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Posts posted by prashansas

  1. When he created Man and women in his own image and breathe the breath of life is us he had an eternal purpose for us. He created us and gave us life so that we would glorify him through everything we do. That is why it is very necessary how we take care of our life. What kind of purpose do we use it for. Whether God given purpose or vice versa. Life means to enjoy the blessings God has given us through our sweet family and close friends. And when he created us, he didn't only give us life but he also gave us talents which we can use and praise his name. Life is very precious but we take it so lightly at times. When we have problems we don't want to face them but hurt ourselves just to get rid of it and at the end lose our life. Why? Because we think we cannot copy up with it. But No! when God gave us this life he gave us his strength to carry out for each new day with a new faith and joy and trusting in him. So, Life is a God given gift to us!

  2. As the males have the right to choose their partners, so do the females. Even in this 21st century I have seen still people's mentality towards girls has not changed. I know a girl who is getting married, though she has seen the boy and he is good in his own way but she isn't happy getting married to him. But only because her parents have already fixed her marriage to him is she living with this thought that one day she has to get married to this man and spend her entire life with him. Because she cannot deny as her family members and society would taunt her parents in case her marriage is broken.

    It means even now in most of the houses though girls are given a chance to educate themselves but still when it comes to marriage they don't have a choice but to agree to their parent's wishes and compromise because their family would have to suffer in the society. Most of them even now don't have a chance to get to know their partners and then they suffer after marriage because it is a sudden shock to them. And like from ages it's been we can still quote the phrase "It's a male dominated Society :ph34r:".

  3. Is populism our greatest obstacle to growth and success? Are world leaders really just sitting on solutions to all our problems – but they can’t implement them because of us?

    It's a simple rule, if you have 7 members in a family and just one or two out of them is working it will become very difficult to manage everything.A lot of compromise and adjustment requires to be done by all the family members in order to fulfill everyone's demands and requirements. Because this family would require to manage the daily budgeting in accordance to basic needs. Also if there are small children their need of education is there. Most of the times when there are small children in a family usually 1 out of them has to sacrifice their education so their siblings can continue schooling. It is the same way with a country. It is like one big family though not related to each other in blood but in heart. Like the saying goes

    “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.”- Richard Bach.

    And when something goes wrong in our country it does affect us as citizens of the same country. If the prices rise in our country we are affected, if there is war going on in our country again we are affected. So likewise, when the population increases we suffer because the demand is more but supply is limited.
    Also we say one is a loner, while two is a team. Likewise, when we work alone we usually find it boring and hectic but when we work in pairs or as a team we usually find it interesting and can share our ideas and views and work accordingly and do a better work. So, if we as one big family try and put in our efforts to control the population rates in our country and be supportive to the right cause everyone can live in harmony and peace and have lesser sufferings. So "Populism according to me is our greatest obstacle to growth and success"

    And last but not the least like Thomas Robert Malthus said, "“Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio.” ;):D

  4. After the start of the recession in 2008, unemployment started to rise sharply. When the global financial crisis hit, the unemployment rate was a little over 5% or 1.6 million.

    Just a few days ago my friend told me that around 10 to 20 people in her company were removed at a time because the company is cost cutting.

    So many youngster's today are jobless all around the world even after having the required degrees, immense number of employers, companies, institutes that require young people. So many are being removed from their respective jobs because the employers are not able to pay them according to their posts or else many of them are compromising and working on half the salary promised to them just to save their jobs. There are so many families where we have just one member working and the rest are dependent on that one person. If that person loses his/her job how would they run the family and survive in such great crises. Also when a person who is well to do because of a ransom salary has to cut down on his family requirements just because he/she had to compromise on a lesser salary due to cost cutting how are they going to fulfill their requirements. Because when someone is used to travelling in a car and suddenly they has to travel by public transport just because their salary is reduced and they had to sell off their car for cost cutting it becomes very difficult. On top public transport is becoming expensive as we have rising prices in everything where we have to pay double the price then what we paid a few months ago. Also, there are so many people who are not even paid for months together and are working for almost free of cost. And if we are suffering with unemployment and salary issues how are we going to survive. How do we manage our finances and fulfill the needs of our family who is dependent on us.

    How do we reduce or overcome this problem of unemployment?

  5. Free speech is expressing one's view in a manner which would not be offensive to anyone maintaining peace and harmony. Though two people might at times agree or disagree but we need to maintain the peace required. But the freedom of speech is being misused for wrong purposes which needs to be realized and stopped that is how peace and harmony can be maintained amongst people.

  6. We cannot say "Money is the root of all evil" in fact without money in this world you have nothing. Because money helps you serve your purpose of living. Like it's said a person's basic requirement is food, clothing and shelter but you can have none of this without having money in your hand. even if you need a one time meal you need to pay for it. So money is the most essential part of our daily living. The day you end up with no money it means no life. Because no one will come and serve you saying "You don't have money, let me help you" but rather when you don't have money no one will ask you or even pay attention at you. People judge you according to your earning. Money also determines your reputation whether which class do you belong to (Lower class, middle class, upper class or rich -_- ). Every single thing in this world is earned by money. We all can see when our economic rates rise and fall how it affects us. Basic requirements, transport, luxury etc.

    Also money cannot be the root cause of all evil. Though at times people might misuse it and become greedy because humans no matter how much they have are always unsatisfied. But it all depends on us how we handle our finances and how we make proper use of it. If we want we can manage our finances properly and live a happy life or else we can misuse it and live a miserable life. It totally depends on us. Because a beggar on the street also suffers because he doesn't have money and a stinking rich person also suffers because he has a enormous bank balance. :ph34r:

  7. "Scary" movies that aren't based on factual things and/or don't seem real to begin with don't bother me. It's the ones that are based on things that are happening all the time.

    Most of the scary movies would be completely fictitious and not completely true as they are produced for pure entertainment. And for (Murder) i would say, yes it can be scary but it's not related to ghosts. :)

  8. I like having pets around because they love you unconditionally. My dog is always happy to see me when I get home, and it makes me feel a lot better. She does get annoying at times, though, as she likes to bark at anything and everything (birds, people, cars), but at the same time that can also be seen as a sense of security, knowing that if anything comes near us she'll notify me.

    Yes pets can teach us a lot. Specially we can learn how to love unconditionally from them :) . They never demand anything like human beings, just show them that you love them and that's all they require. My dog never liked my dad shouting at him. Until he pampers him, he was fine but the moment my dad used to shout at him he would be very upset. Then he would go and sit in a corner with his head down until my dad called him. He would sit and pretend as if he is sleeping but when my dad would pass by or speak to us he would open his one eye slowly and watch if he is coming to say sorry. When we used to call him saying "Oscar what happened?" he would give a deaf ear to us. But the moment my dad would take his name he would get up and go running to him, wagging his tail and licking my dad all over. He used to jump and bark in a gesture of saying "Sorry". My whenever i speak about him it's like a never ending topic and I miss him so much :(:unsure::wacko:

  9. I couldnt imagine life without pets being the big animal lover i am.I have five dogs of which four are Labradors ages ranging from six and a half months two and a half years and seven years old and a Mongrel sixteen years old.They all have nice names Marley,Gaston,Dido,Lucky and Mozart.I must mention Dido and Lucky are the mum and dad of Marley and Gaston.
    I have four cats a ginger tabby with white called Ninja he is eight years old and three black cats Ebony who is three years old Gizmo and Smudge who are two years old Ebony is the mum of Gizmo and Smudge.
    What a pleasure it is to come home when i have been out shopping all five dogs come and greet me all tails wagging jumping up at me telling me how happy they are to see me bless them i must admit when im out i do miss them they are my life.
    Oh and i must not forget feeding time its like they can all tell the time because minutes before i get up to feed them their are all running round excited and when we get to thekitchen they are pushing one another out the way its like they are trying to see whose getting their food first its quite funny.
    The puppies go first Mrdee takes them through to the sitting room to eat their food then i put Dido's food down in the kitchen and then Lucky and Mozarts goes down last in the back hall.
    I love looking after my dogs and i love having them around.
    As for my cats they are very loving too im always talking to them and their little tails wag and when i go to the toilet i have two followers Gizmo and Smudge their stay with me till i leave the bathroom its quite cute.
    And as for food all four cats think they are humans if there are any left overs from dinner and you leave it on the bench the four cats will fight over the left overs.
    The dogs love the cats too when they get a chance to chase them but the silly dogs dont realise that a cat can out run them anytime.
    I get a lot of pleasure from my cats and i love looking after them too.So having pets around in my life is a wonderful thing.

    Yes After you have a pet around and then you have to lose them for some reason.. life becomes a little difficult because we're so used to having pets at home. If you're a working person you might be fine until then as you are busy for that many hours but the moment you get home you can actually feel so lonely. It's been a month now that my pet is not with us and while i am at work it's fine but the moment i am back home i really start missing him so much. Or if i see another dog with it's owner on the road it always reminds me of my pet. Truly pets can make sucha big difference in our life and they can also be best friends for life.

  10. Cell phones these days have become very very important as you and your loved ones can be in touch 24 hours in a day. you can always reach out to someone for help or in help. With in-built internet facility in your mobile you can get a lot of information just in minutes when you need too. You can listen to music, watch videos when you need entertainment while travelling far. So you do not need to carry 3 or 4 gadgets along with you while on a long journey. Your mobile can do all in one job like music, camera, calls as we cannot carry our land-lines everywhere. So it becomes very handy and you can be free of tension of not losing your precious & costly gadgets.

  11. Why? Where's your dog?

    We had to give him away due to some issue :wacko: . He was a Labrador retriever we had named him Oscar :wub: almost been with us for 3 years. We bought him home when he was 1 1/2 month old since then he's been our baby :wub: . He loved home made food. Never had any issues with food stuff. And he was crazy for ice-creams and chocolates :) .

  12. Some long distance relationships don't work because of the lack of patience and understanding of either of the two or both. These relationships don't work because they aren't holding on really tight to make the relationship last. For me, these relationships are weak because distance is not something that can completely separate two people.

    Very right. I agree with you as patience and understanding :huh: is very important when away from your loved one. Because making a long distance relationship work needs too much patience and understanding. And yes Distance doesn't matter when two people want to make the relationship work. I can say this from my personal experience. ;)

  13. To overcome any kind of addiction a person needs to have the will. That's the first step to get rid of any kind of addiction. Because like it's said "Where there's a will, there's a way". So when a person makes up his/her mind to get over some addiction, nothing can stop them. Though it might feel very difficult in the beginning and at times. But with time you can get over it. Not only that, but incase you find yourself falling weak at times, you can always take the help of a family member or your very close friend whom you can rely on completely to help you and also Pray. When we pray and ask God his help he sends his angels our way to help us not only that but you will also experience a divine strength within you that will help you overcome your weaknesses. Nothing is impossible with Jesus! Amen.

  14. It complete depends from person to person. As for me I too am in a long distance relationship for the past 2 years now. We also had almost the same situation like you said when we first started out. We got to know each other through a family friend and hardly saw each other for like 15minutes. Though we both are from mumbai but he works abroad and then after a month when he went back abroad he added me on one of the social network sites and we didn't even mean to start of a relationship but from both the sides it was just a "Give it a try" ^_^kind of a thing. But in like 2 weeks time we started liking each other's company and we fell in love and till date we are still deeply in love with each other. Though we miss being close to each other but we completely trust each other and have faith in our relationship. I think that's what keeps a long distance relationship going on Trust in each other with mutual understanding and the dedication to live an entire life with each other and very important your faith in God to make things work out for the good for both of you. I feel that though being far and not physically close though it is important what will help succeed a long distance relationship is the efforts that both the people put in it. The efforts should be two sided for it to work. Then comes complete trust overcoming our weakness like jealousy and knowing that the other person loves us no matter even if we don't get to see each other every single day. Then comes mutual understanding and how you make out with each other when you two fight or disagree. And most important "Never let ego :wacko: interfere" because if that comes in there is no hope for any relationship whether being close to each other or far. :)

  15. I love to read some spiritual books as they give a lot of insight and revelation. Also I enjoy reading silhouette stories, romantic novels by Heartsongs publications which relate to romance based on christian ethics and mills and boons. Sometimes for a change i read Horror or thrillers too.

  16. Oh! yes they have different style of expressing their feelings and emotions. My Dog used to love bread. Early morning when he knew my dad was awake he would move around him and when my dad would ask "What happened?" he would jump on him and look at the bread. The moment he would get the bread he would run here and there in the house to show how happy he was. He used to love being pampered. After coming back from work in the evening when i used to give him his meal. He would just look at his bowl full of food and sit down looking at me. When I would ask him to eat, he would again look at the food and come near me and with his mouth he would lick my hand in a gesture to ask me to feed him. Sometimes when i used to be tired and tell him i would not feed him and today he would have to eat on his own he would leave the food and come and sit next to me. He was also very intelligent he very well knew who were our people and who were outsiders. Even if our friends came home for the first time he would welcome them with much love but strangers he would growl and not allow them in. I miss my dog a lot.

  17. When it comes to picnics everyone from the youngest to the oldest loves it. And we have so many memories regarding picnics from our school days. Well I am going to share my experience when I went on a one day picnic. I was a grade 10th student and had been to my hometown for vacations. My cousins were supposed to go for a picnic with their church friends and elders and asked us if I and my younger sister would love to join them and I instantly said yes. Though I never asked my mother's permission but I was all excited to go somehow knew my mother would never mind. So after a while I decided to talk to her. And she asked us where we were planning to go. I told her it was a water resort and it was a one day picnic. But to my surprise my mother wasn't allowing us to go for this particular picnic. She told us that there was water and such resorts are usually not safe and besides she was not with us. But some how I convinced her and said I would look after my sister and my cousins as I am the eldest among them and I and my sister along with our cousins went on this picnic. We left early in the morning as we had a one hour journey before we reached the resort. Everyone in the bus was singing songs, cracking jokes and chit chatting. Finally we arrived. Wow! It was a beautiful resort and as it was summer vacations it was crowded with people. So I told my cousins and sister that we would stay together and enjoy among us as there was a huge crowd and we could easily get lost. Also in case we separate from each other we would meet at the place where we had kept our luggage. So we first had our breakfast and then we first decided explore the place and shop around. We went at different outlets and had lots and lots of ice-creams as it was summer and ice-creams for me are the best during summers. After exploring everything at around 1pm we reached the place where our team had decided to meet for lunch. By the time we had our lunch the resort had become a little quiet as most of the people had left. So it was the best time for us to enjoy in the water pools. So we changed and went into the pool. We Enjoyed splashing water on each other specially the rain dance. Then we went towards the next pool which had the biggest slide. Now we never realized that it was actually 4 pm. After playing and enjoying now we decided to relax by the edge of the pool when one of our church friend called out to us and asked us to join them. So we got down in the water. But as none of us knew swimming and the water was deep we decided to hold hands and walk slowly towards where our friends were right in the middle of the pool. As we walked I saw that my cousins and sisters were with me. So I asked them not to leave hands no matter what. After a few minutes I just checked around and saw that my little sister was not with us. I asked my cousin where was my sister and she said "OH! my she was just with us, where did she disappear". I got worried seeing my little sister was not around and she had disappeared suddenly. So I checked around and saw that she was playing with someone right in the middle of the pool. I called out to her and asked her to return but she never heard me. So i asked my cousins to stay right where they were while i will go and get her. But as I turned around there again she wasn't there. I got really annoyed as to where she went and the next moment I saw that she was floating in the water and struggling to get back on her feet. I panicked as I couldn't reach out to her as she was in deep water and i couldn't swim, I was scared. So I shouted out to the people near to her to save her but seemed like everyone had become deaf. Alright I said people couldn't hear but they had eyes to see that someone was drowning isn't it? but no seemed like my sister had become invisible for the people around her. I just prayed Jesus help us. Again I shouted twice for help and finally the manager who was watching the people play in the pool saw that my sister was drowning and he got into the water and saved her. After that I just forgot that I never knew how to swim and went towards my sister in this deep water and thanked God for helping us. After I went home I asked forgiveness to my mom and told her never again will I go against her will when she says no.

  18. Music from ancient times has been an essential part of human life. Music brings life into a tired soul. People from ancient times and even today have found music soothing. When you are travelling far music can be the best thing. Now a days every other person is seen listening to music. It's been such an attraction. We categorize music in various sections like Jazz, Blues, Vocal, Hip-Hop, Rap, Rock and Hard core Rock etc. But how important is it for us to choose what we are hearing. Is everything that we hear appropriate. Does the kind of music we hear make any difference in our thought pattern and our personality? And what kind of positive and negative impact can music leave on us? Kindly share your thoughts.

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