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Posts posted by prashansas

  1. My favorite movie till date would be Exorcist. I like it for the way it is scripted and the way it is made. They special effects that was shown made the ghost feel so alive. Also the actress Linda Blair portrayed the role of a possessed person very well. I have watched this film long back and till today whenever i watch it i still get goose bumps.Another movie that I liked watching was Wrong Turn which was scary and it portrays the truth about a human being turning into a carnivorous where we know even in the real world one human being eats another human being but I would never categorize it in the horror section and rather call it nasty as it is.

  2. The way you dress reflects your character... I would say Yes! to some extend. Because when people see you for the first time they do not know you. So the first thing they notice about you is your attire and the way you carry yourself. So I feel 40% of your character is judged by what kind of an attire you have worn. And I feel a person's attire can say a lot about him/her.For eg: if a person has worn a crumpled dress people would judge the person as lazy or if he/she has worn a dress which looks dirty and not washed people would think that person is untidy and not clean. So The kind of dress you wear will surely leave some kind of an impact on people. And like the phrase goes, though in some cases it won't prove right but still is very important "First impression is the last impression"

  3. I love to travel. I have traveled down to south of India but never been out of India. But If I got a chance I would love to go on a world tour and explore the different countries. But my dream land has always been Switzerland. I love it for it's snow covered mountains and it's natural beauty. Then I would love to visit Greece and Rome. Also Israel, which is the Holy Land.

  4. A Time machine can be good if used with the right motive. But i feel the first thing people would do is go back in past and try and correct the mistakes they have caused. Which would mean that people will never learn from their mistakes because they would be assured that even though they commit a small or big crime they always have the power to change it and we would never understand the importance of time. Like it is said, "With time we learn".

  5. The worlds biggest problem is not being content or satisfied about anything. Because human tendency is such when they don't have something even a little of that thing which they so eagerly want will do. When they get what they want, they tend to expect for more of it and so the process goes. If we look back in the past years we can see that we as humans have achieved a lot. But though we have bought in the best out of everything we did, we have also destroyed a lot of important things that are essential to us but still the problem remains the same."Humans will always remain unsatisfied"

  6. I personally feel having pets around is a very nice thing. Specially while in a small family or when someone is living all alone away from their family, pets can fill in the gap. Though they cannot speak like we do but they do have various ways of expressing their feelings towards us. When you come home after a long day's work they would show how happy they are to see you by jumping on you. They would show they are hurt when they whimper in pain or they are angry when they growl.

    They can be our friend in need and also protect us while we are in danger. Though sometimes we might underestimate an animal but they are very very sensitive to their owners physical and mental state. They very well understand when their owner is sad, or upset or worried. As they cannot speak they wont verbally empathize with us but they would surely show us how much they love us by sitting next to us or licking us. Pets can complete a family and also be wonderful friends for life.

  7. No one can take the place of a mother nor can anyone know a child better than his/ her own mother. She fulfills so many roles in her life, first the main role of being a mother. Then a Teacher, then then finally a friend. I believe she can be the best teacher and a best friend to her child as a mother is the only person to know her child's weakness and bring out the best in him or her. She is a philosopher, guide and someone that a child can look up to in his life. I feel mother is someone that a person needs even when he/ she turns 80. My mother is someone that i have always relied on as a child and even today though i have grown big and i am an independent person but still I look up to my mother for all my major decisions in life. She is always been by my side in my best and my worst situations. She has also been a friend i have searched for in this world and having her around I have never felt the need of having a best friend. I love my mother.

  8. Horror movies can be good for entertainment. But some movies I personally feel are not good for us to watch. Everything shown in these kind of movies never give a positive impact on people and small children because it is full of negativity and threat. Also it shows that to some extend God has no control over Evil whereas it's the opposite. Any kind of evil cannot stand before God even for a moment because God is all powerful and evil has to submit before him.

  9. My Favorite way to to start a day is watching the sun rise with the gentle cool morning breeze giving you a refreshment of the new day. And the best thing about this is while you connect to God in prayer. I think early morning is the best time of the day to connect with God as it brings a lot of enlightenment to one's soul and it's the best thing to start your day. Because according to my experience when you start your day with prayer your whole day goes peaceful and nice.

  10. When we make something with love and passion because we have a purpose while we are making that particular thing, after a while it's of no use to us when the purpose is over. But we don't tend to destroy it as we have put in our efforts to prepare it. Instead we would preserve it for a long time. Likewise it's with the whole universe that we are living in. We have to wait until the appointed time comes for the earth, human beings and every other thing to be judged. We cannot say, why is this tree still alive as I don't find any reason for it to be here. We are created by God and only he has the right to make and break everything that he has made. He is the Maker of this earth and heaven above and everything on this earth including us. He has made us with much love and passion. Though we have fallen short of his glory as we have rebelled against him. But he is still a compassionate God and a loving Father. The same way as our earthly parents when we rebel against them they would tend to forgive us N- number of times as their children before punishing us. We cannot question God's creation though we might not understand many things going around us or happening in this world because only he has the answer to it.

  11. Human love has limitation. But God has no limitations he is Omnipotent and Omniscient and his love is unlimited for us no matter what our life says about us. Humans may discourage us but God is our ever-present help in the time of need. Like he said in his word(The Bible) "I will never leave you nor forsake you".

  12. I feel if every human being tries and takes care of the nature that the Lord has gifted to us to take care and fulfill our responsibility towards it, we can make the world a better place to live in. If we do not do anything and start relying on others to do something then nothing is ever going to happen. So instead of being negative and saying we are a plague or cruel or unfit to take care. We need to start working towards taking care of the world.

  13. Truely Mumbai is a land of Dreams. Having so many beautiful places to vist. I personally love to visit bandstand or the gate way of India during a day off where you have beautiful boats small and huge, watching the sunset and the beautiful, grand and ancient Taj Mahal hotel . I Love shopping at Fashion street i.e. bandra and going to the beautiful beaches like the Juhu Beach and Aksa Beach etc.

  14. I personally believe it is very important to have an elderly person like our grandmom or grandpa at home apart from our parents. Because from my personal experience i believe they complete a family. Their presence is very important. With my own personal experience I would say that having my grandmom around was so much of a joy and I always felt content to have her near me. Whenever I disagreed with my parents I would run to her and she would always be there for me.Like it's said when our loved ones become old we need to put them in an old age home as most of the times we have our own life style where they don't fit into as there is a vast difference in the way we think and they think on certain matters.But apart from that it's always a blessing to have old people around at home as they are not only experienced about life but there can be situation where they can help us handle things. And let's not forget it was them that we went to when we were young and we relied on them completely. They took care of us as youngsters. And today when they need us we just abandon them because they are incapable of taking care of themselves and are completely relying on us for everything.

  15. I believe in the phrase that says "Two is a team and Three is a crowd". So likewise i would prefer choosing and having a limited set of friends whom i can reach out to anytime and who i know would always be there. Because having a huge group of friends is not always good as too you don't get enough time to know each and everyone amongst your friend circle and the dangers would also be more. But If you have a limited set of friends you get time to interact with each and everyone personally and build a good rapo. Also you get time to know each other's positive and negative aspects.Where as in a huge circle of friends this is usually difficult to do. So I would prefer a small set of friends.

  16. I believe it depends on person to person. But for me my family is my mom, dad and sister. because as per my perspective i feel friends come along and go in one's life journey. They might be there for a while but eventually not for a longer time. It's your family that would remain with you in good and bad times till the end. Because your parents are the first people to know you as a small baby they have seen your life from the day of your birth and no one i mean not even your closest friend would know you so well as your parents would. Because your it's not your closest friend but your parents who have slogged for you day and night. To see that you have everything you need. It's because of their love and care that you have been grown up and been into a person you are today. everyone makes mistakes and let's not forget that our parents are also human beings but that doesn't mean they aren't our true family. Infact no one in this world not even your closest friend can take their place.

    May be you have known your closest friends for 5 years or 15 years or 20 years or even more than that but if you see the time line of your relationship with your friends and with your family, the time you spent with your family will always weigh more then your friends. And the percent to which your family will know you would also always be higher than your friends. And I would say I have been priviledged to have my family as my true friends too. Specially my mother and father who are not just parents but my very good friends with whom I can share and talk about everything going on in my life. Family is a blessing unto a person.

  17. Vacations for me were always at my grandmother's house in my hometown. Pune as a city is well-known for all the forts from the time of Shivaji rule eg: Shaniwar wada and Sihagad fort. I remember as a child how eagerly i waited for these vacations and for the different recipies my granny prepared for us and all the different kinds of pickels she prepared during the summers. I enjoyed learning from her. The day our class teacher would say school's going to be closed down for summer vacations, I would wait to get back home and pack my bags to drive down to pune. As we had our own car we never had a problem of driving down.

    I always enjoyed the journey to pune because we had to cross the ghats of lonawala and khandala. where we would get to see the beautiful scenery and sometimes a nice waterfall over the mountains and drive through the clouds covering the ghats. After we reached pune we had our schedule set for the vacation.

    I remember me along with my cousins would get up early in the morning at around 6.30am and go with our uncle to Parvati which is on quit a height and people usually go there for their morning walks. Then we would spend a few days with our relatives. Pune is got a lot of beautiful gardens well designed and huge the oldest among them is Sarasbagh which is well known for it's temple, and beautiful fish pond. Every evening we would go to this garden and spend our evenings there. Then we would do horse riding and the best thing about this garden was that it had different fast food centers with a variety of items. My favourite fast food center was where we used to have pav bhaji. After that we would have some nice bhel and carry some on the way home and a nice chocolate flavored Ice-cream. I remember as a child I would enjoy visiting Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park where we had a variety of animals, different kinds of snakes including the King cobra which is removed only on the sunday and many people visit the zoo just to watch this kind cobra. Also the big Vulture, the white tiger, porcupine, small rabbits etc and boating.Then we have the well - known Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum and the Sambhaji park where you even have an aquarium. I just love spending my vacations in my hometown Pune.

  18. From my perspective i would say Prayer is talking to God, pouring out your heart to him. There is a Prayer of thanks-giving when God Almighty does wonderful things in our life, prayer of protection while warriors go out in the battle field to fight for their country, prayer of prosperity and good health.

    And this can only be said to God and no man. Because we cannot pray to man for thanks-giving or protection or prosperity and good health. These things can only come to us through a supreme power who has the capability and ability to answer. And Prayer is a key to every closed door in our life which can open only when you put your faith in God at work.

  19. Medications and precautions are always important. And apart from the taking care of one's health from a early stage is always good. Because your life-style and eating habits show what may be lying ahead in future. If you start with a healthy life-style at an early stage it would always prove beneficial. But Medications are not always proved 100% beneficial along with that we need faith in God. Because he has created us and knows us better than we know ourselves and I belive prayer is the key to every closed door in our lives. With prayer and faith in God our healing is a 100% percent garauntee.

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