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Posts posted by xaetos

  1. ..I've wasted an awful lot of my time wondering what time actually is. I spent an hour long car ride thinking about it this morning, actually..


    Its not wasted, though, not if you really think about it. If you change even one thing in a line of things you change everything. In some weird and twisted way, the fact that you sat home and did nothing in your teenage years could have eventually led you to your current significant other/husband/wife. You change one thing in your past and you end up changing everything.. so as long as you're reasonably happy with where you are, nothing is a wasted moment.


    On the other hand, it makes you wonder what could have been if you did something different... and this is what gets me. You can never know where something is going to lead you, any of it, so you can't pick what outcome you'd like. Thats why I have such a problem talking to people when I like them, or telling someone when I don't, or commiting to go somewhere on a trip, anything that makes you think more than an instant. Because once its done, its done, and it can't be changed or fixed.


    Ahh, I have to stop thinking about this. Its confusing me any more.. Anyways, nothing you do is wasted as long as you like what came out of it eventually. Just don't get caught up in thinking about the other alternatives, like me.. ^_^'

  2. Look at her eyes: If you can't look a girl in the eyes, you can't get her attention... Girls are all about eyes; they love them, and they love it when you look them in the eye.

    x103453652644565. I don't think I've ever met a girl who doesn't put eyes on her list of things shes likes about guys (me included)


    Show that you are attracted: Girls need clues. it's true. They need to know you are interested. Then in turn they will let you know they are attracted. That takes off the edge of fear about asker her out. Show her you are attracted and see how she reacts. If she is obviously cold, then she's probably not interested.

    We don't need to be told.. but sometimes we like to be. Makes you feel special. I, with some very very rare exceptions, have always known when a guy likes me. But I still like the fact that sometimes (but not all the time) he tries to let me know that. Its even better when he doesn't know he's doing it, or that I know.. :)


    Touch her a little: Touch her lightely on the back, shoulders, or arm when you help her put her coat on, and especially. GET THE DOOR FOR HER...or even guiding her across the street. it means huge for them.

    Careful with that one.. I once had a guy who did that far too early on, when he knew I had a boyfriend at that, and since then I've refused to go out with him.. Mind you, I never told him that (oops?), but it wouldn't have changed the way I thought about him if I did. Wait until you're sure she knows how you feel about her, and that she feels something of the same thing, before you start on this one..

  3. It sounnnds like she's probably doing her friend a "favor" and trying to embarrass you. Did she happen to give any reason as to why she didn't show up for any of the five times?If it were me, I wouldn't agree to it.. someone like that most likely isn't really interested in you so much as playing with your mind. On the other hand, if she gave legit, reasonable reasons for the other five times (which is unlikely), then go for it. But only if you're sure she's interested in you, and not doing this with some other motive..Basically, do whatever feels right to you..

  4. But, yeah I agree with you on the issue of all the Gothic and Gangsta looks everywhere. Why can't they just dress like a normal person without all the ornate things on their clothing?

    I've been asked plenty of times if I'm gothic. And I'm not.. I just appear to be. I don't really consider myself anything.. Its the "gothic" people who are the way they are because they want to be something that you have to worry about, not the ones who are the way they are because..well.. thats just the way they are.


    When I wake up in the morning I put on whatever I happen to grab first. Since most of my clothes are black, thats what I grab. I spend no time on black makeup, or white makeup for that matter, and while I wear a ridiculous amount of bracelets, thats about it. I have a couple of chains, as well, and some nail-resembling earrings. But I don't have those things to look like a goth, I have them because I like them. Not all gothic people are the posers you're making them out to be.


    This is what I'm talking about, with getting caught up in trends and looking like you're follwing the rest... :)'

  5. These are guesses, as they're most likely given different names here..Power of a product: something like ((x+5)(x-4))^2 So x plus five times x minus four, all to the power of 2.Power of a Quatient.. I don't know :\ Maybe you meant power of a quotient? in which case it would be (x/x+2)^3. A fraction all to the power of something.Power of a power.. x^(2^3). x to the power of 2 cubed.Negative exponent.. x^-2. This would result in the x going to the other side of the fraction, or "crossing the road". My grade 8 math teacher told us a math-related joke to help us remember this.. "Why did the exponent cross the road (fraction bar)? ..To get to the other sign". Looks like this... x^(-2) to 1/(x^2)Zero exponent: x^0. Any term put to a zero exponent gives an answer of one.Power basically means exponent. Hope that helped :\ I'm great at math, but terrible at explaining..

  6. I just don't like it when, after you've been doing something for ages, someone else deemed "popular" does it once and then its a trend.. and then people think that you're just another one following another trend. But if you stop just because of what its become.. you're almost as bad as the rest of them.The whole issue confuses me, so I do my best to stay away from trends in every way possible :)'

  7. Uhmm.. so I am new to yet another forum. It was bound to happen. A bit about myself:-My name is Michelle-Most people gradually shorten that to Chell, so you can just start there if you want-17 years old.. 18 in January, and I don't know if I like that or not-I swim. If you are to know anything about me, know that I swim. Almost anything in my life is in some way based around this fact..-I now have a job, which greatly limits my computer time. This scares me..-..Thats all I can think of. Except for that the first 20 posts in any forum you are new to are bound to be the most awkward ever.. :)'

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