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Posts posted by clouds421

  1. Yahoo's 100M is more than good enough for me, but just out of curosity due to the comments about domain names, I went to see what they offered...MyQuickMail.comMyQuickMail.ussgies.comNoTech.usMyHTTPmail.comPc4me.usTechieTechnology.com <-- :rolleyes:

  2. Dot.tk  works pretty good, no ads or pop ups you don't have to add anything from them. Ohh yeah you have the option to display a pop up, but you just say no, and thats it, they give you email addresess a lot of free crap, you should try it. I tried UNI.CC but I like just having the address and .tk (is easier to remember) :)

    really? I signed up for one & tried using it for a while, but got pop-ups which I didn't like so I just used subdomain.

  3. i would tell you what mods i have installed but since i dont use the crappy generic PHPBB i dont know.


    the version i got is "phpbb by przemo" which is packed with mods that are useful



    I did see this when I was looking for mods, but the only thing is the limited amount of skins for the pre-modified boards. I guess I'm too vain, 'cause there's particular skins I want to have, which would only be wouldn't fit something that's not dramatically altered :)

  4. That was... short! I was expecting more. That background on it for real?I'm lucky no. 1:Introspective Sensitive ReflectiveYou come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are highly intensive, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you need in order to feel good. However it is no problem for you to be alone for extended periods of time, without becoming bored.

  5. Have you guys ever heard of your parents' love story or how they got together? I find it pretty funny & amusing whenever my mom tells me them (my dad has never)...One of these was among their beginning stages of dating, how she & my dad went to this fancy restaurant & ordered steak w/o telling how they wanted it cooked so it came the "standard" way and my mom can only eat well cooked meat, so she was horrified, saying blood was dripping off the thing.

  6. well this all doesn't mean we have no problems,yesterday we got deleted fromm free-webhosts,
    that was one of our main visitor atracktors,
    so we really need to come with some new ways,
    to get more members, and those members,
    must k-l-i*ck the A&d&s

    just curious why? That's how I learned about Xisto as well...

    since I've been a member, everything's going good so far, only occasional hickups with the updates I don't mind, usually comes back up very quickly.

    so 100webpaces and frandt went down! no wonder, 'cause prior to signing up to Xisto, I was had used them (for less than 2 weeks) & always had problems! now let's just hope long live Xisto!!
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