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Posts posted by xaetos

  1. Also, I almost always get what's called "swimmer's ear" - water loaded into my ears that doesn't go away for days.. please don't reply with something like "ummm earplugs lol?" because I really don't think most earplugs for swimming are very effective.

    I always get ear infections from the pool.. kept me out of swim practice for the past two weeks. I came pretty close to going insane. Earplugs do work, but you can't hear anything with them.. I don't like using them much..

    As for the part about too many people there, you don't really notice it, especially if you're there with friends. You tend to concentrate more on them than all the random people you don't know..

  2. Make sure she's over her boyfriend, and then get to know her more. Don't jump into it too fast, or she'll back away. On the other hand, make sure you're still around enough so that she's thinking about you so that when she's ready for another relationship, she'll think of you first..The key thing is just to not do anything big too fast, especially since she just got out of a relationship..

  3. Drowning for me.. didn't even have to think about it. I'm constantly in the water, whether its for swim team or work, so I figure drowning would be the most embarrassing, and therefore worst, way to die. I spend so much time in the water, it'd just be way too ironic and way too pathetic to drown. So if I ever end up stuck out in the ocean or something, it'll be my only goal to at least make it to shore before I die. Drowning would suck.

  4. I used to go out with someone who honestly believed that most things he dreamt would come true, at some point in time. It was pretty stupid, but I was smart enough not to argue that with him.. couldn't hurt to let him go on thinking his dreams had prophetic properties. One time he dreamt that he was at my wedding, and I was marrying another guy. He was actually mad at me for a few days because he thought that I would end up marrying someone other than him...Keep in mind that we were both 17 at the time. Marraige was not particularly the first thing on my mind. Thinking back on it, I don't think it'd be a good idea to marry someone when you can't tell them when they're being really stupid about something.Anyways. Yeah, its true that what happens in a dream can sometimes happen later on in real life. But chances are, its just a coincidence. I mean, sure, some time in the near or distant future, some old guy might come in to the pool with some giant flying fish and forget to take them home with him later, like I dreamt the other day, but the possibility is pretty slim. I don't think dreams can tell the future, or cause the future, though they can help you realize what you have that you wouldn't want to lose. They might be able to tell you what you really want, subconsiously, I'm kindof undecided on that one. Its better to think about something when you're awake and find out what you want that way, than to rely on a dream, anyways..

  5. Heheh, I saw this a while ago, and it was funny even to me, and I've never used a Mac. Some day I intend to try one.. just not yet. Just the way he words stuff is amusing, I think. I spent a whole day searching google videos after I saw that. I found a lot of funny commercials. This was still near the top.. pure frustration is so amusing XD

  6. Hahaha.. uhmm.. yeah. So I guess we all learn about internet dating/chatting in general eventually. Since I never had the chance to meet anyone in person, my experiences weren't quite as memorable as that, but I learned too.Message for the day: Most people who go looking for relationships online and then avoid the meeting step are not who they say they are. Find this out near the beginning. Or even better, just meet someone in some way other than the internet :lol:' The internet is to creepy people/liars what any school is to emokids.. as time goes on, each gets more and more populated with their dominant.. stereotype. Someone stop me the next time I attempt a comparison.

  7. I post in a lot of forums.. probably too many. Sometimes there are interesting topics that I want to reply to. Most of the time, I want to keep my free hosting.. I guess thats the main motivation behind posting here. If it weren't for that, I'd probably be inactive now, from all the times I've come here to post but couldn't find anything to contribute to.. (there have been times when its the opposite, too)So, all three options, I guess :\

  8. I'm terrible at memorizing words. Numbers, on the other hand, I memorize without even knowing it. They just.. happen. I can never remember names, but numbers seem to stick with me. I figure if everyones name was actually a number, I'd never forget anyones name..I think peoples memory's just work in different ways. Some people are better with words, some people are better with numbers..

  9. I constantly get told by one friend in particular that I'm not a girl. I wear boys clothes, sometimes.. but thats just because of my extreme dislike for pink and the fact that it is present on nearly every piece of female clothing. I don't bother spending hours on hair and/or makeup. I have boys shoes, and have for years. At work (I work at a pool), I wear boys shorts (the long ones, down to your knees) instead of the short tight ones girls usually wear. I have an odd amount of piercings, with the holes being larger than they should be. All that being said, and despite what that friend says, I (usually) like being a girl. I don't think I'd be a guy if I had a choice. I just.. like being a boyish girl? I mean, if you're a guy, and you wear girls clothes, you're stereotyped as gay. If you're a girl, and you wear boys clothes, people just look at you a little funny and don't really know what to stereotype you as. Given that I don't like stereotypes, this concept works.

  10. I'm the oldest.. it is harder. There's a lot more pressure to do things right. There is also a lot of pressure carried over from that to my brother to do the same or better than me, but I don't think its as bad as what I get. The big thing, though, is the fact that he gets away with pretty much everything, and I never do. I've argued it with my parents before, but they don't see it.. its weird. Anyways, older is harder.. for me, at least.And as for the hockey.. well, girls can play hockey, too XP They've been doing better at it than the guys have, lately.. for Canada, anyways.

  11. Dude, its just the science fair. There will be a lot more of them before you graduate high school. No one will think you're stupid because you didn't get an 80 in it. I've gotten so many certificates and ribbons and the odd medal with my name on it that none of them even matter anymore. You'll get over it. Just don't push yourself too hard..

  12. This is grade seven all over again. The same type of thing used to happen a lot when I was in grade six and seven.. over and over and over again. I kind of distanced myself away from the people involved after that year, so I don't know if it continued into grade eight and nine, but by the time I hung around with them in grade ten, they were (mostly) over that kind of thing. Its just the age people are at.. they grow out of it when they develop some logic or common sense or.. something. When they grow up. As hard as it might be, just wait it out, and it'll all blow over.. it always does.

  13. I have a laptop.. I'm on it now XP I don't take it to school, cause I'd be terrified I'd drop it, and I don't think most of my teachers really like them. I do type a lot of my notes out onto it when I get home, though.As for stuff to think about if/when you go buy one, you want to make sure its not too big or too heavy, since you'll be carrying it around. Also make sure it comes with wireless networking, though thats a pretty basic feature lately.. If you'll only be using it for school stuff, you don't need to worry about the graphics card. You might need 512 RAM, if you're only typing, and.. a somewhat decent processor? I don't even know if you need all this info, but thats ok.. XP Oh, and Toshiba is generally the best brandname, from what I picked up when I was looking for mine. Just don't go with Compaq, and you're safe.

  14. I had one of those. 'Sept, he never had girlfriends.. I was just too stupid to tell him, possibly 'cause I was convinced he'd never like me back. Sometime this year, I have intentions of telling him, and finding out if he ever did feel the same.. since there's the possibility I'll never see him after this last year of high school. But what did I do to get over him? I tried to concentrate on another guy for a while.. even though it never really worked. It did for a while, but then I realized I didn't really like him, but I still liked the guy I was trying to forget. Maybe that would work for you, even though it failed miserably for me? :\ Eventually, anyways, I just.. got over him. I saw him one day in class and realized I didn't actually see myself being with him. It just.. happened. Try thinking about it, not about him, but what you would be like if you were with him, how he would be when he was with you, how either of you would change. Theres an off chance that you'll realize that you like him now, but wouldn't if he were with you.. Its different for everyone. I just had to live with it till it went away on its own. It took a good four or five years, but thats ok.. :\

  15. So.. wait. You need a checking account on your debit card in order to buy stuff online with it? 'Cause I only have savings. I'm not sure why, I think it has something to do with the type of account I have.. hmm.. I'll have to look into that. Does it have to be checking, or can you use savings, too?Edit: I figured it out :\

  16. I have a debit card, but from what I've seen, you can only use a credit card online. If you could use debit, I'd have ordered a lot of stuff online by now. Maybe its cause I'm in Canada, not the US? :\ You never know.. Canada's odd like that. If you can use debit online.. someone want to tell me how? XD

  17. I actually hate toothpaste. The taste of it makes me feel sick pretty much every time I use it, and for some reason, especially in the mornings. When I was younger, my parents had to go out and find some type of toothpaste that didn't taste like "normal" toothpaste, cause I pretty much refused to use it :huh:' I ended up with some Tweety stuff that tasted like berries or something? It was slightly better..That being said, I eventually settled for some form of Colgate. I think I must have gotten used to it a little bit, but I still hate the taste. Its just the best of the worst.

  18. Maybe, It's just like 'wanna' and 'want to' or 'gonna' and 'going to'....

    or 'luv' in stead it 'love'

    'Wanna' and 'gonna' kind of make sense. But luv instead of love? Thats just lazy.. its a whole extra letter. Its not even combining more than one word. Even though I used to do it myself, stupid spelling things like that really bother me now. I mean, how much harder is it to type that whole extra letter to make you're words look like words? It even looks bad. Not only are you being lazy by cutting off the 'e' at the end, you're also changing a letter in it just so you can make it shorter. Makes no sense to me..


    I think stuff like that happens more lately than in the past 'cause of kids being too lazy/slow to type the whole word(s) when they're using some chat program.. chances are, they'll grow out of it eventually. But until then, it annoys me..:huh:'

  19. Seeing them is bad enough, but its even worse when your parents, not knowing what they're doing, click them, really believing that they are the one millionth visitor to the same site for the third time in a row. You come home from school and nothing goes at anything worth calling speed, and upon running an adware removal program/virus scanner, you discover multiple viruses and even more spyware. I can put up with the ads, as long as its not those ones with the bugs crawling around, and as long as no one gets at my laptop and clicks them on it. Viruses = death... well, not really, but they're terrible to try and remove.

  20. The only time I found the forums were down was during the upgrade :\ And I've never really found that the hosting was down.. slow, maybe, but not down. I donno, you're getting free hosting with no ads, a bit of downtime won't hurt much. Maybe its not actually the server? Meh. Maybe I'm just biased, since the only time this has been down was for the forums upgrade. xP

  21. Pressure is everywhere. Sometimes it helps, most times it doesn't. The only times I can say that pressure has honestly helped me is when someone has told me and really believes that I can't do something. At that point, I have to prove them wrong. But any other time, pressure makes things worse..Parents can be your friends once they can't control you anymore - whenever you move out. Before that, they have full control over anything you do, and you can't tell them anything because of it. But thats a bit off topic..It really bothers me when people put pressure on you to be just like someone you know or you're related to. How can they expect you to have the same abilities as them, and for them to have the same abilities as you, when you're not the same person? Twins, maybe, at least they both have the same genetic potential. But anyone else? Thats just.. pointless.. people are different, and no amount of pressure is going to make them of the same ability or motivation or personality, or anything else.The only real good type of pressure is the kind that comes from yourself..

  22. One word: Gmail. If thats even a word.Hotmail lost my interest the second I tried gmail, mostly because of the ads. I hate ads, and hotmail has an awful lot of them, mostly in the form of popups, making it even worse. It refuses to work on school computers, and it has less memory and never picks up spam. It just.. bothers me. I don't think I ever really liked hotmail, but I never knew what else to use, so I stuck with it. Meh.. gmail solved any problem I had with email :\

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