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Posts posted by clouds421

  1. But when you think about it, there's enough standard fonts to use for regular body text. Staying within a certain degree to the regular styles is probably better than having some fancy style that would probably be hard to read anyway. To get special sections such as titles or headers in a more unique font to make it stand out--can always make it a graphic.

  2. I just found out & was about to post here, but did a search and realize most of you guys know already that Hotmail's giving 250mb now. Trying to beat Yahoo :(

    Here's the e-mail:

    Big News: Free Storage increase to 250MBFREE 250MB of storage capacity is coming to your MSN Hotmail e-mail account. We are increasing your online storage to 250MBthats over 100 times the storage you have now.

    Thats not all we are also increasing your attachment size from 1MB to 10MB! This means that you can send and receive more messages without worrying about available storage space. Youll be able to see party photos, hear new songs and watch video clips that your friends e-mail to you.

  3. Sleep article on Yahoo news today (I think this is bs, but still interesting to read): Study Links Sleep Deprivation, Obesity By MARILYNN MARCHIONE, AP Medical Writer LAS VEGAS - Weight-loss experts have a novel prescription for people who want to shed pounds: Get some sleep. A very large study has found a surprisingly strong link between the amount of shut-eye people get and their risk of becoming obese. Those who got less than four hours of sleep a night were 73 percent more likely to be obese than those who got the recommended seven to nine hours of rest, scientists discovered. Those who averaged five hours of sleep had 50 percent greater risk, and those who got six hours had 23 percent more. "Maybe there's a window of opportunity for helping people sleep more, and maybe that would help their weight," said Dr. Steven Heymsfield of Columbia University and St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York. He and James Gangwisch, a Columbia epidemiologist, led the study and are presenting results this week at a meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity. They used information on about 18,000 adults participating in the federal government's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, or NHANES, throughout the 1980s. The survey includes long-term follow-up information on health habits, and researchers adjusted it to take into account other things that affect the odds of obesity, like exercise habits, so that the effects of sleep could be isolated. It seems "somewhat counterintuitive" that sleeping more would prevent obesity because people burn fewer calories when they're resting, Gangwisch said. But they also eat when they're awake, and the effect of chronic sleep deprivation on the body's food-seeking circuitry is what specialists think may be making the difference in obesity risks. "There's growing scientific evidence that there's a link between sleep and the various neural pathways that regulate food intake," Heymsfield said. Sleep deprivation lowers leptin, a blood protein that suppresses appetite and seems to affect how the brain senses when the body has had enough food. Sleep deprivation also raises levels of grehlin, a substance that makes people want to eat. It also hurts "executive function" ? the ability to make clear decisions, said Dr. Philip Eichling, a sleep and weight-loss specialist at the University of Arizona who also is medical director of the Canyon Ranch, a spa in Tucson that offers health and weight management programs, especially for business executives. "One of my treatments is to tell them they should move from six hours to seven hours of sleep. When they're less sleepy, they're less hungry," he said. Eichling had no role in the new study but said it gives important evidence for a long-suspected theory in the field. Americans average only a little more than six hours of sleep a night, and one report a few years ago even suggested that the growing prevalence of sleep deprivation might be responsible for the growing obesity epidemic, he said.

  4. Hey I've also tried 100webspace and there ftp and server is just pretty slow, and netrulon just sucks, there never up.  I've also tried a couple of non-php servers, ultrahost is good.. but no mysql either.... so thats not to versitle.  So now im hopeing to use Xisto :)   Sounds like everyone is really happy with it.


    You serious about netrulon? Funny that I was shopping around again & Netrulon says they're up 99.xx% of the time on their home page.


    Seems like most of these companies just bull--I mean before I tried FRandT before and they had fake statistics that said they were up 99.xx% of the time, too but that was far from the truth.

  5. Trust me these free ipod offers are all scam..........you sign up refer your friends and they tell you you have to sign up for an offer for which you have to pay and then probably you don't even get the ipod.....


    Who knows, I was skeptical at first... but we had Netflix before & the trial went fine. Dunno about this company, but they say they were on Wired.com & CNN before, and the companies for the trial offers are reputable as well, I mean Blockbuster, Rhapsody, etc...

  6. what the heck, I guess there's nothing to lose; I've been seeing these posted in all the forums I visit--finally gave it a try...

    I used OP's link, now somebody help me out.


    You need to refer 5 people to sign up & complete the same thing, then try out a "free trial" (just cancel within free period & you won't be charged anything. I did Blockbuster online rentals (14 days) & you'll also get free movies to watch :)

  7. Hmm.. I have never used this program, but dvd is in mpeg-2 format. mpeg-1 is vcd; avi/divx is the best choice for compressing high quality video, but that's probably not what you need. Try a search on dvdrhelp.com--I usually find everything I need to know about this kind of stuff there.

  8. If they can't access anything on that particular server, then it is most likely that either the server has blocker her IP address or her ISP has blocked that servers ip address.  Most likely the 2nd one.  This probably happened because someone hosting a site on the server spammed her ISP and they blocked it.  This is my best guess.  If everyone else can access a server and you are the only one that can't, it usually means some blocking is involved.  Of course, this is assuming that this is the only server you can't access.  If you can't access other servers as well, then it is probably your computer blocking the server (firewall, etc.)...


    no9t9, thanks for you answer! That makes sense. Then are these blocks usually temporary?

  9. It's not with Xisto, but I have another webpage hosted on a freehost and someone told me they couldn't access it... for as far as I know, this is the only person having that problem.Then I tried testing it out, and it looks like that person can't access anything on that host's servers, so curious what factors could be causing this. It's just really weird to me, because she said that she did get into it once, but could not later on...Yeah, I can host it somewhere else, but this is really never encountered a problem like this so it's baffling.

  10. When I installed it, figured I should get the newest version out there thinking it'll be better, but now I realize that most hacks are only good for the old ones... grr, so I can't good mods for the board. Is there a way to downgrade it? I don't know whether I was doing it wrong or what, but I backupped the database, then tried re-installing an old version, but when I restored the database, I was back on the new version again.

  11. Can we make this a thread where you can ask questions about websites design/help regarding related stuff? Are the experts willing to come in & answer questions every now & then?

    Some questions I have:

    I have been told frames are bad design? What's your take on this?

    Also on this page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -- is there a program that can get the automate the picture buttons to look like that or is it something you have to do manually? Just that I've seen this kind of formatting quite often so wondering if it's a generic look you can get from some software.

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