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Everything posted by .hack//GU

  1. From what I know, the first version of Javascript is called LiveScript. By the following time, they named LiveScript 2.0 to JavaScript. And so on till now.
  2. I also recommend W3School because that's the site I used to learn from. HTML and JavaScript and else. But, anyone know a group (mailing list) for Javascript-interested group?
  3. can anyone tell me how to use this png.h?? I want to use loadPNG for my last assignment. thx in advance. /***************************************************************************** * ENTROPY - emerging network to reduce orwellian potency yield * * Copyright Š 2002 Juergen Buchmueller <pullmoll@stop1984.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: png.h,v 1.7 2003/11/03 17:31:34 pullmoll Exp $ *****************************************************************************/#ifndef _png_h#define _png_h//#include "osd.h"#define COLOR_GRAYSCALE 0#define COLOR_RGBTRIPLE 2#define COLOR_PALETTE 3#define COLOR_GRAYALPHA 4#define COLOR_RGBALPHA 6typedef struct png_s { void *user; int (*input)(void *user); int (*output)(void *user, u_int8_t data); u_int32_t crc; /* image header information */ int w, h, bpp; u_int8_t color; u_int8_t depth; u_int8_t compression; u_int8_t filter; u_int8_t interlace; /* physical pixel dimensions */ u_int32_t px, py; u_int8_t unit; /* time stamp C,Y,M,D,H,M,S */ u_int8_t time[7]; /* background color */ size_t bkgd_size; u_int8_t bkgd[6]; /* transparency */ size_t trns_size; u_int8_t trns[256]; /* working variables */ size_t row, offs, size; u_int8_t *img; u_int8_t pal[3*256]; char *comment; char *author;} png_t;#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif#define PNG_RGB(r,g,B) (((Ž&0xff)<<16)|(((g)&0xff)<<8)|((B)&0xff))png_t *png_read(const char *filename, void *user, int (*output)(void *user, u_int8_t data));png_t *png_create(int w, int h, int color, int depth, void *user, int (*output)(void *user, u_int8_t data));int png_finish(png_t *png);int png_set_palette(png_t *png, int idx, int color);int png_put_pixel(png_t *png, int x, int y, int color, int alpha);int png_get_pixel(png_t *png, int x, int y, int *color, int *alpha);int png_rectangle(png_t *png, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color, int alpha);int png_filled_rectangle(png_t *png, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color, int alpha);int png_tinted_rectangle(png_t *png, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color, int alpha);int png_printf(png_t *png, int x, int y, int color, int alpha, const char *fmt, ...);int png(void);#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif#endif /* _png_h */
  4. Yes, I thought so too. I've been through so many free web-hosts but in the end, I stick with Xisto. However though for file, I'll take http://mylivepage.com/ for my storage because they really gave me 1 GB without any to lose.
  5. If it's from Sony PlayStation, I will say Xenogears was the best title from all (even from Final Fantasy VIII). Great storyline, great presentation, great music, and the best : great musics! Xenogears is then made sequel, but Xenosaga was a pain in the neck, or what I say, it was a big blunder in Xenogears history. Xenosaga episode 1 came with poor mecha (the AGWS or somewhat like that), very different aura than those Gears in Xenogears. Well, Xenosaga episode 2 came with AMWS which is far more superior and the graphics is astonishing... but still, they forgot about one thing. Okay, the cinematic events could go on with PS2's superior graphics, but how 'bout battle??? Even Xenogears which is inferior in graphics could be far more addictive than Xenosaga.Well, I will say Xenogears is the best of all in my Sony Playstation game.Now, onward to PlayStation2... I could pass Xenosaga with those above reasons, so I'll pick .hack//Saga for the favorite. .Hack//Infection was the first of .hack//games available, buat even so until now it is one title that made so many of my inspirations. How they made a MMORPG-like Solo RPG is the best. (Too bad the real MMORPG .hack//fragments is hated by most of .hack//fans).hack//Saga stressed on the existence of 'bug' or could I say, 'something' behind The World, an MMORPG in the future (come to think of it, it is 2007...) that transfers mind from a person into the game so they could act like they were inside a game itself.Trouble arises when unknown bugs known as the corrupted data took several players into coma. And so, the entire .hack//saga told a vast and no ever ending story about the mystery behind the game (The World) itself and its connection to the real world.But, right now as I've played Blue Dragon I'll vote this Sakaguchi's masterpiece for XBOX360 is the best so far. Until I play Last Remnants (Square-Enix) or even Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII, I'll stick on Blue Dragon.
  6. Okay, I'll continue with your topic here. City : Jakarta Country : Indonesia Specialties : Capital city of Indonesia, we have so large of communities here. Population : (largest in my country-I dunno though)
  7. I have yahoo!Mail for my first email service from year of 2002, so I took 2002 as the last part of my email name =pFor now, I haven't used it anymore... well, as I want to, but really I hesitate whenever I want to open an inbox more than 8000 mails, whilst my total email exceeded 10000 emails.From last year, I moved my regular email to GMail and I found the 'conversation' system in GMAil is far greater than a normal email-reply system as usual. With conversation, I only have 1 item in my inbox even I reply the email and the receiver reply me again.I have only 100 emails in my GMail, so everyday I will keep my email only 100 and not more than that... so I won't see my inbox in thousands of email anymore.For spam, I found GMail is more reliable because in Yahoo! I kept having spam emails even it's so minimal, compared to operamail (no spam/bulk folder I guess...)That's why, I will always choose GMail as my favourite email service
  8. I've downloaded some of the screenshoots from Starcraft2 because it will be a great game so far I knew the first one had become. I can't wait until they released some of trailers to show how the game will be in the near future.
  9. .hack//GU


    If you attack someone, I don't really use some exp increment from that. I only increase exp after I kll a monster of something. Each of monsters have a set of exp predefined from the start. Or if you really want to do something like what an MMORPG often use (an attack means increasing of exp), maybe just try to calculate percentage of hp lost of the monster and apply the percentage to the predefined exp from the monster itself. example: a Minotaur 2000 HP costs 1000 exp if you attack it for 500 HP, you deal 25% of its hp and you can have 250 exp from it.
  10. I'm asking because I often see so many books told me to use mail() feely, but I don't really understand.Can we really use this without even have a mail server or anything related to that?Or even if we need something before using this function, can anyone tell me waht those are?Right now my website had not have this function yet, but I'm trying to, because it's necessary sometimes when I got another project.
  11. how about db_server variable? From what I know, this variable is the one many people have mistaken. You have to confirm with your database server contact, so you can connect them. Or even your user I guess...
  12. My first system I've ever played was a Nintendo GameBoy even at that time I didn't know what it was yet. For my first bought system, it was a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and it was around 1991 until I bought my second system ( a Super Nintendo Entertainment System -SNES- ). At that time, I didn't really know much about videogames or something related because I was a little child back then. After I had my Sony Playstation I started to search more and more about videogames in which I put my hobby in. My latest console system was my oldie Sony Playstation 2, but my only handheld system was my Nintendo Dual Screen that I bought around last year. For the future gaming, I cannot decide yet about what console that I put my interest in, because Microsoft XBOX360 didn't have a great game to make me stick in it. Whilst Sony Playstation 3 is still in my list, I thought much about Nintendo Wii. However, as I don't really want to spend any more money, I don't think I'll have one or more of them with me.
  13. My first RPG ever seen was Chrono Trigger, but that's not the first RPG ever played. I remembered at that time I've never heard anything about RPG before, so I asked if Chrono Trigger is some kind of a storybook in a game or something. After my first RPG (Legend of Legaia), I heard about Chrono Trigger and at that time I played it on my computer with ePSXe Emulator. My first impression that was not a great game at all (compared to Legend of Legaia... too much gap in graphics differences). However, after I finished Chrono Trigger some of the ending sequences, I'll give that 8/10 for story complexity! Not your everyday game or even RPG to have so many ending sequences and be able to finish the game even your main character is dead. So, even it was a very long-time-ago-game, but I always recommend Chrono Trigger to play, that's one of the great game of the past, along with Chrono Cross.
  14. I used to hate my teachers, but not because of too many homeworks, more because he was so irritating.I mean, homework is good for us, it's true. No homework means we will never practice something we learn at school.Right now, after years I've finished my school, now I longed for that. My lecturers sometimes gave us assignments, but they were not the same as the ones we called homeworks at school. We couldn't practise any subjects we learned at class, however to complete the assignments means we must search for topics in internet and other sources (library is my source of resources). It's just like we are released completely on our own...As a computer laboratory assistant now, I often give my trainees assignments so they could practise what we learn at laboratory, not like how the lecturers always give us. However, because I know many of my trainees are busy, I don't force them to do the assignment, only if they want to practise more for their own benefits.So, don't be afraid for homeworks or hate your teacher, because you will be better after doing it.
  15. Say, if you compare a site with so large email storage and just a place with just big storage, one would know the answer, right? Moreover, I like GMail because it use Java so I don't need to refresh all the time to keep my mail updated, and also the greatest function in GMail that I like is how GMail encapsulate emails into conversation, so I don't need to have so many email if it's just replies because it is more convenient to only have 1 conversation.
  16. If I'm not mistaken, the shoutbox on the upper part of the board is made from AJAX, is that right? Would you mind to tell how to use it then? Is it just a JavaScript or any other upgrade from it?
  17. I've had my crush for a girl about 3 years ago and even after we were separated for 3 years, my heart still thought of her as a special one for me. So, for me, I don't know any true love because I haven't experienced it though.In my life, there are 3 girls that were special to me, that until this day I cannot ever forget the moments I spent with them. Right now, after 3 years we are far away, I met again with my special girl at my campus which she attended. I really hope that one day, I can say to her my true feeling, the same one from 3 years ago...
  18. I wouldn't say that I know what a true love is because I haven't had it yet in my 20 years of life.A 'like' is only temporary, but if you think it as a 'love' no one could say their differences in only a blink of an eye, why? because their differences are so thin, maybe thinner than a piece of tissue paper (if you can say that).One of my friends said love can become a curse or maybe a bless. A curse, if you've mistaken your 'like' to 'love' and give all of yourself to it, whilst in the future you undestood that it's a mistake. A bless, if after so many of the mistakes we made in life, we've found a right person.Love is a bless when we've met a right person for us, they said. I myself haven't started to search for my true love because I'm still afraid of having those mistakes.
  19. From what I got the point, you and him are almost alike. If you have ever thought that kind of thing is not something that will be -just a game-, you shouldn't have done it. However, if it has been done, I guess it can't be helped. From what I suggest, I say letting for several days is needed for the ice to melt. After about not more than 3 days, one of you must act. From what I know, after what have done between you, you can never go back to the way it used to be.But don't lose hope yet if you really want to build relationship with him again. Waiting game will not be a good thing if it's too long already, so it's now return to you. After this, you must think once more what you've felt for him, who is him for you? If you really thing he is just a friend, then try to act casually.If you think he is more than a friend, then it's time to change the way you used to be...
  20. I guess new virus again will add some new chalange for those whose field is in security, isn't that right?
  21. for learning php, this forum is what I found out about 2 years ago when I was searching for PHP learning.for addition, you can try for code walker and also zend those sites allow you to give your email address so you will have new codes almost daily (or maybe it's daily). and I must say it's impressive because I have so many great codes from those sites. for package, I would say having separately PHP, MySQL, and Apache needs a difficult understanding. having one of the package will save much of your day I guarantee it. EasyPHP is a good one, but I ony have their outdated version so I don't know very well. an another good package is WinLAMP, because I had good time using that package.
  22. what? tempfile.dat? if it is a script, then is C a script or at least can be used as script language? for all I know, C is a language that cannot be used as a script (not like VB that can be used as scripting)anyway, if you ask for a script language nearing C, then PHP will come to mind.
  23. if you think some ascii number shifting is too low-leveled encryption, why don't you use some bitwise operation? like this example: 1001001 >> 2 = 0010010but remember to store the '01' from the end because if not it will be lost forever.I haven't made any program with this logic yet, but I guess with more advanced logic it worths some try.
  24. I use Borland C++ 5.0 and even it houses some bugs, but I feel more comfortable than those days I spent with Borland C++ 3.0. I'm looking forward for DevC anyway.on the other hand, visual Studio is not free as I know, so I would avoid that...
  25. face it, not only a little, more and more the graphics nearing reality. in one side, it mix a reality into virtual world, in the videogame itself, ... yeah it's so fun if you think that way, that we are advancing to a world where our dreams are real.in the other side, by nearing the reality in that virtual world, ... so many people could no longer see the differences in them, moreover for people who closed their hearts from the outside world. They tend to take things they often do in videogames as a common sense.and if those pople play Manhunt...
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