR Ram, The Dram controler can run at a higher frequancy, and use a lower CAS latency when it does not need to control more than one memory module..So it depends which is greater, the performance increace with Dual memory access... OR the perforamce hit the DRAM cotnroler takes having to use a lower CAS latancy.ALSO...1 X 1024Meg stick is often cheaper that 2 X 512Meg Sticks.
This is NOT a hack... this is a delibrate design in the software. Windows was delibratly programmed to do this. ALL multi-user OS's have this design built in. All Computer Security assumes that the machine is being acessed via a network, Once a person with malicous intent is in the same roomas the computer, then all security is worthless. you could remove the hard disk, and user a differant computer use Md5 Injection to alter passwords.. you could install a hardware keyloger to get encryption keys.. anything.
You Voted 10 without knowing what you are voting for... LOL. Anways.. Open Sourceing Windows would be Very benifical to everyone ( except Microsoft employees) The WINE project would work flawlessly. and Direct3D games would run without the performance hit of been translated to OpenGL. But Then MS would go out of buisness, And Apple would take over as the Commercial Desktop OS. The News Of Microsoft going out of buisness would scare the public ( joe average doesnt understand why anyone would do anything for free, e.g. maintain the windows source code... Jeo average believes you get what you pay for, and assumes free software is only free because its not good enough to sell ) so Joe Average would go running the the Mac. And Despite the superior Xorg, Apple would Go Aqua crazy, using the Operating Systems only closed source component as *lock in* software. etc etc etc. Without Microsoft, Apple would take Over. And know it all Smug Mac Users annoy me (I dont like Hybrid Kernels) Anways... Thats my Half-baked paranoid vision of the future.
Try configuring Xorg to use Vesa Framebuffer.Not as fast as the optimised driver, but an excellent failsafe.
Poll: Which Is The Best Os Pick The Best OS
qwijibow replied to Hardy Boy's topic in Websites and Web Designing
No.. its OpenBSD. No question, No Arguments... Fact. Do Some research. when was the last time OpenBSD crashed for you ? or would i be correct in guessing you dont use OpenBSD? openBSD quote: "Only one remote hole in the default install, in more than 8 years!" -
Poll: Which Is The Best Os Pick The Best OS
qwijibow replied to Hardy Boy's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I Absolutly Hate this kind of topic, you might aswell ask what the *BEST* colour is... red, blue.. green ?its soo ill defined....here are the answers...Which is the most popular OS ? its Windows. obviously.Which OS is best supported by games companies. Windows !Which Os is best supported by closed source Drivers... Windows.Which OS is best supported by Commercial Applications for Home Users... Windows.Which OS is most Secure... OpenBSDWhich OS is most Portable... NetBSDWhich OS runs th most Web Servers... OpenBSD.Which OS is the most common commercial Unix Distro... Solaris.Which OS has best OPen Source Driver Support. Linux.Which OS ha best open source software support... i dont know.. i would guess its close between FreeBSD and Linux.Which OS has the largest community of open source developers.. Linux.Whih OS is most popular amungst COmputer Enthusiasts... Linux / FreeBSDWhich OS is most popular choice for embedded systems....Windows Embedded / Linux / Net BSDWhich OS has the smallest Kernel... Minix.All of the above questions are valid. hey all have answers.but "which is the best OS" has no answer.you might aswell ask.. " How Long is a piece of string", "which is the best colour", "whats the best childs name"I've seenfar far far too many posts along the lines.. " Linux is best because its Free".. So is NetBSD, Minix, Darwin, FreeBSD, FreeDOS, OpenBSD, there all Free.Or Windows is Best Because its Easy to use.... How Many of you "Windows is easy to use" people have Ever Used Workbench OS, or PC-BSD" -
OOps... The Command Line Installer program failed part way through the install.(got as far as compiling pmount)and i had to complete the rest of the install the old way, manually.I tuhink i will be stiking with the old manual way from now on. not because its easyer, but because i like added control it gives.
Gentoo ( Gento.org ) have released the latest install cd, 2006.1Just out of curiocity, i downloaded the install disk.Very impressive, after booting the install Disk, you are left with a fully working desktop, complete with games, web browsers, email, everything.And on the desktop, two install icons, 'Graphical Install' and 'Console Install'You Still need an advanced level of knolegde to install gento well, just because its a graphical installer, doesnt mean it wont ask you questions about GCC compile flags etc etc., but having a uully working distro as you install is very impressive.I would surgest all you gentoo fans take a look.
it is documented this way because every linux installation has a text editor. not all linux macchines have KDE, GNOME, or even X11. for example routers / web servers. Also...t it be a major pain in the *bottom* if GRUB listed XORG, along with KDE as a dependancy.